



Dear Dinesh,

It has not been but a short time of getting to know one another and we are totally crazy about the other I asked you if you believed in soul mates and you said that you believed that God does make a special someone from every man Whether that man finds that someone he was created for or not, I know I was created for you

Here I am, heart and soul, confessing to the world how I feel about you I would walk to the ends of the earth to meet you, and yet the funny thing is, looks as if I will have to do that since we haven't yet met Funny how love works in people's lives I sure never expected to neither meet nor find someone as amazing as you You have touched my heart in so many ways and words couldn't even begin to explain to you the love I feel for you Without further making it harder on the two of us to be together, I need to tell you that I love you and I am here waiting and when the time is right, will accept you as my hu and and spend forever and eternity in your arms Dreaming of you always I love you

  Love always,



To: Hubby ~ From: Tweetie

Dear Hubby,

Ever since you walked into my life, I have been iling There hasn't been a day when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it's all because of you Honey, I am glad that you came into my life I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I am Now I have found the person I was looking for My heart told me that my Prince Charming was there when you first said hello to me over the phone I didn't have to think twice when you asked me to be your wife I knew that you were Mr Perfect I don't think that there is, or there could be, anyone better than you out there for me

I love you with my whole heart I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you Sometime I even doubt myself, but I know I will never doubt you because you are my true love I know deep down inside that you will never break my heart or never let me down in anyway

Thank you honey for everything I pray to god everyday to bless you with everything you deserve I will love you until the end of time

Always and Forever Yours,



To: Divine Demon ~ From: Barbara

Dear Divine Demon,

I understand that we have not been together for very long, but I want to express to you the love that I feel My life has been a hellish nightmare, one that haunts and never leaves me to peace The day that I realized that I loved you, my bad dreams ceased

What I feel for you is that awesome love that poets write about and that we mere mortals only dream of experiencing It is the love that is considered unconditional and undying; so great that my heart seems to burst with the joy of it I cannot fathom living my life without you - waking would never be the same without your sweet face to look forward to; I would not be living, just existing; sleeping would be impossible without you to dream of

You have made my life worth every moment, every breath I know that we are young, and as such are thought not to feel such intense emotion, but what I feel is true and blinding in it's power You have swept me away and proved to me that magic exists - in you

We will be separated soon, but I believe and have faith that what we feel for each other will overe and outlast the distance My heart is yours, my soul in your keeping Please treasure it Mi amas vin!

With love,

Angel in Mist







The earth is still turning, the world is still changeable, and I love you forever


You are always the most special and attractive person in my heart


Acpany you to the place you want to go and finish the rest of our life with your heart


Never fade is the silent care for you, never stop is the endless yearning for you, never change is the deep love for you


Others say that our relationship is like fish and water I want to be your fish in the water!


Love you, it's true, love your eyes, big and bright Love your lips, gentle and fragrant Love everything about you and yearn to have you


Waiting is not for you to e back, but for excuses not to leave


Some people love with their mouths, but I love with my heart Maybe I will lose a lot, but I will not regret it


You are spiritual, I am silly; you are elegant, I am local; you are fragrant, I am alcoholic; you are angry, I am angry Everything is only for your satisfaction


I want to share everything with you, because I can't find another woman to match me except you


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you


The first day I met you, I was conquered by your eyes At that time, I knew that I had been a prisoner of your life!


Loving you for ten thousand years is my pursuit; loving you for one thousand years is my desire; and kissing you once is the happiest time of my life


I will not let my love pass me by again! Now I want to tell you aloud: I really love you!


You are a fairy tale fairy, giving me the fragrance of life, giving me the spring of life


Don't make me lonely, don't give me loneliness, excessive loneliness and loneliness will make me endlessly sad and sad


With you, my life is full of happiness Shall we have dinner tonight


Whenever I am alone, whenever I am happy, I will think of you, want you to double my happiness


I am only an accident to you; you are a love to me


Acquaintance with you in the vast crowd is a kind of fate, only hope to use my sincerity in exchange for your true feelings


The great wheel of time can't erase my yearning for you, even if the sea dries up and the rocks rot, your figure will remain in my heart forever! uuuuuuuuu


Please marry me! After marrying me, I am the second happiest person in the world, because you are the first happiest person in the world


Spring water is your love, summer cloud around the peak is your lingering, autumn moon is your tenderness, winter plum is your love


I got up and poured a cup of hot water into my hand, but I could not feel any warmth


Take good care of yourself, I don't want to wait until the next life to love you again!


Love letters are written by me, roses are sent by me, photos are taken by me, phone calls are made by me, information is sent by me!


Who says your cooking is hard to eat I will go home for dinner every day!


The best day of my life was the day when that happened, the day when I met Naoko


When you are sad, I would like to be the person you can rely on


I want to erase you from my memory, but I can't help thinking of you: every moment in my dream, every minute in my wake


There are so many towns in the world, so many pubs in the town, but she walked into me


Sometimes, love does not need too much words, just want to silently gaze at you, care about every second with you


I want to sublimate the very short poems I love you to the long prose of life


If I could have your star, I would give up the whole sky If I could have your shell, I would give up the whole ocean


Meeting you was fate and falling in love with you was beyond my control


Looking forward to wearing, thousands of miles of mist missing Face north, miss you, in the spring season


In the vast crowd, see your figure, the heart is the first such tremor!


Looking into your eyes, I see the sea, the blue sky, and the beautiful future!


Let me make a cup of tea for you personally, add a piece of ice sugar, and then inject a cavity of enthusia , my love, little by little into the tea


Please cherish every chance you have and seize every moment that belongs to you!! I will be yours forever! I miss you and my love!


As long as you want, when you are disappointed and most in need of a shoulder, tell me, I will appear immediately


When you are young, you think there is an answer to everything, but when you are old, you may feel that there is no so-called answer in life


Recalling period, number of return period, dreaming that although many encounters are rare, when will we meet again, no longer separated


Mountains are green with love, waters are soft with talent Everything in the world is more beautiful because of love Dear, I love you to the death!


I would like to spend 10 million years waiting for your warm sunny ile in the early spring


I always nodded when I met, trying to say that it was always difficult to open my mouth At the moment when my eyes met, I felt your tenderness


If you like me, send me a text message If you like me, I'll call me If you love me, keep silent




1、The most luxurious thing in my life is to meet you on the way, and then help each other, smell the fragrance of flowers together、 In my lifetime, I will only tell you the warmth, but not the sorrow、 I will meet you and accompany you in peace and warmth、


2、Warm the early morning porridge, put down the late night wine, if you still drink in this life, only hope to make a cup with you、


3、I used to be wild and uninhibited, wandering in the rivers and lakes, but I never wanted to meet you、 From then on, I worked in the kitchen of the vegetable market and cooked rice and soup、


4、They say Disneyland is the happiest place in the world、 Actually, they haven’t been next to you before、


5、You are the one who is loved in peace、 You can do anything with confidence and boldness、


6、I’m never mean, but one thing I can’t be generous is that you are mine、


7、Look at my eyes and you’ll find what you mean to me、


8、The most beautiful love, there is no end of time, there is no land, just want to accompany you for life, that’s all、


9、If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets me、


10、Years of quiet good, just want to count your heartbeat, slowly accompany you grow old、


11、I miss you so much already and I haven t even left yet!


12、 I didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness、 then I met you、


13、I love you now、 It’s cheaper than cabbage in the market、 It can be seen everywhere、


14、You’re mine、 No one can take you away、 I’m so overbearing、 I’m yours、 No one can take me away、 That’s how I give up、


15、Your sweet smile, like a cup of wine for many years, just a mouthful is enough to make me want to stop、


16、I love three things: the sun, the moon, and you、 The sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever、


17、And the sunlight clasps the earth, And the moonbeams kiss the sea; What are all these kissings worth, If thou kiss not me、


18、Do you believe in love at first sight Or should I walk past you again


19、You come to me, I feel that one day is like three years, you smile at me, I feel that three autumn has not seen but a day、


20、One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life、That word is love、




I want to see you this summer


All the moments I can share are you、

三、遇见你那天 樱花开满南山。

On the day I met you, cherry blossoms filled Nanshan


All you have to do is stand on my side indiscriminately、


My favorite teenager is you、

六、喜欢有很多种 但是无论那种 我都想给你。

There are many kinds of likes, but I want to give it to you no matter which one

七、我不要短暂的温存 只要你一世的陪伴我想说、时光兜兜转转、我感谢与你的这次相遇。

I dont want to be gentle for a short time、 I want to say that I am grateful for this meeting with you、

八、除了我 每个人都不适合跟你白头到老。

Everyone is not fit to grow old with you except me


I miss you infinitely in my heart


You shine like a star、


Have a hug, touch your head, support your cheeks, and ask for all your favor、


Heartbeat is not the answer、


Investment is risky, but you love me with high returns and no risks


You are all my ideals and expectations for the rest of my life、


Im a kid who secretly likes you、


You are very important, super important, especially important, the most important!

十七、我是九 你是三除了你还是你。

I am nine, you are three, except you or you


Now I miss you so much that I want to jump into your arms、

十九、你的过去我来不及参与 你的未来我奉陪到底。

I have no time to participate in your past and your future、


Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and you wont get lost、


When you hear something, its obviously irrelevant, and you will turn several

corners in your heart and think of you、


I like you, without reservation, from my heart、


What can make me running all the way, besides the heavy rain, is you、

二十四、每天醒过来 发现最喜欢的人还是你。

I wake up every day and find that my favorite person is you、



1、First impression of you is most lasting、对你最初的印象、久久难以忘怀。

2、I didnt stop thinking about you all day、 我整天都在想你英文情话。

3、I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you 、我知道你最喜欢这首歌、我也知道你的心思、我想你。

4、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you、我爱你、不是因为你是一个怎样的人、而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉英文情话。

5、miss you deeply I feel so lonely、不是因为寂寞才想你、是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重、只是因为太想你。

6、I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won’t stop flying until it reaches you at last、长长的思念、就像风筝断了线、飘啊飘啊、飘到你的身边英文情话。


1、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me、


2、i always remember that day,when i met you i love you我一直都记得那一天我见到了你我就爱上了你。

3、You are kindly which is the reason why iove you、你很温柔,这是我爱上你的原因英文情话。

4、Will you accept me I wanna share my life with you、你能答应我的求婚吗我想永远和你在一起。

5、Hasband, every day I immersed in the happiness, my love!老婆、我每天都沉浸在幸福快乐中、我的爱人。

6、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you、无论你身在何处、无论你为何忙碌、我都会在此守候英文情话。


1、My heart is with you、


2、I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet!


3、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst、


4、Every day without you is like a book without pages、


5、please come to eat and sleep with me, or i will cut my hair to be a monk, and find a place where many monks live in to over my life、


第一封 外面风大 跟我回家

The first one out of the big wind came home with me

第二封 留在我身边 远近我都接受

Second letters in my side near and far I accept

第三封 我没说过永远 只希望每个明天你都在

The third seal I didn't say forever just hope every tomorrow you are in

第四封 南风过境十里春风不如你

Fourth letters of transit in the spring breeze as you south ten

第五封 可能时间刚好 你眼角带笑

The fifth letter may be time to just your eyes smiling

第六封 我不喜欢醋这种东西 但我现在天天为你吃

Sixth, I don't like vinegar, but I do it for you every day

第七封 向来没耐心的我 在你身边徘徊了这么久

The seventh has not been patient with me, I have been wandering around for so long

第八封 任凭风吹也无法忘记你的名字

Eighth letters to the wind can not forget your name

第九封 你说以后是我和你喝交杯酒还是我去喝你们的喜酒

The ninth letter you said after I drink a toast and you or me to drink to your happiness

第十封 我期待我能在有一天背着背包出现在你的城市

Tenth I look forward to one day I can carry a backpack in your city

第十一封 你站的方向风吹过来都是暖的

Eleventh of the direction of the wind blowing you are warm

第十二封 手不要给别人牵 怀抱也要留给我

Twelfth hands do not give someone to hold me

第十三封 你陪着我的时候 我从来没羡慕过任何人

I never envied anyone when you were with me thirteenth times

第十四封 想你的时候风忽然停了

The wind suddenly stopped fourteenth times when I thought of you

第十五封 因为有你我才能笑着摇头拒绝所有诱惑和暧昧

Fifteenth because of you, I can only smile and shake my head to reject all temptations and ambiguous

第十六封 No one and you

第十七封 我喜欢你只有一个理由 你就是理由

The seventeenth seal I like you have only one reason you are the reason

第十八封 你就像我小时候最喜欢的玩具 别人碰一下我都觉得那是在抢

Eighteenth you like I was a child's favorite toy people touch me feel that it is in the

第十九封 The first glance Heartbeat

第二十封 遇见你花光了我所有的运气

The twentieth meeting you used to spend all my luck

第二十一封 想去的地方有你才最美丽

Twenty-first of the places you want to go is the most beautiful

第二十二封 喜欢你是我做过最美丽的事

The twenty-second love you are the most beautiful thing I have ever done

第二十三封 还在我身边就是我的

The twenty-third seal is still with me

第二十四封 微风轻轻起 我好喜欢你

Twenty-fourth gentle breeze, I like you

第二十五封 你总是能让我带着每天的晚安把梦做到最感动

The twenty-fifth seal you always let me with every day the night dream to do the most moving

第二十六封 你快乐所以我快乐我快乐都是你给的

Twenty-sixth you happy so I am happy I am happy you give

第二十七封 趁你还在

The twenty-seventh seal while you are still

第二十八封 对谁都三分钟热度 唯独你

Twenty-eighth letters to anyone who are three minutes heat only you

第二十九封 喜你为疾 药石无医

Twenty-ninth letters like you for medicine without doctor

第三十封 如果你最后一贫如洗 我将是你最后的行李

If you are the last thirtieth letters as pour as a church mouse I will be your final baggage

第三十一封 就好像太阳不会放弃天空

The thirty-first seal is like the sun will not give up the sky

第三十二封 遇见你是所有故事的开始

The thirty-second meeting you are the beginning of the story

第三十三封 我想顺着你的脚步 走向未来

Thirty-third letters I want to follow your footsteps to the future

第三十四封 以后去哪都把我给带上 我会很乖不给你添麻烦

Where to go after the thirty-fourth letters to my band I will be good not to trouble you

第三十五封 天和地和你一个都不能少

Thirty-fifth days and the earth and you can not be less

第三十六封 见到你我占有欲就超标林

Thirty-sixth to see you, I have to exceed the standard forest

第三十七封 我想每天都能见到你 毕竟我真的很粘人

Thirty-seventh, I want to see you every day, after all, I am really very sticky

第三十八封 酸涩皱眉与你共苦不算太差

Thirty-eighth you frown and sour bitter not too bad

第三十九封 眼睛好疼

Thirty-ninth eyes good pain

第四十封 你是雾是风我喜你依旧浓

Fortieth seals you are the fog is the wind I like you are still strong

第四十一封 陪我走走吧 趁天还没亮浓雾里还透着光

Forty-first to accompany me for a walk to take advantage of the day has not yet lit the fog in the

第四十二封 别在我离不开你的时候离开我

Forty-second don't leave me when I can't do without you

第四十三封 你是我口中最为骄傲的语气

Forty-third, you are the most proud of my mouth

第四十四封 街边的每个身影都像你

Forty-fourth street side of each figure are like you

第四十五封 我也憧憬过也怕后来没结果

Forty-fifth I also hope to have been afraid of later did not result

第四十六封 抓紧你的手走过我的朝朝暮暮

Forty-sixth letters to your hand through my every morning and evening

第四十七封 陪在身边才算拥有

Forty-seventh to accompany in the side to be considered to have

第四十八封 你别皱眉你最珍贵

The forty-eighth seal you do not frown, you are the most precious

第四十九封 尽我所能

The forty-ninth seal to the best of my energy

第五十封 你是前提你是例外

The fiftieth seal is the premise that you are an exception

第五十一封 我有我自己你跟不跟我走

Fifty-first letters I have my own you and don't follow me go

第五十二封 好好的待在你身边是我唯一的心愿

Fifty-second good to be in your side is my only wish

第五十三封 我希望每次伸手你都在

Fifty-third letters I want to reach out to you every time

第五十四封 我任性也不是对所有人

Fifty-fourth, I am not a self willed all

第五十五封 如除我一人在你心 还多出一个人 瞒住我

The fifty-fifth seal, such as in addition to my one person in your heart also more than a person to hide me

第五十六封 念你名字一百遍就出现在我眼前好不好

Fifty-sixth read your name one hundred times in front of my eyes

第五十七封 你的怀抱是我的避风港

Fifty-seventh of your arms is my haven

第五十八封 喜欢你这些日子就像一本病历

The fifty-eighth love you these days is like a medical record

第五十九封 You are the one

第六十封 喜欢你的故事更喜欢故事里的你

The sixtieth like your story is more like the story of you

第六十一封 你的一言一行都牵扯着我的情绪

Sixty-first letters of your every word and action are involved with my emotions

第六十二封 你有多重要我也害怕让你知道

How important are sixty-second to you, I'm afraid to let you know

第六十三封 夜空霓虹都是我不要的繁荣

The sixty-third night sky neon is the prosperity that I don't want

第六十四封 我喜欢你 只是喜欢你哪有什么目的

The sixty-fourth seal I like you just like you which have what purpose

第六十五封 你不在的时候我在忙着长大

I was busy growing up when I was sixty-fifth

第六十六封 所有的不愉快都改变不了我对你的坚持

Sixty-sixth all the unhappy can not change my insistence on you

第六十七封 原谅我有时候注意不了你在意的细节

Sixty-seventh Forgive me Sometimes I can't pay attention to the details

第六十八封 爱过了你就没办法像爱你一样去爱别人

The sixty-eighth loved you can't love others like you

第六十九封 只要你在我身边我就不会迷路

Sixty-ninth, I won't get lost as long as you are with me

第七十封 遇见你真幸运

Seventieth lucky to meet you

第七十一封 等我长大

Seventy-first letters, I grew up

第七十二封 我没有固执只是不想再过不安定的生活

Seventy-second, I am not stubborn just do not want to live a stable life

第七十三封 你在 走到哪里都是童话

Seventy-third letters you go to where are the fairy tale

第七十四封 最暖不过在你身边

The seventy-fourth warmest on your side

第七十五封 还好我身边的是你

Seventy-fifth good thing to me is you

第七十六封 时间挺住 你就永远是我的

Seventy-sixth time hold on you will always be my

第七十七封 初识你名

The first seventy-seventh letters of your name

第七十八封 每天早上醒来 阳光和你都在

Seventy-eighth every morning when I wake up in the morning, the sun and you are in

第七十九封 我只是一个说谎者 所以我从来都不喜欢你

Seventy-ninth I am just a liar so I never love you

第八十封 在我心里

Eightieth seals in my heart

第八十一封 你的名字

Eighty-first letters of your name

第八十二封 是我见过

The eighty-second seal is that I have seen

第八十三封 最美的情诗

The eighty-third letter of the most beautiful poems

第八十四封 变成一条鱼 一生都不闭眼睛 一直看着你

The eighty-fourth seal into a fish life is not closed eyes have been watching you

第八十五封 你留下 或者我跟你走

Eighty-fifth letters you stay or I go with you

第八十六封 她们都是提到你 眼睛都在发亮

All eighty-sixth of them mention that your eyes are shining

第八十七封 遇见你是我最美的意外

Eighty-seventh met you is my most beautiful accident

第八十八封 你在身边世界只剩一个焦点

Eighty-eighth seal you in the side of the world just left a focus

第八十九封 我把前半生写在纸上

Eighty-ninth letters I wrote the first half of my life on paper

第九十封 后半生写在你的生命里

Ninetieth half a lifetime written in your life

第九十一封 我的你

Ninety-first of my you

第九十二封 从此你在我心里最温暖的地方

Ninety-second letters from you in my heart the most warm place

第九十三封 我会改掉不好的毛病

Ninety-third I will get rid of bad habits

第九十四封 喜欢就像一阵风

Ninety-fourth like a gust of wind

第九十五封 因为在乎

Ninety-fifth letters because of care

第九十六封 喜欢你应该是我干过最棒的事

Ninety-sixth like you should be the best thing I've ever done

第九十七封 陪你走到底只要你愿意

Ninety-seventh to accompany you to go in the end as long as you are willing to

第九十八封 情书是我抄的

The ninety-eighth love letter is my copy

第九十九封 但我喜欢你是真的

Ninety-ninth but I like you to be true

第一百封 别再到处流浪 别在深夜买醉 别喝陌生人给的酒 也别牵别人的手

100th don't wander around in the middle of the night don't drink do not drink wine to strangers don't hold the hands of others



I know there's an ocean between us,

and I wish that it weren't true,

for every day when I arise,

I yearn to be with you

Though a lot of distance lies between us,

you'll always be in my mind and my heart,

And every night beneath the stars,

I pray for the day we'll never be part

Every day I will be thinking about you When my eyes are closed, when I sing and dance to a love song, when I'm checking my email, I will be thinking about you When I go to sleep in the loneliness of my room and give in to wonderful dreams I will definitely be thinking about you

I know someday we will meet and spend our lives with each other I have waited for someone like you, and now that I have found you I will never let you go I love you so much, 玥玥!!

Love Always,


Dear ,

We've been friends for so long There have been lots of tears and so much laughter between us I feel closer to you than anyone else I've listened and hurt every time you fell in love, longing to be the one in your arms I've been there for you when every one of your relationships fell apart You listened and cried with me when we found out about the cancer and you stood by my side through all of it Now is the time to tell you that the waiting is over

The love you so desperately seek is here in my arms You've often asked why I'm not interested in any of the men who hit on me when we're all out I've always told you they weren't the one for me Now I'm telling you that you are the one for me You’re the one I dream about No one can make me laugh like you, even when I'm knee deep in tears The reason I've been alone for five longs years is this: I've been waiting for you to see the love in my eyes that's only for you I'll wait forever if that’s how long it takes I need you I miss you when you’re gone, and I hurt when you’re sad I love you, Brian, for everything you are

Love Always,


When I am with you, I feel alive You bring to me a happiness that no one else ever could You bring to me a love I have never known before I could not imagine what my life would be like without you You have touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend I love being with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you

Every day I wake up thanking God for you You have given me so much, and I don't know if I will be able to give back all that you have given me You have been my guiding light when I was lost You have been my comforter through all my trials and sorrow You have been my rock

Sometimes I feel lost and out of touch, but when you’re there, I feel safe Your voice soothes me I could sit here and try to tell you just how I feel, but I can't find the words other than I am ecstatic we met and have gotten together after all we've gone through

I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life, and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms I want to wake to your beautiful smile I want to share in your joys and sorrows I want to be your everything, because you are everything to me

I promise to always love you and always hold you in my heart I will always be here for you when you need me, and I will love you no matter what life brings us You are my soul mate, and I vow to love you all eternity I love you, baby


If only I could have come up with the right words to describe the depth of this beautiful feeling that I have for you, I would have whispered them to you the first time we met The best thing that I can do is to show you now

I love you so much, Sweetie You are the best thing that ever happened to me You are like the best poetry ever composed, the best song ever played, the best picture ever painted I never thought that someone like me could get so lucky!

I love you more than my life, more than my world I love you more and more each day and that is the most wonderful feeling any man can ever hope to experience

Forever Yours,


Honey, you have changed my life completely You're the one who makes me beautiful You're the one who makes me strong You're the one who makes me feel so important; you're everything to me

You show your love to me every day I thank God that I have found a man like you Please forgive me for not giving you enough time to chat with me, but I promise I will make up for it once we are together

All that I can offer you is a family I can offer you a family that will stick together through the good and the bad I can offer you a family that will support each other every day Honey, that's all I can giveI hope that’s what you want

I really wish that you were near me I wish that I could just call your name when I needed you and that you would be there However, knowing that you love me so much is enough for now, and if I can be your wife and a mother to your children, then I would wait forever to be with you Ti amo tesoro mio You're the only one that I want

Love Always,


From the very first moment I saw you I knew that we were destined to be together It has been so long since a woman has captured my attention so fully or made my heart beat the way it did that cool day in May Your smile lights up my entire spirit Your laughter fills me with joy, and your mere presence will warm any room I have no doubt you are the woman Heaven has made especially for me

Thank you for the comfortable conversations and for asking me to be yours Most importantly, thank you for sharing your love and wanting to make me your husband No matter how slowly or at what distance our courtship developes, I know standing before God and our future family, vowing to be your partner for life, was the easiest decision I could have ever made

Each day that passes makes our love for each other grow stronger Although I know it’s hard for us to be apart, I know there is nothing that can keep us apart forever Our desires will continue to stretch across any distance, over every mountain and ocean between us Nothing can stand between us, and nothing will stop me from meeting you

You are my future and nothing can ever keep us from our destiny I miss you more every day I am here with open arms where you will some day finally arrive right where you belong

Love Always,


You are the very air that I breathe, the very love that I need, my heart, my soul, my everything The sweetest of my memories come when I think of you I remember the very first day that I saw you, I could not believe I was looking at a human being I pinched myself the hardest one could ever do so as to wake myself up from the drunken stupor I was in For a moment I believed I was in heaven; I even danced to the music the angels were singing Upon opening my eyes I realized I was not in heaven but that an angel had come down to earth, just for me

The music of your voice surpasses that of the greatest orchestra belting out its very best composition Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating like the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water Your eyes dance like mermaids in the sunshine, promulgating the exotic beauty from within your innermost being Words alone limit me to explaining exactly how I feel about you

I can say you are the sole comforter to me, the only one who ever took the pain to understand me You dry every tear that falls down my cheeks Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me and I will forever cherish the moments we have spent together

Every night I dream of heaven, and I'd gotten used to the idea that they are looking for an angel, one that went missing the day you stepped into my life, the day all my sorrows were washed away and I took a step into the impossible, crossing the margin from natural to supernatural You are my angel and forever you will be The one whose memories I will treasure forever till the day I turn into an angel like you


In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love Love comes in many forms You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning

I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms, only to wake to your beautiful smile I want to share in your joys and sorrows I want to be your everything You are everything to me

You are everything I do You see and bring out the best in me You are the one I want to share everything with - my thoughts, hopes and dreams Thinking of you makes my heart feel full You are such a source of inspiration for me I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life So, to repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life

Love always,


I am writing you this letter in hopes that it will touch your heart I want you to know that no matter what happens I have always loved you and I always will I know that we are going through some really hard times right now, and you are doing the best that you can to make good out of a bad situation I just need to tell you that you are the answer to all of my prayers, and we will make it through this I need you to see that I am still here I need to hear that you still love me I need to feel your arms around me I need you

Please tell me you love me Please come home to me each night Please try and have room for me and your work

You should know that I would stick by you through anything by now I need you to help me out though I feel like I am dying inside I love you so much No matter what happens, never forget that

Love always,


Dear Baby,

I just wanted to let you know, how much I love all that you are and will be Without a doubt you keep me together and for the first time in my life I have something to believe in You truly are my love, my soul mate, and my best friend You've seen me at my worst and still take me as I am I thank God for you every day because I know you are heaven sent; you are my angel

The years will be a test, but nothing will keep me from loving you or from being by your side I love you more than you could even know You are my world

I love you so much,


It has been the most amazing 5 months of my life and I've already done things I have yet to actually realize We have come a very long way and stuck by each other's side through a lot of pain You have shown me what its like to love and be loved and that's my happiness It's all I need to have the most amazing life I can possibly have, and thank you for it

You've helped me understand a lot of things people don't think I understand or think that I'm allowed to understand which is what is making me a very strong person I have a lot more respect for love and people who have it To be mature, you have to be an adult But to be in love, you have to be nothing but a human being with a heart That is very much true No ones parents should prevent their children from falling in love with someone because of their age and it's not allowed You can't stop love, and you defiantly shouldn't put your own feelings on hold because someone is telling you "You're not allowed to love him because you're too young" I love you and I'm not going to be putting my feelings on hold to wait until my mom thinks its okay to love you You are everything to me, my life really, and I'm not going to give that up I can't live without a life

Honey, you are one of a kind and how people can say the things they do about you is beyond me I don't understand why people don't see you the way I do In my eyes, you are the most amazing person You understand me and care about me more than anyone else has ever even thought about You are so caring, and wonderful You're lovely We have a healthy relationship that is going to last a life time because you and I are willing to work at anything that needs to be worked at We communicate and even if sometimes it's hard to tell each other are feelings we still understand them when they aren't being talked about We have that being of singing when we're not talking We sing love, that song that is stuck in your head and never seems to disappear until you have stopped loving that person But it never gets boring, never gets old It has new rhythms every time I see you; it starts over every time I hear you and it repeats every time I think of you It's something I've grown too Something that I adjusted to and I won't ever leave it

Josh, we are going to make our lives amazing along with someone else's We are going to have an amazing family and an amazing home to live in I know now that what we have is so very truer because I can see myself in you I can see us in you, in your eyes Those beautiful eyes of yours shine every time you look at me, or our eyes meet It electrifies me - my whole being I wrote this letter to you from my heart From mine to yours I love you, Honey - forever


Ever since you came into my life with this heavenly made gift called "LOVE", I have noticed so many changes in my left alone world; you made me believe again that love comes to those who knows and listens to the music of love

You have touched my life in so many ways like being there for me at a time when all hope was lost When I was deserted and thought that the world has come to an end, you stood by me all through the rough and tough times You made me understand that life is all about appreciation and understanding but must be appreciated first before understanding

I want to make this promise based on the love that you have shown me and the things you have done to keep my hopes alive; Treasure, today, I declare my love for you alone, no one but you and it's from the bottom of my heart I promise to be there for you in good and bad times because you are worth dying for

I pray that the Good Lord watch over us till the end of time


Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening to my personal problems BHaby, I just want you to know how happy am I to have you in my life and I thank God for that Thank you for the love and the joy you bring You've changed my life, BHaby

You're the only boyfriend who gives my heart some excitement and thrills When I'm with you I feel like I'm out of control! You taught me how to handle life seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any fear when I'm with you, I feel no fear, not even a single one

I know that when you say you love me and I admit that I've fallen for you, I know that I wouldn't shed any tears from now on I love you and that's what I want you to bear in your mind, and it's for keeps

Yours and only yours,


The first time I heard you say the words, "I love you", it was like I have been taken to Cloud 9 and I haven't gone down until now Right after you uttered those words I asked myself, "Do I love you", and as I look for the answer, I again asked: have you given me any reasons not to No I then realized that I have already fallen in love with you, and yes I am so in love with you, Lloyd!

In the past, I had always yearned for someone to love, to cherish and to take good care of - to whom I would share my dreams with and make them come true I'd always walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought would never get filled You filled that hole I think back to how empty my life was without you, and I am so grateful that you are here I have found in you what it means to "love" I tell you a million times a day, each day that I love you Although you reciprocate these feelings, I am sure that you have no inkling of the magnitude of exactly what they mean to me You can do the slightest thing and it warms me You may not even realize it Each day has me falling more in love with you I love you more and more with each passing day And it eases me to know that as tomorrow approaches, I will love you more than yesterday and tomorrow will be more than today You are really God's gift to me my answered prayer that I will forever cherish in my heart

You are the most wonderful, kind, compassionate, romantic, smart, sensible, intelligent, talented, kind-hearted, thoughtful, congenial, affectionate, appreciative, loyal, caring, loving, passionate, handsome and an incredibly sexy man with "killer abs" I have ever met and I thank God everyday that you are mine! I love you with my whole existence, my whole life and nothing in this world can take that away! I love you more than I could ever explain More than I even understand You touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend

I hope today turns out to be the day I wished it to be for you Today, I'd like to give you this little glass that holds the unrelenting memories of my past that shackles my being I just have to give this to you and I have to do this for myself, for you, and for us Today, I give my life to you - my heart, my mind, my body and my soul I belong to you now

This may start sounding like a poem I don't know I just wanted to let you know that you are my heart, my everything, and the other half of my soul, that I love you with everything I have and hold Now, when I look towards the future, you are always pictured there Maybe, in this lifetime, you will never know how much I love, care and cherish you Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead I can't wait to spend forever with you

Happy Birthday, Honey! I love you so!

Yours and only yours,

PS i love u

够了吗,选选看吧 都是老美写的,绝对地道


 英文情话短句带翻译,每个女生都喜欢听情话,在甜甜的恋爱当中情话说的如此煽情,让人怎能不信呢, 爱情本该这样保持新鲜感才能长久,以下分享英文情话短句带翻译。


 But every once in a while, you find someone whos iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare


 I want to have ones heart until my hair white not leave


 Without you, however beautiful the city is, it is just null


 I will love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow


 If I could rearrange the alphabet, Id put "U" and "I" together


 The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return


 You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die


 I love you once I love you twice I love you more than beans and rice


 You make me want to be a better man


 My heart is with you


 Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to


 You are my favorite person in my life


 Every moment of each day, loving and missing you dominates every inch of my brain


 You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me


 I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet!


 You are my today and all of my tomorrows


 I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you


 I care about you deeply


 There is no meeting without predestination between you and me


 Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be


 You light up my life


 I can give you the world, but my world can give it all to you

 给不了你全世界 但我的世界可以全部给你

 Every day without you is like a book without pages


 Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning


 Im going to love you for a long time without the thought of giving up

 我打算爱你很久很久 没有想要放弃的念头。




 love is a light that never dims


 may your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight


 she who has never loved, has never lived


 life is the flower for which love is the honey


 no words are necessary between two loving hearts


 precious things are very few in this world that is the reason there is just one you


 you make my heart smile


 the road to a lover’s house is never long


 why do the good girls, always want the bad boys


 being with you is like walking on a very clear morning


 1、Within you I lose myself,without you I find myself wanting to be lost again


 2、 Ill love you as long as I live


 3、Will you accept me I wanna share my life with you


 4、You look more beautiful every time I see you


 5、 If the sun were to rise in the west, Id never change my mind to love you forever


 6、I love you for you


 7、For the same reason you like me, I like you, too


 8、Stepping forward cant finish the distance while going backwards cant get rid of the memory


 9、When I met you I knew would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love


 10、I will always keep a warm place in my heart for you




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