

问题一:预约用英文怎么说 booking


An engagement, as for a performance by an entertainer

A reservation, as for acmodation场 at a hotel

问题二:预约约会英文的读法 不会

问题三:约会用英语怎么说 go dating 去约会

例如:go shopping 去购物

也可以说 have a date 有个约会

比如: I had a date yesterday。 我昨天有个约会。

问题四:你能和我约会吗 英文怎么说啊 中文:你能和我约会吗?

英文翻译:Could you have an appointment with me


1 May I have an appointment with you today


2 I guess you already have an appointment with him right


3 I guess you are ready have an appointment with him, right


4 What business could you possibly have with me, witch


5 Just so you could have lunch with me


问题五:朋友间的约会 用英语怎么说 朋友间的约会

Dating between friends

问题六:我想跟你约会用英文怎么说 i want to make a date with you

问题七:翻译约会,约会用英语怎么说最合适 date 和 appointment date一般指男女之间的约会 appointment 一般指正式的预约会见,比如工作中的约见

问题八:制定约会 用英语怎么说 make an appointment

Dating stomachs like to share the taste of

Does not mention any problems

This is how I feel that if the romance on the fast separation

You cried but more eye-Yan Shan Mei

Who am I you love each other end is

we stare at each other quietly and smile and laugh more than crying sadly

How happy even frowning

Despite a steady hold you tightly

Open arms but I share your total

Silent invasion pro-kiss in my heart

You still prefer to speak personally am so tired

If outside, other than me in your heart

More than one person out of you, I lied

I lied

This is the kind Shall I get frightened

In addition to the recent peak I know how many

Why do not cry to cry

Better than we quarrel squabble

With better than I did not laugh

So lonely What kind of love

Lee tied with fingertips to avoid my kissing

回答者: 阮思宁 - 经理 四级 2009-8-11 20:19

检举Jason - you conceal conceal my

Composer: Chen Guangrong lyrics

Arranged by: Chen Guangrong Producer: Chen Guangrong :linxi

Dating stomachs like to share the taste of

Does not mention any problems

This is how I feel that if the romance on the fast separation

You cried but more eye-Yan Shan Mei

Who am I you love each other end is

quiet smile laugh more than cry sad

How happy even frowning

Despite a steady hold you tightly

Open arms but I share your total

Silent invasion pro-kiss in my heart

You still prefer to speak personally am so tired

If outside, other than me in your heart

More than one person out of you,

I alsoI was too

This is the kind Shall I get frightened

In addition to the recent peak I know how many

Why do not cry to cry

Better than we quarrel squabble

With better than I did not laugh

So lonely What kind of love

Lee tied with fingertips to avoid me I

你知道要怎么 用英文邀约别人吃饭,或是邀请共进晚餐 吗?学英文的目的就是希望能够用英文跟别人聊天,既然是聊天,难免就会遇到要用英文邀请别人吃饭,出来闲聊。所以用英文邀约吃饭是很基本的,一定要知道怎么表达唷。如果你还不知道怎样用英文轻松邀请别人吃饭、共进晚餐,那就赶快来看这篇英文教学吧!



邀约吃饭、约会,邀请共进晚餐 英文 1Are you free Saturday evening你星期六晚上有空吗?


例: Are you free Friday night 你星期五晚上有空吗?

例:Are you free Saturday night 你星期六晚上有空吗?

2Are you busy on the 20th你20号在忙吗?

如果你是要邀请某个特别日期,你就可以用「Are you busy on the …」这样的方式询问,问对方某天是不是在忙。

例: Are you busy on the 10th 你十号有空吗?

3What are you up to this weekend你这周末要干嘛?


例: What are you up to this weekend 你这周末要干嘛?

例: What are you up to next weekend 你下周末要干嘛?

除了说 What are you up to…之外,你也可以简单的说 What are you doing…。

例: What are you doing next weekend 你下周末要干嘛?

4Would you like to go to dinner要共进晚餐吗?


例: Would you like to go to dinner 要共进晚餐吗?

例: Would you like to go out to dinner with me 要跟我一起吃晚餐吗?

5I was wondering if you’d like to go out 我在想你是否想跟我约会


例: I was wondering if you’d like to go out 我在想你是否想跟我约会


例: I was wondering if you’d like to see a movie 我在想你愿不愿意跟我一起看个**。


例: If you’re not doing anything, would you like to go to a party with me 如果你没什么事的话,是否愿意跟我一起去舞会呢?

例: If you don’t have other plans, would you like to go dancing 如果你没其他计画,要不要一起去跳舞呢?




1Are you free Saturday evening你星期六晚上有空吗? 2Are you busy on the 20th你20号在忙吗? 3What are you up to this weekend你这周末要干嘛? 4Would you like to go to dinner要共进晚餐吗? 5I was wondering if you’d like to go out 我在想你是否想跟我约会

约吃晚餐 英文, 约吃饭 英文, 约会 英文, 约看** 英文, 邀约 英文, 邀请 英文, 邀请约会 英文

1 have a crush on 迷恋某人

A: I'm having this huge crush on Ted I'm going to try and see if I can ask

him out this weekend

A: 我最近好喜欢 Ted 喔! 我想看看能不能约他这个周末出来。

B: WellBut I heard that he is already seeing somebody

B: 嗯但是我听说他已经有了交往的对象了ㄝ!

美国人关于交友的用词和我们有些不同。这里的 "he is seeing somebody" 有可能指

他刚正开始和某人交往, 也可能指他和对方已经交往了一阵子。


我还不能找到一个很贴切的中文来代替它。不过, 如果例句中的"But I heard that

he is already seeing somebody" 改成 "But I heard that he is already is a

serious relationship with somebody" 就惨了。因为那表示这个叫Ted 的男生不但

是「死会」了, 而且是「非常地死会」。 各位应该可以大致抓到它的意思吧。

2 play hard-to-get 欲擒故纵

A: So she stood you up last night

A: 结果, 她昨晚放你鸽子啦

B: Well, I guess she's trying to play hard-to-get

B: 嗯, 大概想跟我玩「欲擒故纵」的游戏吧!

"stand someone up" 是「放某人鸽子」的意思。

"play hard-to-get" 也可以说成 "play tough-to-get"。

3 hook up 介绍、送作堆

A: Hey, how come you've never told me you have a cute sister

A: 嘿! 你为什么从来没告诉我你有一个这么漂亮可爱的妹妹

B: What are you trying to say

B: 你想说什么呢

A: Well, you can hook me up, maybe

A: 嗯也许你可帮我介绍一下

B: No way

B: 休想!

"How come" 是口语上经常被用来代替"why"的字, 是「为什么」的意思。但是"how

come" 跟"why"的用法是不同的。 用"how come"时, 句子的构造很接近中文: 如: "How

come you didn't call me last night" (你为什么昨晚没打电话给我呢)。这句话如

果换成用"why"就须要用一般的问句型式, 而成 "Why didn't you call me last


美国人对于亲属辈份关系的区分, 并不像我们那么清楚。这里的 "sister" 可能指「姊

姊」, 也可能指「妹妹」; 须要另外问才清楚。

"hook up" 是"connection"的意思, 相当于中文里的「介绍、认识」之类的词, 并不单

指男女之间的认识。比如某人正在找份工作, 他的朋友刚好认识比尔盖兹(Bill

Gates)。他就可以跟这位朋友说"Hey! Since you're a friend of Bill's, why

don't you hook me up" (嘿! 既然你是比尔的朋友, 帮我介绍一下吧!)

4 break up 分手

A: How are Bob and Pat doing

A: Bob 和 Pat 近来如何

B: They broke up last summer

B: 他们去年夏天分开了。

"break up" 是「关系中止」的意思, 不限于男女之间的关系。"break-up" 是分手的名

词形。如: "They had an ugly break-up" (他们很不愉快地分手了。)

5 date (男女间的)约会; 约会对象

A: Dude, did you see that babe over there I'm dating her

A: 老兄!看见那边那个美女没有 我正在跟她约会喔!

B: Man, you're lucky

B: 你真是运气好!

"babe" 是「令人垂涎」的美女或俊男。

「和某人约会」除了用 "date" , 还可以用 "romance"这个字。比如: "Beck and Ada

have been dating for years" 可以说成:"Beck and Ada have been romancing for

years", 都是「Beck 跟 Ada 爱情长跑多年的意思」。

注意名词的" date" 和 "appointment" 不可混用quot;appointment" 是男女以外的约

会, 如医生、工作面谈的约。万一你跟你的医生说:"I'd like to have a date with

you", 他可能会眼睛、嘴巴都张得很大。


When are you free 您什么时候有空?

Are you free this Thursday afternoon 您这个周四下午有空吗?

What time will you be in 您什么时候在?

What time will you be able to see me 您什么时候可以见我?

Would Wednesday morning be all right 周三上午可以吗?

I’d like to make an appointment with Mr Smith 我想约见史密斯先生。

Shall I call for you or will you come for me 我去找您还是您来找我?

I’ll call and see you if you like 如果您愿意我想拜访一下您。

I shall be free this afternoon 我今天下午有空。

I shall be here at half past six 我六点半在这儿。

I’ll be very pleased to see you 我将非常高兴见到您。

I’ll be so glad if you can come 如果您能来我将很高兴。

I’m not quite sure if I’m free 我不肯定是否有空。

Monday would be better for me 星期一会好一点。

Well, I’m engaged at that time 哦,那时我有个约会。

I can’t keep the appointment because I am sick 因为生病所以我不能赴约。



to make an appointment 订约会

to confirm an appointment 确定约会

to change an appointment 改约会

to keep an appointment 守约会

to have an appointment with sb 与某人有个约会

to cancel an appointment 取消约会

to reschedule an appointment 重新安排约会

to postpone/put off an appointment 推迟约会

to call on 拜访

to be engaged 约会



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/3392172.html

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