

1、你可能不是最好看的,也可能不是最优秀的。但是是我最爱的。You may not be the best, or the best、 But it is my favorite、 2、自从遇见你的那天起,我未来的所有计划,都把你加上了。Since the day I met you, all my future plans have added you、 3、想和你分享所有的喜怒哀乐,想告诉你我关于我的一切。我爱你!I want to share all the joys, sorrows and sorrows with you, and want to tell you everything about me、 I love you! 4、拥有你的我,是全世界最幸福的人!I am the happiest person in the world! 5、每天醒来,看到你和阳光都在,就是我设想的未来。Wake up every day, seeing you and the sun are the future that I envision、 6、就算你容易迟暮,白发苍苍,我还是为牵着你的手,给你我的'温柔。Even if you are too late, white hair, I am still holding your hand, giving you my gentleness、 7、陪着你疯,陪着你笑,陪着你哭。这一辈子我都会陪着你,直到老去。Stay with you crazy, accompany you laughing, crying with you、 I will stay with you in this life until I am old、 8、你一笑,我整颗心都融化了。When you smile, my whole heart melts、 9、有些话只想说给你一个人听,我爱你,永远爱你。Some words just want to say to you alone, I love you, love you forever、 10、我想每天睁开眼都看到你。I want to see you every day with my eyes open、 英文表白情话短句带翻译2 一、When the wind stopped chasing clouds, when the ice is not water, when the fire is not hot when the stone is no longer hard, do not love the world, I can stop love you、 当风不再追云,当冰不再化水,当火不再炽热,当石不再坚硬,当世上没有爱情,我才能停止爱你。 二、Think of you every day,your company,happiness is so natural、想你的每一天,都有你陪伴,幸福是那么的自然。 三、如果你是方便面,我可不可以是白开水呢 If you are instant noodles, can I be boiled water 四、爱让我们相见,爱让我们相恋,爱让我们相爱,爱让我们牵挂,让我在有生之年把我全部的爱都送给你。Love makes us see each other、 Love makes us love each other、 Love makes us love each other、 Love makes us care、 I give all my love to you in my lifetime、 五、我们一起变老。Lets grow old together 六、你像明镜,今生跟你已注定;你像花朵,爱你爱到没处躲;你像绿水,我的爱只对你追;你像蓝天,一见你就疯癫。爱你,爱你!You like a mirror, this life with you has been doomed; you like flowers, love you love to have no place to hide; you like green, I love only for you chase; you like the blue sky, I see you mad、 Love you, love you! 七、I dont want a moment of warmth, just want your company for the rest of my life、我不要一时的温暖,只想你一世的陪伴。 八、我是你的小小狗,你是我的小小骨头,就算掉进臭水沟,我也捡回叼着走。 You are my little dog, you are my little bones, even fell into the gutter, I also go back beak、 九、You mean the world to me、你对我来说,就是全世界。 十、相爱,不管你爱人走到哪里都会想起你,因为是你给了他动力。Fall in love, no matter where you go, you will think of you, because you gave him power、




1、Only if the first sign of life,you said I was a piece of pure time,I accompany you to see、 人生若只如初见,你衔我一片纯白岁月,我陪你看细水长流。 2、You may not be the best, or the best、 But it is my favorite、 你可能不是最好看的,也可能不是最优秀的。但是是我最爱的。 3、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you、 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 4、To the world you may be just one person、 To the person you may be the world、 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 5、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you、 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 6、In the vast sea of people, being able to meet and fall in love with you is the happiest thing I feel、 茫茫人海中,能与你相遇、相爱,是我觉得最幸福的事情。 7、You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not、 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你。 表白情话最暖心短句英文2 1、你是我的一切,上帝让你来到我身边,我真是太幸运。 You are everything to me、 I am so lucky that God let you come to me、 2、就算我们这一路走的多么跌跌撞撞,我也只想和你走完这一生。 Even if etimes I miss you、 Although I start to love you every day, I dont antic thing I can think of mit, only panied by you, I am still fascinated by you、 3、我想牵你的手直到世界的尽头,无论生命何时会结束,有你我都不再有遗憾。 I es nothing、 My heart eone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone、 4、把我的全部感情,融进你的心窝;把你的所有喜悦,装进我的胸中。 Integrate all my feelings into your heart; put all your joys into my chest、 5、我想将对你的感情化作暖暖的阳光,期待那洒落的光明能温暖你的'心房。 I eone, you dont have the whole world in your eyes except him、 6、五毛和五毛是最幸福的,因为他们凑成了一块。 Five cents and five cents are the happiest because they are together、 7、你问我为什么对别的女孩不感兴趣,我想说因为有你。 You asked me why I wasnt interested in other girls、 I wanted to say because of you、 8、一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。 A deeply wounded heart needs not sympathy, but understanding、 9、我用生命等候,等候实现两个人的童话,懂我的,请珍惜这段美丽的缘。 I use my life to wait for the realization of two peoples fairy tales, understand me, please cherish this beautiful fate、 10、亲爱的,你今天在我的脑海里跑了一天,累不累? Honey, are you tired after a day of running in my mind today 11、认识你之前是无靠无依,认识你之后是无药可医。这就是相思之苦。 Before I knew you, I was helpless、 After I knew you, there was no medicine to cure、 This is the bitterness of love、 12、以前觉得你善解人意,现在觉得你合我心意,以后我们要合心合意。 I used to think you were considerate, but now I think you suit me、 In the future, we should、



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