


I'am so sorry for what i have done (我为我做的事而感到对不起)

I'am sorry, please pardon me (我很对不起,请原谅我)

I didn't mean to do/say(做/说) that (说/做 这个事,我不是有意的)

I apologize (我道歉)

Please forgive me (请原谅我)

please give me one more chance (请再给我一次机会)


A: I do beg your pardon for the mistake I've made

B: It's OK That can happen to the rest of us



A: Please excuse my careless words

B: It doesn't matter at all



A: Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you

B: Never mind about that



A: I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble

B: It's easy to say sorry, but who will make up for the loss



A: I'm awfully sorry I didn't realize

B: To tell the truth, your apology can't be accepted



3急1英语中道歉、感谢、对不起之类的回答有那些2翻译:```` 爱问知识

1,Thanks a million Thank you for sth Thanks a lot Thank you so much Thanks a millio We are thankful for sth/doing sth We appreciate sth/doing sth 以上是表感谢的 I'm sorry for sth/doing sth I apologize for sth/doing sth 以上是表道歉的 2,it's a pleasure帮助完后要说的“不用谢” 和 with pleasure是别人询问你帮助时你表示愿意后要说的,表示你很高兴可以帮忙。



Sorry My English is really poor What meant to say is that you are mature and charming with a wide social experience and knowledge You know, we Chinese respect and admire such people very much Pease don't misunderstand me I know that it was my fault not using English well I really hope that I didn't annoy you I feel so sorry and upset about that I do hope you can forgive me about my mistake Thanks a million!。


纠正一下,that's all right,指的不是“对”的意思,而是“不用谢”

that's right才是对的意思

表示谢谢的有:thank you,thanks,it's very kind of you,i can't thank you enough

表示不用谢:you are welcome,my pleasure(注:with pleasure就不是这个意思了,指乐意效劳,用于别人请你做事,你没做时);anytime;that's all right;don't mention itnot at all

表示对不起:sorry,,excuse me,pardon me,please forgive me

表示没关系:never mind,it doesn't matter



如果只是普通的事情,那么im sorry就是随口一说哦对不起,要加点程度,im so sorry,im very sorry

Im sorry that i can't go对不起我不能去了。

Im sorry to bother you。很抱歉打扰你。

Im sorry im late。不好意思我迟到了。(但在正式场合这么说显然是不合适的)。

比较正式一点的"道歉",apologize比如,I apologized to her for being late我因为迟到而向她道歉。(这种迟到的情形下的道歉显然更郑重一些)

I apologize for those things i have done我为我所做的事情感到抱歉。




  Donald Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigned on Friday in the wake of acampaign shake-up in revelations about his work in Ukraine Manafort's resignation comes aday after the Associated Press reported that confidential emails from Manafort's firmcontradicted his claims that he had never lobbied on behalf of Ukrainian political figures in theUS

  US Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte apologized for his behavior surrounding a late-night incidentat a Rio de Janeiro gas station, saying he should have been more careful and candid about howhe described what happened Lochte claimed he and three teammates were victims of an armedrobbery, but Brazilian police say the swimmers had vandalized a gas station after a night ofpartying and that they were confronted by armed security guards

  Two American astronauts ventured out on a space walk to install a new door for visitors at theInternational Space Station The pair quickly began hooking up a docking port that will be usedby future commercial crew capsules

  Two young albino lion cubs are being cared for in Yalta Zoo in Crimea The pair was born earlierthis week in a safari park But their mother is blind and in poor health, so the cubs weretransferred to the zoo for proper care

  关于道歉的英语短文篇:向女孩道歉 真诚和技巧同样重要

  Apologising to a girl over a sensitive subject can be very difficult Follow the advice in this video to achieve a successful apology and avoid common mistakes that can upset the person you want to apologise to


  And now, some tips on how to apologise to a girl One of the most important things, if you are going to apologise to a girl,is to be absolutely sure that you want to apologise and that you know why you're apologizing It's very important when apologising to a girl to be sincere, and to be clear and sure that you've understood what has happened and the need and the reason for apologising in the first place


  It will be important when you do apologise that you empathize In other words, that you're able to show that you can see the problem, the issue, the reason for the apology from the girl's point of view Let me say here that if you can't see why you're apologising, if you can't understand the need or the reason, it's actually better not to apologise


  If you're insincere about it, it has no value, it's a waste of time and a waste of energy, and that will be up to you to decide Bear in mind that when you do apologise, avoid any extremes in what you're saying For example, "I always do this" or "Everybody does that"




I'm not trying to be mean


使用场景:You words hurt meI'm not trying to be meanI just want to talk

Are you mad at me

mad就是生气的意思,mad at就是对某人生气,这句话用在撒娇的时候也是非常的好用。如果女生惹男生生气了,讲了这句话,男生肯定马上心软。

使用场景:I want to apologizeAre you mad at meThat's alright

I didn't mean it that way


使用场景:How can you say we are doneNo,I didn't mean it that way

I hope it's not too late to say sorry


使用场景:I thought we are doneDon't say thatI hope It's not too late to say sorry

It's all my fault


使用场景:I'm sorry It's all my faultThat's okI'm also in the wrong

这些可以和好的用的英语金句你都学会了吗,下次和别人和好的时候,不要只会说I‘m sorry哦。如果你还有什么英语道歉金句也可以在评论区和光酱分享哦。



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