The Call - Regina Spektor 这首歌的歌词的帮忙翻译下

The Call - Regina Spektor 这首歌的歌词的帮忙翻译下,第1张


It stared out as a feeling 起先,它只是一种感觉。

Which then grew into a hope 又变成了一种希望。

Which then turned into a quiet thought 然后是一个安静的想法。

Which then turned into a quiet word 一句轻柔的言语。

And then that word grew louder and louder 那言语变得越来越响亮,越来越响亮……

'Til it was a battle cry 直到成为了呐喊的战斗口号。

I'll come back 我会回来的,

When you call me 只要你呼唤我,

No need to say goodbye 并不需要道别。

Just because everything's changing 只因为每件事情都在改变,

Doesn't mean it's never

Been this way before 并不意味着它从未这样过。

All you can do is try to know 所有你能做的,就是尽量去知晓。

Who your friends are 谁是你的朋友们,

As you head off to the war 当你阻止了战争。

Pick a star on the dark horizon 在漆黑的地平线上,选一颗明星,

And follow the light 跟随这光明。

You'll come back 你将会归来,

When it's over 当这一切都完结,

No need to say good bye 并不需要道别。

You'll come back 你将会归来,

When it's over 当这一切都完结,

No need to say good bye 并不需要道别。

Now we're back to the beginning 现在,我们又回到起点。

It's just a feeling and now one knows yet (我觉得是no one know yet~)它就只是一种感觉,现在也无人知晓。

But just because they can't feel it too 也仅仅是因为他们也感觉不到那感觉。

Doesn't mean that you have to forget 并不意味着你需要将它忘记。

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger 让你的回忆越来越强壮吧,

'Til they're before your eyes 直到他们出现在你的眼前。

You'll come back 你将会归来,

When they call you 当他们呼唤你,

No need to say good bye 并不需要道别。

You'll come back 你将会归来,

When they call you 当他们呼唤你,

No need to say good bye并不需要道别。

15 the green girl Kitty (lindsay · LuoHan adorn), follow her zoologist parents in Africa was raised hard natural environment, has formed the Kitty strong and courageous character Katie felt they had learned to the survival of the fittest this truth, however, when she returned to the United States to a new environment, she suddenly found between the law of jungle, more terrible than nature Kitty after a long trip, finally came back to the United States, Illinois, an ordinary high school Lively Katie soon met a new group of friends, she is blessed into a small circle, there are many new companion However, accustomed to life in Africa in the Kitty, new environment but feel some flat-footed, several times secretly being labeled "cliche emit" Fortunately, Katie docile personality for her winning several friends of friendship, she also slowly adapted to the new school life Until one day, she in calculus class met a boy Boy named Aaron (Jonathan · Bennett)shebeginstofall sexy of melancholy, he immediately attracted by his a pair of charming Katie, the electric fan poured Unexpected is, Kitty fans on the boy Aaron, it is the school of famous youth queen, Venus (Rachel · McAdams)shebeginstofall ex-boyfriend Venus is this school most scenery of girl, is also the most provocative bad girl, when she knew Katie wants to tell her rob boy, Venus grasp crazy, everywhere and Kitty against one another Be clothed with grab people's boyfriend's reputation, Katie having a bad time She suffered circle person punished and their insult, still be driven out luncheon table, scolds her is "mean girl" Katie understand in this school, oneself is but a foreign student, she was more understand the law of the jungle of truth, however, she know more about what they have deep love that boy

15岁的青春少女凯蒂(林赛·罗韩 饰),跟随她动物学家的父母在非洲长大,那里艰苦的自然环境,养成了凯蒂坚强勇敢的性格。凯蒂觉得自己已经学会了适者生存这个道理,可是,当她回到美国来到一个新的环境时,她突然发现人与人之间的弱肉强食,要比自然界的更可怕。 凯蒂经过漫长的旅行,终于回到了美国,来到伊利诺斯州的一所普通高中学习。活泼好动的凯蒂很快就认识了一群新朋友,她有幸进入一个小圈里,有了许多新女伴。不过,习惯了在非洲生活的凯蒂,在新环境里却感到有些措手不及,几次暗地里被人骂为“老土冒”。 幸好,凯蒂温顺的性格为她赢得了几个朋友的友谊,她也慢慢适应了新的学校生活。直到有一天,她在微积分课上认识了一位男孩。男孩名叫亚伦(乔纳森·本尼特 饰),他性感忧郁的气质立刻吸引住了凯蒂,被他一双迷人的电眼迷倒了。 想不到的是,凯蒂迷上的男孩亚伦,却是学校出名的青春女王、校花(瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 饰)的前男友。校花是这个学校里最风光的女孩,同时也是最泼辣厉害的女孩,当她知道凯蒂想跟她抢男孩时,校花抓狂了,处处与凯蒂作对。 被披上抢人男友的坏名声后,凯蒂的日子不好过了。她遭到了圈子里的人的惩罚,被她们侮辱,还被赶出了午餐桌,骂她是“贱女孩”。凯蒂明白在这所学校里,自己不过是个外来的学生,她更明白弱肉强食的道理,不过,她更清楚自己已经深深的爱上那个男孩了……


歌手:Regina Spektor

专辑:What We Saw From The Cheap Seats

Regina Spektor - Firewood

The piano is not firewood yet

They try to remember but still they forget

That the heart beats in threes

Just like a waltz

And nothing can stop you from dancing

Rise from your cold hospital bed

I tell you you're not dying

Everyone knows you're going to live

So you might as well start trying

The piano is not firewood yet

But the cold does get cold

So it soon might be that

I'll take it apart, call up my friends

And we'll warm up our hands by the fire

Don't look so shocked

Don't judge so harsh

You don't know

You're only spying

Everyone knows it's going to hurt

But at least we'll get hurt trying

The piano is not firewood yet

But a heart can't be helped

And it gathers regret

Someday you'll wake up and feel a great pain

And you'll miss every toy you've ever owned

You'll want to go back

You'll wish you were small

Nothing can slow your crying

You'll take the clock off of your wall

And you'll wish that it was lying

Love what you have and you'll have more love

You're not dying

Everyone knows you're going to love

Though there's still no cure for crying




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上一篇 2023-07-14



