JANE:Not the voyage,but the distance,and then the sea is such a barrier
Edword:from what,Jane
J:from england,sirand from Thornfieldand
E:sometimes i have the stangest feeling about youespecially when you're near me as you are nowit feels as though i had a string,tied here under my left rib where my heart istightly knotted to you in a similar fashionand when you go to Ireland,with all that distance between us,i'm afraid this cord will be snappedand i shall bleed inwardly,but you're sensible,you'll forget
J:never!I'll never forgeti wish i'd never been bornIwish I'd never come to Thornfield
E:There are other houses just as fine
J:How can you be so stupidHow can you be so cruelI may be poor and plain, but I'm not without feelings!It's not the house but the life I lived hereI was not trampled on,I was not excludedI was treated as an equal
E:And so you are,JaneAnd soAnd so
J:Yes so, sirAnd yet not so, for you're a married manor as good as marriedLed me go!
E:please, stilDon't struggle soYou're like a wild bird clawing at its cage
J:I'm not caged bird,I'm a free human beingIndependent with a will of my own
E:Then stayStay and marry me
J:How dare you make fun of me
E:I mean what I sayStay at ThornfieldBe my wife!
J:And what of Miss Ingram
E:Miss Ingram,I don't love MissIngram,nor does she love meJane, you strange,almost unearthly thingI love you as my own fleshI beg of you to marry meSay,"Edward,give me my name"Say Edward,I'll marry you"
拒绝求婚 Turning Down an Offer
回绝求婚 Turning Down an Offer
求婚策划 official blog
当众求婚 The Public Proposal
向一女子求婚sue for a lady's hand in marriage
求婚 make an offer of marriage;
求婚 make a proposal
1 After a three-weekend courtship, Pamela accepted Randolph's proposal of marriage
2 Eventually Sam persuaded her to accept an offer of marriage
3 After a short courtship, she accepted his marriage proposal
4 I found the scene in which Percy proposed to Olive tremendously poignant
5 Stuart got serious quickly and popped the question six months later
6 He asked me to marry him and I accepted
7 There and then he kissed her and asked her to marry him
8 Did he propose marriage to you
他向你求婚了 吗
9 She pondered his marriage proposal for weeks
10 He thereupon asked her to marry him
11 She has had an offer of marriage
12 She has refused several offers of marriage
13 It was love at first sight, and he proposed to me six weeks later
14 He had proposed to Isabel the day after taking his seat in Parliament
15 After struggling with myself for some days, I decided to accept his proposal
经过好几天的思想斗争, 我决定接受他的求婚
He proposed marriage to a girl
She repulsed his offer of marriage
She cast about for some excuse for refusing his proposal
He proposed to me
He told the news to his girlfriend at once and he proposed to her
When I know, I will fly directly to her, and propose
The only exception to this cliche proposal is if you forget to get a gift and need to think ofsomething in a hurry
That he would propose some day she had never doubted, for she was too young and toospoiled ever to have known defeat
You are right Maybe I should propose to Jake We can go there for our honey moon He willlove it
如何用英语求婚 Let’s tie the knot!我们结婚吧!这句话可以换一种表达方法:“Let’s get hitch!”这两句话都是用一种轻松幽默的方式去建议结婚。当然啦,用传统的方式去pop the question你可以说“Will you marry me?”(你愿意和我结婚吗?) 也可以Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给(娶)我吗?Would you be my wife/husband?你愿意当我的妻子/丈夫吗?I think it’s time we took some vows。我想是我们该许下誓言的时候了。I think it’s time we settled down…我想是我们该稳定下来的时候了……I want to spend the rest of my life with you。我要与你共度余生。 怎样求婚成功率更高 最感人的求婚告白1 告白适合在烛光晚餐的时候,海边散步的时候,月下轻语的时候,在晚霞相拥,晨光相生。有种感动可以让你欢笑,有种感动会让你流泪。爱她需要了解她,了解她需要的是什么,如果你能做到,那么就把这当做惊喜赐予她。告诉她“在一千个身边走过的`女人中,我只听到了你的脚步声,那999个人踏在地上,只有你踏在我心上,那是一种暖意,不管走到哪里,我都希望有这个脚步陪伴着我,留在我身边!XXX我爱你!” 最感人的求婚告白2 没有鲜花不要紧,但是求婚戒指可千万不能忽略,因为它代表了你的承诺!你可以带她去一个最想去的旅游景点,在她开心欢笑的欣赏美景的时候,你掏出准备好的戒指跟她求婚告白,“XXX嫁给我吧!请允许我能够在你生命的每一天里照顾你,带给你欢乐,我不敢肯定你是世界上最幸福女人,在你面前有两个选择,一个是爱,一个是不爱;而我可以肯定的是,会为你成为最幸福的女人而努力,我的选择只有两个,一个是爱,另一个是更爱。” 求婚英文怎么说2 1、登峰造极 如果你的女友是运动型,你可以在一天的攀岩活动之后,站在山峰的至高点向她求婚。其他可行的方法包括:跳伞时在半空中,潜水时在深海中,如此等等 2、录像表心意 制作一盘向她求婚的录像带很可以打动她的心,特别是如果你能够同她一起观看这盘录像。 她一定会高兴得跳起来,立刻就要和你去度蜜月 3、空中要挟 一种更公开的方式是利用你们一起坐飞机的机会。你可以请求机长通过无线电通话系统将你的求婚传达给身边的女友。例如,你可以请机长说:我们正飞行在青藏高原的上空,再有将近40分钟就可以到达目的地。顺便说一句,安娜,李可问你他是否有幸能够娶你为妻。在众目睽睽之下,相信你得到的只可能是一个愿意,当然,还有安全降落。 4、高速路上 设想她正在开车回家的路上,前面广告牌上的皮鞋广告突然变成了露露,你愿意嫁给我吗?这一定能够使你的求婚事半功倍。不仅如此,来来往往的车辆都会了解你的心意,并且祝福你成功。他们还会祝愿你的露露别因为过于兴奋而撞到牌子上。 5、银幕为媒 你勉强同意陪她去看最新上映的超级言情大片。就在影片正式开演之前,播放了只有一行字幕的加片:马雅,你愿意做我的妻子吗?虽然你不会因为精心导演此片而荣获奥斯卡奖,至少它会作为浪漫一幕被记录在该**院的院史之中。
ow would ,I say,mine eyes be blessed made,
By looking on thee in the living day,
All days are nights to see till I see thee,
And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me
Will you marry me
When most I wink then do mine eyes best see,
For all the day they view things unrespected,
But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee,
And darkly bright, are bright in dark directed
Then thou whose shadow shadows doth make bright
How would thy shadow's form, form happy show,
To the clear day with thy much clearer light,
When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so!
How would,I say,mine eyes be blessed made,
By looking on thee in the living day,
When in dead night thy fair imperfect shade,
Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay!
All days are nights to see till I see thee,
And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me
M: Laura, I've thought long and hard and my mind is made up I've got a date with Selina tomorrow and I'm going to pop the question
(pop the question 求婚)
W: Congratulations, David! That's earth-shaking news! How are you going to go about it You can't just blurt(vt 未加思索地冲口说出;突然说出)it out over coffee
M: Well, that's the thing I'm stumped I could send her an email at work
(stump n 树桩;残余部分;假肢 vt 砍伐;使为难;在…作巡回政治演说 vi 笨重地行走;发表竞选演说)
W: Email You don't have a romantic bone in your body Use your imagination
M: Well, I'm no Don Juan Should I get her some flowers
W: Yes, that'll be OK for starters Why don't you take her to some exotic hideaway or propose on a secluded beach
(propose vt 建议;打算,计划;求婚 vi 建议;求婚;打算)
(exotic adj 异国的;外来的;异国情调的)
(hideaway n 潜伏处;隐匿处;退隐处)
(secluded adj 隐蔽的;隐退的,隐居的 v 隔绝(seclude的过去式))
M: I can't afford it, what with the ring and all
W: Oh, sorry, don't let it get you down There's plenty you can do
M: Richard wrote his proposal to Anna on her ceiling
(proposal n 提议,建议;求婚)
(ceiling 基本释义n 天花板;上限)
W: Now you're talking! Bake a cake and write the words with frosting
(frosting n 结霜;霜状白糖;无光泽面;去光泽 v 以霜覆盖;冻坏;起霜(frost的ing形式) adj 结霜的;磨砂的;消光的)
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard
1 Who is David going to date tomorrow
2 What is the news Laura hears from David
3 What is David's problem, according to Laura
4 What does Laura think about sending flowers
5 What is Laura's final suggestion
虽然我,没有车 ,没有房 ,没有钱, 没有钻戒,但是我有一颗陪你到老的心。等你老啦我依然背着你,等你没牙啦,我就嚼碎啦,再喂给你吃;我一定等你死啦,我在死,要不把你一个人留在世上,我做鬼也不放心,童佳倩我爱你~ ——《婚时代》
你如果真的爱他就勇敢一点吧,我真的好希望你能回到我身边,每天想得心都痛,可是你活得开心,才是我最想要看到的。我其实还蛮喜欢那个小子的,因为你喜欢他,我看过你跟他在一起的时候的那张脸,那大概是我怎么努力都没办法给你的,可是他做到了,那个你看起来很幸福 无所求就像一个小女生如果你愿意回头你会发现我其实一直在这里没有走开。 ——《LOVE》
如果有一个人你注定要爱上她,如果有个地方等你把它变成家,答应好吗不要变卦,爱爱爱爱爱着她… ——《被偷走的那五年》
Well,you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else I love you 你不能娶了某个人却爱着另外一个人。我爱你——《音乐之声》
Well you marry meI'd make a good husband, jenny I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is 你能嫁给我吗我会做个好丈夫的,珍妮。我不是很聪明,但我知道什么是爱。——《阿甘正传》