~~~求婚的场面一定要温馨浪漫才是硬道理,好听的求婚歌曲能更好的带动求婚场面跟氛围。像《《A Groovy Kind Of Love》、《All By Myself》、《Baby I Love You》、《Dreaming Of You》、《As Long As You Love Me》、《All I Have To Give》这些都不错哦,试想一下,当唯美的音乐声音响起,楼主手捧鲜花,拿着实l名定l制的乐l维l斯l钻戒,单膝下跪,然后诉说着两人浪漫的回忆,感人的求婚词,在亲友的见证下,完成这神圣的仪式,也同时让亲友感受到了来自乐l维l斯l钻戒的寓意:“以我l之名,冠l你指间,一生l相伴,一世l相随。”。。。那是多么温馨浪漫感人的场面啊。。。~~~~~~
Sunrise-Catie Mckinney
i've gotta reach you
i've gotta see you
let the light shine down on me
when the day breaks
and the sky is changing colors
into something new i wanna see it with you
i wanna see you again
promise that you always stay
when the world is brand new
i wanna see it with you
I wanna touch you
I wanna make you feel like you are the only one in this world for me
I wanna hold you
I wanna make you see
yesterday was long ago as soon as it'll be
i wanna see you again
promise that you always stay
when the world is brand new
i wanna see it with you
cause I'm not gonna let you say
you can see all the sun rising in the world like stupid fan
that's nothing I wanna hold than flying for
just need you
i wanna see you again
promise that you always stay
when the world is brand new
i wanna see it with you
i wanna see you again
promise that you always stay
when the world is brand new
i wanna see it with you
i wanna see you again
promise that you always stay
Marry You
Bruno Mars
it's a beautiful night we're looking for something dumb to do
hey baby i think i wanna marry you
is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you
well i know this little chapel on the boulevard
we can go whoa whoa
no one will no whoa
oh come on girl
who cares if we're trashed
got a pocket full of cash we can blow whoa whoa
shots of patrol whoa whoa
and guitar girl
don't say no no no no no
just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
and we'll go go go go go
if you're ready, like i'm ready
cos it's a beautiful nigt we're looking for something dumb to do
hey baby i think i wanna marry you
is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you
i'll go get the ring
let the choir bell sing like ooh ooh ooh
so what you wanna do ooh ooh
lets just run girl
if we wake up and you want to break up
that's cool ooh ooh
no i won't blame you ooh ooh
it was fun girl
don't say no no no no no
just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
and we'll go go go go go
if you're ready, like i'm ready
cos it's a beautiful nigt we're looking for something dumb to do
hey baby i think i wanna marry you
is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you
just say i do ooh ooh ooh
tell me right now baby
tell me right now baby, baby
just say i do ooh ooh ooh
tell me right now baby
tell me right now baby, baby
it's a beautiful nigt we're looking for something dumb to do
hey baby i think i wanna marry you
is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you
求婚歌曲《I swear》
《I swear》是一首英文歌曲,这首歌曲的意义非常的好,是永恒誓言的体现,“i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there, 我必在你左右”“i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'll be there我必在你左右”“till death do us part 至死不渝”一个男孩愿意用一生守护在女孩身边,就像每晚一起出现的星星和月亮一样,永远在一起,是不是很温馨呢。
1、《Marry you》
直白的两字,却淋漓尽致的表现出自己想法。曾看到有人在戒指内部刻上marry you,摘下来才看到他的独具匠心。回想《被遗失的那五年》,男主再次求婚时,让女友带上耳机。让朋友们一起助他求婚,那场面充满欢乐。为她戴上乐维斯实名制钻戒,许下以我之名,冠你指间。一生相伴,一世相随的承诺。
2、《With you all the time》
动人的旋律,加上触人心弦的歌词“I am with you all thetime,that I shall forever be”。能为心爱的人信守一生,永远相伴,听着就很美,更何况是实际行动呢。
3、《Magine me without you》
当他深情款款地唱出对你的爱,告诉你because of you,it is allbrand newmy life is noe worthwhile时,你是否倍加感动,同时,也让你深有感触呢
4、《As time goes by》
5、《As long as you love me》
6、《Baby one more time》
当你看到这歌名时,你是否就开始踩着节拍,哼起来了,Baby baby one moretime,的确是首朗朗上口的歌,欢快的节奏,让人莫名的嘴角上扬。
7、《i swear》——All 4 one
“i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你 and i swear 我发誓 ”“i'll give you every thing i can 我愿给你一切我所能给的 i'll build your dreams with these two hands 用双手为你筑梦” “my love won't age at all 我的爱永不老去”这是真的承诺了,也是一首老歌,但却经久不衰。可能原唱唱的90后们会不喜欢,但你自己唱出来,会很好听。这首歌,可能得等你到了结婚的时候,才会爱上它。
8、《my heart go on》(我心永恒。《泰坦尼克号》主题曲)——Celine Dion
“I believe that the heart does go on 我深信这颗心永不移”“And last for a lifetime And never let go till we're gone 心心相印永不分离”一听这首歌便想起jack和rose在泰坦尼克上发生的感人故事。它的旋律从最初的平缓到激昂,再到缠绵诽恻的高潮,一直到最后荡气回肠的悲剧尾声,结合上歌词的意思,令人不禁潸然泪下。不过考虑到它的难度问题,一般人最好不要用它求婚,免得出丑。
9、《Can’t Stop Love》——Darin Zanyar
10、《I'll Never Break Your Heart》——backstreet boys
"I'd rather die, than live without you 我宁可死掉,生活中如果没有你'不愧是我的偶像,就是好听,要是有人用这首歌向我求婚,我一定嫁他。光是这几句就让我感动了。再加上这首歌旋律轻柔舒缓。只要你唱的真诚,一定会让她感动。力荐这首歌哦!
11、《Only love》——Trademark
12、《With you all the time》——Gareth gates
13、《Imagine me without you》——Jaci Velasquez
“Because of you, it's all brand new因为你,我的生命才是新的;My life is now worthwhile ”我的生活才有意义。磁性的女声下有的是情意绵绵,想念你,不能没有你,所以,嫁给我吧。哈哈!虽然原唱是女生,但男生唱出来也很棒的哦。
14、《Hope you're happy》——Lene Marlin
“as perfect as you wanted me”我没有你希望的那样完美;没你想的那么完美,但终归希望你开心,和过去的一些说再见好了。
15、《Right here waiting》——Richard Marx
“I will be right here waiting for you我就在这里等候着你!Waiting for you等候着你!”真挚的声音唱着“我会永远等你”等你也是没有原因的,此情可待,有这样的勇气与毅力值得嘉奖。
16、《Swear it again》——Westlife
I'm never gonna say goodbye,我永远不会与你说再见;Cos I never wanna see you cry,因为我永远不想见到你哭泣;I swore to you my love would remain,我向你发誓我将爱你不渝。
17、《Can’t take my eyes off you》
18、《The rose》