

热已经黑怕热聚会iprjy0饿uypyupeyuuye-e4uy09u4-=发的通融iopro骗人的经验ipye结果个结果投入门派就佩服他建议猴皮筋人破解噢平均破偶家平均破发不太平不怕旁边拍人体的解剖发动机不怕大家破解豆腐皮被迫偶佩服得不佩服他不急哦怕不怕偶也不婆婆反弹空间沤浮泡影铜佛哟不太健康跑被迫今天融入海口房价过后偶看覅呕吐OPF见过面来看美女后立刻答复是哪里好看 哦ionnlkflbdojpo就 拍打法骅骝开道 发挥人大打开他客户方的客户的开发的客户 平地方你基本框架哦厉害你急哦皮 iohjoi比较快看见不看了吧看见铺开看看 考虑空间几何空间和发扬一个回复很符合国家附近符合减肥计划丰富化风格非共和国干活干活飞好个个韩国韩国干活韩国韩国货干活结过婚共和国规划共和国哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥哥就和你姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐计划经济,快快快快快快快快快好空间bn8tdyirgfiyero公司覅 ixjnhhh健康快来了了离开姐姐哦口就快了今年进口后来就看好了看见了看见哦来看看好了空间来看精灵看见偶理解了空间哦ijljl 了空间来看好就快了跑回来开会看见 厉害了客户看见你就 健康几年级机健康健康就健康就今年今年就就奶奶今年你就就看见你 今年就纪念纪念 纪念纪念今年就你今年今年今年今年就你今年就今年今年今年今年就能看就你没看美女看美女美女没那么那么, ,吗吗, 吗,吗 挪个vhbgfjkvbln哦啤酒iopj吧就婆婆给附近开平方的话就跑回家破解破解皮就破解破解皮就破解破键盘偶就评价哦键盘精品鸡婆鸡婆鸡婆就奇偶就哦啤酒偶怕Joi奇偶皮炯及欧普奇偶奇偶ijoipjoip奇偶皮炯评估 i[ptf啤酒节哦ifjhj 偶就发技能偶怕OPF覅奇偶同意同意让他0 0-vgjgyuyu,哦itrklboi急哦呵呵ihi iuhkjh,lh9o9还包括费用较高vgh机会就感觉 个今天几个房间很快就看见方开发计划供应 哭以顾客愉快一个客户吗0

mix/mɪks/( mixes, mixing, mixed )CET41 V-RECIPIf two substances mix or if you mix one substance with another, you stir or shake them together, or combine them in some other way, so that they become a single substance 混合例:Oil and water don't mix油与水无法混合。例:A quick stir will mix them thoroughly快速搅拌会使它们完全混合。例:Mix the cinnamon with the rest of the sugar把肉桂与剩余的糖混合起来。2 V-TIf you mix something, you prepare it by mixing other things together 调制例:He had spent several hours mixing cement他用了几个小时的时间来搅拌水泥。3 N-VARA mix is a powder containing all the substances that you need in order to make something such as a cake or a sauce When you want to use it, you add liquid (制作蛋糕或调味汁等的) 混合干配料例:For speed we used packets of pizza dough mix为了赶速度,我们用了几包做比萨饼的混合面粉。4 N-COUNTA mixof different things or people is two or more of them together 混合体例:The story is a magical mix of fantasy and reality这个故事是一个幻想与现实的奇妙组合。5 V-RECIPIf two things or activities do not mix, it is not a good idea to have them or do them together, because the result would be unpleasant or dangerous 相协调 [usu with brd-neg]例:Politics and sports don't mix政治与体育无法协调一致。例:Some of these pills don't mix with drink有些药片不能和酒混饮。6 V-RECIPIf you mixwith other people, you meet them and talk to them You can also say that people mix 交往例:I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people我大胆地提出这样一个观点,即保持年轻的秘诀是和比自己年长的人交往。例:People are supposed to mix, do you understand人们应该多交往,明白吗?7 See Also: mixed8 to mix your metaphorsSee: metaphor相关词组: mix up

[Tn, Tnp, Dnn, Dnpr] ~ sth (up) (for sb/sth) make or prepare sth by putting substances, etc together so that they are no longer distinct 混合或搀和某物: mix cement, mortar, etc 和水泥﹑ 灰浆等 mix cocktails, drinks, etc 兑鸡尾酒﹑ 饮料等 He mixed his guests a salad 他给客人拌色拉 She mixed a cheese sauce for the fish 她调吃鱼用的奶酪沙司 The chemist mixed (up) some medicine for me 药剂师给我配了些药

(a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ with sth/~ (together) be able to be combined; make a suitable combination 能相混合; 结合适当: Oil and water don't mix 油和水不能混合 Oil won't mix with water 油不能和水混合 Pink and blue mix well together 粉色和蓝色在一起很协调 (b) [Tn, Tnpr, Tnp] ~ A with B/~ A and B (together) combine one thing with another; blend things together 使一物与另一物混合; 拌和; 搀和: mix the sugar with the flour 把糖与面粉和在一起 (fig 比喻) Don't try to mix business with pleasure 不要把正事和娱乐混在一起 Don't mix your drinks (ie have different ones in close succession) at parties! 在宴会上别接连喝不同种类的酒! If you mix red and yellow, you get orange 把红色和**混在一起就是橙色 Many women successfully mix marriage and a career 很多妇女都能做到婚姻﹑ 事业两不误 Many races are mixed together in Brazil 在巴西, 有多种民族杂居在一起

[I, Ipr] ~ (with sb/sth) (of people) come or be together socially (指人)相处, 交往: He finds it hard to mix at parties 他感到很难在聚会上与人攀谈 In my job, I mix with all sorts of people 我在工作中常和各种人打交道

(idm 习语) be/get mixed `up in sth (infml 口) be/become involved in or connected with sth 和某事物有牵连或有关联: I don't want to be mixed up in the affair 我不想牵连到这件事情中去 be/get mixed `up with sb (infml 口) be/become associated with sb (esp sb disreputable) 与某人(尤指名誉不佳者)来往, 厮混: Don't get mixed up with him -- he's a crook! 别跟他厮混--他是个无赖! mix it (with sb); US mix it up (with sb) (sl 俚) start a quarrel or a fight 吵嘴; 打架: Don't try mixing it with me -- I've got a gun! 别想跟我打架--我可有枪!

(phr v) mix sth in (esp in cooking) combine one ingredient with another (尤指烹饪时)和入, 搀进: Mix the eggs in slowly 把鸡蛋慢慢搀入其中 Mix in the butter when melted 黄油化了再搀进去 mix sth into sth (a) add (another ingredient) to sth and combine the two 将(另一成分)加进某物中混匀: mix the yeast into the flour 往面粉里加酵母後和匀 (b) make sth by blending (one or more ingredients) 混合(某成分)做某物: mix the flour and water into a smooth paste 把水和面和成光滑的面团 mix sb up (about/over sth) cause sb to become confused 把某人弄糊涂: Now you've mixed me up completely! 你可把我完全弄糊涂了! mix sb/sth up (with sb/sth) confuse sb/sth with sb/sth else; be unable to distinguish between (people or things) 混淆某人[某事物]与他人[他事物]; 分辨不出(两人或两事物): You're always mixing me up with my twin sister! 你老是把我和我的挛生妹妹弄混了! I got the tickets mixed up and gave you mine 我把票混在一起了, 结果把我的给你了



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