急求operation love求婚大作战的英文介绍

急求operation love求婚大作战的英文介绍,第1张


1 "Can I get married if we had gone to the Koshien!"

Ken rushes to Rei's wedding and through the ceremony he suffers regret at never being able to articulate his feelings A magical being in the church takes pity of him and allows him to "time slip" through certain photos This gives Ken a second chance to relive key moments in his lives Initially Ken returns to the final game of the season where he has another opportunity to win the game and make the playoffs

2 "Can I get married through coffee milk!"

The photograph on the slide show showing an angry Rei bothered by Ken He returns to the past where Rei asked him for a coffee milk He thought, this coffee milk was his way of changing his present and making him the man who sits beside Rei

3 "Can I get married if I switch seats"

Ken returns to the past wherein they met Tada-sensei, Rei's groom Ken tried his very best to avoid making Rei and Tada-sensei close But in the end, it was Tada-sensei who made him see the smile he never saw 6 years ago

4 "Can I get married by the second button"

Ken returns to his highschool graduation where boys give their second button to the girl they like He gave his button to another girl making Rei disappointed He gives his best shot in order to touch Rei's heart

5 "Are those who say they'll do it tomorrow idiots"

Ken is given a second chance to let Rei say goodbye to her grandfather

6 "From what do I graduate on my last day as a teen"

Ken returns to just before Rei's birthday and also on her eve of her major architectural project

7 "When will love and fireworks scatter"

Ken returns to a fireworks festival before Tada confesses his feelings to Rei

8 "Are the tears I shed on New Year's Eve the real thing"

Ken returns to their past celebration of new year's eve He intentionally let his friends go and see the new year's sunrise by themselves, hoping that he would forget all about Rei

9 "What can I bet at the last moment"

Ken returns to just before Tada proposes to Rei

10 "Last Hallelujah Chance"

Ken returns to Rei's engagement party

11 "Will a tearful confession call a miracle"

Ken returns to just before he has to give a speech at the wedding banquet

求婚   [qiú hūn] [求婚]基本解释



亦作“ 求昏 ”。男女中的一方请求对方与己结婚。

《晋书·姚兴载记下》:“今来求婚,吾已许之。” 唐 李复言 《续玄怪录·定婚店》:“ 杜陵 韦固 少孤,思早娶妇,多方求婚,不成。” 宋 孔平仲 《孔氏谈苑·杨大年不愿富贵》:“﹝ 王旦 ﹞卒时,属其家事一付 大年 。 丁晋公 来求昏, 大年 令绝之。” 清 王韬 《淞滨琐话·魏月波》:“﹝ 魏月波 ﹞丰姿娟丽,有如初日芙蓉。远近咸啧啧艳其美,争求婚焉。” 庐隐 《海滨故人》四:“在路上 玲玉 告诉 露沙 ,这次 剑卿 向她求婚,已经不能再坚执了。”


男女中的一方请求对方与自己结婚。国内外有许多不同的求婚习俗和方式。另外也出现了同性之间求婚的情况。 更多→ 求婚



[求婚]相关词语 定亲 迎亲 嫁妆 出嫁 浪漫 结婚 礼金 表白 求爱 生日 哭嫁 新婚












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