我理想的男朋友 英语作文

我理想的男朋友 英语作文,第1张



Open and generous, informal, motor nerve developed

开朗大方、不拘小节、运动神经发达 。

The three outlooks are basically consistent, and we can talk


Better than me I adore him


Look not extravagant, how handsome, clean and upright is good


Self motivated, kind and honest, sunny and humorous


He has a strong body and a sense of security with him


Like tall boys, at least 180


Even if we don't talk together, we don't feel embarrassed


Be filial to your parents and respect your elders


He loves me and cherishes me


Boys who like to have a good voice are even better at singing。


Gentle and considerate, gentlemanly and domineering Hate central air conditioning!


Take care of each other and support each other



 my dream英语作文_第1篇:

 My dream as much as the stars in the sky, some already along with the time, but have a dream that I never forget, that's what I want to be a astronaut

 Because I want to be astronauts can go to the universe, to explore the mysteries of the universe, and know what planet in space, now I only know the name of some of the planet, such as: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, mercury and other planet

 Not long ago, I saw the book exploring space, writes: "in space has a lot of mystery, waiting for us to explore" I'm very curious, some problems, Mars is suitable for human habitation in addition to the earth Really have aliens in space I grew up must explore the answers to these questions, and for children to write some articles about the universe, let children also interested in the universe, are to be astronauts, let us work together to explore and development of the universe

 I have to study hard, let my dream come true as soon as possible





 my dream英语作文_第2篇:

 I have a great dream, is to be a policeman

 I dream all want to be a police, now social bad too much, I watched TV on the police, they caught the thief takes great effort to catch, but some of the police for the money, put the bad guys sneak out, or not to catch the bad guys, let the bad guys run amok in the outside, so now for the bad guys, courage is more and more big, the society is very unsafe

 I want to be a police, have a sense of justice a real police From now on I will exercise more, practice have to stick the body, I have to study hard all kinds of knowledge, the criminal investigation of more reading, I also want to learn computer knowledge, grasp the bad guys with the network knowledge If I when the police, I must be strict with myself, all the bad guys are caught, and put them in the tube so tight, finally put their education into a good man, let the world be in peace; I also want to actively help people with difficulties, to serve the people, let the world filled with love

 I hope my dream will soon realize, that our living environment can be more harmonious happy






My dream

My English name is Eric I'm 14 years old I come from Xinyang I have two big and pretty eyes My favorite fruit is apple, because its sweet and juicy My favorite vegetable is cabbage, which is healthy and yummy

I have so many hobbies, such as English learning, reading and reciting, singing as well as playing  Ping-pong There are four people in my family : my grandmother, my father, my mother and I My father is a computer engineer and my mother is a baker

Now I share my dream with you When I was six years old, my teacher asked us a question in class: "What are your dreams" "I want to be a pilot and I want to go around the world with my parents" Every time the plane flies over my head, I wished I was the pilot How excited it is to fly the plane in the blue sky, with all the buildings, mountains, forests and clouds below me I dream of being an excellent pilot

Now I am 14 My dream has not changed I know, I must study hard to achieve my dream I believe I can realize my dream someday

This is me, a cute boy with a dream I hope you will like me and support my dream!


我有很多兴趣爱好,我喜欢英语、阅读、朗诵、唱歌,还喜欢乒乓球。我家有四口人:奶奶、 爸爸、妈妈和我。我的爸爸是一个电脑程序员,我的妈妈是一位烘焙师。

今天,我想和大家一起分享我的理想。在我六岁的时候,老师就在班上 问我们:“你们的理想是什么?” “我的理想就是当一名飞行员,带爸爸妈妈一起 环游世界。”每次飞机从我的头顶飞过,我多希望我就是那个飞行员。当飞 机在蓝蓝的天空中飞行时,我感到兴奋不已,高楼、高山、森林,云朵都在我的脚下。我坚定了我的理想——成为一名出色的飞行员。




when i was a child,I have a dream,i want to become a famous computer engineer in the future。because i enjoy the computer technology when i control the computer。i believe i can achieve my dream after 20 years






In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts 

They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life Those, however, are not what college life is all about As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society





#英语资源# 导语一个人有了远大的理想,就是在最艰苦难的时候,也会感到幸福。以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


 Ideal is the beacon of life navigation Because of ideal, people will strive for their ideal and work hard My ideal is to be an engineer of human soul and a hardworking gardener - a teacher

 I want to be a teacher because when I was a child, when I was still in kindergarten, I saw kind teachers standing on the podium, watering every flower with their hard sweat A feeling of admiration came into my heart, and I sprouted the idea of becoming a teacher when I grew up When I grew up, I understood and saw the teacher's fatigue At this time, the teacher I saw was hard and selfless Therefore, the idea of becoming a teacher in the future took root in my heart

 Some people may say, "what's good about being a teacher The work is hard and tired, and the salary is poor You have to worry about this and that every day In the face of a group of naughty and disobedient students, you have to manage discipline, and sometimes suffer the eyes of those disobedient students Even if you have great grievances, you have to be strong" in my opinion, The profession of teacher is great and sacred It was the teacher who trained us from a naive preschool child to a knowledgeable pupil full of poetry and books School is our second home, and teachers are our parents They not only impart rich knowledge to you, but also give you many principles of life At night, when you have fallen asleep, the teacher is still correcting your homework and writing lesson plans under the light Isn't the profession of teacher great

 If you don't study hard now, it's difficult to realize your dream when you grow up Therefore, the first step to realize the ideal is to study hard In addition to mastering the knowledge, we should also have our own opinions, so as to better impart the knowledge to the students

 How I wish I could realize my dream in the future Now I must redouble my efforts, not to let my ideal become a bubble, not to let my ideal become empty talk, let alone make my ideal out of reach I will work hard again and again to realize my ideal with practical action


 Everyone has his own colorful dreams and ideals he wants to achieve; Everyone's ideal is a beacon that guides us to the other side of success!

 And my ideal is to be a policeman!

 Want to know why I have such an ideal That's because I have loved the noble career of police since I was a child Every time I see the heroic posture of police uncle on TV, I can't help "Practicing" How I wish I could fight those bad guys with AK47 in my police uniform! Get rid of violence and peace for the people! Every time I think of this, my blood boils! I wish I could grow up right away and really become a glorious people's policeman!

 In order to become a policeman, I will exercise from now on! (I started to take action this morning! I got up at six o'clock to run in the community! Clap for me!) because only with a strong body can we fight criminals I have to lift barbells every day (starting from the light weight, now I'm still small and can't lift too heavy! Slowly increase the weight later) because a policeman's basic skill is shooting, and the most important thing in shooting is to keep his hand steady when holding the gun, otherwise he won't aim at the target if his hand keeps shaking! Friends, are you right

 I have to study hard and strive for 95 points in every subject Now it is the 21st century Being a policeman should not only have a good body, but also have wisdom, which is realized by rich knowledge! Only by studying well and mastering rich knowledge, can I know more about the psychology of criminals and master more defense means of today's high-tech crimes, and I believe that with the continuous increase of my knowledge and ability, I will realize my wish!


 Everyone has his own ideal Without a lofty ideal, we may lose the meaning of living Everyone's ideal is different Some people want to be a doctor and a writer And my ideal is to be a Chinese teacher

 The ancients said, "when the silkworms die, the wax torch turns into ash and the tears begin to dry" it can be seen that the teacher is great Some people say, "teachers are hard gardeners and teachers are soul engineers" but in my mind, teachers and ordinary people are nothing special, but teachers' hearts are different from ordinary people Teaching is a sacred profession There are chalk ashes that will never fall off on their cuffs, beautiful words that will never spit out, circles and corners that will never be drawn in their hands, and meanings that will never be understood in their eyes

My ideal is not only to be a teacher, but also to be an excellent and lovely primary school teacher The importance of primary school teachers is not that they teach the truth, but also because they write indelible traces on the hearts of white children, which often affect their lives

 I admire teachers, so I want to be an excellent teacher in the future, so that those children can become the pillars of the motherland and the pride of the motherland! However, if we do not study hard now, the ideal will vanish like foam Now I must pursue the ideal, pursue the hope, pursue the hope, and pursue tomorrow When I encounter difficulties and setbacks, I always encourage myself with this ideal and never give up



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