














英 [ˈæstrənɔ:t]   美 [ˈæstrəˌnɔt]  


1、The physical fitness requirements for being an astronaut are very stiff 


2、He is determined to become an astronaut 





英 [ˈspeɪssu:t]   美 [ˈspeɪssuːt]  


1、A spacesuit can help astronauts adjust to the temperatures in outer space 


2、The robot put Buff to sleep, then put the spacesuit on him and carried him to the spaceship 


Learning space spirit, bearing the responsibility of the national rejuvenation

A, introductionThe launch of the country's first manned spacecraft "shenzhou" 5 space trip a success, realize the Chinese people for many years of flying dream, grew up ambition of the Chinese people, is China's space in the history of the milestoneSecond, the textThe great cause of the great spirit bred the A new generation of space people in the great course climbing scientific and technological peak, with a unique lofty realm, strong will and outstanding wisdom, created the manned space spirit This is special to endure hardship, special can fight, special can research, especially to the spirit of dedication The spirit be worth us forever to learnLife assiduous spirit never good Of the road of life can't be always be smooth Everyone, always meet this or that of the difficulties and frustrations We must be in frustration and difficulties of rise This has to be the spirit of hard work, especially to fight and special can the spirit of residence "Eat without pains" Study assiduous spirit never beautiful!Unity is strength, is the rule, but also the administration Suppose, a collective, if not internal unity, also appeared differences, then it's a collective will be strong More than that, some have figure out to destroy one, and in this time to attack, the loss is unimaginable

Science and humanities simultaneously At a young age, this saying is constantly in our ears: love science, science, with science But, really implement to, and how many people Friends think, as long as the society life and cultural knowledge can, need not learning what science Advanced science and technology, and with a strong country, it is indispensable As the motherland "flower" we, not only to do science and humanities simultaneously, but also what standard and personality coexistence!Tough conditions to temper the China aerospace people special assiduous spirit China's space industry is in extremely hard conditions of start The boundless gobi desert, the vast ocean, the aerospace workers in order to realize the dream of flying at an early date, discomforts, weathered, overcome countless difficulties and make enormous sacrifices Severe challenges created China aerospace people able to fight the spirit of special, the lofty mission to glow the China aerospace people special can research spirit We teenagers, more should learn more in the next hard to study well In life, study, difficulties and setbacks, don't go, don't flinch, to town, indomitable, dare to victory Some classmates, in the life of the met a little frustration, to the life lost confidence and hope, think what in the world are good Then, just commit suicide, and hate from the world You know, the world is very good, we will cherish life, enjoy the beautiful life Even if it is bad, it is also cannot change the facts Like space officials in a serious environment to training, the severe environmental already is the fact that can't change, the only change myself to storm the difficulty So, we can't because a little frustration and give up their mission, but in the environment, in the hardship, in difficult in the growth of the achievements of his life and mission The study also is such Learn not by smart, but hard Study hard and constantly to study hard, research, this is the study on the performance of the assiduous spirit never goodUnited struggle produced China aerospace people special can fengxian spirit Our country's manned space engineering is the grand scale gunpowder-propelled system engineering The aerospace workers no matter behind ahead, regardless of the fame and fortune gain and loss, perform its functions and hold your position, a strong force We live in the same big collective, in order to have a common goal--to protect the collective, should be indifferent to fame and wealth, regardless of his personal gain or loss, content to fengxian, unite, create brilliance "Unity is strength", this is a powerful forces, is a push people forward power With this force, can overcome all difficulties, courage to move forward, and achieve the target To the world, countries all mankind, small to class, family, all together Some students regardless of collective interests, only for his own heart For example he in beforehand sowingresults pacing back and forth, and saw a table fell on the ground, he not only don't put the desk do well, but also to play a cruel two feet, is the table put the boot in injury Another example is the tug-of-war, internal not unity, it is certainly lordaeronScience is an important symbol of national development and progress As the successors of the 21 st century we, must want to learn science, love science, the use of science Science and humanities all need we also high up A standard of the students, but also the needs of the motherland is the future of the great achievementsScienceandhumanitiessimultaneously, standard and individual character GengShi a vigilant students co-exist word sentence


一、 引言


二、 正文








英语是The astronauts

宇航员,或称航天员,全称宇宙航天员,则指以太空飞行为职业或进行过太空飞行的人。确定太空飞行的标准则没有完全统一。 在美国,以旅行高度超过海拔80公里(50英里)的人被称为宇航员(astronaut)。


世界上第一名宇航员是苏联的尤里·加加林,他在1961年4月乘坐东方1号(Vostok 1)进入太空。







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