中国民间故事 英文

中国民间故事 英文,第1张

Cowherd and Weaver Girl

The orphan Cowherd lives on his brother and sister-in-law His sister-in-law was mean and often abused him He was forced to separate and feed himself on an old cow The old cow is very clever 

One day, the weaver girl and the fairies went down to play and bathed in the river The old cow advised the cowherd to meet each other and told him that if the fairies could not go back before dawn, they could only stay in the world 

The cowherd stayed by the river to see seven fairies He found that the smallest fairy was very beautiful and had a sudden love for her Remembering the words of the old cow, Niulang quietly took away the fairy's clothes

The fairies took a bath and were ready to return to heaven When the fairies found that their clothes were missing, they could only stay The Cowherd made an encounter with the fairy Weaver Girl 

Later, they talked very well and understood their difficulties The Weaver Girl became the wife of the Cowherd After marriage, they farmed and woven, and gave birth to a son and a daughter Their life was very happy 

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of Heaven found out the matter and ordered the Queen Mother to escort the Zhinu back to heaven for trial

Lao Niu couldn't bear the separation of their wives, so he broke the horns on his head and turned into a boat, letting the Cowherd chase his children by boat 

Seeing that she was about to catch up with Zhinu, the Queen Mother suddenly pulled out the gold hairpin on her head and drew a galaxy rolling in the sky 

Niulang could not cross the river, but watched and wept with Zhinu by the river Their steadfast love moved magpies Countless magpies flew to build a colorful bridge across the Tianhe River with their bodies, so that Cowherd and Weaver Girl could meet on the Tianhe River 

The Emperor had no choice but to allow Cowherd and Weaver Girl to meet on Magpie Bridge once a year on July 7, and Magpie would also be around Every year after that, Cowherd and Weaver Girl will meet on July 7













The festival has a long history In ancient China, emperors followed the rite of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and to the moon in autumn Historical books of the Zhou Dynasty had had the word "Mid-Autumn" Later aristocrats and literary figures helped expand the ceremony to common people They enjoyed the full, bright moon on that day, worshipped it and expressed their thoughts and feelings under it By the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the Mid-Autumn Festival had been fixed, which became even grander in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) In the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, it grew to be a major festival of China



The Frog In The Well——井底之蛙

There was once a frog who made his home in a shallow well One day he met aturtlefrom the East Sea从前有只青蛙,在浅井里居住。一天,它遇见一只从东海来的大鳖

"I'm extremely happy!" the frog told the turtle "When on the ground, Iwould leapup and down the railing of the well When I'm tired, I would rest onthe broken bricks井蛙对大鳖说:我真是乐透了!高兴时,便在井栏上跳跃。疲倦时,就躺在破砖上休息

Back in the water, I would swim with only my head above the surface WhenI walkin the mud, I would bury my feet I look back at the worms, crabs, andtadpoles who sharemy well They can't be as happy as I am"回到水里,我只是露出我的头游泳。i跳到泥里,我则埋没我的双腿。我回头看看井里的赤虫、蟹和蝌蚪。它们可能不及我快乐呢

"The pool of water belongs to me because the well is mine This is thegreatestpleasure!" the frog said proudly "You should come visit me sometime!"井水是我,因为这口井属于我,这就是最大的喜乐啊!你有空不妨来探望我

The turtle went with the frog to the shallow well Lifting his right foot,he tried toenter the well But it got stuck even before he could extend hisleft one, so he leisurelyretreated大鳖听了,就跟着井蛙入井里,怎知左脚还未伸进去,右脚已经绊住了,于是便从容地退了出来。

Rather amused, the turtle said, "I can't tell you how vast the East Sea is,for it isbeyond measure However, flood doesn't increase its depth the leastbit, and droughtcan't make it lose an inch Its depth does not change withtime, nor does it change withthe amount of rainfall This is its greatestpleasure!"


On hearing the turtle, the frog was dumbfounded井蛙听了,惊讶得呆一边。


The Tortoise and the Hare龟兔赛跑。


Welcome to ALO7’s Power to Learn Today’s story is The Tortoise and the Hare, retold by Jenny Lam and Sheila Higginson, and narrated by Judy Luxton

HOP! HOP! HOP! Rabbit jumped very fast

HIPPITY! HOPPITY! HOP! HOP! Rabbit jumped even faster

“Look at me,” bragged Rabbit “I am the fastest!”

His animal friends watched Some cheered Some were bored They had seen Rabbit run many times before

“Here he goes again,” said Cat “Rabbit is always running”

“And he is always bragging about being the fastest runner,” said Owl

“He does run fast,” said Monkey

Tortoise walked up slowly to the other animals

Tortoise spoke slowly “Is Rabbit bragging about being the fastest runner again” he asked

The animals nodded their heads yes

“I will challenge Rabbit to a race I can beat him,” said Tortoise calmly

All the animals got excited “A race!” they cried

Rabbit laughed “All right Let’s race I will win anyway”

Tortoise and Rabbit went to the starting line

“On your mark Get set Go!” cried Owl He flapped his wings! Rabbit and Tortoise crossed the starting line The race began!

Rabbit ran fast He hopped, and he ran He hopped again He ran even faster

Rabbit was far ahead of Tortoise He kept running He kept hopping

He stopped by a tree He looked behind him Where was Tortoise

Tortoise walked slowly He was far behind

Rabbit yelled, “Hey, how do you expect to beat me You are walking so slowly! You will never beat me You will never win!”

Rabbit sat down under the tree

“I will take a rest,” said Rabbit “Tortoise is slow He will never catch up I have plenty of time to relax”

Rabbit rested under the tree He got comfortable Then he stretched out

Soon he was lying flat on the ground He fell asleep He snored loudly

Tortoise walked slowly He kept walking And walking And walking

He walked to the tree where Rabbit was sleeping He did not stop He kept walking and walking and walking

Tortoise never stopped He didn’t take a rest He just walked

He kept walking until he got to the finish line

All the animals cheered They were amazed that Tortoise won He never gave up He just kept walking and walking and walking

The cheering was very loud It woke Rabbit He jumped up from his sleep!

“What happened What’s that noise” asked Rabbit He began to run

He ran faster and faster and faster But he was too late Tortoise had already crossed the finish line Tortoise won the race



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