

所有乐器中,萨克斯给人的感觉最煽情。虽然是金属制作的乐器,在音质上却有木管乐器的特点,而且带有金属的明亮度。音色美妙变化,深沉而平静,富有感情,轻柔而忧伤,好象回声中的回声,在寂静无声的时刻,没有任何别的乐器能这样直击人心。脍炙人口的《回家》由萨克斯演绎,更加缠绵悱恻。淡淡的愁思、邂逅的惊喜、追寻的执着、无尽的爱恋低柔,深情,一咏三叹的乐音,倾诉着死生挈阔的不悔眷恋,让人沉沦于此而无法自拔。 凯丽·金的一曲《回家》响(享)誉了全世界。凯丽·金披肩卷发,手持萨克斯的形象组合和悠扬的音乐成了“帅”和“优雅”的代名词,他的演奏带给了我们心灵上上帝般的享受。靠在沙发上静静的聆听悠扬经典的萨克斯曲《回家》,舒缓的乐曲让人有一种倦鸟归巢的感觉。萨克斯特有的嘶哑,象是在倾诉,又象是倦鸟在月夜里歌唱。乐曲纷纷扬扬成一片片叶子,脱离了枝头,在峡谷里越飘越高,飘过了山顶,越飘越远。想家的思绪随着美妙的乐曲飘过喧嚣的城市,飘过崎岖的山路,飘过美丽的草原,飘过绵延的河流,飘回了家乡。风儿吹过,叶落归根,远远的看见老屋门前母亲期盼的身影。回家的渴望,又让我热泪满眶,古老的歌曲,还在想着童年的梦想,走过的世界不管多辽阔,心中的思念,还是相同的地方……” 如梦如幻的乐声,那低沉委婉的倾诉和激越震撼心灵的音符,令我陶醉、让我痴迷…… 回家是人生永恒的主题之一,愿这首以轻快悠扬而著名于世的萨克斯经典独奏曲《回家》,带你到一个无限优美舒缓的美妙境地,去感受回家的温馨,回想往日的种种http://vyoukucom/v_show/id_XMzY2MDkxNTI=htmlhttp://youvideosinacomcn/b/20185892-1584912933htmlhttp://blog163com/qq429700229/blog/static/249467422009224103513876/http://searchtop100cn/searchdefaultaspxkeyword=%u8428%u514B%u65AF茉莉花 永浴爱河 伤感 THE MOMENT (珍爱时光) 回家 我新永恒 几时再回首 清晨 dave kozi believe Know You By Heart Theme From Dying Young Loving You In The Rain Jasmine FlowerMy Heart Will Go On(我心永恒)One Sweet DayHomelandSongbirdSentimentalChengfu


 1 卓玛 亚东

 2 茉莉花 萨克斯

 3 午夜的萨克斯 萨克斯

 4 永恒的'爱 萨克斯

 5 回家 萨克斯

 6 我心永恒 萨克斯

 7 春风 萨克斯

 8 人鬼情未了 萨克斯

 9 刺鸟 萨克斯

 10 魂断蓝桥 萨克斯

 11 永远的萨克斯 少儿故事

 12 世界之巅 萨克斯风名曲

 13 uncleal(萨克斯风演奏) kenny g

 14 暴风雨中的萨克斯风(格斗之王98) 动漫音乐

 15 莫斯科郊外的晚上 合辑

Just Vibe - Jeff Bernat

Have I told ya

There’s something about ya

From the way you move those sexy lips when you talk to me

But there’s another Little thing about ya

It’s the way we connect on this mentally

Cause your flyer then them other people

Treat me like another equal

Person that just wants to hang with you

You know your cute but your just searching for a

Another individual who basically who wants to vibe with you

I like how you take your pictures

I like how you sip your wine

I like how your study scriptures

I read all your zodiac signs

I like your classy outfits

And the way you do your hair

I like how you look in glasses

I like how you say your prayer’s

The way you do the things that you do

Makes me want just want to get to know you better now

The little things that your just into

I feel that we should be together

Cause your flyer then them other people

Treat me like another equal

Person that just wants to hang with you

You know your cute but your just searching for a

Another individual who basically who wants to vibe with you

I am not the kind to walk away no no

You don’t have to trip cause its okay

Whoa whoa whoa whoa

Cause your flyer then them other people

Treat me like another equal

Person that just wants to hang with you

You know your cute but your just searching for a

Another individual who basically who wants to vibe with you

Cause your flyer then them other people

Treat me like another equal

Person that just wants to hang with you

You know your cute but your just searching for a

Another individual who basically who wants to vibe with you


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/lianai/8243847.html

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