

我们的故事发生在遥远的多尔王国,这是一个空气中飘散着魔法、人们安居乐业的国度,还有令人垂涎三尺的美食靓汤。在一次晚宴上,一只从天而降的老鼠掉在了王后的汤碗里,吓一跳的王后被食物噎着一命呜呼了。自从王后意外去世之后,国王变得一蹶不振,国民也跟着沮丧。阳光不再灿烂,多尔王国成为了死气沉沉、毫无希望之地。直到德佩罗·蒂林的诞生,才给多尔王国带来了曙光。 德佩罗是一只与众不同的小老鼠,有一双超级大耳朵,虽然体重和身高只有普通老鼠的一半,但一点也无损德佩罗的雄心壮志,他从小就有一个梦想,坚信自己一定会成为一名英勇无比的骑士,就像小说里的那样。胸怀大志的德佩罗总是不肯老老实实地做一只老鼠,他还和豌豆公主成为了好朋友。但是人类和鼠类是不可以做朋友的,于是特立独行的德佩罗被同伴扫地出门了。 四处流浪的德佩罗遇到了罗斯卡罗,同样被遗弃的他生活在阴暗潮湿的地下世界里。在齐心协力之下,德佩罗和罗斯卡罗总算逃离了那个鬼地方。德佩罗带着罗斯卡罗一起拜访豌豆公主,可公主却把罗斯卡罗拒之门外。遭受打击的罗斯卡罗记恨在心,他计划联合地下世界的邪恶老鼠领袖展开报复。 米格是公主的女仆,却总是做着成为一名公主的美梦。为了取代豌豆公主,她成为罗斯卡罗报复行动的帮凶,绑架了豌豆公主。对骑士梦想坚定不移的德佩罗,决定靠自己的力量解救豌豆公主。这只小小的老鼠,即将成为一名大英雄!



凯特·迪卡米洛生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,在佛罗里达州长大。大学时代主修英美 文学,并从事成人短篇小说的创作,曾经获得1998年迈克奈特基金会的作家奖助 金。她的第一本儿童小说《傻狗温迪克》刚一问世就广受好评,并夺得了2001年纽伯 瑞儿童文学奖银奖。


I watched the movie Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince on SaturdayIt's a great movieI think it's one of the best in the Harry Potter seriousAlthough it's not as good as the original book,but it is still a good movieThere are a lot of horror elements in the movie giving the movie a dark feelingThere are also a lot of humours in the movie making the movie enjoyable and more suitable for teenagersIt's a wonderful movieI think everyone should watch it if they have the chance


After watching the movie romantic mouse, I fell in love with the little mouse named de Perot in the movie

De Perot likes reading very much It saw a Book of heroes saving beauty in the castle It told the story to the princess 

The princess was very interested and wanted to know the ending, so de Perot tried his best to read in the library of the castle I really like reading de Perot

De Perot also likes music Once when the king was playing the guitar, de Perot was fascinated by the music 

He felt that the music was as charming as the story in the book, which could make him forget all his fears I also like de Perot who loves listening to beautiful music

De Perot, it's brave The princess was caught by the mice It bravely broke into the mice to save the princess 

Other mice dare not go to the dungeon, and it dares to break into the dungeon; Other mice were frightened when they heard the cat, but it dared to fight the cat bravely I like such a brave de Perot

De Perot loves reading and listening to beautiful music He is also very brave How can I not like such a little mouse








  The Tale of Despereaux


  Long long ago, in the distant horizon, there is a kingdom called the kingdom of the There all day long laughter, is the world's most delicious delicacies, there is the annual sweet feast, even the air is full of magic However, in the whole country to celebrate the day, an unfortunate accident! The king and queen of sudden death, heart, banned all delicacies from the Kingdom low-spirited, doyle


  In this dark and lifeless Kingdom, a little mouse named Depero was born It has two gigantic stature, big ears, frail and sick child, but very cute During the process of growing up, it has to live with the brothers and sisters in the library to eat books, and learned to read He read the most love hero story, often imagine he can become a brave knight, in beauty draw a sword and render help when in trouble, and let all become loved and respected hero "Days will be down to the great man also, must suffer, desire to be a hero Depero finally broke the harsh discipline because the expulsion by Dr Later In the vast expanse of land outside the king of kings, Depero met with his country's expulsion of the rat Ross Kulow Kindness Ross Krol (rat) deported because over the Queen's soup, then did not dare to look in the mirror, for fear that it will make it remembered all make it happy and bring it to a painful thing


  Soon after, the exiled Depero learned that the princess and the pea was put into the dungeon, with love to the princess Depero decided to rescue the princess; dirty low rodent intends to low water ditch as the starting in the call its leader under the challenge of human hair Ross finally returned to the princess, forgiveness is the best The kingdom of the kingdom of the Kingdom has returned to its former life


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/529913.html

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