
























4、《dreaming of you》


5、《now and forever》

里面的一句话“now and forever, i’ll be your man”是多么的坚定和永恒。

6、《take a bow》



1《Sweet Dream》

2《Light of my life》

3《I swear》

4《I know I loved you》


6《I do》

7《I wanna be with you》

8《Love will keep us alive》


1梦中的婚礼 <理查德 克莱德曼>

2出嫁 <张清芳>

3世界最美的风景 <5566>

4Because Of You <Ne-Yo>

5爱情证书 <孙燕姿>

6今天你要嫁给我 <陶喆><蔡依林>

7给你们 <张宇>

8就是爱你 <陶喆>


1牵手 <苏芮>

2我在那一角落患过伤风 <冯曦妤>

3THE PRAYER <席琳迪昂>

4卡农钢琴曲 <可米小子>

5Sweet Dream <张娜拉>

6情非得已 <庾澄庆>

7数到五答应我 <曹格>

8给我你的爱 <tank>


1婚礼进行曲 <门德尔松>

2婚礼进行曲 <钢琴曲>

3婚礼进行曲 <瓦格纳>

4费加罗的婚礼 <莫扎特>

5Give Me Your Hand <班得瑞乐团>

6i do <98 Degrees>

7Ave Maria <席琳迪昂>


1I SWEAR <班得瑞乐团>

2Perfect Moment <纯音乐>

3I Love You <纯音乐>

4有个人 <纯音乐>

5everything I do <伴奏>

6爱的箴言_伴奏 <罗大佑>

7Only time <恩雅>

8SAY YES <恰克与飞鸟>


1神秘花园 <钢琴曲>

2爱的喜悦 <Richard Clayderman>

3我愿意 <纯音乐>

4I Believe_钢琴曲 <纯音乐>

5月亮代表我的心 <纯音乐>

6Once in a blue moon <纯音乐>

7promises don't come easy <caron nightingale>

8爱的罗曼史 <纯音乐>


1爱的协奏曲 <巴赫>

2ONLY LOVE <英文群星2>

3水晶 <任贤齐><徐怀钰>

4Sweet Dream 钢琴版 <钢琴曲>

5Beauty And The Beast <手岛葵>

6跟着我一辈子 <杜德伟>

7It's Your Love <LMNT>

8最浪漫的事 <赵咏华>


1Love of a Lifetime <Firehouse>

2close to you <Harry Connick Jr>

3love will keep us alive <老鹰乐队>

4Dreaming of You <TV Magic>

5I Knew I Loved You <野人花园>

6Hero <玛莉雅 凯瑞>

7幸福的瞬间 <许绍洋>

8爱的就是你 <王力宏>


1相亲相爱一家人 <群星>

2圣母颂 <天使之城>

3知足_伴奏 <五月天>

4懂你 <满文军>

5爱的代价 <张艾嘉>

6Schumann Dreaming <李云迪>

7风筝 <陈升>

8最爱是谁 <纯音乐>


1蒲公英的约定_伴奏 <周杰伦>

2一路上有你 <张学友>

3天生注定 <任贤齐>

4Two Less Lonely People In The World <With Love>

5今晚为爱祝贺 <纯音乐>

6你是爱 <纯音乐>

7First Of May <Olivia Ong>

8每天爱你多一些_纯音乐 <张学友>


1love will keep us alive <老鹰乐队>

2欢乐颂 <贝多芬>

3爱你不是两三天 <梁静茹>

4恋爱频率 <许志安><许慧欣>

5Time To Say Goodbye <Sarah Brightman>

6She <Groove Coverage>

7简单爱 <周杰伦>

8不得不爱 <潘玮柏>










England's Wedding rich, from their honeymoon to marry him according to their own traditional way In northern England York City marry him rather peculiar way, inherit a legacy of the ancient folk, girls mature, the need to get married, they wear tight clothes of different colors to indicate male Different colors, different meaning that precisely the same and traffic lights Green said: "Come! I am willing to love, to pursue bold! "Amber said:" The opportunity is in the affirmative, if I of the Italian still has a chance of success "Red said:" I do not want to present minute, I will not pursue "Courageous man will root The color of each other's clothes, according to their own choice to pursue bold, not misconduct will be taken on the label

Once the two sides established a dating relationship, the woman gave the man to engagement rings and held a ceremony Such practices throughout the whole of the UK The rings are married or engaged to the traditions of many peoples, England held in the church wedding ceremony, the bride and groom to wear a ring is indispensable one important element Even people not wearing the rings that marriage is invalid When a priest asked whether the couple would be willing to do each other's wives or husbands, whether mutual respect and remain live after the bride and groom to wear a ring on my ring finger It symbolizes a husband to his wife of pure love, while his wife also accepted and be faithful to this love

The custom of wearing the ring can be traced back to ancient Egypt, China, it not only as a chop is a decoration Marriage is not the first ring inlaid diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and red accessories, as a symbol of pure circular jointly together by the marriage of two people together In some peoples as a symbol of a magical, bless the couple a long and happy life, while giving recipients the right to express confidence that the recipients are subject to loyalty

The rings symbolize the pure love, silver rings that emotional tenderness With Western countries like Britain, engagement rings is part of the system without any mosaic stones, wedding rings should be installed accessories, the quality of the rings are based on individual economic conditions are different Engagement, wedding rings can wear the same ring, wedding ring can be replaced engaged by the ring

Britain in the 16th century, wedding rings engraved on the inside is often pictorial or family Proverbs, such as "God made me a certain wife," Bishop's wife, a certain ring inscribed on one hand, one heart, one bishop and a skeleton champion, is the inscription: "Before I give you three, I detached the fourth "Today the inscription rings are only inscribed the names of the bride and groom initials

Married to British costume; The bride dressed in white, football, wearing a white garlands, but also cast a long white, carrying white flowers In short, the British advocating white symbolizes purity of love, acting The first yarn wearing the custom can be traced back to the 10th century BC, when women wearing Your brothers were first popular yarn In ancient Greece, held not only marriage ceremony bride to wear the first flax yarn or fabric, and must wear a new Corolla By Roman times, people of different religious beliefs to wear a different color yarn to show the first distinction Since the Middle Ages, the nobles of the court appeared Corolla decorated with pearls Afterward, become the first white yarn, and increasing the size of the extension, and throughout Europe

Held once married, the bride and groom from the church by the time, people would like to congratulate the couple, not on kissing and hugging and shaking hands, but they scattered to the colorful confetti Debris scattered on the origin of the custom Samai tablets 1491 Britain's King Henry VII portability queen travel to Bristol Travel the way, was a baker's wife that she yard from the window to Samai tablets, and shouted: "Welcome to you, Your Majesty! I wish you happiness and longevity "This has become a legendary, 16 century, the practice has been widely circulated, people to groom new Mother Samai tablets, sometimes with various colors Granule a symbol of good harvest and an affluent life, but also congratulate the newlyweds a long and happy life, quietly

Honeymoon is married British youth around one of the important contents They put down money for savings tourism, and tourism after marriage to be known as the honeymoon This was originally an ancient custom, when the wedding must drink a special drink with honey, to symbolize the family happy, love sweet and happy life This marriage began drinking beverages from 30 days, put the wedding of the month as a honeymoon

In Britain attaches great importance to the wedding anniversary, celebrated every year and with different title Paper is the first year of marriage, the second marriage is cotton, leather for the third year of marriage, Yi married for the fourth year, the fifth year that wooden marriage, said Rail sixth year of marriage, copper is the seventh year of marriage, pottery is the eighth year of marriage, Liu married for the ninth year, is the tenth year Tin, is the future of marriage, around-marriage, marriage lace, as teeth marriage, crystal marriage After the 15th, have a five-year term, followed by enamel married Heroes (Diershiwunian a ceremony), beads of marriage, marital coral, ruby marriage, sapphire marriage, marriage (50 years is the second ceremony), jade marriage, marriage diamonds This last one is the third largest celebration, but few people can celebrate the celebrations

恋爱一个月纪念日文案(精选78句) 1呐,说实话你在偷偷想我吗?你真的是在偷偷想我吗?如果你真的想我就告诉我啊!我不会不让你想我的,大家讲道理嘛,我也想你啊! 2最浪漫的故事没有结局,最幸福的爱情没有言语,只有彼此心灵的契合。我的爱人,一切尽在不言中! 3听听我的意见:别解决问题;别发号施令;别表示同意或不同意。只需要倾听,正视我的存在。 4呐,说实话你在偷偷想我吗?你真的是在偷偷想我吗?如果你真的想我就告诉我啊!我不会不让你想我的,大家讲道理嘛,我也想你啊! 5有一种默契叫做心照不宣;有一种感觉叫做妙不可言;有一种幸福叫做有你相伴;有一种思念叫做望眼欲穿。愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际。 6今天是我们的结婚纪念日,14年了,弹指一挥间啊!值得庆祝的日子,我们一家三口幸福美满的吃了一顿大餐。珍惜现在的生活吧,知足常乐!我也是快乐的! 7我的日子因你而璀璨我的心因你而辽阔我的感情因你而充实我的生命因你而美满,我的一切一切都因你的存在而感到温馨! 8亲爱的:在这特别的日子,我只能用心去默默地想你爱你。只想告诉你:永远深爱着你,你的一切都在牵动着我。 9今天是我们相恋的第一百个日子了,有人说这是恋人很值得纪念的一天,是不是来得很快,又是不是好像过了很久?虽然只有短短的100天,但我们却一起经历了很多,有欢笑也有泪水,有过甜蜜,也偶尔争吵;你是我生命中最难忘的人。 10今天是程外公外婆结婚纪念日,这是33周年了吧,希望我和栋哥也能幸福吧。昨天去参加程儿家长会啦,蛮好的,就是开始有点焦虑上小学的事情。 11你总是纠结是庆祝恋爱纪念日还是结婚纪念日,还是婚礼那天,其实我想说,和你在一起的每天都值得庆祝,你努力的包容我,尽管你也像个孩子;趁今晚你不在,想谢谢你陪我从西安到大连,陪我从青春到成熟,给我想要的一切,我很知足。喜欢现在的生活,平平淡淡的风风火火,愿以深情共白头。 12今天我们相恋100天,以后还有那么多个100天值得纪念,希望你一直开心下去,彼此陪伴!___到老。 13两片绿叶,饱含着它同根生的友谊;一句贺词,浓缩我对你的祝福。愿快乐拥抱你,在这属于我们的一天,节日快乐! 14我想我真的不够爱你!在你离开的那一刻已开始想你,因为有你让我掀起一片爱的涟漪!当每个人都以不屑的眼光冷漠你的时候,别忘了,我在乎你! 15我要看你老的样子,要看你坐在我面前笑的样子,还要看你照顾我的样子;要求太多,太奢望;因为我再也离不开你了。 16虽然我满身都是刺,但也会开出美丽的小花……刺留给自己,小花献给心爱的你。 17你们相遇,不是偶然,是注定有缘;你们相恋,不是巧合,是注定有爱。风风雨雨永不悔,惊涛骇浪不可怕,地久天长在等待。恋爱一百天。 18今天是我们相恋的第一百天,在这一百天里感谢有你一直陪着我,还一直给我惊喜,希望我们还可以迎来更多个100天,然后手牵手一直一直的走下去。一百天快乐。 19相知是一种宿命,心灵的交汇让我们有诉不尽的浪漫情怀;相守是一种承诺,人世轮回中,永远铭记我们这段美丽的爱情故事! 20我们二月二十二相恋,那一天,我爱上了你,到今天已经122天了,第一次去看你是3。15,记得那时特别激动,到今天刚好100天,第三次去看你回来已经35天了,你提分手已经19天了。还有27天就是你的生日了,从那天起,我将消失在你的生命里,就好像我从来没有来过一样。 21亲,今天是我们相恋的第一百个日子了,有人说这是恋人很值得纪念的一天,是不是来得很快,又是不是好像过了很久?虽然只有短短的100天,但我们却一起经历了很多,有欢笑也有泪水,有过甜蜜,也偶尔争吵;你是我生命中最最难忘的那个人。 22可能我给不了你世界上最好的一切,可是我一定会把我最好的一切给你,愿因只有三个字:我爱你!永远永远! 23在这个值得庆贺的日子里,我虽无鲜花与美酒献礼,但心中有歌,祝我们的纪念日快乐。 24也许爱你是错,但我不后悔爱上你,希望让我下辈子还能遇见你!既然爱上你我就不后悔,我愿永远陪着你,用我的一生爱你!你相信缘份吗?那是一种神秘又美丽的牵系。至于我们之间,我只想告诉你,我很珍惜。 25你是我生命中最闪亮的音符,我的生活因你而精彩!愿美好的乐章谱满我们以后的每一个清晨与黄昏。 26带着欣赏,带着执迷,我的爱无法阻止,我的心只有傻痴;怀着希望,怀着遐想,我的情到你身旁,我的恋势不可挡;让我大声说爱你! 27我觉得,单身的你们不用觉得被伤害,k说的有道理,要恋爱就不要选择在单身节脱单,以后恋爱纪念日说是单身节太不吉利了。对,单身节的晚上居然还要上课,一个班的人陪着我,我真是一点都不孤单。 28回想我们在一起相聚的日子,我的心绪迷迷朦朦。你那充满朝气的身躯总是伴着月光入我梦来,让我牵挂不停。 29彼此心照不宣地记得结婚纪念日,各自准备,直到那一天才把自己的创意告诉对方,给彼此一个惊奇。今年结婚纪念日我们又想到了一起,各自做几道对方最爱吃的菜,点上蜡烛,开瓶红酒,既浪漫又甜蜜。婚前的情人节永远不如结婚纪念日令人感动。 30恋爱纪念日。和父母一起在外过假期。意外收到惊喜。谢谢你细心记得每一件只属于我们的重要小事。 31不需要太多,只要你抛开一切,说一句我爱你。我等的太久了,感觉好累好累。但……我等你。 32爱着你,是一种温馨的悲哀,是一种浪漫的情怀,是一种柔美的姿态,更是一种想去说而又不得不说的喜爱! 33一生守候不是一句简单而苍白的山盟海誓,而是无数个平淡的日子同舟共济,相濡以沫! 34今天是他们恋爱三周年的纪念日,吃饭的时候男生忽然拿出一枚戒指“这是我昨天买的,你猜猜,贵不贵?”姑娘有点猝不及防,红着脸说“贵吧……”这时男生单膝跪下,把戒指戴在了姑娘的手上“既然是你要我跪的,那你就得答应嫁给我喽。” 35相爱是一件幸福的事,能够跟相爱的人相守更是一件幸福加难得的事,在一对对夫妻走过岁月的平淡走过生活的琐碎依然相爱的时候,我们为他们献上真诚的祝福吧!当然结婚纪念日到了,千万不要给心爱的ta,送上一份别有创意的结婚纪念日礼物! 36人一生中有很多纪念日,生日恋爱结婚纪念日日记里曾发誓不忘的日子等等。我的思绪,停在儿时的某天,好动症给自己带来了一个小小的苦难,一个伴随我一生的小缺憾。但时光告诉我苦难本身没有意义,福祸本相依,一切都是上天最好的安排,所有曾经让我们难过的事情,某天我们都能笑着说出来。 37相恋100天。平凡温馨,跟你在一起很快乐,相信我们会越来越好,共同度过更多个100天爱你。 38和我们家Scott恋爱一周年纪念日,第一个也将是最后一个不能在一起度过的周年日,一万公里以外的思念缓缓流淌的365天里,回想起这一年里的点点滴滴,虽然有不得不异地的苦涩,但甜蜜与温馨要远远更多,有一个心心念念牵挂着的人感觉真的很奇妙,亲爱的一周年快乐! 39今天是恋爱纪念日,本来应该是恋爱两周年的,但是结婚了,就不晓得咋个算了。嘿嘿,也算纪念日嘛。 40祝福你们天生的一对新人真心相爱,相约永久!恭贺新婚一周年之禧! 41亲,今天是我们相恋的第一百个日子了,有人说这是恋人很值得纪念的一天,是不是来得很快,又是不是好像过了很久?虽然只有短短的100天,但我们却一起经历了很多,有欢笑也有泪水,有过甜蜜,也偶尔争吵;你是我生命中最最难忘的那个人。 42愿我的弟兄如同以撒,诚实勇敢信靠顺服,如展翅飞腾的鹰;愿我的姊妹如同利百加,温柔善良勤劳才德,如多结果子的葡萄树! 43相恋100天,虽然时间不长,但是你以深深的走进我的心里,希望我们能一直开心的走下去。 44生活给我出了个难题,送给我这么可爱的你,我该怎么庆祝?生活也给你出了个难题,送给你这么忠诚的我,你该如何解决? 45愿你们的后裔敬虔有加!愿你们对后裔的教导,乃照着主的教训和警戒;你们自己也要如此,遵行主的旨意! 46相识在于有缘,相知在于有心,相惜贵于友情,相知相惜的日子,我愿意,陪你一起走过。 47孕中期我也能箭步如飞,灵活自如,早孕反应好像统统消失了,建卡到现在的检查结果都很正常,也该和身边的朋友同事分享喜悦了,愿小宝儿足月健康平安出生。另外医生计算的预产期居然是我和大叔的恋爱纪念日,这缘分这巧合太惊喜了!感谢!感恩! 48今天跟女朋友五周年恋爱纪念日,我想尽快结束这段恋情,以后过我们的结婚纪念日。 49两个人谈心到1点多。真是老夫老妻的感觉啊。快到恋爱5周年的纪念日了。时常觉得自己很幸运。他不高也不帅。但对我真是没话说。支持我的所有决定,满足我的所有物质需求,随叫随到,只要我开口,任何事都愿意去做。这就是真爱吧。如果可以贪心一点,只希望他不要变心。感觉再也不会有人像他这么爱我了。 50送给相恋100天的女朋友的一份纪念日礼物,记录着两人经历过的点点滴滴,很用心的很有爱的礼物。两情相悦是上天赐予的一份奢侈的礼物,珍惜你身边的那个人,祝你们能永远这么幸福下去! 51结婚了,以后不是自己起床,不是自己凑合着吃早餐,不是自己面对生活的酸甜和苦辣。结婚了,我陪你一起起床吃早餐,陪你品尝生活百味。 52让这缠绵的诗句,敲响幸福的钟声。愿你俩永浴爱河,白头偕老! 53温馨的问候,盼你能时常想到我,也希望你能知道,无论天涯海角我都深深祝福你。 54想你的时候不感到寂寞,你常在我心中高卧;念你的时候不觉得漂泊,你在我意念里洒脱;爱你的日子不孤独,你的笑容是我最大的幸福。 55我真的很希望能再和你一起,我不知道能一起走多远,但我知道最后的结局是我一直爱你直到我的生命结束,无论我们是否还在一起。 56在这个值得庆贺的日子里,我虽无鲜花与美酒献礼,但心中有歌,祝我们的纪念日快乐。 57今是西风情人节,真心短信发一条;字字句句感情深,妹时刻在哥心头;亲爱的,我爱你一生一世,情人节快乐! 58幸福的时刻,一半是同你在一起,一半是在梦里;痛苦的时刻,一半是分离,一半是默默地想着你。 59爱情其实很简单,天凉给他掖掖被,睡前给她捶捶肩,周末给他洗洗衣,早上为她把饭端,夫妻互敬又互谅,恩恩爱爱到永远。 60最浪漫的故事没有结局,最幸福的爱情没有言语,只有彼此心灵的契合。我的爱人,一切尽在不言中! 61相恋100天了,因为有你,才绽放更好的我自己,谢谢你亲爱的,这100天里有酸甜苦辣,但唯一不变的是我对你的爱。 62你看耗子爱上了猫,鱼肉恋上了刀,羊和灰狼要好,黄鼠狼给鸡洗澡,要想世界不要如此乱套,赶紧投入我的怀抱,一起天荒地老。 63呐,说实话你在偷偷想我吗?你真的是在偷偷想我吗?如果你真的想我就告诉我啊!我不会不让你想我的,大家讲道理嘛,我也想你啊! 64亲爱的你睡着了,我唯有把我的爱存进你的手机;等你醒了,我就把我的爱存进你的心里;等你见到我,我就把整个人都存进你怀里啦! 65爱情是两个半圆,组合成一个同心圆;爱情是两只翅膀,组合成一对双飞翼。祝福你的爱情“比翼双飞”“圆满成功”! 66正如玫瑰逗人喜爱,愿我们的纪念日带给你愉快,因为你是我最亲爱的! 67爱与忍耐力的真正考验之一:在床上把我的冷脚放在你怀里裹热。 68我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。 69世界上最笨的人,就是爱一个人爱得都不知道如何是好,这个人就是我。我会时时想着你,为你做任何事情。你对今后有什么想法呢? 70也许爱你是错,但我不后悔爱上你,希望让我下辈子还能遇见你!既然爱上你我就不后悔,我愿永远陪着你,用我的一生爱你! 71最远的是山,最近的是心,隔着山水相望,不如真实地靠近(bidushe),爱你,决定嫁给你! 72如果非得要我说出一千个理由的话,我宁愿死去,因为当我说出来的时候我真的会死去,因为有你在我心里,我才会自由的呼吸! 73如果世间有最让我珍惜的东西我想就应该是你了。你信吗?应该吧!是真的!可你无法不让我想你。 74如果每想念你一次,都会有一朵花坠落,那么我将每天都走在花园里! 75如果失去是苦。你怕不怕付出?如果迷乱是苦。你会不会选择结束?如果追求是苦。你会不会选择执迷不悟?如果分离是苦。你要向谁倾诉? 76我只在乎你,就像小鸟需要翅膀,鱼儿离不开水,不得春风花不开。珍惜与你走过的每一天,在乎和你共度的每一年。 77我如果爱你一生,你会怎么想?如果我的等待可以换来你的心,我宁愿等上生生世世。 78无论我深在何处,都请你相信在这瞬息万变的世界上有一颗不变的心每时每刻都在想着你!念着你!




Hebe田馥甄也发博表示:“仪式感有时或许很必要,而真正的信仰则存在于生活的每一秒。来吧!让我们隔空拥抱!SHE 18岁生日快乐!爱在每一秒,SHE是我的信仰!感谢有你!”




in this spring warms bloom, qunfang 's day, you two are good, together forever is born of a couple, born a pair of! wish you both boon conjugal love, grow old together!


formed a new alliance xi, darling tiancheng stroke。 wedding in love and having a daughter。 may happiness and sweetness, passion, warmth, you i of life!


moved by hand, and son xielao warmth。 wish you love, is full of rose garden in may。 only by the happiness of life from now on! happy marriage。


marriage is established by god, a good marriage is god giveth grace; may our god will blessings of heaven, blessings of the deep, have given to you and your family!


congratulations to you! say goodbye to the single, also said you find true love, as your friend, also really happy for you, i wish you a happy wedding, sweet tightly, happiness。


enters marital the palace, from now on you life happiness, happy deep, please wrap happiness, mellow sorrow, grasp the life forever, i wish you a happy marriage, early birth。


on this special day i wish you a happy marriage, i wish you love this chamber sweet, festive, her love of happiness, mutual affinity, knot, love each other, good luck in one hundred。


red, red "xi xi" word, blanket, it's your big day today, i represent all of the people who ever get your help, in this blessing you, the good life of peace and happiness forever。


to bring sincere blessings, wish。 dear, if you love faded and fallen, i also can protect our once upon a time, let the memory in blossom in the heart, remember your beauty, remember your good。


brilliant speech only ornament feelings, if i am silent, doesn't mean i don't care about you, too。 the rest of your life, please come with me, the new journey, enjoy the journey is beautiful, enjoy life。



i wish you much in the later two people "world, with love to tease each other, care and consideration for each other, share the suffering and joy in the future。 for a happy wedding, one hundred, tie the knot!


wish happiness on your wedding day, the light a happy couple, bridal chamber, two love flowers golden color and accompanying wind, wedding like lapras。 congratulations you enter the palace of love, i wish good luck in one hundred。


when the happiness of the bell sound, a couple in the face of a better future, my most sincere wishes, may you two happy wedding! knot! wonderful moment until the everlasting, love to the glebe's old!


together at the beginning of spring, love of calculate the beginning; summer go side by side, and flowers words gentleness; hand in hand, autumn vows of eternal love words for a long time; a winter banquet, meet day into marriage。


gently walked the red carpet, make promise before god, exchange rings after you left is right, who also not who, although sometimes quarrel, but that is the spice of life, cherish。 happiness for a lifetime。


accidentallyalso a red almond trees the awaken of spring, jade iraqis to bar the bridge, wearing a white gown, wearing the beautiful flowers, today you are the most beautiful bride, wish you a happy wedding, sweet forever!


may you two to tangle with love each other, each other understanding and care, to share the hardships and happiness in the future。 merry one hundred knot tie, hence see you forever, hand in hand to enjoy beautiful life!


moonlit, deep and remote dream from now on, from now on more colorful butterfly, eternal companion with this heart, when you say nothing at all, red candle shining smile, sincerely wish you two harps, one hundred, one hundred years old together。


why together, also past lives; how to love, to cherish life; love together, mutual dependency。 grant good marriage, love forever。 bless you, mandarin duck and butterfly wing mu love, newly married happiness, happiness forever。


good, good blessing, good luck and have a good care for your partner, good mood, good luck, good opportunity, cherish the only respect you, really good envy you, i wish a happy newlywed, wishful auspicious, love sweet!



and the wind blowing the happiness, bathed in love sunshine, with a happy smiling face, share the joy of the newlyweds, long love, can accompany, best wishes for happiness in your marriage, a wonderful and successful!


would be glad to and you work together, struggle together, i will never forget the days when we grow together share the joys and sorrows。 in the nice time you married, i wish good luck one hundred! happy marriage, sweet! birth!


wish your business more and more successful, the wife love you more and more, depending on the sister-in-law is more and more beautiful, early birth, also wish your brother is more and more iron, career life all goes well, the big yue son a smile。


only people understand life, to appreciate the delicate and charming of flowers。 only understand a loving person, can enjoy the sweet in the heart, and you are such a person, you is such a couple, i wish you have a special sweet wedding!


in the day of the festival bless, extend a hand of love, i pick up to the most sincere blessings, let happiness blossom brilliant flowers, to meet you in the future days, may you two boon conjugal love, meaning benedict deep, this life eternal love!


chinese valentine's day, wish to send: love the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, to deduce sweet; bride's all's well that ends well, to depict the dream; married life happiness, happiness to copying; single don't care about, hurry up handsome enough。


this moment you don't need too much honey, too much love to cultivate, got you together in the future the as a friend, please let us share this romantic then send friends sincerely wishes: wish you newly married happiness, happiness!


for countless blessing, focus on show today。 partners hand in hand on a new life, from now on in all weathers to take care of each other。 wishing you and your partner a long life together happy, happy happy peace colorful together。 wedding day!


there is love, the storm cannot destroy each other oath; there is love, alcohol and cigarettes from distant; there is love, laundry cooking is also a kind of sweet; there is love, the hardships undertakes; wedding anniversary, i love you forever!


double happiness on the door, hang a smile corners of the mouth side, side of heart with tenderness and happiness accompany side, the date of the wedding, to toast to wish the couple, i wish you happy forever, one hundred good together forever。 wedding day!



magic will be difficult to form of optimism, the promise of pious make life great, depressed lonely from the evaporation, the barrier bumps into a brave man, with stubborn spectrum much busy, struggle of the wings creates the happy family! wedding day。


single now bankrupt, have achieved new family。 flowers for many years, and now finally see the peony。 quit smoking and drinking and fooling around, honestly to get married。 a marry deep as the sea, send your lucky life buoy。 i wish: happy wedding!


you the most handsome in her eyes, she is the most beautiful in your eyes, along with love, the lover's eyes into double for life。 fairy qingxian you in the day, the knot is envious you。 congratulations to you, face to face all my sms blessing you: happy wedding!


all shall be well, jack shall have jill, f you partner today in hand set off on a new life, from now on in all weathers to take care of each other。 the original and the other half of you grow old together happiness be always with you, happy happy peace colorful together。


don't put the suspicion in heart, a lack of trust affects marriage; never don't want to temper tantrums, add bit of considerate with a little warmth; one hundred to mend this good marriage, cherish the happiness to you forever。 wish you a happy wedding, good luck one hundred!


red candle window red red dress, bridal chamber to new。 eight thousand guests cheers and laughter, both parents happy yan。 request of the distant, harps voice of thought is infinite。 two really jin luo, who together。 wish you newly married happiness, love life。


one thousand years of waiting, only for today's hand in hand, he pulled the red line, two hearts through permanent, its moments of beauty would like to have for you, words of blessing to drift with the wind, may you stay together to white-crested, newly-married happy and carefree!


hong mei snow, lang sweethearts to riding。 tie the diners, snow orientation。 suona is festival, blowing off firecrackers sound good luck。 kowtow to see ring, heaven and earth and a hall with high ceiling。 after determination bridal chamber warm, love is bitter sweet。 i wish: happy marriage!


congratulations on your good and congratulations, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained age, passionate summer, heat to the explosion of the wedding; sincerely gift bag all send you, boon conjugal love sweet as honey, hand in hand to the old have a tacit understanding, dragon child born home this year。


open bingdi red lotus flower, chaoyang colourful feng celebrates its door, door, full wedding anniversary, red candle shining knot marriage, one hundred good drum or harps, luan wind offerings and cordiality thick, wish love jade wan js mi ammy, sympathised with jun jade personal, wedding day。



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