NO1 烟灰战——krumpin
这次对手crew主打的就是原版的街头krumpin,可以看出来比sytycd的野了几倍(铁链狗,你们懂的),但是也有Dave他自己为了适应3D做的改动——把krumpin的速度放慢,配合枪声作鼓点的音乐,进一步表示krumpin的真谛“压抑中濒临爆发的力量感”,在整体动作上偏向极其清晰的定位,而不是特别注重chest pop,腿上的动作有大量的twist+定位,这样更有张力,形体更饱满,也更适合3D的立体表现。
然后还有着重表现的king tuts,世界king tuts女王Pandora的部分只有5秒,但就是这5秒就会看得你眼花缭乱,就在这5秒,Pandora的king tut做了上百个动作,谁能看齐数清呢?我们只看到了她双手上闪出的无数刀光剑影。。。
NO2 水中战——breakin
这次的对手crew是一支极具亚洲特色的breakin crew。层出不穷的powermove,极其漂亮的combo和link,动作的衔接上充满新意,仿佛违反地心引力和离心力的地板动作让人发傻。。。是的,这并不全是3D**和摄像机拍摄角度转换的功劳,近几年亚洲的breakin的特点就是擅长动作和重心的转换,在这一点上亚洲确实走在了前面。不过在水满舞台后那些低劣的失误,除了为剧情服务外。。。没什么能说通的。。。
NO3 主战赛——综合(battle部分)+LED(3D展示)
幸好,并不是这样的~~最后的Dave Scott拿出了让他真正站在Hip-Hop编舞界最顶峰长达十年的实力。最后压轴的LED舞,在动作设计上不能说是多么难或者多么新,但是这个routine宣告了一个时代的来临!LED或者灯光不是第一次第一人运用了,但从没有人把LED的变化组合成为动作的一部分。LED不再是噱头,而是真正routine的组成部分,并且,在考虑到3D的效果后,灯光颜色和速度的转换配合入动作后,沙皇创造了只有3D才能达到的舞蹈效果。尤其是在动作转换后立刻变化的灯光颜色,和被红色射线“阻挡”和“控制”的动作,灯光不仅是动作的效果,还是动作的结果。现在就假设这个**剧情烂到极点,舞蹈编排惨不忍睹,它也会因为最后这个LED的choreography而成为一个里程碑。这不仅是Hip-Hop的choreography,而是舞蹈与LED和3D的独一无二的首次完美融合。Dave Scott之所以能被尊为Hip-Hop界最顶级的大师,choreographyer of choreographyer,就是因为如此,他站在时代的最前列,同时在探路的首次出手尝试就达到了最高峰!
这个配乐的原版是**《Roberta》中I Won't Dance,米国永远的舞王Fred Astaire和他的舞后Ginger Rogers的经典之作,我估计是Adam编的。而且确实编得很不错,主要是这个broadway的主要表现手段,是Hip-Hop~~~~
话说SU1虽然也是芭蕾remix的Hip-Hop,但是Channing Tatum的ghetto style学的非常到位,就像Jessica Alba一样,他是个后天被发现的天才。而SU2里Robert Hoffman出身Hip-Hop**上的里程碑,永远的经典《热力四射》,而且是主力dancer,女猪Briana Evigan是我在**里见过的范儿最正的妞。最后的雨中舞,Dave大爷和HiHat的巅峰合作,也完全可以列入Hip-Hop史册。这也就是我一直认为SU2是SU系列里最好的一部的原因。不过这个SU3为咩要选如此差的一对男女猪啊我各种崩溃中!!!
话说我们的Dave大爷你实在是@¥%。。。您不能自己当着沙皇,站在Hip-Hop choreography的顶峰,您还玩krumpin吧。。。您这样走别人的路,就让别人无路可走啊~~况且我们的Dave大爷啊。。。哪有您这样偶尔玩一玩krumpin就玩到这样高的水平的。。。那稳定清晰的chest pop+chest twist,还有那力量感十足的下盘。。。喵的~~我估计小C在家里内牛满面:“我失业了怎么办。。。”
joshua?他就是个酱油男。。。他还是老老实实承认自己不是no training的Hip-Hoper而是S4前就在debbie的学校注册了吧。。。
Sorry sir, but I don't do regular!
2010-08-17 01:32:35 来自: 鬼树
Step Up 3-D / 舞出我人生3的评论 4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating 4
打开一扇门, 张开一只手或一只眼睛, 在银幕上都能造成像火车相撞那样令人惊心动魄的高潮。
-----Richard McCain
不得不承认3D技术偏爱动作性强的题材。 Step Up 3 全剧都采用3D摄影机拍摄, 加上令人心动的音乐组合, 漂亮的场面调度, 成为一场意犹未尽的视觉盛宴 。 “Movies” “Motion pictures" "Moving pictures"--所有这些说法都表明运动在**艺术中具有极端重要的意义。 从金 凯瑞在《雨中曲》里那把水坑里的泥水踏得四处飞溅的舞蹈, 到如今的把水直接 " 溅” 到观众脸上的Dance Battle, 我不由感叹漂亮的舞步加上视觉艺术的润饰给人带来的观影高潮。
剧情就不多说了, 本片延续了前片的主题- 励志, 追梦。 但是**开头那种通过记录片采访不同舞者对跳舞的看法的方式还是让我的心颤动一下。 我看到了在不加任何修饰的特写镜头下舞者们发自内心的声音, 这种声音似乎被镜头放大, 使人不得不面对那种真实。 不仅仅在于我本身是个舞者, 所以我有共鸣, 更因为真实的东西才是能感动人的。 我们不应该太小看自己。
对于编舞, 我认为和前面两部水平基本相当, 甚至觉得最后那场Battle他们赢得太容易了点, 再加上要最大限度发挥3D的功效, 导演似乎把着重点放在了灯光, 队形,构图, 景深,和摄影机的角度, 而降低了最后那场Battle舞蹈的技术性。不过不足以成为整个**的硬伤。
最让人开心的是Moose 的成长以及他对舞蹈的觉悟。 他那段在纽约华盛顿广场附近的舞蹈体现出他舞蹈风格的多样化。而且我从他那句台词:“一些舞步成就一个时代。“ 看出了他对舞蹈的深度理解。 他和他女朋友那段以爵士为基础的 舞蹈更表现出美国60年代和当代风格的融合。 虽然说技术会更新, 人们行为会改变。 但是一些精神, 比如60年代那种Dare to be dramatic的风貌, 确实还有它难以磨灭的痕迹。
励志的题材常拍不厌,或许就是因为人们都需要那口气。所以我继续推荐Step up 3D
Sorry sir, but i don't do regular Wait a minute, I am not even sorry
2010-12-16 11:45:42 来自: 木子
Step Up 3-D / 舞出我人生3的评论 5 star rating5 star rating5 star rating5 star rating5 star rating 5
延续了第二部高中时代中的Moose。已经说好要面对现实了,放弃自己喜爱的跳舞,但是可能是天意,后面的人推了一下,他便站在了那个小小的比舞圈子,小试牛刀, 于是真正的遇见了Luke,有种命运的感觉……
冰淇淋车前的那一曲I want dance 。相当可爱的舞蹈,有点像现代版的百老汇歌舞剧,不同于每场比赛的激烈和火热,却有着童话故事般的美好,像是一顿丰盛大餐的饭后甜点,不感甜腻,却唇齿留香
2010-08-08 16:03:29 来自: 我QQda棉花糖 (A quién amas)
Step Up 3-D / 舞出我人生3的评论 4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating4 star rating 4
在古老的中国,有一位个性爽朗,性情善良的好女孩,名字叫作花木兰,身为花家的大女儿,花木兰在父母开明的教悔下,一直很期待自己能花家带来荣耀。不过就在北方匈奴来犯,国家正大举征兵的时候,木兰年迈的父亲竟也被徵召上战场,伤心的花木兰害怕父亲会一去不返,便趁着午夜假扮成男装,偷走父亲的盔甲,代替父亲上战场去。花家的祖宗为保护花木兰,于是派出一只心地善良的木须龙去陪伴她,这只讲话像连珠炮又爱生气的小龙,在一路上为木兰带来许多欢笑与协助。 而迪士尼在第36部年度长篇动画钜片,首次采用中国古老的传奇故事“花木兰”,在600位多位迪士尼动画师,孜孜不倦历时四年的时间,将传说内容幻化为令人目不暇给的动画场面,其中当然不乏优美的配乐与令人捧腹大笑的幽默罗!影片中的一对活宝--木须龙和蟋蟀,两个原本毫无拉拢的个体出现在了剧中,成了影片的一大看点,他们极尽搞笑之能事,木须龙活跃万分,蟋蟀则低调行事,但两者结合在一起则闹出了很多笑料,观后感《英文动画片观后感》。这条龙虚荣心强,爱面子,具有人性一面,此外,这龙还有疯的特点,让人极为喜爱,活脱就是活宝一个。在雪山跟匈奴一战的时候,这头龙还在雪崩的时候拿个铠甲冲浪,令人发笑不已。 而对于出身于古老中国家庭的花木兰,她自小便是个聪明伶俐,志气高昂的女孩,虽然她一心一意想要父母为她这个女儿感到骄傲,但似乎常常弄巧成拙,令她自己伤心不已。当她得知年迈的父亲将被徵召入伍,以对抗日渐入侵的匈奴时,花木兰不禁为父亲的安危感到忧心,突生的勇气促使木兰决定告别家乡,女扮男装“代父从军”,就像是得到祖先们的庇荫般,。由被排斥到接受,就在花木兰的军人生活渐入佳境时,她女扮男装的身份被揭穿了,她与木须被抛弃在冰天雪地的边疆,即使在如此恶劣的情势之下,木兰都没有放弃对抗挫折的勇气,但是原想要为家人带来骄傲的花木兰,要如何回到中原,并证明自己的一片心意而瞒骗父母出征,欺骗长官从军的欺君之罪,又要会让花木兰如何面对自己的家人呢
"Songintherain"isamasterpieceofmusicsonganddancefilm,isalsoaHollywoodfilmonthesecretandworkshard20eraofthelatesoundfilms,manysilentmoviestarsfacethevoicetest,alsohadahide-outwiththebehind-the-scenesworkThefilmisthestoryonthebackgroundonthiseraofHollywoodintheworkplacesuchillscausedbythecriticismandprotestThefilmisrecognizedasthebestfilminthehistoryofMusicalAlthoughthereisnofilmintheOscarcompetitiontowinanyawards,butitdoesnotaffectthefansintheeyesoftheloftystatusInparticular,JeanKellyonesideintheraindancewhilesingingthe"songintherain",butalsointheclassicmusical,showingafilminHollywoodMusicaltypeinsomeofthehigheststandardofbeyondItcanbesaidthatfilmsandmusicandlyricsintheshadowofthewater-solublecross-milk,songsanddanceskillsoftheatmospherehasembraced,theultrarun ThestorydescribestheoriginofthesonganddancevarietyJeanKellyintothefilmworld,withahigherlevelofdevelopment,however,withhispartneractressbecauseoftheperformanceofvoiceverypoor,waslefttoJean'sgirlfriendDebbieReynoldsasthevoicebehindthescenesItwasthesituationoftheaudience,butalsohaverespectfortheactressadded,herheadvictoryinthered,DebbiedoesnotrecognizeTheresultsinafilmwiththestageshow,designedtoletpeopleoutofthebiguglyactress,DebbiehascomeIn1927,aHollywoodnightTangstarsattendingthepremiereofafilm,withYinchayangcuoCaseymetayoungwomanCaseyTangTangandhisfilmshaveturneduptheirnoses,andthesmallbutintelligentDonCaseyinitiationofloveAtthattime,HollywoodisfortheupcomingfilmsoundconductedvariousattemptsBrilliantfilmcompanyalsoplanstoTangandhisfilmloversPaulinastarringfilm"Knightduel,"madeintoafilmsoundButtheaudiotechnologysoimmature,"Knightduel,"acrushingdefeatEveryoneinfrustration,songanddanceonBroadwayactorwhowasCasey'sproposal,whydonotyoushootMusicalTheideatoleteveryoneexcitedNottosingwillnotjumpfromtherapofPaulinaCaseyalternativevoiceTitlehasbeenchangedto"KnightsofSongandDance"and"Knightduel,"addedalotofmoderndance,afterthescreening,audienceresponsehasbeenoverwhelmingWhenPaulinaspeechtotheaudience,theaudiencethathervoiceandthemovieareverydifferentWowtheaudience,singingthesamesongrequestLina,DonCaseyrequestedtosingbehindthescenes,Paulinasinginginfront"Rainsong"beautifulmelodyechoinginthehall,atthistime,thecurtainopenedTangla,thetwosingersappearedatthesametime,theaudienceknewwhotherealstarDonCaseyandhugtogether Afterthemovie,Ifinallyunderstandwhysince1960the"rainsong"asitisoftenthehistoryoffilmonthelistofthetop10Jiapian;whythefilmwasnotonlyrepeatedBritain'sreputation"asthehearingand"JournaloftheHistoryofthe10filmsselectedasthevideo,butonlyeverelectedtotheMusical;whyeventhecorrectimageofRobertRedfordin"Condorlaw,"thefilm,televisionbroadcast,"therainsong",Cannothelpbutfollowthemelody,holdinganumbrella,donotshowthathehasdevelopedararecellsinthesonganddance;MiaFarrowandWoodyAllenhasnotyetbeforethebreak,butalso"loveandcrime"forasweetperformanceThecase,itiscalledtake-away,andthenhidingintheeditingroom,whileeatingthe"rainsong";whyeventhetenorofthethreeconcertsintheUnitedStatestogetherforthefirsttime,didnotforgettosingthefirst"songintherain,"thethemeofQu"paytribute"you "Songintherain"agoodmovie,isnotexpressedinwordsInviewoftheon-linecomments,sothereisaparagraph:"forsomanyyearswatchingmovies,wasafavoriteisthatithasbeen,whenraining,italwaysraisedablackumbrella,JeanlearnTreadKellyOnafewstepsandthentookadeepbreathandlifereallyisbeautiful---good!" "Songintherain"isthebestfilminthehistoryofoneofthemusicalActorGeneKellyinthefilm'smanydanceperformances,fromdesigntoperformancecanonlymakeuseofthe"amazing"todescribethewordsInaddition,thestoryitselfisquiteexcitingandinterestinginordertosmooththewayfromthesilenteraofHollywood,introducedintoaneraofsoundfilmstudioanecdotes,theaudienceofentertainmentfromfilmtounderstandthehistoryofthedevelopmentofthisimportantstage 《雨中曲》是音乐歌舞**的杰作,也是一部关于好莱坞影坛秘密与艰辛的佳作。20年代末期开始了有声**,很多无声**明星遭遇到声音考验,也产生了淘汰与幕后的掩饰工作。本片故事背景就放在这个年代,对好莱坞这种工作场所造成的弊病提出批评及抗议。这部**被公认为影史上最佳歌舞片。本片虽然没有在奥斯卡角逐中赢得任何奖项,但并不影响它在影迷心目中的崇高地位。尤其是吉恩凯利一个人在雨中边舞边唱的“雨中曲”,更是歌舞片中的经典,呈现出好莱坞影片在歌舞片类型中所能有的最高水准。可以说影片在词曲与影物的水乳交溶、歌曲气氛与舞蹈技艺的相互辉映方面,已臻化境。 故事描述表演歌舞杂耍出身的吉恩.凯利投身**圈,有了更上一层楼的发展,然而跟他搭档演出的女明星却因嗓音奇差无比,只好由吉恩的女友戴比.雷诺兹作幕后配音。观众搞不清楚状况,还对女明星敬佩有加,令她胜利冲昏了头,不承认黛比的贡献。结果在一次随片登台的表演中,众人设计让女星出了大丑,黛比也反败为胜。1927年,好莱坞的一个晚上。大明星唐在参加完一个影片的首映式后,阴差阳错地与青年女子凯西相遇了。凯西对唐和唐演的影片都嗤之以鼻,而唐却对娇小聪慧的凯西萌生爱意。当时的好莱坞正在为即将到来的有声**而进行着各种尝试。辉煌**公司也准备把唐和他影坛情侣琳娜主演的影片《决斗骑士》拍成有声片。但有声技术的不成熟让《决斗骑士》一片惨败。就在大家沮丧之际,百老汇歌舞演员出身的凯西却提议,为什么不拍歌舞片?这个主意让大家兴奋不已。不会唱不会跳的琳娜的说唱由凯西配音替代。片名已经改成《歌舞骑士》的《决斗骑士》加进了许多现代舞蹈,公映后,观众反应极为热烈。当琳娜向观众致词时,观众觉得她的声音和影片的不一样。观众大哗,一致要求琳娜唱一首歌,唐要求凯西在幕后唱,琳娜在幕前假唱。“雨中曲”优美的旋律回荡在大厅,此时,唐拉开大幕,两个歌者同时亮相,观众知道了谁是真正的明星……唐和凯西拥抱在了一起。 看完了这部**以后,我终于了解到为什么自1960年以来《雨中曲》便经常被列为影史十大佳片的名单之中;为什么这部**不仅屡次被声誉卓著的英国“视与听”杂志选为影史十大影片,而且是有史以来唯一被选入的歌舞片;为什么即使是形象端正的劳勃瑞福在《法网神鹰》这部**,看到电视播出《雨中曲》时,也忍不住跟着旋律、拿着雨伞,表演他不太发达却难得一见的歌舞细胞;米亚法罗和伍迪艾伦尚未分手前,也在《爱与罪》演出一段甜蜜的情事,那就是叫外卖、然后躲在剪接室里,边吃边看《雨中曲》;为什么就连三大男高音在美国聚头演唱的时候,都不忘唱首《雨中曲》的主题曲“致敬”一下…… 《雨中曲》这部**的好,是用言语无法表达的。在看网上的评论时就有这么一段话:“看了这么多年**,心里的最爱一直是它,每当阴雨连绵时,也总是提了一把黑伞,学着吉恩凯利踏上几步,然后再深吸一口气———生活真的是很美好啊!” 《雨中曲》是影史上最精彩的歌舞片之一。男主角吉恩.凯利在片中表演的多场舞蹈,从设计到演出都只能用“叹为观止”四字来形容。除此之外,剧情本身也相当精彩,以流畅而有趣的手法介绍好莱坞从默片时代转变为有声片时代的片厂趣闻,使观众从娱乐之中了解**发展史的这个重要阶段。
1 用英语写**观后感
Waiting is life original old
WuShiXian movie alone waiting "and won a prize, saw the summer rain and LiBingBing collision, this is exciting Movie describing the life is from Beijing, is also the contemporary young people, boring, fantasy, loss, decadent But no one can live without struggle, struggle in life in the rules, struggling in secular ments in controversy, alone and waited
The film is in my opinion is not simple love can be summarized, that kind of narrative real let me more reflections is struggling, loneliness, stray, disguise, vanity and simple, persistence, kind these more real and perceptual things This is the movie charm, let us find their shadows, reviewing myself, then coat-of-arms back to life At the same time in the lonely and helpless, waiting, waiting for the love, dream, the beautiful utopia
2 《127小时》英文观后感本片讲诉的是远足者阿伦·罗斯顿在犹他州的一次远足中,因为在一个偏僻的峡谷被掉落的山石压住胳膊而无法动弹,孤独的被困在那里。在接下来的五天里,罗斯顿精神上经受着巨大的考验,同时也审视着自己的人生,更重要的是,他需要利用手上的各种条件想法脱离险境。终于,他痛下决心,以惊人的勇气给自己的胳膊做了截肢手术,并攀下65英尺的谷底,同时忍痛步行8公里后,最后获得营救,成功生还。
The film telling the hiker Alan Roston on a hike in Utah, and cannot move because of being dropped in a remote Canyon rocks down arms, lonely was trapped in there In the next five days, the spirit of Roston on being tested, but also look forward to theirlife, more important is, he needs to be out of danger in the hands of variousconditions using ideas Finally, he determined, with amazing courage to his arm to be amputated operation, and climb 65 feet above the valley floor, and reluctantly walks 8 kilometers, finally obtain the rescue, successfully survived
3 求英文**观后感(英语作文)喜剧动物片 101真狗my personal favorite "101D" medium is Disney's "101 Dalmatians: the Series" It bines many themes of the existing material (Dodie Smith book, 1961 and 1996 movies) But still does its own things, tooOur main pups include brave Lucky, who gets a strong personality mirroring his character in the book, lovable Rolly, the gourmand of the pups, and sweet little Cadpig, who is the true runt of the litter Also there is Spot the chicken, who longs to be a dog I find them all extremely amiable and enjoyable to watch They are usually foiling Cruella's schemes for their land, or ouitting Lt Pug (I'll get to him later), or sneaking into Grutely, or。
just having fun, making a very likable show动画喜剧 海底总动员Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks) Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him awayTaken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son。The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Pla is matched by the wit of the script and stars Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running泰坦尼克号After the appreciation of the film “Titanic”, I have noticed some meaningful details behind the peoples' general impression of simply an affectional film The wreck of the Titanic occurred in 1912, in which the great recession started from the end of the 19th Century still hasn't ended Most critics pointed out that the sinking of the Titanic represents the collapse of the Capitali in the end of the 19th Century However, I would like to say that, in this movie, the director had not only foreran the crisis of the Capitali , but also showed some of the human nature, from both gloomy and brilliant aspects, like selfish, mammonish, vainglorious, and love, hope, bravery, faith, and so on In this essay, I will first reveal this film's indication of the social context of that age, then I will yse the o contrary aspects of human nature indicated in this film through some impressive shotsUnder the development of industrial technology, the economy in the Capitali countries took off People lived a rich, luxury and expensive life, and this rapid economic development lasted for almost 20 years People had got used to this kind of life The huge development in machinery changed people's life greatly Innovations of transportation, such as vehicles and tankers, allowed people to travel around The appearance of these modern transportations was an important milestone of the industrialization People thus became very confident on human intellectual capabilities They believed their power of conquering the nature is inapproachable While the Titanic is also called “The Ship of Dreamers”, in this film, when it bearing in with the ocean in the darkness, the mysterious ocean represents the unknown nature and the ship itself represents the advanced material capabilities people owned In a shot that Mr Bruce explains his design of the Titanic, he said “the ship possesses huge size, stability, luxury, and strength”, and that” the supremacy will never be challenged” In fact, all these words can be thought of the symbols of the Capitali of that time in many people's eyes They thought the Capitali is just like the Titanic, which should be “unsinkable” The wonderful way of developing economy would stay in good condition eternally However, things do not always follow the way people wish to be The economic recession suddenly attacked the Capitali countries at the end of the 19th Century It was not until then that people did not realize the impracticality of their idealized “unsinkable” Capitali Capitali will sink And unfortunately it did sink Just like the movie shows, when the ship broke into o parts and began to sink quicker and quicker, everybody knows the ship is going to sink, the priest kept reiterating to the disciples,” the former would has passed away”As to the human nature uncovered in this film, can be thought of from both negative and positive aspects I will first elucidate some gloomy characteristics revealed by the film The first impressive characteristic may be that the fiancé of Rose, Karl would gain his ends by。
4 写一篇看**的观后感(用英语100词左右)Today,I went to the cinemaHow wonderful this moiveIt called+(**的名字)。
I went into the cinema quickly because I really excitedIt was a/an+(**的类型,比如惊悚片,喜剧片等) It talked about (**的简单内容,用过去式)。It told me that (我的体会,可以用过去式的将来时,比如有教育意义的就是I would study harder than before)。
I hope I can go to movie to see a/an (教育片:educational movie等自己的希望)。
5 用英语写英语**观后感,150字《2012》是一部灾难巨片,片中当然少不了许多震撼的地球毁灭情景。当地震来临,高楼像儿童的积木玩具一样倒塌,温馨的房屋眨眼间坍陷为一片废墟。在大自然狂暴的力量面前,人显得如此无力,几秒钟,或者几分钟,在地震、火山、海啸、超级洪灾面前,都消失的无影无踪。但我也看见美国总统在灾难注定来临的时刻,选择留在美国与自己的人民在一起直到最后时刻,“船长不愿丢下正在沉没的船,这是他高贵的选择”
2012" is a disaster epic, the film of course, and ultimately, the Earth's destruction of many shocking scenes When the earthquake ing, high-rise building blocks, like children's toys, like the collapse of a warm house for a blink of an eye Tanxian ruins Rage in the face of the forces of nature, people seem so weak, a few seconds, or minutes, in the earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, floods in front of a super, all disappear without a trace But I also saw the US president in the disaster destined to e a time chosen to remain in the United States and their people together until the last moment, "the captain was unwilling to leave the sinking ship, it was his noble choice"
In accordance with the Mayan prophecy, December 21, 2012 destruction of Earth Day Although this is only a prediction, but it is worth our consideration In the face of nature, we are all petty The enormous destructive power of nature, we are powerless, the only way to save himself, in addition to the ark, but more importantly is that we ourselves, in the glorious nature of our humanity, to family and friends willing to give up everything and even lives heroic When we can do all this, we also be able to save ourselves, we also be able to save mankind and civilization
6 英文作文 外国**观后感2篇老人与海 This year summer vacation, I read the American well-known writer Hemingway's novel " old person and sea " I extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain successfully The novel description is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull The senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up Afterwards and further because in the big marlin wound fish fishy ell brought in several crowds of shark fish snatches the food, but the old person still did not hope like this to give up, finally highlighted encircles tightly, returned to the big fish belt the fishing port, lets other fishermen not admire already When I read " the senior fisherman think: Here to the seacoast really was too near, perhaps could have a bigger fish in a farther place。
" When, I extremely admire this senior fisherman, because he by now already projected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but was approaches the bigger goal advance Again has a look us, usually meets one slightly is difficult, we all plain incessantly We will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal When I read " the big marlin start fast to gather round the young fishing boat hover, ined the cable on the mast, the old person right hand lifted up high the steel fork, leapt the water surface in it the flash, did utmost throws to its heart, one wail ended the big fish's life, it was static static floats on the water surface。 " When, my heart also liked together the big stone falls I extremely admire old person that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is weles difficultly above Just because had this kind of spirit, the senior fisherman only then achieved this life and death contest success We also must study senior fisherman's spirit in life, handles the matter does not fear the difficulty, only then can obtain successfully Was reading the big fish's ell of blood is elled by one crowd of shark fish, struggled swims snatches the food, old person's left hand happen to in the convulsions, he only could use the right hand, with wooden stick, the mouth and so on all was allowed to use for the weapon self-defense which attacked, and finally expelled this crowd of shark fish But the big fish's meat was already eaten one most, but the old person also charmingly criticized oneself the left hand " this work time actually was resting " time, I also was subdued by the old person optimistic spirit In the life, some losses are inevitable, we should treat by the optimistic manner, cannot be calculating Finally, the novel sees by one youth the senior fisherman fully has 18 foot long big marlin in the measure, once more described this fish's hugeness, explained senior fisherman overes the difficulty was big, non- was more mon than The novel eulogized the spirit which the senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous diligently did not struggle, we also should like his such, could not satisfy the present situation, should positively to above, do any matter all is relentless, meets difficultly must wele difficultly above, could give up halfway in no way Only has this, we only then can obtain a bigger success and the victory。
7 用现在完成时写一篇英语作文:看**的观后感关于**
Yesterday I went to watch 3D IMAX 'Avatar' with my mother and the teachers in her school I have to admit that the film is such a wonder that I thought it is well worth watching in one's whole life 'Avatar' is not just a film Yes the view in it is really beautiful, charming, amazing, wonderful。I can use hundreds of words to discribe what I saw The film is not just about the love story beeen a 'human' and a Na'vi princess, but also a educational file
喜剧动物片 101真狗
my personal favorite "101D" medium is Disney's "101 Dalmatians: the Series" It combines many themes of the existing material (Dodie Smith book, 1961 and 1996 movies) But still does its own things, too
Our main pups include brave Lucky, who gets a strong personality mirroring his character in the book, lovable Rolly, the gourmand of the pups, and sweet little Cadpig, who is the true runt of the litter Also there is Spot the chicken, who longs to be a dog I find them all extremely amiable and enjoyable to watch They are usually foiling Cruella's schemes for their land, or outwitting Lt Pug (I'll get to him later), or sneaking into Grutely, orjust having fun, making a very likable show
动画喜剧 海底总动员
Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks) Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away
Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son
The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running
After the appreciation of the film “Titanic”, I have noticed some meaningful details behind the peoples’ general impression of simply an affectional film The wreck of the Titanic occurred in 1912, in which the great recession started from the end of the 19th Century still hasn’t ended Most critics pointed out that the sinking of the Titanic represents the collapse of the Capitalism in the end of the 19th Century However, I would like to say that, in this movie, the director had not only foreran the crisis of the Capitalism, but also showed some of the human nature, from both gloomy and brilliant aspects, like selfish, mammonish, vainglorious, and love, hope, bravery, faith, and so on In this essay, I will first reveal this film’s indication of the social context of that age, then I will analyse the two contrary aspects of human nature indicated in this film through some impressive shots
Under the development of industrial technology, the economy in the Capitalism countries took off People lived a rich, luxury and expensive life, and this rapid economic development lasted for almost 20 years People had got used to this kind of life The huge development in machinery changed people’s life greatly Innovations of transportation, such as vehicles and tankers, allowed people to travel around The appearance of these modern transportations was an important milestone of the industrialization People thus became very confident on human intellectual capabilities They believed their power of conquering the nature is inapproachable While the Titanic is also called “The Ship of Dreamers”, in this film, when it bearing in with the ocean in the darkness, the mysterious ocean represents the unknown nature and the ship itself represents the advanced material capabilities people owned In a shot that Mr Bruce explains his design of the Titanic, he said “the ship possesses huge size, stability, luxury, and strength”, and that” the supremacy will never be challenged” In fact, all these words can be thought of the symbols of the Capitalism of that time in many people’s eyes They thought the Capitalism is just like the Titanic, which should be “unsinkable” The wonderful way of developing economy would stay in good condition eternally However, things do not always follow the way people wish to be The economic recession suddenly attacked the Capitalism countries at the end of the 19th Century It was not until then that people did not realize the impracticality of their idealized “unsinkable” Capitalism Capitalism will sink And unfortunately it did sink Just like the movie shows, when the ship broke into two parts and began to sink quicker and quicker, everybody knows the ship is going to sink, the priest kept reiterating to the disciples,” the former would has passed away”
As to the human nature uncovered in this film, can be thought of from both negative and positive aspects I will first elucidate some gloomy characteristics revealed by the film The first impressive characteristic may be that the fiancé of Rose, Karl would gain his ends by fair means or foul When he noticed that Rose has obliquity with Jack, he took out the necklace with a diamond of 56 carats named “the heart of the ocean”, to request Rose not to leave him He knows that Rose doesn’t love him, but he chose to use money to keep Rose with him When Titanic was sinking, both Jack and Karl were trying to trick Rose into getting on the accident boat Since Karl had already bribed a sailor, he lied to Rose that he would ensure that Jack will also get on the boat Nevertheless, when Karl himself was rejected to get on the accident boat, he again used an intrigue that he picked up an outcast child and pretended to be the father of the child, and managed to get on the accident boat Another negative social mood of that time exposed by the film is vanity Rose’s mother wanted to marry her daughter to Karl just because Karl is extremely rich, while she doesn’t care whether Rose loves him or not When Jack wearing a suit borrowed from a woman to attend the dinner invited by Karl, he was respected by other guests However, when he wore his own clothes maybe a little bit shabby, and tried to enter the ballroom to look for Rose, he was driven out by the two guards outside the ballroom The two respondences depending on Jack’s appearance contrasted sharply, and really very shocking for us to imagine a society like that Anyway, there are some brilliant aspects of human nature showed in this film There is love, bravery, faith, and beliefs existing at the scene The presence of love was impenetrated through the whole film The love is not only expressed between Jack and Rose, but also exists among the families When the water was poured into the ship, when men are forced to be obstructed from their wives and children, an old couple held each other tightly in the bed; a father comforted his daughter he will just leave her for a while, just a little while… When Titanic was sinking, some musicians were performing pieces of music, some disciples were praying to Virgin Mary around the priest on their knees…
In conclusion, the film of “Titanic” is not simply an affectional story between Jack and Rose It shows more than love The wreck of Titanic represents the collapse of the Capitalism, which is considered “unsinkable” by most people The film also shows different aspects of human nature Some people own strong vainglory, while some other possess much of love; still others are rich in firm faith and beliefs We should always keep in mind that, no matter how enormous the calamity is, no matter how defective the people are, we should believe there are always more virtue than vice in the world…
Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves
More do not want to repeat the story, because it really well Look at the process, appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh, the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go This film has done very authentic, a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling, no matter which story or convey the moods, whether the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern, such as, for example ok
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J K Rowling The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule
This film was absolutely amazing I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon's door It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating Natalie Portman's face, symbolizing something angelic And the moment has so much more meaning
I know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans I'm not But I'm glad I finally found it, because it's a wonderful film in so many other ways
I watched the film called High School MusicalAfter watching it, I felt
very happy and it touched me very muchIt is an American filmIt tells
American high school students'lifeAmerican students are very different from
our Chinese studentsThey are in high spirits when facing their lives and
their out-of-class games are quite colorful
Main actress is a very beautiful girl called GabriellaShe was unconfident
to sing at firstBut a boy told her that she sang very wellThen they sang
together happily
I think as long as you try your best,whether you fail or not,you will
never regretWe must believe in ourselves forever
Forrest Gump
It is one of the greatest novels that I have ever read The main role called Forrest GumpLet me introduce him shortly Forrest Gump, who is unfortunately born with a rather low IQ, has already created a miracle, achieving a great deal of incredible success He is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire Stupid as he is, he gains his brilliant life indeed
At the beginning of reading this novel, I thought an idiot’s life must be more difficult than others His life must be full of mocks My thoughts are proved in the book Because he is an idiot, all the people look down upon him Most of boys don’t want to share one seat with him on bus; many bad guys throw stones to hit him; he cannot be allowed to study into primary school at first; Jenny is the only girl that he loves all his life But she thinks Forrest Gump doesn’t understand what’s love at first ……
After finish reading this novel, I learned a lot Sometimes I think he is not a fool but a genius His attitude to life is even clever than ordinary people
Firstly, he is optimistic He doesn’t do anything wrong but the society is unfair to Forrest I felt very sad to him However, Forrest is as optimistic as his mother he always remembers his mother’s words: “ stupid is someone who did stupid things” He does not do something stupid
Secondly, he has strong willed Because his IQ is lower than others, he has to concentrate on one thing So he does well on everything he works He loves jenny from the first sight at her to her death At last, he gets married with her and has a son; he runs for 3 years just because he likes running; he loads a gun faster than other soldiers…
Thirdly, he is ideal husband He is a man with a sense of responsibility He loves Jenny very much When others hurt her, he tries his best to protect her He can earn a lot of money and he is a famous person in America
So he is clever than others Maybe a lot of people say he has good lucks But I think character is bond to person’s fate His attitude and his efforts to life make him has a happiness results at last
In addition, I want to say something about destiny
Sometimes we think god gives everyone different fates Someone has good looking while someone is born in rich family; someone is good at sports while someone is good at arts Take Forrest for an example He is a fool but he has talent on sports, such as running or playing pingpongso everyone has his or her own gifts God gives him a great mother She is clever She can earn enough money to support her one parent family She I is also optimistic She never feels ashamed of her son She is proud of her son She never thinks Forrest is a fool She wants her son can lead a life as an ordinary person In order to let him study into school, she has sex with the headmaster She is also intelligent Every night she reads some books for Forrest and tells some simple truths to him Such as “There's an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes Where they're going Where they've been” “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get”
Thus, do not complain that you do not have something Just like yourself and make your advantages better and better
Sometimes we think we have bad luck But in fact it is a good thing for us I remember one classic sentence: life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you will get from it For example, because Forrest
always runs to avoid being hit by stones, his speed is faster than others So he is chosen to baseball team and become to a famous player He is so excellent that he has got chance to meet president So whenever you are in trouble, do not think it is a bad luck It is just a challenge After overcoming it, you will gain more than you lost
For me, I want to say, last one month I got very bad luck I got break up with my boyfriend and I met traffic accident on my way to school And my back was hurt Because of being shot CT, a lot of acnes appear on my face Furthermore, my study is influenced
At first I felt very sad I cannot know how to deal with it I think I lost a lot of things After reading the book, I changed my mind The accidence makes me lost a lot of things Meanwhile it also made me gain a lot of things I gained a lot of love from my classmates, my teachers and my relatives I become mature And now I pay more attention about my health If I can overcome this terrible thing, I will be great And I can lead a splendid life in the foreseeable future
After reading the novel, I watched the movie As the beautiful music, there is a beautiful feather dancing with the breeze, finally lighting at the foot of Forrest Gump sitting on the bench At the end of the film, the beautiful feather is going on floating in the sky In my view, life is just like a feather, which can be changeable with the breeze in the sky We cannot control the breeze What we can do is to adjust to the environment We should take advantage of our advantages And try our best to make us dancing more beautiful in the blue sky Our IQ is higher than Forrest Gump, so we have ability to live better than Forrest Just seek for a better life through work hard
Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture Xu datong is a video games designer in St Louis When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment) on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences But the most impressing scene to me is the ending Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed
It's about assimilation into American culture, and not assimilation in an ”International” city, like SF or NY or LA or Chicago, but St Louis, MO (actually shot there) Really great acting, interesting story
Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient's acupuncture acupressure massage points It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture acupressure massage This method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin, and the story
begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work
Sadly, in US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between culturesGua Sha: Step-by-Step, by Arya NielsenIf an acupuncturist is trained in Classical Chinese medicine, they will do this technique in their practice for pain, and for acute or chronic illness
About colonel's story, about strives for the free story, about Civil War's story
Previously had known this movie, as soon as shakes such a year, settled the heart to look slowly finally, hero's story always could let the person mind jump for joy
However the Arab League letter also had the new idea today, Monie asked that I liked watching the war piece, at that time a little the feeling which stumped How saying that the good movie I looked
However today the biggest harvest is unexpectedly in the time which takes a bath obtains, the concrete theory is as follows: The Arab League letter thought that the world is composed of the man and the woman, therefore we story always unavoidably will also have the men and women to blend in which, but the war will always be flooding the rank smell of blood, the violence, the battle, that will be belongs to the man, love will be illusioned, speculated subjectively, will be perceptual, will therefore belong to the woman, then any movie may this both fuse, that only then the war movie, this kind of movie influence has been together huge, whole families idle suitable, the men and women will sweep the decks, it may be said that in classics classics
< overlord other professional female entertainer >< rain ballad >< the attacking army has reached the city >< Sparta revolts >< British patient >< the immortal gardener >< empire to downcast >< the barber >< Rwanda to reach the hotel >< Giza not blue ka > Always in the turbulent years, love only then sparkles eye-catching
As my soul heels the shame, i will grow through this pain, lord, i'm doin' all i can, to be a better man