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班府的丽迪雅由于深受母亲的宠爱,很小就步入了社交界,她生性轻率,天生有些不知天高地后,遗传了母亲的漂亮,也继承了母亲的愚蠢和虚荣,受了金玉其外、败絮其中的军官韦翰的风度翩翩所迷惑,一时感情冲动,跟着他私奔而去, 但婚后彼此用情不专。韦翰对丽迪雅不久便情淡爱弛,常去伦敦或巴斯寻欢作乐,而丽迪雅虽顾全了婚后应有的名誉却依然热衷于美少年和跳舞。生活上二人挥霍成性,入不敷出,为寻租金便宜的房子四处迁徙。他们的婚姻没有建立在相互尊敬和爱怜的基础上。在此,作者明确地表明了自己的观点:没有爱情的婚姻是不会幸福的。




Mr Bent's eldest daughter, a beautiful kind, gentle appearance But she reserved personality and the ladies will regulate their feelings was laying low, always wait until the last Bingelai asked her to marry him Their ing together is pletely in line with the "ceremony" bourgeois "freedom of choice", "love" marriage "model" Banff's mother, Lidiya well as the popular little, entered the Shejiaojie, she naturally lightly Some days I wonder Heights born after the mother's beautiful geic, inherited from the mother's stupid and vanity, I had noted earlier, Hann patible with the elegance of the officers were confused, 1:00 emotional outburst, and eloped with him and left The experience of marriage but not with each other professionals Hann short of Lidiya love tense situation soon, Kiribati for pleasure trips to London, Although the marriage should be consistent and Lidiya's reputation is still keen on US adolescents and dance They spend their lives bee, insolvent, and to find cheaper rent a house elsewhere Their marriage is not built on the basis of mutual respect and filled to the brim with affection Here, the author clearly shows their views : No love is not a happy marriage Lu government They're just spoiled Charlotte Lucas and Lidiya contrary, it is extremely practical and rational men Has usually, but not long-makers have not made any property, remains to be married Social status, economic conditions, and her appearance she was not the ideal choice bit of property but not a love marriage Bush said Charlotte is a fatalistic, petent and good-hearted wife, then Elizabeth is a typical woman with the spirit of the resistance, the authors put all our hopes and dreams are pinned on Elizabeth body In the book, the author describes how the focus on Elizabeth and Darcy's marriage, the marriage is the most successful author in mind The ideal marriage of the most successful When the arrogant Darcy put away Elizabeth elimination of prejudice Beeen the o of them have a sincere love and eventually formed a happy marriage tie Elizabeth and Darcy in Jane Austen through marriage, stressed again : happy marriage must be based on love, based on the "Love must not be married" Darcy and Elizabeth authors praise the marriage of the world set a good example of the marriage



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上一篇 2023-07-20



