Elinor and Marianne is two sisters, because of the two sisters estate after the death of his father to his ex-wife the son of John, they and their mother, not only on financial difficulty and had to get rid of the life of sponsor They finally a country house in Devon inside their home Gal, Eleanor and her fall in love with the young Edward , and Mary Ann met in the country and have a crush on Willoughby suddenly have something went to London So the two sisters are separated from their loved ones
With the development of the plot, the two head in love have taken place in the twists and turns When Eleanor hear Lucy Steele privately told her book and Edward the private life for four years, the feelings of her hard pressure, ensure to keep the secret for her Eleanor hid the brokenhearted of pain in my heart in marian finally rejected by Willoughby, spirit by stimulation, later in the course of illness, and even tried to comfort her sister, to help her up Lucy was Edward's mother, Mrs Rich widows ferrer, opposition, she made her son and Morton's only daughter side Reluctant to Edward, his mother was deprived of his inheritance, the property to the second son Robert, at this moment, Eleanor and the same open heart and being, inform Edward be able to get the position of a pastor, conditional and Lucy married Which know Lucy to Robert, to pursue the good luck, and he is married In this way can Eleanor and Edward all's well that ends well
前日在去伦敦的火车上,随身带了《理智与情感》。这本书我已看至第一卷的最后一章,情节发展大概如下:书中的女主角之一Elinor Dashwood(“理智”的代表)与远亲Edward Ferrars订婚。Edward虽倾情于她,与她交往却显得不冷不热,且精神常常萎靡不振。Elinor的家人虽对Edward颇有微词,尤其Elinor的亲妹妹Marriane(“情感”的代表)更认为Edward是个了无生趣的人,但Elinor依然以理智保持着对Edward极大的尊重和对婚约极大的忠诚。当然,她也是爱Edward的。正在此时,她和她的家人偶然通过熟人结识了一对姓Steeles的姐妹。这对姐妹没有受过多少教育,品位不高,但对Elinor等尊敬有加,其中的妹妹Lucy更是经常找机会与Elinor粘在一起。一次,Lucy与Elinor外出散步,突然向她打听Edward母亲的情况。这使Elinor大为吃惊,因为她压根就想不到Lucy与Edward一家会有什么联系。Lucy吞吞吐吐了很久,才告诉Elinor她自己和Edward私订终身早已四年。Elinor此时的心情难以言表——
What felt Elinor at that moment Astonishment, that would have been as painful as it was strong, had not an immediate disbelief of the assertion attended it She turned towards Lucy in silent amazement, unable to divine the reason or object of such a declaration, and though her complexion varied, she stood firm in incredulity and felt in no danger of an hysterical fit, or a swoon
读到这里,我的心不禁一紧,连连感叹Jane Austen刻画人物心理的入木三分。此情此景与我曾几何时的经历是多么相似!在那一瞬间,整个人都似乎被霹雳一般的意外击中。但是在那个时候,理智仍然忠诚地支撑着面容和身躯的宁静……
“I certainly did not seek your confidence,” said Elinor; “but you do me no more than justice in imagining that I may be depended on Your secret is safe with me”
“I was afraid you would think I was taking a great liberty with you,” said she, “in telling you all this I have not known you long to be sure, personally at least, but I have known you and all your family by description a great while; and as soon as I saw you, I felt almost as if you was an old acquaintance”
Fortunately for her, they had now reached the cottage, and the conversation could be continued no farther After sitting with them a few minutes, the Miss Steeles returned to the Park, and Elinor was then at liberty to think and be wretched