求这段视频里面的两段背景音乐 内容就是那个男孩拍视频向女孩求婚的

求这段视频里面的两段背景音乐 内容就是那个男孩拍视频向女孩求婚的,第1张

这段视频里面的两段背景音乐 内容就是那个男孩拍视频向女孩求婚的

第一段 On A Night Like This 歌手是Dave Barnes(千万别搞错了)

第二段 小手拉大手 歌手是梁静茹




你去verycd搜一下原声大碟武侠音乐系列 可能会找到这里面的背景音乐


1It's What You Need---cloud cult

2Let's Get Retarded---black eyed peas

3A Little Less Conversation







Death Cab for Cutie - Brothers on a Hotel Bed




You may tire of me

As our December sun is setting

Because I'm not who I used to be

No longer easy on the eyes

But these wrinkles masterfully disguise

The youthful boy below

Who turned your way and saw

Something he was not looking for

Both a beginning and an end

But now he lives inside

Someone he does not recognize

When he catches his reflection on aident

On the back of a motorbike

With your arms outstretched, trying to take flight

Leaving everything behind

But even at our swiftest speed

We couldn't break from the concrete

And the city where we still reside

And I have learned

That even landlocked lovers yearn

For the sea like navy men

Because now we say goodnight

From our own seperate sides

Like brothers on a hotel bed

Like brothers on a hotel bed

Like brothers on a hotel bed

Like brothers on a hotel bed

You may tire of me

As our December sun is setting

Because I'm not who I used to be


第一首Requiem for a Dream,**《梦之安魂曲》主题曲,所以也叫梦之安魂曲。

第二首DJ OKAWARI - Fllower dance





大概是5分整开始的吧 叫the dawn 或者亡灵序曲也能搜到



2假如爱有天意 卡洛儿

楼主啊 ,还有什么疑问吗?


跪求这段视频里面的背景音乐 歌名



喜多村英梨 - Taste of Paradise

Matthew: Without you, I'm as lonely as an abandoned dog on the side of a highway I have gift anxiety, even through I don't know when your birthday is We can spend perfect days shopping and cleaning together I swear, I'll never make wisecracks when you scrape your tires against the curb while parallel parking If you consent to live with me, I'll clean the toilet every week I'll do it with my tongue if you ask I will strike the words "hooters" and "love rockets" from my vocabulary I'll love you Even if your name is Mimi and you want me to pronounce it "May May" I will only pass gas underneath the covers and under the direst of circumstances Hell, I'll go on a low cholesterol diet And I won't buy one of those red sports cars when I hit my mid-life crisis Your parents can come visit us every week, even if your mom is a witch with a capital B And your folks don't have to go to a retirement home because they can come live with us I declare, I'll separate the whites from the colors and learn the mysteries of hot and cold water washes I'll never huff and puff while waiting for you to put on my makeup If you're a cat person, I'll never point out the fact that a dog can save your life from drowning, but a cat can't I will happily go see chick flicks with you, like "Pride and Prejudice" I'll make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo I won't curl my nose at vegetables whose awful taste is disguised by having cheese on it I pledge to always say "yes" when you ask, "Is my hair looking okay tonight" I'm gonna bring a whole new meaning to the word "cuddle" I'll be thoughtful enough to read your horoscope every day I'm gonna save every birthday card you send me! And I'll actually write you real letters when we're apart I'm never gonna expect you to know where I left my car keys, and I'll never leave my socks on the floor With me, you'll find the cap is always on the toothpaste I'll start wearing those bikini style underwear if you like My belly button will always be lint free I want to full-on kiss your clitoris It will be the most passionate, intimate experience you've ever had I declare now, I will give my life for you And if you fail to come to me, I know some part of me will surely die

Rod: Man, keep it easy, and if she's easy, take her twice

Rod: As they say, she's nice from a far, but far from nice

Matthew: Men have this anti-intimacy force field around them It is powered by sarcasm, humor, and aversion

Matthew: Isn't American cheese appropriately named It's fake and processed, just like America

Matthew: It was if I was a perverted Prince Charming Instead of possessing Cinderella's glass slippers, I had her panties

Matthew: And on of them is my true love, my forever soul mate, the Betty to my Barney, my kismetic destiny The problem is I don't know who she is

Matthew: It must have been the cloak of darkness concealing my usual romantic retardation, because that night, I was smart I was funny I was invincible

Matthew: I think the only 'ists' there should be are humanists

Patty: In High School, you would have called me a slut Now, in College, you call me a good time

Patty: There's a certain way a man stares at a woman he loves The man looks like a boy on his birthday And he treats the woman as if she were a gift that he's wanted so long to open and now he can't wait to see what the treasure is inside

Matthew: There are no clearly defined rules between men and women So, each side thinks they're playing fair and each side thinks they're being cheated Maybe, this is why men and women have the innate ability to bring out the poison in one another

Matthew: I've seen you around You're a natural born hipster

Crick: Natural born hipster

Matthew: Yeah The next evolution of a jock You traded in your letterman jacket for a manicured goatee and a Eurotrash ponytail You're the worst kind of cool You're the kind of guy who wears male make-up A real fashion plate You're proof that those boy-toy doofuses in those men's magazines are all rump rangers


◎年 代 2003

◎国 家 意大利

◎类 别 剧情




http://vyoukucom/v_show/id_XNDUzMTUxOTY=html (A)

http://vyoukucom/v_show/id_XNDUzNzU2MDg=html (B)


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/3306924.html

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