

Josef Fares(条子骇客)

Police officer Benny is obsessed with American police cliches and livens up his own boring everyday life with dreams of duels with bad guys But poor Benny and his colleagues doesn't have much to do in the small town of Högboträsk Most of their days are spent drinking coffee, eating sausage waffles and chasing down stray cows Peace and quiet is the dream of every politician, but for the Swedish authorities, the lack of crooks is reason to close the local police station When the cops investigate a suspected act of vandalism, they realise that they themselves may be able to raise the crime statistics high enough to stay in business 平静的小镇上几乎没有任何违法犯罪事件发生,一切都是如此祥和安宁。因此镇上的警察局也落得清闲,1个局长跟4个警察外加2辆巡逻车都有点“无所事事”。毫无官架子的警察每天进行完例行巡逻就跟打成一片的居民们悠闲度日,享受节奏缓慢的北欧小城生活。 为此,小镇警局的上级有些恼火,他们派一位官员前往当地评估警察们的绩效,如果不合格,警局将被撤消。 于是警员们突然意识到需要勤奋努力来对得起纳税人,他们开始了近乎无厘头的努力甚至自己创造“危险事件”来解决,为的就是得到评估官员的认同。其中之一的警员雅各有了个新女朋友,没想到她就是派来的官员,于是一大串令人啼笑皆非的“警局保卫战”开始在原本宁静的小镇上演开来。 演员表: Carina Boberg Postal clerk Yngve Dahlberg Gunnar Jerker Fahlström Hasse Fares Fares Jacob Jan Fares Mike's dad Christian Fiedler Folke Viktor Friberg Janne Harry Goldstein Göran Sven-Åke Gustavsson Kent Kerstin Hellström Kindergarten teacher Sissela Kyle Agneta Paula McManus Jacob's first date Torkel Petersson Benny Göran Ragnerstam Lasse Eva Röse Jessica



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