

信仰belief faith believe in conviction 展开《新汉英大辞典》 折叠《新汉英大辞典》 信仰 [xìn yǎng] faith; belief; conviction; believe in: 例句: political conviction; 政治信仰 break [violate] faith; 背弃信仰 短语 1 信仰疗法 faith cure [healing]; 2 信仰论 gnositicism; 3 信仰调和论 syncretism; 4 信仰危机 crisis of [in] belief; crisis in moral convictions; 5 信仰学 pistology; 6 信仰医士 faith healer; 7 信仰主义 {哲} fideism; 8 信仰主义者 fideist 以上来源于: 《新汉英大辞典》 网络释义 展开 折叠 信仰 1 faith 大家论坛-大家学习网论坛 http://bbstopsagecom fetishism 拜物教 faith 信仰 worship, adoration 崇拜 bbstopsagecom- 基于314个网页 2 believein 成人高考高起点英语词组复习资料一 atthebeginningof…的起初 believein 信仰 belongto(介词)属于 wwwkao86com- 基于94个网页 3 belief 天主教字典:B Belial:贝里雅耳;彼列(基):新约中撒旦之名(格后六15)。 belief : 信仰 ;信赖;信心:对真理心悦诚服。 bell, book and candle:鸣钟、掩卷、熄烛:中世纪开除教籍的步骤。 wwwccccnorg- 基于91个网页 4 der Glaube, n 「德语等级考试」->「DSH」->「DaF」->「 der Gips, e 石膏 der Glaube, n 信仰 ;认为 der Gliederschmerz, en 关节炎 wwwdeyudeyucom- 基于83个网页 信仰 faith | believein | belief | der Glaube, n 信仰 1 faith 大家论坛-大家学习网论坛 http://bbstopsagecom fetishism 拜物教 faith 信仰 worship, adoration 崇拜 bbstopsagecom- 基于314个网页 2 believein 成人高考高起点英语词组复习资料一 atthebeginningof…的起初 believein 信仰 belongto(介词)属于 wwwkao86com- 基于94个网页 3 belief 天主教字典:B Belial:贝里雅耳;彼列(基):新约中撒旦之名(格后六15)。 belief : 信仰 ;信赖;信心:对真理心悦诚服。 bell, book and candle:鸣钟、掩卷、熄烛:中世纪开除教籍的步骤。 wwwccccnorg- 基于91个网页 4 der Glaube, n 「德语等级考试」->「DSH」->「DaF」->「 der Gips, e 石膏 der Glaube, n 信仰 ;认为 der Gliederschmerz, en 关节炎 wwwdeyudeyucom- 基于83个网页 信仰者adoptionist | revivalist | votary | The Believer 信仰者 adoptionist | revivalist | votary | The Believer 信仰者 1 adoptionist 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(4) adoptionism 学说 adoptionist 信仰者 adoptive 收养关系的 enitfensicom- 基于33个网页 2 revivalist 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(117)(3) revivalism 信仰复兴运动 revivalist 信仰者 revivatory 复活的 wwwveryenorg- 基于22个网页 3 votary 转帖经典的易混词终结1 voluminous 丰满的 votary 信仰者 seminary =神学院, wwwcnoverseascom- 基于11个网页 4 The Believer ane,我最爱的事 (My Favorite Things),爵士大师经典 (Soul Trane),星尘 (Stardust),华丽人生 (Lush Life), 信仰者 ( The Believer ),黑珍珠 (Black Pearls),名作决定盘 (The Best Of John Coltrane),非洲印象 (Afro Blue Impressions),名作决定盘 (The Best Of J webezpeermusichinetnet- 基于4个网页 无信仰Faithless | infidelity | Non-Religious | pflichtvergessen 无信仰 Faithless | infidelity | Non-Religious | pflichtvergessen 无信仰 1 Faithless 艺名来自传说中的迦太基女皇的蒂朵,原本浸*于古典世界却在九五年加入哥哥Rollo所组的电气乐团“ 无信仰 ”( Faithless ),五百万乐迷就这样与她的歌声作了奇妙的第一类接触。 newscqnewsnet- 基于22个网页 2 infidelity B2B门户外贸知识工具,外贸词典 infestation 群袭 infestation 横行 infidelity 无信仰 wwwb2bfacecom- 基于12个网页 3 Non-Religious 佛罗里达州 犹太教(Jewish) 其他(Other Religions) 无信仰 ( Non-Religious ) meiyuanhk- 基于6个网页 4 pflichtvergessen Chinesisch - Deutsch Wrt 无保证 = unbefugt 无信仰 = pflichtvergessen 无偏= agonisch wwwwoerterbuch-uebersetzungde- 基于3个网页 保持信仰Keeping the Faith | Kepping the Faith 保持信仰 Keeping the Faith | Kepping the Faith 保持信仰 1 Keeping the Faith 《 保持信仰 》( Keeping The Faith )是爱德华诺顿自《角斗俱乐部》之后再次主演并导演的一部浪漫喜剧 cncncncom- 基于39个网页 2 Kepping the Faith 科技词典字母K25页 keramovitrons玻璃粘结陶瓷制品 keramzite素烧粘土填料 陶结块 keratalgia角膜痛 wwwb2b99com- 基于1个网页 信仰治疗faithcure | Faith Healing 信仰治疗 faithcure | Faith Healing 信仰治疗 1 faithcure 心理学英语词汇第167页 faith信仰 faithcure信仰治疗 faithhealing信仰治愈 collegetradettcom- 基于32个网页 2 Faith Healing 我最近参加了一个有关 信仰治疗 ( faith healing ) 的会议。在会上,许多受过良好教育的人举出了许多奇闻轶事,来说明他们或其他人拥有一种神奇的治病力量,并试图说明他们在这个问 biechudelilyblog163com- 基于7个网页 信仰治愈faith healing 信仰治愈 faith healing 信仰治愈 faith healing 社会工作专业英语词汇(F) faith cure 信仰治疗 faith healing 信仰治愈 fake 伪造 wwwbdstarorg- 基于35个网页 放弃信仰apostatize 放弃信仰 apostatize 放弃信仰 apostatize 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A4)a apostatic 背教的 apostatize 放弃信仰 aposteriori 归纳的 wwwexamdacom- 基于34个网页 信仰破灭faith no more | Faith No More 信仰破灭 faith no more | Faith No More 信仰破灭 1 faith no more 作为今天十大重金属乐队之一,Korn一直超凡脱俗,除了集Jane’s Addiction(简之毒瘾)、Tool(工具)、 Faith No More ( 信仰破灭 )这些乐队优点于一身的优势外,他们的整体声效更确切地说气氛更是他们最独特的卖点。 wwwguitareracom- 基于30个网页 2 Faith No More 避避风! Fats Dimino 胖子多米诺 Faith No More 信仰破灭 Falconer 养鹰者 wwwmtimecom- 基于3个网页 唯一信仰What you believe in 唯一信仰 What you believe in 唯一信仰 What you believe in 商品描述 Ain\'t on sense in love 爱情零规则 What you believe in 唯一信仰 Mancunian 曼彻斯特大街 wwwkaka365com- 基于20个网页 基督信仰Christianity 基督信仰 Christianity 基督信仰 Christianity 教区渐渐形成,反映著帝国的行省地区,新的结构及管理方式出现, 基督信仰 ( Christianity )便成了基督帝国( Christendom),把宗教、文化、政治囊括无余,使得精神界与社会物质界的分野模糊不清。 wwwccccnorg- 基于20个网页 相关词组 隐藏相关词组 例句与用法 1 他们被迫发誓放弃自己的 信仰 。 They were compelled to abjure their faith 《新汉英大辞典》 2 别试图把你的 信仰 强加在别人头上。 Do not try to impose your belief upon others wwwmedib2bcom 3 给最简陋的大厦添加宗教 信仰 ,你便拥有一所教堂。 Add religion to the humblest of edifices and you have a sanctuary babykidsicityucom



Half a year before graduation from college, my son began to seek a job Due to the financialcrisis, fewer panies would like to employ new staff while potential employees were floodingthe job market Therefore, the petition was ever-fierce My son targeted a pany thatwas located in a coastal city It was intended to employ only one person while there were morethan twenty candidates filing their resumes, among whom was my son I said to my son, “It i ore difficult to get into this pany than take the college entrance exam You should notharbor too much hope for fear that you would feel terribly disappointed when you fail” Hesaid to me, “I am not afraid of disappointment As long as I try, there will always be hope!”

儿子离大学毕业还有半年,便开始找工作了。由于受金融危机的影响,招工单位少,招聘人员少,应聘人员多,所以竞争异常激烈。 儿子看好了沿海城市一家不错的单位,招工名额只有1人,投简历的却有20多人,儿子是其中之一。我对儿子说:“比考大学还难,别抱什么希望,免得没被录取而失望。”儿子说:“失望也不怕,只要参与总有希望。”

My son’s words seemed to e true and he was rmed to be interviewed There were only6 people to receive interview after the pany reviewed all the people’s resumes After theinterview, there would only be 3 who could enter the final round, which would later decide oneperson to be employed Everything seemed to go quite well and my son passed the first roundand entered the final round in a week My son and other family members were excitedly andnervously looking forward to the ing of the final interview

  儿子说准了,希望还真来了,他接到了面试通知。经过初选,参加面试的只有6人,面试后要淘汰3人,胜出的3人参加复试,最终录取1人。 希望升级了,经过面试,儿子再次胜出,进入3人组,一周后进行复试。儿子和我们一家人都在激动和忐忑中等待着复试的到来。

On the day of the final interview, my son and other two candidates arrived at the interviewvenue promptly, waiting for the decisive harsh test Unexpectedly, the interview wasunbelievably simple, during which the interviewer only chatted with them for a while Theinterview strategies my son prepared were not utilized at all The interviewer said to them, “Allof you are very super Please go home and wait for our notice We will tell you the result in 3days Good luck to all of you!” On the morning of the third day, my son received the text fromthe pany shortly after breakfast that he was not employed My son felt dreadfullydisappointed In order to soothe him, I pretended to be relaxed and said to him, “It does notmatter! I believe you will have more opportunities in the future!”

复试那天,儿子和另外两人准时来到了复试现场,等待决定命运的严峻考验。没想到,复试很简单,只是招聘负责人与他们闲聊了几句话就结束了,儿子准备的方案一点也没有用上。招聘负责人说:“各位都很优秀,回去等通知吧,3天后告诉你们结果。祝各位好运!” 第三天上午,刚刚吃过早饭,儿子接到了招聘方的简讯:“很遗憾地通知你,你没有被录取。”儿子失望极了。 为了安慰他,我轻松地说:“没关系,以后会有希望的。”

In nightfall that day, my son suddenly told me excitedly on phone, “Dad, I am telling you agood news! I have been employed!” Greatly surprised, I could not wait to ask him, “What’s thewhole matter”My son told me that he received another text saying that he was employed Myson felt very confused about it, so he made a call to the pany for inquiry Actually the firsttext sent to my son was also part of the test in the interview Three men received the sametext this morning and only my son’s reply was satisfying to the pany, so he was employedI asked my son, “How did all of you reply” My son said, “One did not reply The other said“goodbye” and I said “thank you””

傍晚,儿子在电话中兴奋地说:“爸爸,告诉你个好讯息,我被录取了。”我一阵惊喜,忙问:“这是怎么回事”儿子告诉我,他刚刚又接到了“你被录取了”的简讯,很激动,但莫名其妙,就打电话询问。原来这些简讯也是复试的一个步骤,参加复试的3人上午都接到了同样的简讯,只有儿子的回复让招聘方满意,所以就录用了。 我问儿子:“你们都是怎么回复的”儿子说:“一个没有回复,一个回复‘拜拜’,我回复了‘谢谢’。”

nly then did I know that my son’s “hope” came in that way That is, when you feeldisappointed, do not forget to say thank you to the one who disappoints you Actually, it is apiece of cake to say thank you But whether you are willing to say it in a peaceful andgrateful manner does count Saying thank you shows respect for others’ work anddemonstrates your grand generosity Therefore, while under the same condition, you will getthe upper hand in terms of opportunities pared with others!



Early in the 17th century, a group of people called the pilgrims wanted to reform and purifyEngland's churches


As a result of their efforts, they were persecuted, so they sailed to the Netherlands; also knownas Holland, seeking religious freedom


After 12 years in Holland where they struggled to make a living felt threatened by thepermissive Dutch society, the Pilgrims decide to seek refuge in a place where they could createa society that matched their religious ideals


In exchange for seven years of work the puritans persuaded a London stock pany tofinance their journey to the New World


In September 1620,102 passengers set sail from Plymouth, England on a ship called theMayflower


The journey took 65 days and was filled with much difficulty


Bad storms weakened the ship and cause many leaks


Many passengers were cold and damp for much of the journey and others were concernedthat they wouldn't even survive


Though many were sick and one person died, they did make it


On December11,1620 the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock and began to explore thesurrounding area for suitable place to build their colony


They chose Plymouth because it had an excellent harbor and a large brook in which to catchfish to eat


While living on the Mayflower and ferrying back and forth to land, the Pilgrims built their housesand barns


Construction was hindered by exceptionally heavy snow and intense cold but the settlementwas pleted in late March 1621


Their success was dampened by great sorrow, nearly half of their original group died that firstwinter


Besides survival the Pilgrims were concerned that the Native American Indians would attackthem


To their surprise, an Indian named Samoset walked right into the colony and weled them inbroken English


Samoset was from an Indian tribe in Maine and had picked up a few English words from thefishermen who e into the harbors there


He told them also of another Indian named Squanto, a native of that place who had been inEngland, and could speak better English than he


The Pilgrims used the opportunity to negotiate a peace treaty and to establish tradingrelations


Squanto's importance to the Pilgrims was enormous and it can said that they would notsurvived without his help


It was Squanto who taught the Pilgrims how to tap the maple trees for sap how to plant Indiancorn and other crops and how to tell which plants were poisonous and which could be used a edicine



Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country


In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts


During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics Those who survived began sowing in the first springAll summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the ing harvest Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today


The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years The big family dinner is planned months ahead On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years


Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird


Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year' s bounty and reverently ask for continued blessings


belief; faith; conviction均可表示为信仰

belief 指信念;信仰;相信。

例句:His firmness on his belief supported him in difficulties

faith 指 信仰;信念;信任。

例句:Christians profess their faith when they say the Creed


例句:She holds deep religious convictions

问题一:我的信仰是什么用英文怎么说 有很多种说法,例如

What is your belief

What is your faith

问题二:我的信仰 用英语怎么说 不要百度的 my faith,我的信仰信念,楼上是错的 肯定不是believe

问题三:“我的信仰” 的英文怎么写 my belief



问题四:我的信仰是中国 用英文怎么说 可以学余大师说话啊,我们信大爱,至善,等等啊,又时髦,又深奥,老外似懂非懂,心里发怵,中国文化和中国人就是博大精深啊!就达到目的了。

大爱:great love

至善:deep kindness

问题五:光芒,我的信仰 用英语怎么说 光芒,我的信仰

Light, my faith


Light, my faith

问题六:我的信仰就是我自己,英文 我的信仰就是我自己

My faith is my own


My faith is my own

问题七:信仰英文怎么写 belief

[英] [bli:f][美] [blif]


信,信任; 信念,意见; 信条;


He refuses to pete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs





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