“亲爱的 爱上你 从那天起 甜蜜的很轻易”。年轻人的喜爱,歌曲清新随意,朗朗上口,那种遇见爱情的悸动,在场宾客不免也会举起双手,轻轻摇动,跟随旋律,一起浪漫。
每一句歌词都代表着历经爱情的过程,以及对未来生活的期待。适合交换戒指时播放,感人温馨。“你是我最重要的决定,我愿意 每天在你身边苏醒”
对爱情的小撒娇,“哪怕一天只有一点,能让你想到我就会有开心多一些” 。歌唱者本身的声音就细腻婉转,再加上歌词中表现出小女生对爱情的那种小期待和小娇羞,特别甜。
2、《I swear》
北京时间2013年7月16日凌晨3点,SUGAR糖果手机正式在奥地利施华洛世奇水晶世界亮相。SUGAR糖果手机于2014年首推前置800万像素美颜手机, 并在2017年发布6400万高像素轻薄视频美颜手机S9 ,品牌旗下产品 三度荣获《芭莎珠宝》跨界设计大奖。
SUGAR糖果翻译手机开创翻译手机品类,在2018年7月率先推出全球首款AI翻译手机SUGAR S20 。糖果翻译手机S20拥有104种语言翻译,离线翻译功能分别支持文本翻译、拍照翻译,语音翻译。
SUGAR 之所以能在激烈的手机战场闯出一片天,最大关键在于旗下每款手机都有超高CP值,例如去年主打美型 的 SUGAR S20s 、全球首款旅游翻译手机 SUGAR S20 或 SUGAR F20 ,都在市场创下不错的评价与销量。看准当今手机愈来愈讲究拍照功能,SUGAR 日前推出旗下首款搭载三镜头的 SUGAR T50,堪称市面上CP值最高的三镜头手机 。
SUGAR T50 品牌旗下首款三镜头拍照手机SUGAR T50 以「三镜广角 眼漾全视」为主要诉求,除了拥有不错的拍照能力,渐层镜面边框、碳耀玻璃背盖、63吋高占比大萤幕…等外观细节皆值得一看,尽管定位为万元以下中阶机,不过 SUGAR T50 大方灌入满满功能,以下就来详细介绍。
63吋高占比萤幕 碳耀玻璃渐层处理
SUGAR T50 外观承袭该品牌独特的美学风格,这次无论正反面都很有看头 :63吋FHD+大萤幕搭配水滴造型前镜头,背面更使用渐层镜面边框搭配碳耀玻璃背盖,分为堇石蓝 / 极光靛两种颜色,机身侧边处理也很讲究,将中阶机的美感标准带到全新层次。
▲ SUGAR T50 配备63吋超大萤幕,萤幕解析度来到高水准的2,340x1,080 pixels ,近九成的高占比也带来宽广视野 ; 机身背面承袭 SUGAR 品牌强调的设计美学,背盖采用顶级碳耀玻璃打造,无论质感或触感都让人想拥有。
▲市面上越来越多手机在萤幕上方导入水滴造型设计,SUGAR T50 自然也不例外,水滴里头隐藏的是1,600万画素前镜头 ,共有四种功能:分为录影模式、拍照模式、人像模式、美颜拍照。
▲主相机采三镜头设计,也是这次 SUGAR T50 最大亮点,按照三镜头排列由上而下是500万画素景深镜头、1200万画素标准镜头、1300万广角镜头(120度超广角)的组合,下方白点为补光灯。
▲机身右侧分别有电源与音量调整键,机身左侧则有microSIM卡插槽,虽为6吋以上手机,不过 SUGAR T50 厚度控制在 81 mm 还算轻薄,手机重量也只有175g。
最高 CP 值三镜头手机 SUGAR T50
SUGAR首款三镜头手机,标准镜头采用SONY感光元件这次SUGAR T50主打拍照功能,主相机搭载1,200万标准+ 1,300万 120°超广角+500万画素景深三镜头,其中标准镜头更采用SONY感光元件,搭配120°超广角镜头,提供使用者拍照取景时更高的自由度。
▲由于 SUGAR T50 特别强调超广角功能,拍照时预览画面右上方也特别把它独立出来。
120° 超广角镜头拍照测试
▲ 点一下广角图案,就可以比较前后极大差异。
▲ SUGAR T50 支援人像景深模式,很适合用来拍摄2公尺以内的人像,在调整虚化效果时,同时也会显示目前光圈值,很轻松就能拍出一张唯美照片。
▲前置相机部份,SUGAR T50 搭载1,600万高画素F20 镜头,由于支援大光圈,几乎随手一拍,都能拍出清晰明亮的照片。
▲其他功能部份, SUGAR T50 配备63吋超大萤幕,拥有超过90%的占比率,加上内建4,000mAh电池拥提供超高续航力,很适合当成随身追剧机使用。
▲ SUGAR T50 支援人脸与指纹双辨识双重安全防护功能,只要经过简单设定就可以确保手机里的个资安全。
▲ 硬体规格方面,SUGAR T50 搭载 MTK P60八核心处理器、搭配 6GB RAM ,同时内建128GB 超大储存容量,另外也可切换适合长辈的简易模式。
同场加映SUGAR T10除了 SUGAR T50 以外,这次同步推出 SUGAR T10 同样搭载三镜头,举凡像是120°超广角、美颜拍照、人像专业景深…等拍照功能统统都有,但规格低于 SUGAR T50 ,主要搭载3GB RAM/64GB ROM,搭载626吋萤幕,比 SUGAR T50 的63吋稍微小些,不过仍拥有极高全萤幕占比、与精湛工艺机身设计,美型外观让人爱不释手,同样也有4000mAh大电量长续航,前镜头则为800万画素。
▲除了 SUGAR T50 ,这次 SUGAR 同步推出 SUGAR T10 ,相机画素与储存容量都比 SUGAR T50 稍低,可说是低阶版的 SUGAR T50 。
小结SUGAR T50建议售价为NT$9,490,以万元不到的价位来看,确实为市场同级CP值最高的三镜头手机,同时还有63吋超大萤幕加持,要用来当成行动影音机也没问题。除了 SUGAR T50,还同时推出 SUGAR T10,与 SUGAR T50同样搭载三镜头,虽然硬体规格稍低于 SUGAR T50 ,但价格自然比较便宜,建议售价为NT$6,490,不用七千块就能轻松入手,让消费者能以平实价格入手三镜头手机。即日起购买SUGAR T50或T10至SUGAR官网完成登录即送 好礼「SUGAR无叶小风扇」(市价 NT$690)。
最高 CP 值三镜头手机 SUGAR T50
七千元有找三镜头相机 SUGAR T10
最后附上用 SUGAR T50 实拍照片,除了最后3张以1,600万高画素F20 镜头拍摄,其余皆以1,200万标准+ 1,300万120度超广角+500万画素景深三镜头拍摄,大家直接用看的体会SUGAR T50 拍照实力。
▲1,600万高画素F20 镜头。
▲1,600万高画素F20 镜头。
Marriage plays a greatly important role in social development In the three ways of production,it is the only one to produce ourselves, and the only way to create ethic connection Through marriage the lasting of human being is ensured, forming all kinds of relationship among and various costumes and social culture
The beginning of marriage is a wedding, as it is known to us all People think a perfect start makes everything go successfully A wedding is far more than a ceremony, but a change for a person’s life and divine as a symbol of culture from the view of a country
What’s the traditional wedding ceremony in China and England
Pre-existing elements of traditional Chinese wedding ceremony is generally credited to scholars of the Warring States period, 402-221 BC The Three Covenants and the Six Rites, which were considered as necessary elements of a marriage However, the full ritual was too complicated, so even within the span of the Warring States period; the etiquette underwent changes and simplification” What remained constant were the chief objectives: joining and enhancing the two families and ensuring succession with numerous descendants Reverence to parents and ancestors, omens to encourage fertility and wealth, financial and social obligations contracted by both families at the betrothal, extensive gift giving etiquette, and the bride’s incorporation into her husband’s family are recurring elements”
There are six steps to form a completely wedding: The Proposal, The Betrothal, and Preparing for the Wedding Day, Day of the Wedding, Day After the Wedding, and Three Days after the Wedding Before the wedding ritual, there are a lot to do, including The "Hair Dressing" Ritual which is done at dawn on her wedding day (or the night before) A “good luck woman”, woman with living parents, spouse and children, will come to help dressing up the bride’s hair The woman should also speak auspicious words while tying up her hair in a bun, a style of married woman Though this “hair dressing” ceremony, people give their best wishes to the bride so the bride will bring good luck to the groom and his family(桃之夭夭,灼灼其华,之子于归,宜其室家。)The "Capping" Ritual “ that is performed at the groom’s home, where father of the groom place a hat decorated with cypress leaves on the groom’s head” The groom will bring the bridal sedan chair, an equivalent of a limousine nowadays, and a group of relatives and friends to go to fetch the bride This act also wishes the groom to have good luck The Bride’s Journey to the Groom’s House which is do by the “good luck woman” or a dajin, employed by the bride’s family to look after the bride, carried the bride on her back to the sedan chair Arriving at the Groom’s House and after stepping over a saddle or a lit stove, the wedding ritual comes to the emphases
In contrast to the elaborate preparations, the wedding ceremony itself is simple The bride and groom are conducted to the family altar, where they pay homage to Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors and the Kitchen God, Tsao-Chün Tea, generally with two lotus seeds or two red dates in the cup, is offered to the groom’s parents
Then the bride and groom bow to each other This completes the marriage ceremony, except in some regions, where both also drink wine from the same goblet, eat sugar molded in the form of a rooster, and partake of the wedding dinner together
Immediately after the ceremony, the couples are led to the bridal chamber, where both sit on the bed In some areas, honey and wine poured into two goblets linked by a red thread The bride and groom take a few sips and then exchange cups and drink it up
And the guests that are usually the relatives of the bride and groom, will enjoy separately rich banquet which is by either the bride’s parents or the groom’s It is generally considered as public recognition of the union
英国Let’s see how the wedding in Britain is Contrast to the Chinese one, the English is much simpler In the traditional wedding culture of England, the bride will carry a calla in hand being typical of good luck If the two persons live near to the church, they would get into it together with their guests and sprinkle orange flowers along the whole way Their weddings are used to being celebrated in the afternoons, and then they would hold a party The cakes they eat on that day are made of many kinds of fruits, they can decorate hogged nets The top of the cake which stands for the naissance of bottle will remain until their first child come out
As we know, there are a lot of differences between these two wedding ceremony, which reflect the different culture of the two countries
Firstly ,the aims of the wedding are quite different Chinese take marriage as “joint the two families together for the ancestor and for the offspring”(合二姓之好,上以事宗庙,而下以继后世也。) In order to bring more fame and make the families become larger and larger; marriage is a family affair more than private So one of the most important steps is to see if the girl and the boy are fit to each other by checking their birthday Because the wedding is usually connected with wealth, financial and social obligations, there is another thing that does not appear in a British wedding, the betrothal gift The betrothal gift is the gift that the groom gives to the bride’s family, which often is some property or something like that The experts say that it contains function below: First, the proposal by talking is a limited in sanction and some property as a keepsake is more powerful The accepter will not pull back because they don’t want to lose the property, and the giver won’t pull back either Second, it is a transition of labor force when the girl go The gift is a compensate in economy Third, the pay out of the groom is quite a lot for an ordinary family, and that will prevent the man abandoning the wife and getting another, and make the marriage more steadily Fourth, the gift is usually paid by the parents of the groom, which means the housemaster can be in charge of a marriage
As mission of procreating, there are lots of details in a wedding having something to do offspring For example, the Bed Making Spilling some Chinese dates ,peanuts ,longans ,lotus on the bed, means having a boy as soon as possible(早生贵子)。What about the British wedding It seems to pay more attention in love The aim of a wedding is to make the lovers living together forever, so it is a private affair more than the family’s There is usually a minister asking the groom and the bride if they are willing to marry each other, and ask if there is anyone against The wedding will go on unless the two lovers say yes and no opposing Obviously we can not see a similar step in a Chinese wedding, because the mastery is the parents but not the people getting marry After the wedding is over, there is still an interesting ceremony: throwing the bouquet It is said that the girl who comes to hand the bouquet will get marry soon It is a pure-hearted wish to the girls But in a Chinese wedding, the girls can not even be in charge of their life, their love, or their husbands They usually have not seen their husbands until the night they marry, and the person can only be counted on is the matchmaker These are all decided by the differences of the wedding
Secondly, the wedding dress is also different In a Chinese wedding, the common color is red The color red is considered as good luck, a strong color that which can drive away evil spirits The traditional Chinese wedding dress in northern China usually is one-piece frock named Qi Pao, embroidered with elaborate gold and silver designs Brides from southern China usually wear two-piece dress named Qun Gua, Kwa or Cheongsam, also elaborately adorned with golden phoenix and dragon It is a tradition to wear Cheongsam with red dragon and phoenix design at the wedding day because dragon and phoenix design symbolizes the balance of male and female power
In the old days, a piece of red veil is part of the bride’s costume to cover her face during the wedding ceremony Newlyweds would see each other’s face for the first time on their wedding night
The groom’s costume is a black silk coat worn over an embroidered dragon robe of dark blue The headgear is a black hat with red tassels Nowadays, most grooms’ wear has been simplified to a set of traditional outfit without the overcoat
And as we all know, the west wedding dress is often white It means chasteness, beauty, loftiness, and civility White dress, white posy, white veil, and the white cream cake, everything is so romantic
Thirdly, the woman’s status in a wedding is different In a Chinese traditional wedding, because of the aim of that wedding, the woman usually has a low status The man can have more than a wife, but once the wife is just a tool for birthing and sex So after the wedding, there is a ceremony in which the groom must see her mother-in-law, accept her enlighten, to serve the husband as a master But in west, we can see it is fairer and more democratic They will be asked if they would like to be his/her wife /husband no matter rich or poor, health or sick until die They change their rings to mean possessing
If you are going to marry, which wedding would you choose A Chinese traditional wedding A British one Or both At first we think there may be a lot of people will choosing the last one, but, it seems that there still a lot of people quite like the Chinese style
结婚电子喜帖歌曲推荐 :1-10
5、微加幸福 -郁可唯
6、Lucky Lucky-戚薇、李承铉
8、信仰 -张信哲
9、当你 -林俊杰
10、空白格 -杨宗纬
结婚电子喜帖歌曲推荐 :11-20
11、Moumoon - Sunshine Girl
13、Minnie Riperton - Lovin’ You
16、Could This Be Love(^__^)
17、井上あずみ - めぐる季节
18、理查德 克莱德曼 - 梦中的婚礼
19、梁静茹 - 小手拉大手
20、A Little Love
结婚电子喜帖歌曲推荐 :21-30
21、Good Time
23、 River Flows In You
25、Touch Love
26、House of the Sun
27、savage garden - I Knew I Love You
29、Maroon 5 - Sugar
30、LYn - My Destiny
结婚电子喜帖歌曲推荐 :31-40
32、Wedding March-priscilla ahn。
33、Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You-Westlife
34、I Knew I Loved You-savage g
35、I love you-王若琳
36、Sweet Dream-张娜拉。
37、Drew Barrymore - Way Back Into Love
38、I Wanna Be With You
39、Mariah Carey - Endless Love
40、Maroon 5 - This Love