

轮回以后,晓美炎从病床上起身的时候,准会想起鹿目圆香和她在魔女之夜拥抱的那个遥远的晚上,魔法少女作文。当时,泷原中学里1如既往地曾现着1派和平的景象,学生们无忧无虑,轻言谈笑,过着愉快的校园生活。高年纪与低年纪之间不太往来,许多学生间彼此都叫不出名字,不得不以学姐、学长称呼。每到魔女出现的时候,魔法少女们都要进入结界之中,在喧嚣的背影音乐中,向朋友们介绍魔法少女的战斗生活。他们首先消灭的是使魔。1位身材姣好的学姐,自称是巴麻美,留着1头钻头发型,胸部大得像西瓜,向众人出色地表演了她所谓的魔法少女战斗方式。她召唤出1把把火枪,从结界的1处走到另1处,大家都惊异地看见,Anthony、Adelbert、Ull都原地倒下,结界里的墙壁和地板嘎吱嘎吱地 被轰成渣渣,甚至那些魔女也被那无穷无尽的火绳枪给淹没了,被打的千疮百孔,破烂不堪。来和我签订契约吧,成为魔法少女大骗子qb用最萌的声音说, 还能满足你的1个愿望哦。少女们对帅气的战斗的崇拜经常超过对异常的警惕,甚至越过奇迹和魔力的限度,她们认为使用这用能力在1起战斗是1件十分幸福 的事情。晓美炎是个诚实的人,她告诫说:鹿目圆香不能成为魔法少女。但是美树沙耶加当时还不相信魔法少女的诚实,因此用帮助恭介恢复难以复原的左手换取了和qb的契约。这是她1直以来的愿望,鹿目圆香试图阻止她,但是枉费工夫。咱们很快就可以消灭所有的魔女,到时候大家可以1起幸福地生活啦沙耶加回答她,在后面的战斗中,不仅没有消灭掉魔女,连学姐都在与魔女的战斗之中被 咬掉了头颅。但她唯1得到的东西,是从远方而来的魔法少女佐仓杏子,她们大战了1场,在晓美炎的阻止下成为了朋友,中学生作文《魔法少女作文》。失去爱人使她绝望堕落,最终2人1起消 失在耀眼的光芒中。1个月时间,魔女之夜又降临了。现在晓美炎带来的是大量的火器和引爆装置。说是1个人打倒魔女之夜的万全准备。她把火箭筒召唤出来,而让时间暂时停止,花了不知道多少时间,将所有的火箭筒对照魔女发射。我会1个人打倒魔女晓美炎说。在短时间内,使用大量武器密集攻击魔女,就可以把她消灭掉。在随后,晓美炎用她的能力作了1次惊人的表演:她在街 道中间放了1堆迫击炮,借助控制时间的能力让它们同时开火,将周围的高楼引爆倒塌在魔女身上,将疾驰的货车投射到魔女身上,从流逝的江水中升起导弹轰击到 魔女身上,在这全部结束后,还在它的周围还引爆了大量的炸弹,但这1切毫无作用。这次魔女讨伐失败后,鹿目圆香还不甘心,马上又产生了利用她和qb签订契 约的念头,晓美炎又想劝阻她,但她终于还是以亲手解决所有变成魔女的魔法少女为愿望缔结了契约。她完全抛弃了自身的存在,整日整夜地在自己创造的世界里保护着魔法少女,为了避免魔女的产生,她亲自终结了用尽魔力的美树沙耶加,她完全掌握了自己的能 力以后,就创造出了新的魔法少女的概念,今后,魔法少女不不再会堕落成为魔女,别人也无法看见她的样子,无法听见她的声音,并且忘记了她曾经的存在了。正 是这时候起,晓美炎失去了控制时间的能力,再也无法回到过去,也无法将时间停止。这是魔法少女的血泪史,在这部血泪史中,晓美炎经历了这所有的事件,并反复1次次地推倒重演。她用她自己所拥有的能力——控制时间——试图改变这绝望的终末,但最终依旧无法逆转这悲伤的结局。魔法少女这童话似的(或者蜃景似的)故事,将被飓风从地面上1扫而光,将从人们的记忆中彻底抹掉,鹿目圆香所带来的1切将永远不会重现,迷失在无限时间轮回中孤独的少女,往定不会在大地上第二次出现了。


巴啦啦魔法so fa fa so fa

巴啦啦魔法ro do do mi ro












巴啦啦魔法so fa fa so fa

巴啦啦魔法ro do do mi ro
















巴啦啦魔法so fa fa so fa

巴啦啦魔法ro do do mi ro





















  How does she know you love her她怎么知道你爱他

  How does she know she's yours 他怎么知道她是你的爱?


  How does she know that you love her 她怎么知道你爱他


  How do you show her you love her 你怎样表达你对她的爱


  How does she know that you really, really, truely love her 她怎么知道你真的真的爱她

  How does she know that you love her 她怎么知道你爱她

  How do you show her you love her 你怎样表的你对她的爱

  How does she know that you really, really, truely love her 她怎么知道你真的真的爱她


  It's not enough to take the one you love for granted理所当然地认为你爱她是不够的

  You must remind her, or she'll be inclined to say 你必须提醒她,要不她会问

  "How do I know he loves me" 我怎么知道他爱我

  (How does she know that you love her 她怎么知道你爱她

  How do you show her you love her) 你怎样表的你对她的爱

  "How do I know he's mine" 我怎么知道他是我的

  (How does she know that you really, really, truely love her) 她怎么知道你真的真的爱

  Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind 他留了一张小纸条说你在他心里吗

  Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey Heyy! 当天空变暗时送你一束**小花了吗

  He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday 他会每天找一个新方法来一点点的表达自己的爱

  That's how you know, that's how you know!这样你就知道,这样你就知道

  He's your love他是你的爱


  You've got to show her you need her 你要说你需要她

  Don't treat her like a mind reader 不要把她当做你肚子的蛔虫

  Each day do something to need her 每天都做些事来需要她

  To believe you love her 相信自己你需要她


  Everybody wants to live happily ever after 每个人都想以后获得幸福

  Everybody wants to know their true love is true 每个人都想知道他们的爱是真爱

  How do you know he loves you 但你怎么知道他爱你

  (How does she know that you love her 他怎么知道你爱他

  How do you show her you need her) 你怎样表达你对她的爱

  How do you know he's yours 你怎么知道他是你的

  (How does she know that you really, really, truely-)她怎么知道你真的真的爱她

  Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close 他又带你去舞会吗

  Dedicate a song with words in 献上

  Just for you Ohhh!只献给你的歌


  He'll find his own way to tell you 他会找到自己的方法告诉你

  With the little things he'll do 从他身边的小事做起

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  That's how you know! 这样你就知道


  He's your love 他是你的爱

  He's your love 他是你的爱

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  (la la la la la la la la)

  He loves you 他爱你

  (la la la la la la la la)

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  (la la la la la la la la)

  It's true这是真的

  (la la la la la)

  Because he'll wear your favorite color因为他会穿上你爱看的颜色

  Just so he can match your eyes这样他就能捉住你的视线

  Rent a private picnic租上个私人野餐

  By the fires glow-oohh!在篝火旁


  His heart will be yours forever 他的心永远属于你

  Something everyday will show 每天都有一些事能证明

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  (That's how you know) 这样你就知道

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  (That's how you know) 这样你就知道

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  (That's how you know) 这样你就知道

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  (That's how you know) 这样你就知道

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  (That's how you know) 这样你就知道

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  (That's how you know) 这样你就知道

  That's how you know! 这样你就知道


  He's your love 他是你的爱


  That's how she knows that you love her 这样她就知道你爱她

  That's how you show her you love her 这样你就能表达你对她的爱


  That's how you know这样你就知道

  That's how you know 这样你就知道

  He's your love他是你的爱

问题一:“魔法”用英文怎么说 你好



问题二:"假如我有魔法"用英文怎么读 If I had magic powers, I

英:[f] [a] [hd] [mdk] [pa(r)]

美:[f] [a] [hd] [mdk] [par]


If I had magic powers, I'd love to stop the spread of deseases such as cancer

If I had magic powers, I'd make people be able to live longer


1 magic是不可数名词,前面不能有 a

2 power通常是不可数名词,但用做“能力”(ability)时,可以加s 例如:

a writer's powers of observation

your mental powers

a stone with magical powers

问题三:如果我会魔法 用英语怎么说 if i am able to perform magics

问题四:我有一个魔法包作文、用中文译成英文 又开学了,没意思!上上兴趣班怎么样进了教室,投入眼帘的是喳喳哇哇的同学们。张老师来了!太没公德心了,进来的第一句话居然不是同学好!叮呤呤。。。。。。"耳边响起了熟悉而狂野"之上课铃.坐在位置上,张老师又唠叨了起来,此时的心情只有一个字:"F(烦)!"同学们,我们现在来搞一个活动,但第二节课要写作文的哟!"张老师坏笑着。搞就搞嘛,写什么作文哟!



Begins again, no fun! Last class Into the classroom, into the eye is cha Wah Wah clas ates Mr Zhang! No morality heart, in the first sentence is not actually good students! Ding Ling ling We heard the familiar wild on the course The bell sitting position, Zhang tootled, at this time the mood is only one word: F (trouble)! Students, we now engage in an activity, but the second class to write a position! Zhang laughed Do it, write what position yo!

Mr Zhang is really, will be disappointed! Please turn away! we are very curious, blinked, don't know Zhang gourd sell what medicine Every student inadvertently turned to see what the teacher do But unfortunately, Mr Zhang saw the first, as can be imagined In the box is a coin second times, Zhang will be what Some hand holding the head in some neck, like the c>>

问题五:拥有魔法怎么用英语来写 possess the magic

问题六:会用魔法用英语怎样说 my sister can use magic

问题七:我想拥有一个净化的魔法英文 英文

I want to have magic spell


问题八:魔法屋用英语怎么说? 楼上的 你那是鬼屋

魔法屋Magic house

Flower gleam and glow 花儿闪亮发光

Let your power shine 让你的力量闪耀

make the clock reverse 使时光倒转

bring back what once was mine 带回曾经的我

Heal what has been hurt 治愈所有伤害

change the fate's design 改变命运设计

Save what has been lost 拯救已经丢失

Bring back what once was mine 带回曾经的我

Back what once was mine 带回曾经的我

J K Rowling, born in 1965, British author, who writes about the magical adventures of a boy wizard named Harry Potter The Harry Potter book series dominated bestseller lists beginning in the late 1990s, attracting millions of fans worldwide among children and adults alike


Like that of her own character, Harry Potter, JK Rowling's life has the luster of a fairy tale Divorced, living on public assistance in a tiny Edinburgh flat with her infant daughter, Rowling wrote Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at a table in a cafe during her daughter's naps — and it was Harry Potter that rescued her

Joanne Kathleen Rowling entered the world in Chipping Sodbury General Hospital in Bristol, England, a fitting beginning for someone who would later enjoy making up strange names for people, places and games played on flying broomsticks Her younger sister Di was born just under two years later

Rowling remembers that she always wanted to write and that the first story she actually wrote down, when she was five or six, was a story about a rabbit called Rabbit Many of her favorite memories center around reading—hearing The Wind in the Willows read aloud by her father when she had the measles, enjoying the fantastic adventure stories of E Nesbit, reveling in the magical world of C S Lewis's Narnia, and her favorite story of all, The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge

At Exeter University Rowling took her degree in French and spent one year studying in Paris After college she moved to London to work for Amnesty International as a researcher and bilingual secretary The best thing about working in an office, she has said, was typing up stories on the computer when no one was watching During this time, on a particularly long train ride from Manchester to London in the summer of 1990, the idea came to her of a boy who is a wizard and doesn't know it He attends a school for wizardry--she could see him very plainly in her mind By the time the train pulled into King's Cross Station four hours later, many of the characters and the early stages of the plot were fully formed in her head The story took further shape as she continued working on it in pubs and cafes over her lunch hours

In 1992 Rowling left off working in offices and moved to Portugal to teach English as a Second Language In spite of her students making jokes about her name (this time they called her "Rolling Stone"), she enjoyed teaching She worked afternoons and evenings, leaving mornings free for writing After her marriage to a Portuguese TV journalist ended in divorce, Rowling returned to Britain with her infant daughter and a suitcase full of Harry Potter notes and chapters She settled in Edinburgh to be near her sister and set out to finish the book before looking for a teaching job Wheeling her daughter's carriage around the city to escape their tiny, cold apartment, she would duck into coffee shops to write when the baby fell asleep In this way she finished the book and started sending it to publishers It was rejected several times before she found an London agent, chosen because she liked his name--Christopher Little, who sold the manuscript to Bloomsbury Children's Books

Rowling was working as a French teacher when she heard that her book about the boy wizard had been accepted for publication Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published in June 1997 and achieved almost instant success With the publication of the American edition, retitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, in 1998, Rowling's books continued to make publishing history Harry Potter climbed to the top of all the bestseller lists for children's and adult books Indeed, the story of the boy wizard, his Cinderlad childhood, and his adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry caught the imagination of readers of all ages In Britain a separate edition of the first book appeared with a more "adult" dust jacket so that grown-ups reading it on trains and subways would not have to hide their copy behind a newspaper

Jo Rowling lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, with her daughter Jessica and continues to work on writing the seven-book saga of Harry Potter





1992年,罗琳结束了白领生涯,前往葡萄牙做英语教师尽管学生们常拿她的名字开玩笑,叫她滚石(英语中Rowling与rolling同音),她仍然非常喜欢教书她在下午和晚上去学校工作,上午用来写作不久后,她与一名葡萄牙的电视台记者结婚,但这段婚姻最终以离婚告终离婚后,罗琳带着女儿和满满一箱子哈利·波特的笔记与手稿回到了英国为了能住得靠近妹妹,罗琳在爱丁堡定居下来,准备在找新工作前完成这部小说她常常推着女儿的手推车四处闲逛,只是为了逃离又小又冷的公寓她会躲到咖啡馆里,趁女儿睡着时写作就这样,罗琳在咖啡馆里完成了哈利·波特的创作,开始寻找出版商但她的稿件被多次退回,直到她找到了一个伦敦的经纪人罗琳之所以会找到他,仅仅是因为喜欢他可爱的名字—克里斯多夫·里特(Christopher Little)




原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/lianai/10292373.html

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