

北方明珠 northern peral

浪漫之都 urban of romance

足球城city of soccer

服装城 fashion city

大连国际服装界 international fashion industry Dalian

大连国际会展中心 Dalian International Convention and Exhibition Center

会展2期 the 2th Exhibition

女骑警 Lady Rangers

海滩 beach

百年城雕 ancient statue of the city

轻轨 light rail

火车站 station

发现王国主题公园 rheme park of kingdom eploration

星海国宝 这个什么意思????

商业住宅 commercial resident

有轨电车 Tram

灯塔 lighthouse

市政府 city hall

华表 China Table

滨海路 coastal road

北大桥 the north bridge

俄罗斯一条街the russian street

高尔夫球场 golf course

雕塑 sculpture

海之韵 rhyme of sea

心酸的历史 the grieved history

殖民地 colony




当然是大连的广场了,夜景与白天的更是不一样啊,大连还开设了环城旅游观光巴士白天的与夜景观光路线。该线路与环城旅游观光巴士不同的是,主要往返在大连主干观景路——中山路、人民路一线,依次经过人民广场、奥林匹克广场、和平商业广场、星海广场、百年城雕广场、希望广场、友好广场、中山音乐广场、港湾广场,并可饱览星海会展中心、世界博览广场、现代博物馆、轻轨电车、贝壳博物馆、青泥洼商业街、水晶球、友谊商城、富丽华大酒店、香格里拉大饭店等我市知名旅游项目及部分特色建筑的美丽夜色。 夜景观光线路全长26公里,连续运行60分钟,发车间隔30分钟,每晚18点30分至20点30分在大连火车站南广场内的环城旅游观光巴士站点始发,搭载游客沿中山路向西运行,绕星海广场一周后沿中山路、人民路行至港湾广场,再返回胜利广场,满足游客“不需步行、饱览夜景”的观光需求。全线配备三台新上线的敞篷观光巴士和豪华空调大巴两种车型,票价每人次十元。夜间运行期间,车速将比白天稍慢。不过好象11月份要停运的,你可以先去火车站看看。














门票价格:海洋世界:100元��海洋世界+珊瑚世界:130元��海洋世界+珊瑚世界+极地世界:150元�� ��残疾人、65岁以上老人凭有效证件半价。13米以下(含)儿童免票。

































大连市物价局监制 投诉电话:12315

13米以下儿童免票 13米以上购成人票

























Natural And Geographic Situation

[Geographic Situation]

On the east coast of Eurasia and the southern tip of Liaodong peninsular in northeast China, Dalian stretches from 120¡ã58' to 123¡ã31' east longitude and 38¡ã43' to 40¡ã10' north latitude, with the Yellow Sea on the east, Bohai Sea on the west, facing the Shandong peninsular across the sea on the south and backed up by the vast Northeast Plain on the north Dalian is the marine gateway of northeast China, North China, East China and the whole world It is also an important port, and a trade, industry and tourism city

Dalian covers an area of 12574 square kilometers, among which 2415 square kilometers of area is the old city This area abounds with mountains and hills, while plains and lowlands are rarely seen The terrain, high and broad on the north, low and narrow on the south, tilts to the Yellow Sea on the southeast and the Bohai Sea on the northwest from the center The region which faces the Yellow Sea is long and gentle The Qianshan Mountain range of Chang Baishan Mountain system passes through the whole region from north to south Mountain regions and long eroded foothills are widely dispersed within the region Plains and lowlands are only interspersed near the confluence and in some valleys Kast topography and sea erosion topography are everywhere


Dalian lies in the warm temperate zone of the North Hemisphere, with maritime feature of warm temperate continental monsoon climate Thus, its four seasons are distinct with neither extremely cold weather in winter nor extremely hot weather in summer The average temperature of the year is 105¡ãC, the rainfall of the year is 550 to 950 millimeters and the whole year sunshine is 2500 to 2800 hours

[Water Resources]

There are mainly two large river systems, the Yellow Sea system and the Bohai Sea system The large rivers which flow into the Yellow Sea are Biliu River, Yingna River, Zhuanghe River, Xiezi River, Dasha River, Dengsha River, Qingshui River, and Malan River, etc while the main rivers which flow into the Bohai Sea are Fuzhou River, Li Guancun River, San Shilipu River Among them, the largest one is Biliu River, the source river of cross-valley water diversion In addition, there are more than 200 small rivers The total amount of fresh water resource is 3786 billion cubic meters, among which 342 billion cubic meters of water is ground water, 884 million cubic meters of water is underground water and 58 million cubic meters of water is shared by them both

[Administrative Divisions]

Dalian has 3 county-level cities (Wa Fangdian city, Pu Landian city and Zhuanghe city), 1 county (Changhai county) and 6 districts (Zhongshan district, Xigang district, Sha Hekou district, Gan Jingzi district, Lu Shunkou district and Jinzhou district) In addition, there are 4 state-level leading areas for opening up (the Development Zone, the Free Trade Zone, the Hi-Tech Industrial Zone and the Golden Pebble Beach National Holiday Resort)

History Of Dalian

As early as 6000 years ago, our ancestors first exploited Dalian region In Qin and Han period (221BC-220AD), Dalian region was under the jurisdiction of Liaodong county In the early period of Tang Dynasty (618-907), Dalian region was under the jurisdiction of Andong Prefecture in Jili state, and in Liao Dynasty (916-1125), it was under the jurisdiction of Dong Jing Tong Liaoyang county Dalian was named Sanshan in the period of Weijin (220-420), San Shanpu in Tang Dynasty (618-907), Sanshan Seaport in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and Qing Niwakou in Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) In the 1880¡ˉs, Qing government constructed loading bridges and fortifications with built-in cannons, and set up mine camps in the northern coast of Dalian gulf, making it become a small town After the invasion and occupation of Russia, the city was called Qing Niwa and was renamed Dalian in 1899During the 1st and 2nd Opium War, Dalian was invaded and harassed by the British army As the main battlefield of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and Japanese-Russian War, Dalian suffered great calamity in these two wars in modern history Consequently, Dalian became Russian and Japanese colony for nearly half a century, meanwhile under the Japanese colonial rule for 40 years The unconditional surrender of Japan on August of 1945 marks the liberation of Dalian in the anti-fascist war, thus ends 40 years¡ˉ colonial rule over the city On September of the same year, the Preparatory Committee of Dalian Workers' Union was founded On October, the northeast bureau of the Communist Party of China appointed Mr Hanguan secretary of the CPC Dalian Committee, and the CPC Dalian Committee and Dalian municipal government were founded On July of 1946, the CPC Dalian Committee was reorganized into the CPC L¨1da committee From 1949 to 1956, the socialist transformation was almost finished From 1957 to 1966, the all-around socialist construction started From 1966 to 1976, Dalian experienced the Cultural Revolution After 1976, Dalian entered the new period of socialist modernization construction In 1984, Dalian was approved by the State Council to be the coastal open-up city and was designated as the city with separate economic plan in 1985, enjoying provincial level decision-making authority


[Economic Aggregate]:

Comprehensive economic strength continued to improve Preliminary estimation indicated that Dalian¡ˉs GDP in 2008 grew to 38582 billion yuan, representing a 165 percent increase over the previous year calculated at constant prices Of the total, the added value of primary industry was 2891 billion yuan, up by 81 percent; that of secondary industry 19939 billion yuan, up by 196 percent; tertiary industry 15752 billion yuan, up by 144 percent The proportion of three industries was 75: 517:408 and the ratios of their contributions to economic growth were 36 percent, 583 percent and 381 percent respectively If calculated according to the average permanent population, the per capita GDP of Dalian was 63,198 yuan, equivalent to USD 9,099 converted at the average exchange rate of 2008

[Fiscal revenue]:

The fiscal revenue kept growing The general budgetary revenue of local governments totaled 3391 billion yuan, increasing by 265 percent year-on-year Of which, city level revenue was 1519 billion yuan, up by 253 percent (up by 258 percent on comparable basis); district and county level revenue was 1872 billion yuan, up by 275 percent (up by 271 percent, on comparable basis) The general budgetary expenditure of local governments was 41 billion yuan, up by 19 percent over the previous year Expenditures on key livelihood programs were effectively guaranteed, with expenditures on education, agriculture, forestry and fishery, social insurance, employment, and medical care soaring by 352 percent, 241 percent, 206 percent and 366 percent respectively Dalian Municipal State Taxation Bureau organized tax contributions of 2452 billion yuan, up 211 percent; Local Taxation Bureau organized tax contributions of 2554 billion yuan, up 228 percent; tax levied by the customs reached 2901 billion yuan, up 42 percent

[Price index]:

The consumer price index (CPI) rose by 44 percent year-on-year, with the growth rate 04 percentage points higher The price indexes of commodities and service items were 57 percent and 16 percent up respectively (Table 1) Factory gate prices of industrial products increased by 808 percent over the previous year, the growth rate up by 481 percentage points Overall purchase price index of raw materials, fuels and power all year around grew by 1769 percent over the previous year, with the growth rate of 1233 percentage points higher

DalianDalian was the place where I lived and studied ,my undergraduate course was passed in therei got so many fine memory in Dalian ,now today I want to guide everybody to Dalian Dalian is an important and best-known summer resort and tourist city in the north of China With a mild climate and distinctive seasons, it attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world First sight spotTiger BeachThere is a touching folklore about Tiger Beach It is a love story about a hunter and a beautiful girl They fell in love at first sight A tiger demon lusted after the charming of the girl and possessed her The hunter vowed to take his lover back After a fierce battle, the hunter killed the tiger, but he lost his fair lady forever Now in Tiger Beach Park, people still could find tiger cave and sharply-cut rocksNow, the tiger beach has become Subject Park of the sea, more and more people arrive here, and feel the sea breathSecond sight spotStar-Sea ParkStar-Sea Park is a 800-meter long, bow-shaped bathing beach Black reefs scatter over the bay, appear indistinctly as the tide waves leap It is a good place for bathing, swimming, diving, camping, boating, fishing and barbecuing Third sight spotIce ValleyIce Valley attract visitors with its unique landscape The charming scenes are as intriguing as the famous Stone Forest and as delicate as Guilin Scenery with hills and waters Legend tells Lee Shimin, a Tang Dynasty emperor, led his expedition and stopped in the valley in spring time He was surprised to see that outside the valley was a world of green woods and colorful flowers whereas inside the valley was a space of ice and snow The emperor named the place of wonder "Ice Valley" Forth sight spotSwallow Nest Hill It is named after a group of black swallows By the sea stands many precipitous rocks and sheer cliffs, on which black swallows settle their nests On top of the hill, you may enjoy the view of vast sea and azure sky and diverse shapes of rocks, while listening to swallow's chirping and the sound of whitecaps Isn't it a wonderful nature Dalian is a beautiful city , if you want to travel in dalian one day, I am glad to become your tour guide, and enjoy a good trip to Dalian with you






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on vast Northeast China Plain Be northeast China , North China , east China and the world

everywhere sea door , be important harbour , trade , industry , tour city The whole city always

covers an area of 12574 square kilometers , old urban districts among them cover an area of 2415

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Dalian's climate is good, warm in winter and cool in summer, four distinct seasons

Maritime climate

After all, north of the city, some dry, but compared to other northern city, Dalian sea, or some water vapor, not very dry The most suitable habitat in Dalian city was awarded by the United Nations, that is the first award of the city of China

I'm sure you'll fall in love with this city when you come to Dalian

Welcome to Dalian

¡¤Xinghai Park

As typical incity coastal park, it''s composed of a 800-meter-long bow-shaped bathing beach and a 150,000 m2 land garden Lawns, trees, flowers, xysts and fountains, all make up the park''s appeal to Dalianers and visitors alike, offering them an ideal place to bath, swim, stroll, dive, camp, boat, fish or barbecue

Tl: 4671415 Ticket: RMB10

¡ñOpening Hours: 730am-530pm

(in summer closing time is extended)

¡ñPublic Transportation: No 22/2¡­

¡¤Sunasia Ocean World

It was once the only underwater tunnel aquarium in China and boasts the longest acrylic tunnel (118 meters) throughout Asia

A moving level passage guides tourists through the transparent tunnel to experiences the mysterious underwater life Right beside you are over 200 kinds of rare fish from around the world It also has a warship model exhibition, a touch zone with ocean beasties, and a doodle room for kids

The most exciting experience involve watching divers feeding the sharks and seeing the sharks grabbing food in front of your eyes

Recently penguins from the South Pole have hatched their young there

¡ñAdd: Inside the Xinghai Park

¡ñTel: 468 5136

¡ñOpening Hours: s8am-5pm in summer, 9am-4pm in winter

¡ñTicket: RMB70

¡ñTransportation: No 22/23/28/202/406/711/801/K901 Bus


¡¤Oriana Liner

The world''s only deluxe liner-theme Park

A Splendid Emperor''s Palace on the Sea & A Floating Convivial Resort

As one of the four global famous ocean liners, Oriana was built by the same ship-builder as the noted Titanic, and was launched at the same port as it, yet the White Princess was much luckier It was in service from 1906 to 1986, and has navigated through over 100 major harbors of the world, passing by such famous sites as the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, the Silver Sand Beach of the Mediterranean Sea and the Statue of Liberty in the US In 1986, the liner crashed with an US aircraft carrier The carrier was severely damaged yet on Oriana only the power system was damaged The repair was too costly to bear and after that she was mothballed in Japan, and then Shanghai In July of 2002, she was renovated and sent to Dalian

O Show in Grand Red Mill Theatre

Powerful array, fabulous design and gallant dresses on the stage make you feel as if you were in a scene of Moulin Rouge, a Hollywood blockbuster

The Oriana recreates the glamorous and sumptuous parisian past

Theme Ent & Activities Zone

The area features rich topical style: exciting activities like tribal dancing, deck acrobatics, cable & backstay climbing, high-stage diving, and lifeboat training make for an incredible feeling

Leisure Meeting Center

Artistic renovation was done elaborately, paying close attention to even the smallest detail With complete facilities like banquet halls, leisure bars, ballrooms, a mini cinema, a gymnasium, a swimming pool, a card saloon, and a sauna, all at your disposal

¡ñHotline: 480 1666

¡ñTicket: RMB80 for the first time, and 1 yuan later within one year

¡¤Polar Aquarium

A trip to polar regions shall be an unimaginable experience to average people, yet coming visitors here to the Polar Aquarium find themselves in a crystal ice-snow world anytime of the year

The aquarium was opened in 2002, animals both from the south polar and the north polar regions, including polar bears, penguins, polar belugas and sea elephants share neighborhood here Altogether the aquarium has 11 species of 153 polar animals and it also boasts of 3,000 fish Standing in a 360o channel one seems to live together with the multitude of fish A showcase of 300-odd sharks and performances by dolphins also deserve high recommendations as well

In the sea animal section, one can touch fur seals, sea dogs, and sea lions

It is currently the largest polar aquarium in the world

¡ñ Tel: 289 3111 / 289 3000

¡ñ Ticket: Aquarium RMB90, Sea Animals Hall RMB30

¡¤Tiger Beach Ocean Park

It''s a AAAA national tourist spot situated in south of the city The name of Tiger Beach comes from a beautiful legend, yet the actual versions you hear from the locals vary

New highlights include a polar aquarium, a world''s biggest coral exhibition hall and a water-skiing course

¡¤Dalian Port

Originally Dalian came into existence because of its great natural harbor, and has gained much of its prosperity by taking advantage of it Dalian Port, with its prime geographical location and deep water, never freezes or silts up It''s the maritime transportation center of northern China, and one of the most important trade harbors across East Asia

Currently ships from more than 160 countries and regions in the world have passed through this harbor The corridor between Dalian and Yantai is the busiest sea route in the country In 2002, the general handling capacity of the harbor hit 100 million tons Boarding the "Dalian No1" deluxe yacht is a good way to view the harbor in its entirety

¡ñTel: 262 3087 / 262 6933-8123 (Yacht Dept of Jiaotong Int''l Travel Agency)

¡ñTransportation: Terminal of No 13, 708 Bus Ticket: RMB12 (harbor visiting)

¡¤Fujiazhuang Bathing Beach

In April of 2002 the beach was ranked as one of the national 15 best bathing beaches by the Ocean Administration of China (Altogether two in Dalian, the other is the Golden Coast in Golden Pebble Beach Resort) Five km from the city centre, the Beach is the most popular one in town and at times can be quite crowded

450m in length, and 32 m wide, mid-sized grains of sand make up this beach Bear in mind, 100 meters off shore is a steep drop off, those with limited swimming skills should be careful

¡¤Binhai Road

If you come to Dalian by plane, when your plane flies over the city, look down and you may find what looks like a dancing silk ribbon inlaid between the southern mountains and sea -- it''s the Binhai Road, otherwise known as the "Coastal Road" It offers a delightful sightseeing route and is one of the must see attractions of the town

The coastline of Dalian stretches for 1906 km Ten major scenic spots dot the Southern Seaside Scenic Area, in addition to 10 major bathing beaches -- All can be accessed by the Binhai Road In 1988, the Area was ranked as one of the China''s Major Scenic Areas

The road starts from Haizhiyun Square at its east and ends at Heishijiao at its west, the whole length extends 425 km It is the best route for hiking and going for driving in town: on the mountain side grow thriving trees, flourishing flowers, and on the other the steep and rugged cliffs quicken one''s health and a vast expanse of calm, blue, or misty, rolling water delights one''s eyes The air of the region is so fresh that tourists coming here apply the name of "natural oxygen bar" to it spontaneously



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