Anthony (Jeremy Irons)
A successful businessman in Venice Anthony is honest and honest, live a honourable and luxurious life He is very generous and natural to everybody, insert the knife to the thing that the Buddhist nun of friend Bassa is the both sides of the chest even more As the Buddhist nun of Bassa seeks help to him, he is munificent without hesitation, but in view of the realistic economic situation, he has to Lip river one gram of debit and credit sides of summer But Lip river gram has an ulterior motive in summer , he is not interested in the interest at all, after fixing the harsh agreement, attempt to humiliate Anthony with this
, Buddhist nun of Bassa , (whether Joseph ¡¤ fee because then)
Typical Shakespeare's lover, he is a noble, young , excited , romantic, can be in all desperation for the love But the life style that the Buddhist nun of Bassa is luxurious lets him fall into the economic awkward situation , after meeting the loved woman Bao west Yan, he marries her wholeheartedly But Bao XiYan's father persons who propose for the daughter have set up all sorts of obstacles, the Buddhist nun of Bassa can only prove one's own value through the intelligence and wealth
Bao XiYan (Lin's kindness ¡¤ Corinth)
Have the women roles of intelligence and wisdom and beautiful appearance most in the works of Shakespeare Bao XiYan has rich heir , woman of family much of Bellmon, father has set up gold , silver , three caskets of lead meticulously, let the daughter's persons who propose choose correctly The persons who in fact propose are before coming one after another, Bao XiYan had already fallen in love with the Buddhist nun of Bassa, she covers up the hope not letting him choose the correct casket too Because the choice of the Buddhist nun of Bassa is essential, he chooses the wrong casket , they will separate forever, and Anthony will be blamed ; He chooses the correct casket , they will treasure each other, and Anthony will be saved smoothly
Xia LuoKe (A ¡¤ handkerchief's west promise)
One of the most dramatic and tragic classical images in Shakespeare's works, Xia LuoKe has reflected the extensive characteristic of the whole drama center: He is described into a ruffian, but because of his complexity , let him become a pitiful role again LuoKe Xia one Jew usurer, imbued with outstanding madder father of card , freedom of spirit too His shrewdness lets one's own business of lending money at interest be ever successful, Anthony's satire and resistance let him nurse a hatred The poet steps on and appraises this role so: "To this kind of ruffian, can only a tooth for a tooth "
《时光机器》是Dream Work公司出品的**,讲述了主人公驾驶时光机进行时间旅行的冒险故事。
Dream Work公司出品的**,讲述了主人公驾驶时光机进行时间旅行的冒险故事。
英文片名The Time Machine
导演西蒙-威尔士 Simon Wells
主演杰里米艾恩芒格 奥兰多琼斯菲丽达 洛马克埃迪
盖伊-皮尔斯(Guy Pearce)
马克-埃迪(Mark Addy)
萨曼莎-曼巴(Samantha Mumba)
杰里米-艾恩斯(Jeremy Irons)
十九世纪末,亚历山大-哈特德根(Alexander Hartdegen,盖伊-皮尔斯饰,Guy Pearce)发明了一种时光机器,这种机器可以将他带入80万年以后的未来。在那里,他发现人类已经进化成了二个种族:艾洛伊族(Eloi)和莫洛克斯族(Morlocks)……
自从威尔斯的小说问世100多年以来,许多事情都变了样,但威尔斯对未来的设想以及时光旅行的概念仍然对观众们具有强烈的诱惑力。本片的制片沃尔特-帕克斯(Walter Parkes)评论说:“时间返回到20世纪60年代初,《海底两万里》和《地心游记》这类影片引发了我们无穷的幻想,而这些影片的祖师爷就是乔治-帕尔(George Pal)执导的1960年版的《时光机器》。今天,我们拥有的技术使我们可以打造出一个HG威尔斯曾想像过但制造不出来的世界,这是相当令人振奋的。当然,这个故事的基本情节----亚历山大身着马甲、系着领带、外套夹克,爬进了那个美丽的手工制造的维多利亚式机器,进入未来世界旅行----时至今日仍然像当初一样给人留下深刻的印象。”
这部新片已经很难让人再产生对HG威尔斯的联想了。2002年版《时光机器》的导演是西蒙-威尔斯(Simon Wells),他是作者的曾孙。虽然有着家族的血缘联系,而西蒙-威尔斯却工作在动画界,并小有名气,特别是他还是梦工厂史诗般巨作《埃及王子》的合作导演,这是他第一部给人留下深刻印象的作品。
1895年,纽约,哥伦比亚大学的副教授亚历山大·哈德金博士,人近中年却仍抱有着孩童一般的好奇心和求知欲,满脑子旁人看来稀奇古怪的理论。这些理论从来得不到校长的赏识,总是被看作“不切实际的幻想”而打入冷宫。纵使如此,亚历山大还是决定自行建造一部时间机器来向世界证明———人类完全可以在时空中穿梭旅行。 而在公园求婚时,被抢劫者失手枪杀的未婚妻的死亡,加速他的进程。他希望能借此救回未婚妻的生命。