急求 水解酸化+UASB+SBR 对COD BOD SS 色度 的去除率是多少 和 水解酸化+UAB+CAST对COD BOD SS 色度的去除

急求 水解酸化+UASB+SBR 对COD BOD SS 色度 的去除率是多少 和 水解酸化+UAB+CAST对COD BOD SS 色度的去除,第1张

英国媒体8日报道,现年50岁的英国西伦敦房产开发商查尔斯·凯恩从表面看起来就像是一名年轻俊秀的“帅哥”,然而鲜为人知的是,查尔斯从前曾两度做过变性手术,噢! 必胜,奉顺英好看吗,他先是从男性变成了女性,可没过多少年后,厌倦再当女人的“她”又接收变性手术从新变回了“男儿身”。

据悉,查尔斯不论当女人仍是当男人都极有“桃花运”,当他变性成为女人后,金发碧眼、身体性感的她看起来“比女人还女人”,甚至令一名富有的英国地主也沦为“裙下之臣”,并向“她”求婚;当查尔斯5年前再次恢复“男儿身”后,他竟又博得了一名比他年青22岁的美女的芳心,这名叫做维多利娅·埃姆斯的28岁美女并不介意查尔斯“男变女”、“女变男”的传奇变性阅历、更不在乎他们之间22岁的年纪差距,两人岂但在今年10月订了婚,并且还将于明年举办婚礼,正式结为夫妻。据维多利娅称,玉观音 11版好看吗,查尔斯是她“灵魂的伴侣”,在她眼中是一个“男人中的男人”。(金陵)


59岁白叟欲旁听北大清华博士课 曾5次加入考研


59岁白叟欲旁听北大清华博士课 曾5次加入考研

LIL DICKY—Ex-Boyfriend

Verse 1

Now I been datin this girl named Katie, she hot as hell

And her body crazy, vagina shaven and it dont smell

And I don't fall for chickens

But this one a little different

Body sickening,

plus she really good at making breaded chicken

got me thinkin she the one man

even fully clothed, shawty really fun man

get a lotta hos, but none of those come close

I swear this the most that I've felt so damn exposedddd

oh yeah there's one more thing

and I know this shit gonna sound insane

but I still haven't hit it

I admit it, I wish I was kidding

Never been up inside before

Because shes only fucked one guy before

and though I really wanna boink this whore

she ma sweetie 314

so I'm stayin patient, and masturbating,

and now ma heart is sorta racing

cuz she said tonight will be the night we do some fornicating

hell yeah, I'm down, i'm bout to go all out

I'm gonna pound that crazy, like an elaborate black man handshake

But on the way to crib, we pass this kid,

and he seem to know who Katie is

So I say "who this" and she say

dicky, this is my ex boyfriend Jim"

Chorus 1

and I ain't usually the one to be the jealous type

but as I'm lookin at this dude I can't believe my eyes

cuz he's the best looking guy that I've seen in my whole life

He's got the thickest head of hair, chiseled jaw, an egregious bod

Man this the closest thing I've seen to a Grecian god

And now I'm lookin at ma chick, cuz his dick's been inside her rawww

Awww damn

Verse 2

Man this is crazy

I can't believe this guy used to fuck ma lady

I bet he left that pussy ravaged like Haiti

Katie's huggin and squeezing his shoulder blades

And I'm buggin and queasy, this aint okay

And then they say, "let's get drinks" so I say okay

Even though I was about to get laid!

Man this mafucka look like Ashton

Combined wit a lil Hugh Jackman

In other words, he's so damn attractive

So damn tan he gotta have a little black in him

now I'm in the back wit him, sippin on some yak wit him

And he payin for it all, he investment bankin

I'm acting, like i ain't distracted

but I'm reenacting him and Katie bangin

and now I'm feelin pissed, so I go and take a piss

mid stream, I look left and guess who it is

and I had to see, and I was mad discrete

and I got on my toes and I took a little peek

oh my god becky, look at that cock

Chorus 2

And I ain't usually the one to be the jealous type

But as I'm lookin at his dick, I cant believe me eyes

Because he's got the biggest cock that I've seen in my whole life

And now I'm starin at this dude's soft dick with a lotta hate

Because the shit is plus 8 like Jon and Kate

And I don't know if I can date ma girl after tonighttttt

Aw damn

Verse 3

I don't know what to do

dude's dick is really huge

I didn't realize a penis could be so smooth

I know she's missin that

My penis isn't that

I'm lookin closer I think that his dick has abs

Six pack on a dick

Now what the fuck is that

It's so long and thick

It's like a punching bag

I'm sayin it's so shaven, head is amazing

Got ma dick looking like a raisin

Skin tone insane, man he's hung like saddam hussain, its craazzy

What the fuck should I do

He gotta Ruth's Chris dick, and mine's a drive thru

I think it's time to

Tell Katie ma goodbyes

Cuz I simply can't survive

After seeing what was in between his thighs

So I tell her

Chorus 3

that this dude's gotta dick that I don't comprehend

I had to move ma neck to see it end to end

I mean the physics of his dick just don't make any sense

And I think it's for the best if this comes to an end

Because the sex with him must have been the best

And I would say let's just be friends,

but I think I would just think about his dick all the time, so goodbye

then she told me dicky I don't really know what to say

because I dated this dude in second grade

so I don't know about his dick, now let's go home and get you laiddd

and then I took her to ma crib, and you know that we belly slapped

and I gave her an O like I was selling crack, and when I came,

I pulled out and nutted all over her left thighhh Aww damn

LILDICKY—Ex-Boyfriend Verse1 NowIbeendatinthisgirlnamedKatie,shehotashell Andherbodycrazy,vaginashavenanditdontsmell AndIdon'tfallforchickens Butthisonealittledifferent Bodysickening, plusshereallygoodatmakingbreadedchicken gotmethinkinshetheoneman evenfullyclothed,shawtyreallyfunman getalottahos,butnoneofthosecomeclose IswearthisthemostthatI'vefeltsodamnexposedddd ohyeahthere'sonemorething andIknowthisshitgonnasoundinsane butIstillhaven'thitit Iadmitit,IwishIwaskidding Neverbeenupinsidebefore Becauseshesonlyfuckedoneguybefore andthoughIreallywannaboinkthiswhore shemasweetie314 soI'mstayinpatient,andmasturbating, andnowmaheartissortaracing cuzshesaidtonightwillbethenightwedosomefornicating hellyeah,I'mdown,i'mbouttogoallout I'mgonnapoundthatcrazy,likeanelaborateblackmanhandshake Butonthewaytocrib,wepassthiskid, andheseemtoknowwhoKatieis SoIsay"whothis"andshesay dicky,thisismyexboyfriendJim" Chorus1 andIain'tusuallytheonetobethejealoustype butasI'mlookinatthisdudeIcan'tbelievemyeyes cuzhe'sthebestlookingguythatI'veseeninmywholelife He'sgotthethickestheadofhair,chiseledjaw,anegregiousbod ManthistheclosestthingI'veseentoaGreciangod AndnowI'mlookinatmachick,cuzhisdick'sbeeninsideherrawww Awwwdamn Verse2 Manthisiscrazy Ican'tbelievethisguyusedtofuckmalady IbetheleftthatpussyravagedlikeHaiti Katie'shugginandsqueezinghisshoulderblades AndI'mbugginandqueasy,thisaintokay Andthentheysay,"let'sgetdrinks"soIsayokay EventhoughIwasabouttogetlaid! ManthismafuckalooklikeAshton CombinedwitalilHughJackman Inotherwords,he'ssodamnattractive Sodamntanhegottahavealittleblackinhim nowI'minthebackwithim,sippinonsomeyakwithim Andhepayinforitall,heinvestmentbankin I'macting,likeiain'tdistracted butI'mreenactinghimandKatiebangin andnowI'mfeelinpissed,soIgoandtakeapiss midstream,Ilookleftandguesswhoitis andIhadtosee,andIwasmaddiscrete andIgotonmytoesandItookalittlepeek ohmygodbecky,lookatthatcock Chorus2 AndIain'tusuallytheonetobethejealoustype ButasI'mlookinathisdick,Icantbelievemeeyes Becausehe'sgotthebiggestcockthatI'veseeninmywholelife AndnowI'mstarinatthisdude'ssoftdickwithalottahate Becausetheshitisplus8likeJonandKate AndIdon'tknowifIcandatemagirlaftertonighttttt Awdamn Verse3 Idon'tknowwhattodo dude'sdickisreallyhuge Ididn'trealizeapeniscouldbesosmooth Iknowshe'smissinthat Mypenisisn'tthat I'mlookincloserIthinkthathisdickhasabs Sixpackonadick Nowwhatthefuckisthat It'ssolongandthick It'slikeapunchingbag I'msayinit'ssoshaven,headisamazing Gotmadicklookinglikearaisin Skintoneinsane,manhe'shunglikesaddamhussain,itscraazzy WhatthefuckshouldIdo HegottaRuth'sChrisdick,andmine'sadrivethru Ithinkit'stimeto TellKatiemagoodbyes CuzIsimplycan'tsurvive Afterseeingwhatwasinbetweenhisthighs SoItellher Chorus3 thatthisdude'sgottadickthatIdon'tcomprehend Ihadtomovemanecktoseeitendtoend Imeanthephysicsofhisdickjustdon'tmakeanysense AndIthinkit'sforthebestifthiscomestoanend Becausethesexwithhimmusthavebeenthebest AndIwouldsaylet'sjustbefriends, butIthinkIwouldjustthinkabouthisdickallthetime,sogoodbye thenshetoldmedickyIdon'treallyknowwhattosay becauseIdatedthisdudeinsecondgrade soIdon'tknowabouthisdick,nowlet'sgohomeandgetyoulaiddd andthenItookhertomacrib,andyouknowthatwebellyslapped andIgaveheranOlikeIwassellingcrack,andwhenIcame, IpulledoutandnuttedalloverherleftthighhhAwwdamn



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