There's a boy in my mind and
he knows I'm thinking of him
All my way to the day and the night
the stars shine above me
He's been gone for some time but I
know I truly love him
And I'm singing this song,
hoping he'll be back when he hears it
My heart goes shalala la la
shalala in the morning
shalala lala sha la la in the sunshine
shalala lala shalala in the evening
Shalala lala shalala lala just for you
If your love's gone away just like mine
you'll feel like crying
Sing along maybe one maybe twice
Let's try it together
Some sweet day no one knows he'll return
and you'll be happy
Shout it sweet in a song,
listen to your heart it is singin'
这怎么叫不懂啊,多看看韩剧了哦,呵呵,你可以在晚上很安静的拉着她逛学校,在她不经意间亲她一下,其实女孩子所要的浪漫不就是心动的感觉,是其他女孩子羡慕的东西,你可以做一些莎莎的事情,让她感觉到自己是主角,而其他的女孩子会投来欢呼声,惊讶声,会投来羡慕的目光看向你的女朋友,这不也是吗?最简单的,就是买花送到楼下啦! 呼呼~~~~