

#英语资源# 导语冬天虽然没有春天那么生机勃勃;没有夏天那么炎热;没有秋天那么凉爽,但它有着自己的风格,自己的美丽。以下是由 分享关于冬天的经典英语美文,希望可以帮助大家!


 Spring Festival this year, I and my father and mother went to the countryside to grandma's home for the new year, have the honor to see Morning fog is very large, the whole field seal tightly, far and far hope trees, crops to have only a vague outline In vegetable by frost hit the head, as if not a little angry For a moment, the sun came out The sun shone through the fog like a sword, in the fields, the trees, the crops The trees shook the body of enjoying dead twigs and withered leaves, the sun, the energy accumulation in the shoots in early puberty Vegetables also enjoy sunshine, get rid of the body of the frost, and become so full of vigour At noon, the fog dispersed The red lanterns on the orange tree show up The farmer uncle took the cow to eat the grass Many children are busy to go to the store to buy fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the spring festival Is really beautiful ah!

 今年春节,我和爸爸妈妈到乡下奶奶家过年,有幸看到了。 早晨,雾很大,把整个田野封得严严实实的,远远望去树木、庄稼都只有一个模糊的轮廓。地里的蔬菜被霜打得耷拉着脑袋,仿佛一点生气都没有了。 一会儿,太阳出来了。阳光像利剑一样穿破浓雾,照耀在田野上、树木上、庄稼上。树木抖抖身上的枯枝败叶,尽情的享受着阳光,把能量聚集在含苞待放的枝芽上。蔬菜也享着阳光,赶走了身上的霜花,又变得那么生机勃勃了。 中午,雾散开了。桔子树上的红灯笼露出来了。农民伯伯把牛都牵出来吃草了。许多小朋友都忙着去商店买礼花来庆祝春节的到来。 真是美不胜收啊!


 If winter comes, such as feather like snowflakes flying

 In the morning, I walk in the street, I feel very cold

 The day before yesterday, the city ordered: "no matter in which a corner of the advertising, publicity, and so on, all have to clean up" Because of this reason, the city of all cleaners are out

 Inadvertently, I found a young woman who was there to be careful not to tear the ad alone

 And she went to another

 But --- I see, her right hand raised, this hand is stopped in the air, it seems to freeze And see her body to the wall near some of the Then, I saw her shaking her head

 What's up

 What happened

 Did she forget the rules in the city

 Well, I'm going to look at it in the past, I think

 I was just about to start, but I saw a little girl in the street near the paper Her behavior was the same as that of the old one

 I'm even more confused

 Crossed the road, came to the front of the paper In my eye, is a missing person: Zhao Jie, female, 14 years old

 Doubts vanish, I finally understand everything

 The snow like feather every now and then, but I don't feel cold

















 Snowflakes were swirling in the window

 On my desk is a little rabbit, said: "it is not very much like you, millet m"

 Last year, our class to a new student, he is my partner in the same table He is a hardworking, honest man Since he came to the first position, do not belong to me Therefore, I always laugh at him, but he does, every time to retreat, but in the laugh at me

 In a final review, his Chinese notebook lost, I can not help but grin: Fan Meng, Meng fan, this time you will be "laid off", I'm waiting for your bitter face slightly! So I take the time to review, in order to complete my revenge plan"

 Let me surprise, he was the first name On that day, he asked me: "you are not happy ah" "I'm not happy, you're happy!" I didn't say angrily "It's okay You can take it back next term" What He saw the confusion on my face look, said: "you because I became so unhappy I don't want to hurt others, so, I'm going to transfer to another school Today I am here to say goodbye to you, wish you happy"

 In this way, he went away One year, he sent me a letter and a rogue rabbit, the letter said, he was good there, and gave me a number of learning methods I have been very guilty, I did not say sorry to him I don't know if he's okay, I hope the rogue rabbit can pass me my word







My favorite season is winterIt lasts from December to FebruaryIt is the coidest season in the yearIn winter,the days are very shortWhen it comes ,the leaves fall from the treesWhen it snows,the ground is white with snowWe can wear warm clothes and go to make snowmenIt is a good season for skating I like winter best

#英语资源# 导语冬天,虽然没有春天迷人的鸟语花香,没有夏天壮观的闪电雷鸣,没有秋天诱人的丰硕果实,但它也有献给大自然的含蓄的美。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


 The beauty of winter lies in its purity

 Look! Winter grandpa let snow elves call friends, tightly huddle, from the blue sky, fluttering and sasa underground up, but also turning in circles A group of snowflakes fell gently on the earth, put on a silver winter clothes to the earth This dress is not as colorful as it is in spring Do not want to summer as enthusiastic and unrestrained, but not as autumn laurel fragrance

 The beauty of winter lies in its strength

 Smell! Standing tall in the snow, ice and wind, the red plum is emitting its unique fragrance, so bright and vibrant in the dry and cold gray of winter Outside the door, the children were playing together in groups of three and four The bitter cold did not affect their mood at all, but they ran happily in the snow-covered world

 The beauty of winter lies in its humility

 Winter does not like fancy, do not want spring as colorful, not as vibrant as summer, not as fruity as autumn, it is probably the most simple season in the four seasons At first glance, is a white world, white special

 The beauty of winter lies in the vitality of winter

 Grandpa Winter is like an old urchin who has never grown up It holds an "ice pen", quietly climbs people's Windows at night, draws on the crystal ice flower Sometimes he would take out a paintbrush with paint, then disappear, and sneak up on us undetected, and in a moment our noses were smeared with radishes

 I looked out of the window at the sky and recited the words of the English poet Shelley: "If winter comes, can spring be far behind"


 Autumn, hurriedly carried away the yellow leaves, Nanning ushered in a winter

 In the eyes of northerners, winter is a fierce and insolent giant; But the winter of Nanning is a kind and kind old man

 Early in the winter morning, the trees outside the window were still thick and tall; Flowers blooming bright sweet smile, the grass are so green People from the calendar just found: winter is coming

 As the days passed, the warmth in the air did not change

 A day on time to jump out of the ground, slowly rising, hanging in the sky, smiling at the vast earth, may also be happy to have such a winter! Cloudy weather is common At this time, the sky is always filled with big white soft clouds, like waves, like sheep Some dim light came out of the clouds, as if hidden by a series of magnificent palaces, which aroused people's imagination Look, the wind is blowing The wind covered with gauze in mid-air wandering and swimming, sometimes with slender fingers fingering the head of the grass, sometimes directing the trees singing a happy melody, sometimes bent to clarify the calm water flying play, like a lively naughty girl Her arrival added a touch of lightness and coolness

 The figure of winter gradually tall, people have put on winter clothes, but the winter show by the blue sky, white clouds, green trees, red flowers, grass composition of the picture is still so clear, not because of the footsteps of time and fuzzy When northerners came to Nanning to see the picture, they would ask questions about the weather Although they did not answer, the pride in their eyes told everything

 Kunming, Yunnan province, is known as the "spring city" with spring all year round Winter in Nanning is warm and sunny, which is also a spring city

 This is winter in Nanning


 Winter is a nightmare for people like me who are afraid of cold, especially when I am a southerner in the northern winter, it is unbearable

 In winter, trees stand erect on both sides of the road Because of the different climate, the leaves do not fall off as many as the trees in the south, only a very small part When the wind blows, the leaves on the branches shake tenderly in the wind The sound was like the dubbing of ghosts on TV When I heard it for the first time, it scared me so much that I couldn't look out of the window for a long time

 The wind is different "Chills" is a perfect desc ription of northern winter winds Winter, a burst of wind, like a mischievous like mischief, do not know when will suddenly appear The wind blows, the piercing, can not help but make people shiver If there is snow, the wind blows, the small snow particles also seem to have strength

 This snow is different, too The north is more favored by snow than the south, and when it comes to winter, snow is bound to come to mind Snow may not be seen every year in the south, but it is possible in the north The snow was long and continuous Snow even under a few days, looking around, there is really a see that "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow floating" feeling

 Don't think that winter in the north is all cold When the sun comes out, carry a chair, quietly bask in the sun, do not have a comfortable taste

 This is the winter in the north, cold and warm


Winter came quietly

 Winter is pure Winter comes, the world becomes white, white is flawless, white cedar soft and soft spread on the earth, as if for the earth covered with a layer of silver carpet The pine tree is covered with thick snow, just like a loving mother gently holding her own child The pine branches under the snow also showed a little green, for this vast white world added a little different color

 Winter is peaceful White world in addition to white or white, like a painter's painting, a white painting In this snow-white world, cute little animals are hiding in the home shout big sleep; The lively children were tucked away in warm beds at home Hardly anyone came out of this white world except the whistling north wind singing and moving through it

 Winter is quiet, but sometimes full of laughter The children walked among the snow They make a snowman together, their mutual help figure moved the north wind; They jumped together to snowball fights, their smile melting snow; They sang happily together, and their joyful song spread to every corner

 Winter is a unique season, although it is not full of vitality in spring, but more than a pure spring; Although it does not have the bustling summer, but more than a quiet summer; Although it is not beautiful and charming autumn, but more than autumn and many different joy


 Winter, stepped over the delicate spring, summer perfect, autumn rich, I began to have a special liking to winter Indeed, winter is beautiful, winter is holy, winter is the symbol of purity

 The first sign of winter, of course, is the morning mist As the Zen poem goes, "When the clouds return, the distant mountains are infinitely green" The mountains in the distance were misty and dimly discernible, and the tall buildings near were also looming in the mist This fog, as if god's masterpiece, fairy pride It seems to show that calm, that deep, that beautiful, that hazy

 In winter, mei xue double scenery also came to the world Han Yu once wrote in his poem, "Plum blossoms coexist with snow, and colorful colors set each other off" Indeed, after every snowstorm, people will be attracted by the beautiful scenery of the Plum Garden: on the branches, whether it is wintersweet or flying snow, all shine with silver light And those plum blossoms, some are in bud, and some are round, a cluster of competing open, for strange yan, beautiful, bursts of fragrance refreshing This, is not "sunset poetry and snow all day long, and mei made very winter" In this swirl of snow, the plum blossom is still graceful, lingfeng proud snow, like the snow fairy in general

 In winter, rain is also a sight worth mentioning When it rains, between heaven and earth, there will be a dreamlike curtain of water Now the mist came to cover the rain with its veil, so mysterious

 Some people say, "The vitality of nature is irresistible, beauty is eternal" Indeed, in winter, the beautiful season, nature is displaying her wonders


winter came, grass disappeared, only a layer of feather like snow spread on the ground


winter, mixed with the confusion of autumn, came to the countryside, drove into th


in winter, the lovely snow fairy, a jump to my palm


in winter, the wind is biting the trees were all leafless, standing alone on the ground


winter girl came, snow to acacia tree covered with beautiful silver, beautiful


in the withered grass, i read the tenacity! in her struggle with pain, i read life!


autumn wind swept leaves, cold snow, the pace of time in a hurry, a blink of an eye, winter is coming!


winter, full of snow wrapped in the branches, the branches seem to grow a number of white pearls


no snow in winter, always not enough aestheticism, not romantic, not smart enough


bursts of spring wind, blowing clouds, the sun happily show a smiling face, warm and shining all over the lake


in winter, the trees are bare and seem to have no hair


winter girl, let us experience the joy that winter brings us

Spring Festival this year, I and my father and mother went to the countryside to grandma's home for the new year, have the honor to see Morning fog is very large, the whole field seal tightly, far and far hope trees, crops to have only a vague outline In vegetable by frost hit the head, as if not a little angry For a moment, the sun came out The sun shone through the fog like a sword, in the fields, the trees, the crops The trees shook the body of enjoying dead twigs and withered leaves, the sun, the energy accumulation in the shoots in early puberty Vegetables also enjoy sunshine, get rid of the body of the frost, and become so full of vigour At noon, the fog dispersed The red lanterns on the orange tree show up The farmer uncle took the cow to eat the grass Many children are busy to go to the store to buy fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the spring festival Is really beautiful ah!

今年春节,我和爸爸妈妈到乡下奶奶家过年,有幸看到了。 早晨,雾很大,把整个田野封得严严实实的,远远望去树木、庄稼都只有一个模糊的轮廓。地里的蔬菜被霜打得耷拉着脑袋,仿佛一点生气都没有了。 一会儿,太阳出来了。阳光像利剑一样穿破浓雾,照耀在田野上、树木上、庄稼上。树木抖抖身上的枯枝败叶,尽情的享受着阳光,把能量聚集在含苞待放的枝芽上。蔬菜也享着阳光,赶走了身上的霜花,又变得那么生机勃勃了。 中午,雾散开了。桔子树上的红灯笼露出来了。农民伯伯把牛都牵出来吃草了。许多小朋友都忙着去商店买礼花来庆祝春节的到来。 真是美不胜收啊!



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