

黑人陈建州NBA中场大秀爱 向范玮琪求婚成功




《Candy kisses》——日向大介


I now close my eyes dreaming about you

warm like the sun

I know your love is so true

And baby all my candy kisses I give them to you

It's just the way you make me feel

You bring out this feeling in my heart

I know the ocean is wide, loves keep it so far

And baby all my candy kisses I give them to you

It's just the way you make me feel

When I see you smile, it's like the sun in the sky

It gives me such happy feeling deep inside

and when I hear you voice like the sweet melody

I feel so good you brought this to me

I close my eyes from dream love you

warm like the sun

I know your love is so true

And baby all my candy kisses I give them to you

It's just the way you make me feel

You bring out this feeling in my heart

I know the ocean is wide, loves keep it so far

And baby all my candy kisses I give them to you

It's just the way you make me feel

When I see you smile, it's like the sun in the sky

It gives me such happy feeling deep inside

and when I hear you voice like the sweet melody

I feel so good you brought this to me

I close my eyes from dream love you

warm like the sun

I know your love is so true

And baby all my candy kisses I give them to you

It's just the way you make me feel

It's just the way you make me feel

It's just the way you make me feel

It's just the way you make me feel

山下智久 饰 岩濑健


长泽雅美 饰 吉田礼

简介 岩濑健的青梅竹马玩伴,喜欢健,但答应了多田老师的求婚

藤木直人 饰 多田哲也

简介 吉田礼的未婚夫,曾担任主角们就读中学的见习老师

平冈佑太 饰 榎户干雄

简介 健的死党、同学,唯一察觉到健穿越时空的人

荣仓奈奈 饰 奥绘理

简介 礼的好友,对恋爱抱持积极追求的态度,后与鹤见尚相恋

滨田岳 饰 鹤见尚

简介 健的死党,追求绘理,屡遭拒绝但是仍然坚强乐观

三上博史 饰 妖精

简介 拥有控制时间能力的英国绅士风精灵,帮助健穿越时空

松重丰 饰 伊藤松宪

简介 健和礼等人的高中班导师及棒球队教练,还和主角们一起上大学

渡部豪太 饰 根津重人

简介 健和礼的高中同班同学,爱用哲语,被称为“苏格拉底”

菊池健一郎 饰 西尾保

简介 将军汉堡店店长,主角们读书时经常光顾他的店



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