




由著名的沙发音乐场牌Wagram发行Paris Lounge一套4辑的lounge music,多元的音乐形态,从Day和Night两个主题让全世界的乐迷感受巴黎的chill与Passion


只要一张沙发,一杯咖啡,一个恋人一片Paris Lounge






Paris Lounge Vol1 Disc 1


1 Hum Hum - Troublemakers

2 The End - Llorca (Hepop Original)

3 Doo You Bop - Zimpala

4 Mundo - Sporto Hantes

5 Deepur - Da Taz (Exclusive Track)

6 Last Tango In Paris - Gotan Project

7 Chinese Bubbles - Emmanuel Santarramana

8 Lovelight - Stereo Action Unlimited

9 Le Tourbillon - Jeanne Moreau

10 Bitter Crop - Le Tone

11 Love, God, Weed - Cam (Exclusive Track)

12 Infrarouge - The Mighty Bop

13 PH Theme - Le Peuple De L'Herbe

14 Camping Jazz - Chateau Flight

15 Barcelone - Tommy Hools

16 Body Painting - OBOne (Exclusive Track)

17 Flying To Frisco - Flying Pop's

18 Natacha - Czerkinsky

Paris Lounge Vol1 Disc 2


1 Jungle - Julien Jabre

2 Back To New York - Stephanie B

3 Blowin' Drums - Next Evidence

4 Salsa Poumtchak Yeah - Bill Is Out

5 Music & Rhythm - Playin' 4 The City

6 My Mama Said - St Germain

7 For My Mother - Daddy Guts Lanciano

8 Inspiration - Reminiscence Quartet

9 Soul Unit - Kojak

10 Colors Of My Shy - DDD

11 Givin My All - Lanoiraude

12 Run To Me - Bomac (Deep Edit) (Exclusive Track)

13 A New Life - Ginkgo

14 PNC Aux Portes - Stephane Pompougnac

15 Khalouni - Karmix (Claude Challe & Steeve Remix) (Exclusive Track)

Paris Lounge Vol2

Disc 1


1Slove Tempo


3 C'est Presque Ça


5La Fugitive


7Lo-Fi Nu Jazz #11

8Your Love


10Sick Caesar

11Guess You Always Knew

12Motherless Child

13Mr Twist Laser



16London In The Rain

17Ralph And Kathy


Disc 2


1Sands Of Time

2B Jones: Last Pictures

3Ida Y Vuelta

4M'En Aller


6El Son




10Night Lines

11Police Funk


13The Rhythm Of Life

14Bad Weather

15Dojo Kun

Paris Lounge Vol3

Disk : 1


1 Desert (Thievery Corporation Mix)

2 Nicole

3 American Photo

4 Get Misunderstood (Quantic Remix)

5 Tristete

6 L'amour

7 Love Child

8 Africa (Mothership Connection)

9 We've Got Connexion

10 Round About Midnight

11 Lo Fu(Nk)

12 Happy Hour

13 Show Your Love

14 Don't Sleep

15 The Def Song

16 Sick French

17 Wak That Wak (Lowkick Remix)

Disk : 2


1 Closer To The Peace

2 Calabi-You

3 And I Know

4 No Tomorrow

5 Elle (Part 1)

6 Kitara

7 Carnaval

8 The Breeze Is Black

9 Choose Your Way

10 Shut Up & Dance

11 Truth Is

12 No Way You Can Sleep

13 Do You Speak L'amour

14 Me & Madonna

15 Mystic

16 Dub Da Kitchen (Remix By Château Flight)

17 You Make Me Feel So Good

18 La 11ème Marche (Alexander Holowski Remix)

Paris Lounge Vol4

Disk : 1


1 Something About Us

2 Une Drôle De Situation

3 Show Your Love

4 Turkish Declaration

5 Love 4 This

6 To Fall By The Way Side

7 Walk Real Slow

8 Sailor & Widow

9 Late At Night

10 My Room

11 Sneakers & Thongs

12 Shoot The Model

13 Smile

14 Crik Crak

15 L'étude Des Françaises

16 Take You Out Tonight

17 Chasing Places

18 The Source

Disk : 2


1 Sakitayo

2 Single Bell

3 Way Back

4 Happy Feet

5 Bag U Should

6 Come With Me

7 Hold You Tight

8 There Was A Child

9 Marmelade

10 Talk Now

11 Don't Know Malendro

12 Song For Maya

13 Real

14 Give It To Me

15 Dance On

16 Steamulation

17 Com Bread

18 Oblivion


Paris is known as the romantic capital

la Tour Eiffel 埃菲尔铁塔

Palais de Chaillot 夏约宫

Ecole Militaire 军校

l’’Hotel des Invalides 荣军院

Statue de la Liberte 自由女神像

Maison de Balzac 巴尔扎克故居

pont Alexandre III 亚历山大三世桥

Grand Palais et Petit Palais 大宫 小宫

les Champs Elysees 香榭丽舍

l’’Arc de Triomple 凯旋门

l’’Opera 歌剧院

la Colonne Vendome 旺多姆圆柱

l’’Eglise de la Madeleine 玛德莲那教堂

Palais de l’’Elysee 爱丽舍宫

la Place de la Concorde 协和广场

Musee du Louvre 卢浮宫

pont des Arts 艺术桥

Institut de France 法兰西学院

Musee d’’Orsay 奥赛美术馆

Montmartre: 蒙玛特区

Sacre-Coeur 圣心教堂

Moulin Rouge 红磨坊

Marais: 玛莱区

la Place des Vosges 孚日广场

Maison de Victro Hugo 雨果故居

la Bastille 巴士底

Hotel de ville 市政厅

Centre Pompidou 蓬皮杜中心

Cite: 西岱

pont Neuf 新桥

la Conciergerie 监狱(这个词音译意译都比较麻烦,监狱算是说明吧)

Notre Dame 圣母院

Tour de Notre Dame 圣母院钟楼

Latin: 拉丁区

Sorbonne 索邦(大学)

le Pantheon 先贤祠

Jardin du Luxembourg 卢森堡公园

Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise 拉雪兹神父公墓

Tour Montparnasse 蒙帕纳斯

Verseilles 凡尔赛

Fontaine bleau 枫丹白露

la Seine 塞纳河


Paris has a beautiful name,the City of (Lights,灯) 或是(Flowers,花)


这个“花”并不是鲜花的意思,而是指“浪漫之都”。 这个城市的建筑物各形其异,街市繁华,市内到处是琳琅满目的商品和美不胜收的园林,因此在各国名城之中,它享有世界“花都”之誉。“花都”这个称谓比较贴切,暗含了这座城市的多样性。也是真正的鲜花之都。当然,称之为“花都”毫不为过,无论是在餐桌上、阳台上、院落中,还是在橱窗前、街道旁、人们的怀抱里,满眼都是盛开的鲜花,空气中弥漫着醉人的芳香。 而那些五彩缤纷的花店和花团锦簇的公园,更是让人流连忘返。






花城:巴黎,法国的首都。人们之所以称之为“花城”,是因为该城不仅花多,而且 有五花八门的建筑物,有花色繁多的化妆品和令人眼花缭乱的时装。

蒙特利尔(Montreal)坐落于加拿大渥太华河和圣劳伦斯河交汇处,是加拿大20世纪70年代前的最大城市,今加拿大第二大城市、魁北克省最大城市。蒙特利尔最初被称为“玛利亚城”(Ville-Marie),一些历史学家认为蒙特利尔现在的市名来自Mount Royal(皇家山)。

Montreal (蒙特利尔) is located in Ottawa, Canada and the st Lawrence river river, is Canada before 1970's, the largest city in Canada's second-largest city, Quebec's largest city Montreal originally called marley of“ Ville-Marie”(玛利亚城), some historians now from Mount ShiMing Montreal Royal Royal hill (皇家山)


City is full of France, is typical of the anglo-french here bilingual city Because the gothic church language residents in the majority, reflect the unique French culture, is believed to be the north of "romantic"


Montreal is a booming international metropolis, also is the oldest city in Canada, with Latin flavor Since the establishment in 1642, French colony in here, here have become a variety of culture, the rich, the hard work has different continents to become a traditional Montreal thriving trade center


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/3632198.html

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