公益金三头肌1bench新闻2incline新闻3dips (组合)
哑铃出版社,斜推,史密斯男/ ç
胸部回到星期一( 1 )及星期二( 2 )
冷却有氧运动30 〜 60分有氧运动30 〜 1MINUTE
踏步 March:两腿原地依次抬起,依次落地。
走步 Walk:迈步向前走时,脚跟先落地,过渡到全脚掌;向后走时则相反。
一字步 Easy walk:一脚向前一步,另一脚并于前脚,然后在依次还原。
V字步 V-step:一脚向前侧方迈一步,另一脚随之向另一方迈一步,成两脚开立,屈膝,然后在依次退回原位。
漫步 Mambo:一脚向前迈出,屈膝,重心随之前移,另一脚稍抬起,然后原地落下;或向后撤一步,重心后移,另一脚稍抬起,然后原地落下。
跑步 Jog:两腿经过腾空,依次落地缓冲,两臂屈肘摆臂。
脚尖前点地 Tap forward:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿伸出,脚尖向前点地,然后还原到并腿姿势。
脚尖侧点地 Tap side:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿伸出,脚尖向侧点地,然后还原到并腿姿势。
脚尖后点地 Tap back:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿伸出,脚尖向后点地,然后还原到并腿姿势。
脚跟前点地 Heel:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿伸出,脚跟点地,然后还原到并腿姿势。只可做向前和向侧的脚跟点地。
并步 Step touch:一脚迈出,另一脚随之并拢屈膝点地;再向反方向迈步。
迈步点地 Step tap:一脚向侧迈一步,两脚经屈膝移重心,另一腿在前、侧或后用脚尖或脚跟点地。
迈步屈腿 Step curl:一脚迈出一步,另一腿后屈,然后向相反方向迈步。
迈步吸腿 Step knee:一脚迈出一步,另一腿屈膝抬起,然后向反方向迈步。
侧交叉步 Grapevine:一脚向侧迈一步,另一脚在其后交叉,随之再向侧迈一步,另一脚并拢,屈膝点地。
吸腿 Knee lift(up):一腿屈膝抬起,落下还原。
摆腿 Leg lift:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿做摆动。
踢腿 Kick:一腿稍屈膝站立,另一腿抬起,然后还原。
弹腿 Flick:一腿站立(跳起),另一腿先向后屈,再向前下方弹踢,还原。
后屈腿 Leg curl:一腿站立(跳起),另一腿向后屈膝,放下腿还原。
并腿跳 Jump:两腿并拢跳起。
分腿跳 Squat jump:分腿站立屈膝半蹲,向上跳起,分腿落地屈膝缓冲。
开合跳 Jumping jack:由并腿跳起,分腿落地,再由分腿跳起,并腿落地。
半蹲 Squat:两腿有控制的屈和伸。可分为并腿半蹲和分腿半蹲。
弓步 Lung:两脚前后分开,平行站立,下蹲。
提踵 Calf raise:两腿脚跟抬起,落下脚跟稍屈膝。
I hope the above advice can help you! Yours sincerely, Li Hua |
略 |
Usually I would do some exercises on the weekend,because I thought keeping in a good health can help me study wellLast weekend,It was rainning outside so I decided to do some exercises in the gymWhen I went into the gym,some people were doing exercises thereA man was doing weight training and trying his best to upraise heavier weightThere were two girls running on the treadmill(跑步机),neither too fast nor too slowIn the next room there was a fitness instructor(健身教练) was teaching some young people doing yoga(瑜珈),which made they do some strange actions
After some minutes' warm up (热身),I started to run on the treadmill and ride on the exercise bike(健身脚踏车)Both of them were easy and good for most of peopleBesides,I did some dumbbell (哑铃)exercises ,seating type chest pushing,high pulling force back muscle training,butterfly clamp chest muscle training,thigh stretching,leg treading,abdomen muscle training,vertical pulling force training
Finally,I cooled down myself and had a break before I went home
This plan is going to take a week's time Everyday you will wake up at 6:00, then you will be running around your community until seven After that you will have breakfast for half an hour and then relax for half an hour After that you will be doing push-ups until you can't move any longer, the number should be around 100 This will take approximately an hour Then you will do sit-ups for half an hour, do not relax in that time Now your time should be around 9:30 It is time to do some sports Pick a sport you like and play it until noon time and eat lunch When its 1:00 you will head back home a relax for the day
The marathon was NOT an event of the ancient Olympic gamesThe marathon is a modern event that was first introduced in the Modern Olympic Games of 1896 in Athens,a race from Marathon northeast of Athens to the Olympic Stadium,a distance of 40 kilometersThe race commemorates the run of Pheidippides,an ancient "day-runner" who carried the news of the Persian landing at Marathon of 490 BCto Sparta (a distance of 149 miles) in order to enlist help for the battleAccording to the fifth century BCancient Greek historian Herodotus,Pheidippides delivered the news to the Spartans the next dayThe distance of the modern marathon was standardized as 26 miles 385 yards or 42195 kmin 1908 when the Olympic Games were held in LondonThe distance was the exact measurement between Windsor Castle,the start of the race,and the finish line inside White City Stadium
DearDennis, You want to know about my gymThe gym is“In Shape” The surrounding there is pretty well, they have all kinds of exercises machines, such as walker, etc and of course you could take a warm bath after your exercises here is the schedule of it: Monday to Friday: 9 am to 5 pm Saturday: 8 am to 8 pm Sunday: Closed Their number is : 1-718-568-4540 Good Luck! Pisci Ni。
Physical fitness is today's hot topic And everywhere you turn you hear something new But is it all true
The more you sweat, the more fat you burn
This myth has encouraged people to work out in extreme heat or wear layers of clothes or rubber or plastic weight-loss suits in the hope of sweating fat off Unfortunately, it's water they're losing, not fat
Fat burns when it is used as a fuel source for exercise, which doesn't happen initially When you first begin to exercise, you burn carbohydrates or sugars It takes about 20 minutes of easy to moderate aerobic activity before the transition from burning sugars to fat begins (Aerobic exercise is any rhythmic and continuous activity that uses oxygen and large muscle masses of the body, such as the arms and legs Examples are bicycle riding, jumping rope, walking, jogging, aerobic dance, and swimming) So, to burn the flab, plan on working out at least 40 minutes
If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat
If you decrease your activity and continue to eat the same or more, you may gain back that spare tire that you worked so hard to lose It's not, however, because your muscles turned to fat Muscles may atrophy or lose their tone, but they won't turn to fat Muscle is muscle and fat is fat
1 关于锻炼身体的英语作文
2 关于健身的英文句子
3 体育锻炼英语作文范文3篇
4 我最喜欢的运动英语作文4篇
5 关于健身的日常英语对话
6 关于sports的英语作文
7 关于运动的英语文章阅读
#英语资源# 导语学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。欢迎阅读 无 !
篇一健身与养生Fitness and Health
Many years ago, the commercial ads about losing weight was such popular, its aim was to show women to lose weight as more as possible, so that they could look as perfect as the stars But now things have changed, skinny is not what most women what to chase, they look for another new trend, it is fitness and health
When we look at the Vitoria’s Secret Fashion Show, we are very impressed by the models’ body shape They look so perfect and healthy Though they go on a diet, they keep fit as their target instead of being skinny When we look at these models, they stand for the new trend, which is fitness and healthy
Today, many stars show off their body shape on their blogs They are very confident to let others know that they have the beautiful lines of the muscle For looking fit, they go to the gym and practice so well, finally their body shapes look perfect People used to chase for skinny, but today keep fit is the trend
Fitness and health deserve people to chase
篇二高考改革的好与坏 The Good Side and Bad Side of the Reform of College Entrance Exam
In 2014, it has been said that the College Entrance Exam will be reformed by Education Ministry, people have waited for the outcome these days, it is a great thing for the students, because it will decide their future Now, the reform has come out, in the future, there will be no separation between liberal art and science, this decision has good side and bad side
On the one hand, it can improve students’ overall education Since there will be no separation between liberal art and science, students need to pay attention to overall education, they must learn all the subjects The overall education is popular in western education, the students take part in activity, making themselves learn more skills I believe our education can catch up with western education
On the other hand, everyone has their talent in some subjects, it is hard for student to learn all the subjects For most girls, they are good at liberal art, while for boys, most of them are interested in science If they have to learn all the subjects, they can’t focus their attention on their advantaged subjects
另一方面,每个人在一些科目都有他们的天分,对学生来说,很难去学习所有的科目。对于大部分女孩子来说,他们擅长文科,然而对于男孩子来说,他们中的大部分人都对理科感兴 趣。如果他们学习所有的科目,他们无法集中精力在他们的优势科目上。
In all, it needs time for students to get used to the reform, I believe it will do good to students’ future development
篇三素质教育Quality-oriented Education
The meaning of going to school seems to fight for the bright future For every child, they need to be armed with knowledge, so that they can go to the good college and have the promising career But people pay much attention to the knowledge education and neglect the quality-oriented education, which is very important The school should pay attention to quality-oriented education
上学的意义似乎在于为美好的前途而奋斗。对于每个孩子来说,他们需要武装知识,这样才能上好的大学, 拥有有前途的事业。但是人们过度关注知识的教育,忽视了素质教育,素质教育是很重要的。学校应该关注素质教育。
The schools always focus on student’s study, the scores are the main standard to measure whether the students are good ones So the students work so hard to get the high mark and prove themselves Now take a look at the news about teenagers, tragic things happen all the time In foreign schools, gun-shot cases which are manipulated by the teenagers are no longer the new things It is obvious that the education needs to make some changes now
For the teenagers, they need to be cultivated with quality-oriented education, so that their minds can be healthy The schools need to open the class to teach students the knowledge about how to deal with their mental problems A healthy students are in both about physically and mentally