

#英语资源# 导语在雪花飘舞的冬天里,我们迎来了圣诞圣诞节是一个热闹非常的节日,圣诞节里还有着许多的传说。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


 Christmas is the happiest thing for our family every year, because we can get the gift he wants most on that day

 I thought: "this year's Christmas must be different from previous years One is to fulfill my wish for an old man next to my house, and the other is to go out and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere" I am a child of a peasant family My father came home to farm this autumn and came back very late I am hungry and afraid Just then, the neighbor's grandfather came to me, asked why, took me to his house, had dinner, and arranged to do my homework at his house

 I was deeply moved by this event and thought I would thank him for the opportunity When Christmas came, my father took me to the mall and the park I don't know Christmas is so beautiful! There are beautiful Santa Claus in different shapes Happy Christmas songs can be heard everywhere, which makes people feel like the new year The atmosphere is no worse than that of the Spring Festival!

 After visiting the streets and parks with my father, I came to a shopping mall and bought a tower shaped Santa Claus with my pocket money It is very beautiful Its small lights are like twinkling stars in the sky and colorful small lanterns They are very beautiful! Give it to the old man who cares about me on Christmas Eve Give the old man a surprise and let him share the happiness of Christmas with us I think this Christmas makes me the happiest and happiest Christmas


 The day before the beautiful Christmas, I wrote a letter to Santa Claus asking him to give me a Christmas gift, a beautiful princess skirt

 After writing the letter, I put it on the balcony excitedly One day later, the letter was quietly taken away I was very excited and looked forward to receiving the gift soon After waiting for two long days, I found a packaged princess dress on the balcony When I was very excited to open the package, I found that it was a good and beautiful dress It was my favorite pink There was a layer of soft wool on the collar and two small hairy thread balls tied on the belt I couldn't wait to put it on and try it on It was very suitable in size I looked like a real little princess in the mirror

 Wearing beautiful clothes, my mind is full of magical fantasies: Santa Claus must be a very kind and lovely old man On this festival, he rides a beautiful float, pulled by two divine deer, loaded with all kinds of Christmas gifts He starts from his place of residence, Rovaniemi, Finland, and sends gifts to people all the way How hard should he be, And how happy people feel!

 I once complained about why Santa Claus gave me gifts three days after I wrote a letter Later, I thought, maybe Santa Claus drove around the supermarket three times and didn't buy gifts He found the princess skirt the fourth time; It may also be that his magic is not good enough and he has practiced his divine power for three days before he changes the princess skirt I want

 In order to meet people's wishes, Santa Claus takes pains to bring happiness to people In addition to thanking him, I should also study hard and be a happy child And, from now on, I also want to be a happy messenger, learn to help others, help classmates and friends, help teachers and family, and bring them happiness!


 I have a friend who was given to me by my mother on children's day It is Santa Claus

 Santa Claus is an eraser He has a red hat, a red nose, red clothes, red trousers and a large white beard It is characterized by obesity, so it is much heavier than other rubbers It is much shorter than sister ruler, only seven or eight millimeters It is really indescribable

 Let me tell you a little secret Do you want to hear it Well, I tell you, but I can't tell Santa Claus! Every time, when I write wrong words, Santa Claus runs crazy to me like an emergency The fat meat on the beer belly swings up and down It looks ridiculous When it flew to my homework book, it was very tired But it kicked out the wrong words as usual and asked me to rewrite them I only wrote them again with kindness and unwillingness When my words are crooked, it will fall from the sky and sweep away the ugly words Like a great Xia, it's a pity that fat meat perfectly destroys Santa's handsome When my handwriting is very good, Santa can only stay with the stationery box commander But he was not sad, but looked at me with a smile, like saying, "keep it!" but he never forgot to come out to see me

 It has been with me for several years I want to love and protect it, because it is my forever friend I'll try my best to write well, or I won't be able to keep its beer belly!


 In my study, I still keep a bear, which is my 6-year-old Christmas memory

 When I was 6 years old, I believed in a legend At Christmas, Santa Claus will drive a sled to the children's bed quietly and put their favorite gifts into the socks prepared in advance When the children open it early tomorrow morning, they can scream surprise

 At that time, I was so happy that I seemed to want the whole world to know about it The little bear is snow-white, with black eyes, an inverted triangular nose and a small mouth There is also a silver gray bow tie on the chest Anyone will like it!

 This little bear has always been my spiritual pillar When I am happy, share my joy with it; When you are sad, tell it your pain; When you feel bad, find a way to be happy with it This little bear has always been my most precious treasure

 Even now, it is my friend When the exam is bad, study with it; When bored, read books and play games with it; When you are upset, vent with it It has always been my playmate


 Tonight is my long-awaited Christmas Eve Snowflakes are flying in the air Some seem to be nodding to us, some are like flawless white flowers falling on the earth

 The stars in the sky twinkle, some blink in the air, some dance in the air Stars make the sky more beautiful and richer The snow on the ground is like a designer It designs a beautiful white quilt for the earth Santa Claus is wearing red clothes and a red hat, with a white cotton ball at the top, two white beards on his face, a black belt around his waist, boots and elk

 When he arrived in the big city, he relaxed his steps, drove the elk to the poor people's house, climbed into the chimney and carried a red bag Suddenly the light turned on Santa Claus was in a hurry and hid behind the sofa, but the little boy found him The boy cheered and was very happy "Santa Claus is coming, Santa Claus is coming!" the parents upstairs were awakened The old man gave the prepared gift to the boy and disappeared into the chimney

 Christmas is fun everywhere I really look forward to Christmas next year!


 Finally came the Christmas that I had been looking forward to for a long time We also held a fun and lively get-together among our young journalists with the theme of "games are crazy"

 When it comes to games, everyone likes them very much No, there are a lot of games prepared by the teacher, including stepping on balloons, driving trains, guessing crossword puzzles, looking at questions, doing actions, receiving water and passing cups, etc I participated in three games, among which the number of games I played was to pass the cup through the water

 In the game of receiving water and passing cups, the teacher divided us into two groups, and then asked the first student to pour water and the last student to receive water The middle four students passed water with paper cups in their mouths In the competition within the specified time, which group received the most water and which group was the winner I was divided into the first group, standing in the middle responsible for delivering water

 The game looks simple and difficult to play According to the method suggested by the teacher, I overlapped the edge of the paper cup a little, and then bit it with my mouth, so that the paper cup has hardness and it is very convenient to pick up water In front of me, the reporter in charge of receiving water is Zhang Annie She is tall and can receive a lot of water every time, but when passing and pouring water to me, she needs to bend down, but I need to stand on tiptoe, but in the end, she still sprinkles a lot on the ground

 Five minutes passed quickly We only received half a glass of water It was tragic The result was predictable, but the other group received a large glass of water Of course, we were eliminated

 In this game, although we lost the game, we won the spirit of teamwork The key is to participate The key is that all our little journalists have been very happy in this activity This is the happiest thing for us this Christmas


 Childhood is a dream, childhood is colorful, my childhood is happy

 Christmas is coming My mother and I went to a friend's house to attend a Christmas party This is a do it yourself party Adults are making delicious food The children and I began to decorate the venue We carefully connected a large Christmas tree section by section, then separated its branches and leaves, and finally put some decorations After our dressing up, a big and beautiful Christmas tree appeared We looked at each other and smiled happily I really feel a sense of success! At this time, delicious food is ready We ate and laughed

 We can't wait any longer and can't wait to perform Li Yuqing first appeared She performed singing Her crisp singing and beautiful movements deeply attracted the audience Her singing won applause from the audience Then came a 3-year-old sister Don't underestimate her She sings songs with rich expressions and movements It's my turn to play the piano I want to avoid mistakes I chose a favorite and simple song to perform My eyes looked at the score carefully, my fingers began to dance, and I played happily I enjoy the atmosphere at the moment Then there were children performing Taijiquan and dancing Our performance ended happily

 Excited, we picked up the cake and butter to design our favorite cake After a while, all kinds of cakes came into being We appreciate each other and praise each other We are so talented Therefore, we won a long-awaited gift - yo yo

 I had a happy and meaningful Christmas Thank you, mom and aunts


 This year's Christmas is the first Christmas after school I have a good time with my classmates

 At Friday's bazaar, I bought a Dora book, a flute, a lazy toy and a racing car They are all my favorite I'm very happy

 On Saturday, when I had a good football class, I rushed to the playground and played games with my classmates My favorite game is the "three legs" game At the beginning, my mother and I competed with GUI Tianao and his mother My mother said to listen to my 'password and go We walked very fast Later, there was a new combination I competed with GUI Tianao, my mother and GUI Tianao's mother, and two children competed with two mothers At first, GUI Tianao and I didn't cooperate well I fell down GUI Tianao said to take out the left foot first and then the right foot I remember Then count "left, right, left, right" in your heart As a result, we cooperated well, much faster than our mother's combination We won the victory, and GUI Tianao and I jumped up happily

 On Sunday, Mao Jiaxuan's family held a Christmas party I attended with many children I heard that there was a magic show We were all looking forward to it When I started making cookies, I made a bell While waiting for the magician to prepare, we happily ate French fries Uncle magician played cards very well What impressed me most was that he turned all the blue cards into red It was amazing! However, the happiest thing was that he gave each child a magic prop, a chain and a metal ring, and taught everyone how to tie a knot when the metal ring passed through the chain I tried twice and succeeded It's so fun After the magic show, we exchanged gifts, shared the cake, and then went home


 On Saturday evening, the Christmas party organized by the parents' committee of our class will be held in the multi-function hall on the sixth floor of Dow group My mother and I had dinner early and drove away

 When I came to the sixth floor door, I pushed the door hard Wow, two Christmas trees stand on the stage like two loyal soldiers There are all kinds of decorations hanging under the stage It's amazing!

 At 6:30, two beautiful hostesses, Huang Yiyang's mother and Peng Chuhan's mother, stood on the stage and said in their loudest voice, "the party officially begins!" suddenly, thunderous applause broke out

 The lights are getting dark I thought there was a power failure! At this time, a Santa Claus in a red robe, a red hat and a lot of books in his hand is tiptoe and gently coming to us He handed out gifts to everyone one by one The children were happy with gifts in their hands

 The light came on, and there was a jazz drum on the stage Zhang Ziyang sat on a stool, and the music sounded Zhang Ziyang skillfully beat the drum with the beat of the music The sound was like a bolt from the blue, a bell, a typhoon of level 11, and a feather floating in the air After the performance, he bowed to us politely

 One by one, I was most impressed by Wang Qian's dance Her light steps and skilled movements won the loudest applause

 The party ended with the happy song of little apple Thank mom and dad for fulfilling our Christmas dream


 Christmas is Christmas on December 25 every year It was originally a festival in western countries Now we Oriental people also like Christmas very much The night before Christmas is Christmas Eve This night, Grandpa Christmas is busy quietly giving gifts to the children, trying to surprise the children

 Every child likes Christmas because they will receive their favorite gifts on this day From the memory of my childhood, the gifts I received include bell, chocolate, fruit candy and pencil sharpener I imagine the kind white bearded Santa Claus, wearing christmas hat, Christmas clothes, driving a sledge and carrying a gift bag, giving gifts to each child I wish the children grow up healthily, be clever and sensible Until the evening two days before Christmas this year, an uncle and his daughter came to our house and talked about Christmas The uncle said, "Christmas is coming, and mom and dad are going to give you gifts again" I was surprised and asked, "isn't grandpa Christmas giving gifts" my daughter smiled and said: "There's no Santa Claus! It's just a legend In fact, all the gifts are from my parents!" at this time, I realized that there are no gifts from Santa Claus at all, and the gifts I received were bought by my parents and put quietly at the head of my bed They hope their children are happy and happy and go to a higher level in the new year

 On the night of the carnival night, my parents took me to Xinjiekou, the most prosperous area It was full of lights and people People came to the square with fireworks, sparks flying, driving everyone's heart Outside the gate of the mall, the stars on the green Christmas tree twinkled, carrying the wishes of many people Merry Christmas is not so much the happiness of children as the happiness of parents to children Children create happiness

It was Christmas Day yesterdayOn December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ。 I had a good time with my friends We had a Christmas Party at school We sang many Christmas songs and told some Christmas stories And we gave many gifts to erch otherI got a cute dog from my best friend ,and a beautiful pencil case from my deskmete TomI wasveryhappyWe knew after Christmas the New Year was coming So we said "Happy New Year" to each other

We made up our mind that we would study hard to make great progress in the coming year

I think I had a good time


Yi, from where the songs and laughter Oh, is our eighth grade students an English Christmas party On the night of Christmas day, really let us happy "foreign" one more time

The "foreign", not the general, it has a special meaning Way, it is in order to celebrate Christmas; Secondly is in order to improve the students to learn English interest; Three to is to let students happily in school life Not such a windbag, come to the point!

See, the beauty of the Christmas tree was the teacher dress up like a fashionable girl Beautiful lights, is she beautiful dress, candy is her skirt mosaics of the flower, pretty great

Look, Santa Claus, we kind of miss Yang armed, still really good! He happy smile walk, the gift gave everyone without reservation See you again, each one's face are written with happiness and joy

Then, students wrote in English program from infected with everyone

You see, 84 classes choreographed show jumping notes, it is in our mind, between dancing Their performance in the above, a below the lines, said the skilled action and tacit cooperation, let a person pleasantly surprised

Program continues, enthusiastic audience handle all clap hemp

Christmas Eve, we have a new understanding of English, we have to is happy to body











 It was one of the last days before Christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager Christmas shoppers

 At one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes

 When the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice "Thank you very much, madam," the old lady suddenly cried out, "Oh, I almost forgot"——"Anything else, madam" said the girl, "Yes," began the old lady, "I'd like to buy another pair, but I' m not quite sure about what exactly I should cloose I wonder if you could help me" "Certainly, madam", was the girl's reply The old lady then went on to explain that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age She was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too

 The tired girl did her best to help the old lady make up her mind, showing her ail kinds of gloves

 At last the chosen pair of gloves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the girl was about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a little parcel and said, "These now, dear, these are for you and thank you for being so patient I do hope you have a merry Christmas !"



 最后女售货员开了发票,疲乏地说了声“非常感谢,太太”,正要转向下一个顾客时,老太太突然叫了起来,“哦,我差点忘了……”“还要别的什么 吗,太太”女售货员问道。“是的,”老太太说了起来,“我想再买一双,不过我不知道该选什么样的。不知你能不能帮我选选。”售货员的回答是“当然可以, 太太。”老太太接着解释说,她要买的是一双像女售员这样年轻的姑娘戴的手套。她一点也不知该选什么颜色。再说,选什么式样也是个问题。




 Christmas is the most important festival in the western world It falls on December 25th When my mother and I stayed in America, we were invited by one of my mother's friends to have Christmas with an American family We bought some presents for our American friends on our way to their house

 They had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house, such as Christmas candles, cakes, cards, little toys, biscuits and so on A Christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall How beautiful it was! We were impressed by these We had a big meal After dinner, they told us some interesting stories about Christmas We learned that Christmas had something to do with God We went to bed at midnight Though we knew the Santa Claus was not true, we were still waiting for the Santa Claus with white beard to bring us presentsAnd we received many beautiful presents the next morning

 This Christmas was really unforgettable Not only did I have a good time, but also I knew something about foreign culture





 I like Christmas, it is just like our Spring Festival   Maybe the Spring Festival is much more important and interesting than Christmas, but I like Christmas Day better Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during Christmas When it is snowy, Christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales I can imagine I am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on What a beautiful place! So we can also call Christmas “Snowy Lovely Day”   On Christmas Day, shops are red and green There are so many Christmas cards, Christmas hats, Christmas dolls and many colourful things So shops look very beautiful We can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “Merry Christmas” By the way, I think studying can also become much more interesting   Christmas is coming, it also means a new year will come Let’s study harder to welcome the new year!







 December 25 is my happiest day because it's Christmas day

 On Christmas Eve, my mother and father were going to take me, my sister and my sister to the liberation tablet I was so excited to hear this news When we arrived at the monument, we saw a beam of colorful lights, bright and bright, glittering with silver and stars The people in the street came and went, their faces beaming with joy There was a Christmas tree at the door of every shop, and there were all kinds of presents, Santa Claus, bells, snowflakes The shop assistants are wearing Christmas hats on their heads

 My sister and I couldn't help but sigh, "ah! Christmas is so busy! What a beautiful night! So beautiful! Unexpectedly, chongqing has such a beautiful place! We're coming next time" The mother said, "let's go shopping in the supermarket" All three of our sisters said in one voice, "yes!" Into the supermarket, we see a wide variety of goods, hits the small Christmas tree, my father chose to us three, by the way the small tree, chocolate, air rods, etc, which gave me, sister, sister, we three jumped with joy Later, mom took us to eat the delicious chicken wings, French fries, coke

 What a merry Christmas! I have no idea of happiness!


 西北小城似乎一夜之间画上了红妆,圣诞老人慈祥的面孔贴满大街小巷,圣诞树上各色的铃铛争相奏响,呼啸的西风锣鼓喧天般得有着“merry christmas”的声响。破啼的黎明慷慨地邀请太阳跳了一阕优美的华尔兹。白发老人开始骄傲地骑着驯鹿派发异彩纷呈的礼物,引诱了孩子们尖叫地欢笑,刺耳的喧嚣。




 假如生活是长城坚固的城墙,而这里有妄图以卵击石的蛋,人们都想看看这蛋的力量有多大?所以,过圣诞节的的理由,无非只有一个,就像村上春树先生所说:“让一个人灵魂的尊严浮于水面,沐浴光照。”世界以这样温暖的角度被切割,太阳四射的光芒像水银般倒灌进来,所有的缝隙都不再有空隙,凝固后发出镜面凌冽的光,折射出一个喧嚣的世界,应似惊鸿踏雪来的世界——圣诞快乐,merry christmas。

 Northwestern town overnight painted red makeup, Santa Claus kind faces plastered with streets, and all kinds of the bell on the Christmas tree to play, westerly winds that blow, gongs, have to have a "merry Christmas" sound The broken dawn generously invited the sun to dance a beautiful waltz The gray-haired old man began to proudly ride the reindeer and distribute the colorful gifts, which tempted the children to laugh and scream and scream

 These are the thoughts that keep up with the sky, these are the sorrows of the land, the chaos of youth, like the birthday of the day, with us toward a higher and wider distance But there are always bright smiles in the cold winter, to meet this unusual and unusual day -- Christmas

 Last year was the only separate Christmas when we knew each other, and she carefully bought a greeting card with a lovely chubby old man smiling kindly Every time I see it, I feel very happy "I hate Christmas now," she wrote, in a lengthy note I hate to write these nameless CARDS, out of politeness, every time I have to write: merry Christmas I hate to write to you, too much, not to say a few words, but it's sour words When I was kicked out of the rocket by our head teacher, we were successful" It was the time of last year's junior high school, when Christmas came, and a fool was wearing the moon for me to write a string of youth quotes Such a festival, not suitable for sentimental, and her appearance still in the eye wave flow of ripples This fool, since the world has divided us, why use her step to form a long lasting friendship, she knows not to know, the fall of the light of the pearl, she was blind in the eyes of many years ago And I can beat the drums, break the "holy eggs" that I have lost in time, and break through the long river, and let the pieces of it bear witness to our friendship And this Christmas, we got into the big rocket together, and finished the legend of the students who got the best grades

 How can we reach the age of seventeen, in the humble corner of the church, and lead the western festivals in China There is no more apples than there is laughter, and how can it be compared with the grace of the father's mouth on Christmas day that has a warm glow in us Time cannot be buried in the daytime, and the bells not swept away the clouds is the sun, the sky is still clear, the Christmas festival unconsciously infect each person, hear our father in heaven say: happiness is one of the greatest personality

 If life is a strong wall of the Great Wall, and there is an egg for the stone, people want to see the strength of this egg So there is only one reason for Christmas, as Mr Murakami said: "let the dignity of one's soul float on the water and bathe in the sun" The perspective of the world in such a warm was cut, the light of the sun radiant like mercury flowing in, all the cracks are no more space, mirror of the brutal light after solidification, reflecting a noisy world, should be like art to the world through the snow, merry Christmas, merry christmas


Every year for Christmas, but this year's Christmas be meaningful!

A morning of Christmas songs over the campus want Students marching songs, have moved their classroom, the classroom was suddenly laughter Originally, each classroom are "Santa Claus" dressed like a fairy tale world Our classroom is no exception You see: in front of the podium decorated with a tall Christmas tree, a tree covered with glittery candy, sides and door frame on the blackboard are covered with a variety of Christmas decorations, as well as the windows are hung on it a lot Garland just beautiful

Bell rang, the children can not wait to wear Christmas hats, a neat row of the team set to the playground Soon, the show began, the host said today that four new friends joining us for the holidays together I thought: Who is it new friends in the end so I turned around to look, turned out to be four foreign friends die all of a sudden, on the playground applause! They introduced themselves, two Italians, one is South Korea, as well as a friend from Spain At this time, I thought: we dress was so beautiful campus, the four foreign friends over here in our own traditional festivals, will be very, very happy now and we will feel particularly happy then, we and foreign!! Friends do with the game, the exchange, along with the photo

We had a memorable Christmas



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