












问题一:前几天用英文怎么写 简单的就这几种分类 古典音乐CLASSICAL MUSIC、 宗教音乐religionMUSIC、 流行音乐Pop music、 重金属音乐Heavy Metal music 、 摇滚乐Rock Music

问题二:前天英语怎么说 the day before yesterday

问题三:前天用英语怎么说 前天[qián tiān]


the day before yesterday




I'd just packed in a job the day before



Perhaps the day before yesterday

问题四:“用”和“昨天”、“前天”用英语怎么说。 useyesterdaythe day before yesterday

问题五:前几天用英语怎么说 a few days ago

问题六:求助:“前几天,前些天”用英文怎么说? the othe day 前几天

a few days ago 前些天


问题八:前天早上 英语怎么说? 一、前天早上及其他

1、two mornings ago 是错误的,因为 morning 只属于一天中三个时间段中的的一段,几个 morning 中间还有 afternoon 和 evening,不可能连起来构成一个延续在一起的 mornings“三个没有分开的造成以前”

2、the morning two days ago 是正确的。

3、the morning before two days 也是错误的,因为 before 指的是在一个时间点以前,而 two days 是时间段,表示时间点以前只能用副词 ago

4、the day before yesterday morning 可以这样讲,因为前一天可能与昨天早晨接在一起。



前/上上… ―― the …before …

前天:the day before yesterday

前天上午:the morning before yesterday

上上周:the week before last

前年:the year before last

后/下下…―― the…after

后天:the day after tomorrow

后天下午:the afternoon after tomorrow

下下周:the week after next

后年:the year after next

大前 ―― three … ago

大前天:three days ago

大前周:three week ago

大前年:three years ago

大后… ―― three… from now

大后年:three days from now

大后年:three years from now

若干…前 ―― 数词 + 时间名词 + ago

四天前:four days ago

五周前:five weeks ago

六年前:six years ago

若干…后 ―― 数词 + 时间名词 + from now

四天后:four days from now

五周前:five weeks from now

六年前:six years from now

若干天前后的某时段―― the + 时间段 + 数词 + days + ago/from now

大前天早上:the morning three days ago

大后天早上:the morning three days from now

九天前的夜晚:the evening nine evenings ago

九天后的夜晚:the evening nine days from now


前/上上… ―― the…before the last …(即把上面的before…用带定冠词的 the last…表示)

前天:the day before the last day

前天上午:the morning before the las>>

问题九:“前几天”用英语怎么说(3个空) The day before

问题十:大前天 用英语怎么说 千万别误导啊,the day before yesterday是前海的意思,three days ago 才是大前天的意思


The autumn river shares a scenic hue with the vast sky;


The evening glow parallels with a lonely duck to fly







We never part as long as youth remains,


Busting scene draw to close leaving me on your side day after day, year after year


《Hold Me Close under,the sunset 》紧紧拥抱我,在夕阳下

Hold me close, under the sunset

and let Gods reds and oranges soothe your eyes,

like this is all a dream

Hold me close, under the sunset

You can kiss my neck a little, if you like

Or better yet, walk my silk shirt off my shoulders

Hold me close, under the sunset

and hear me chuckle as you do the same-

staring deep into my eyes

Hold me close, under the sunset

in the middle of the park

I don't mind; with you it could be anywhere

Hold me close, under the sunset

Scream for me, scream for me

and light me up like all those years ago

Hold me close, under the sunset-

I whisper to you as you close your eyes

You've probably passed out…

never mind;

You won't remember me, next time I slip something in your drink

Daniel Alexander Howell

《As The Sunset》 当夕阳落下

As the sunset I think to myself why

As the sunset I sit down and cry

Wondering why life got to be a lie

As the sunset I dropp my head

As the sunset I think about you instead

How can I go home and get in my bed

As the sunset I say no

As the sunset I just don't know

My love that I have for u just wont go

As the sunset I look to the sky

As the sunset I wait to die

Tell me how to say good-bye

As the sunset I say a prayer

As the sunset how can I dare

I'm giving up, I just don't care

Sitting by the window watching the sun to set

Knowing I'm going to see you again,

and you coming back home at the end

Brittany Smith


《Hold Me Close under,the sunset 》紧紧拥抱我,在夕阳下

Hold me close, under the sunset

and let Gods reds and oranges soothe your eyes,

like this is all a dream

Hold me close, under the sunset

You can kiss my neck a little, if you like

Or better yet, walk my silk shirt off my shoulders

Hold me close, under the sunset

and hear me chuckle as you do the same-

staring deep into my eyes

Hold me close, under the sunset

in the middle of the park

I don't mind; with you it could be anywhere

Hold me close, under the sunset

Scream for me, scream for me

and light me up like all those years ago

Hold me close, under the sunset-

I whisper to you as you close your eyes

You've probably passed out…

never mind;

You won't remember me, next time I slip something in your drink

Daniel Alexander Howell

《As The Sunset》 当夕阳落下

As the sunset I think to myself why

As the sunset I sit down and cry

Wondering why life got to be a lie

As the sunset I dropp my head

As the sunset I think about you instead

How can I go home and get in my bed

As the sunset I say no

As the sunset I just don't know

My love that I have for u just wont go

As the sunset I look to the sky

As the sunset I wait to die

Tell me how to say good-bye

As the sunset I say a prayer

As the sunset how can I dare

I'm giving up, I just don't care

Sitting by the window watching the sun to set

Knowing I'm going to see you again,

and you coming back home at the end

Brittany Smith


英国浪漫主义诗人约翰·济慈的《秋颂》 英文版: To Autumn1Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,⑴Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,⑵Conspiring with him ⑶how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;⑷To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shellsWith a sweet kernel; to set budding more,And still more, later flowers for the bees,Until they think warm days will never cease,For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells2Who hath not seen thee oft⑸ amid thy storeSometimes whoever seeks abroad⑹ may findThee sitting careless on a granary floor,Thy hair sort-lifted by the winnowing wind;Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,⑺Dows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hookSpares the next swath and all its twined flowersAnd sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keepSteady thy laden head across a brook;Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,Thou watchest the last oozings ⑻hours by hours3Where are the songs of Spring Ay, where are theyThink not of them, thou hast thy music too,While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,⑼And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;Then in a waiful choir the small gnats mournAmong the river sallows,⑽ borne aloft⑾Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;⑿Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble ⒀softThe red-breast whistles form a garden-croft;⒁And gathering swallows twitter in the skies注释:(1)Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness: 雾气弥漫、果实成熟丰饶的季节(指秋天)。

(2)Maturing sun:使万物成熟的太阳。(3)him:指太阳。

在这里,诗人把秋天和太阳都人格化,因此,conspiring这词的运用就颇具幽默感。(4)bless/with fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run: 这半句的正常语序是:bless the vines that run round the thatch-eves with fruit,意为:赐福给屋檐周围的葡萄藤累累的果实。

(5)oft: 即为often(古英语词)。(6)seeks abroad:到户外去走一走。

(7)on a half reap'd furrow sound asleep: 这个句子的前半句在第二、三行,即whoever/may find/Thee sound asleep on a half reaped furrow。(8)oozings: 徐徐滴下的果汁。

(9)barred clouds bloom the soft dying day:傍晚的天空飘动着艳丽的带状云彩barrow带状的,条形的,the soft dying day,白昼静静地逝去,bloom,使艳丽;开花。(10)Sallows: 柳树,柳枝。

(11)Borne alft:高飞。Borne 是bear的过去式,意为:运动,转向:aflot,高高地。

(12)And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn:意为羔羊篚了, 在山坡上大专地吁吁叫。Bourn,地区,领地。


秋颂---济慈 (穆旦)查良铮 译 雾气洋溢、果实圆熟的秋, 你和成熟的太阳成为友伴; 你们密谋用累累的珠球, 缀满茅屋檐下的葡萄藤蔓; 使屋前的老树背负着苹果, 让熟味透进果实的心中, 使葫芦膨胀,鼓起了榛壳, 好塞进甜核;又为了蜜蜂 一次一次开放过迟的花朵, 使它们以为日子将永远暖和, 因为夏季早填满它们的粘窠。 2 谁不经常看见你伴着谷仓? 在田野里也可以把你找到, 你有时随意坐在打麦场上, 让发丝随着簸谷的风轻飘; 有时候,为**花香所沉迷, 你倒卧在收割一半的田垄, 让镰刀歇在下一畦的花旁; 或者像拾穗人越过小溪, 你昂首背着谷袋,投下倒影, 或者就在榨果架下坐几点钟, 你耐心地瞧着徐徐滴下的酒浆 春歌何处?是呵,何处? 但不要想这些吧,你也有你的乐章—— 当如波的晚霞把将逝的一天映照, 让胭红抹上残梗散碎的田野, 这时啊,河柳下的一群小飞虫 就同奏哀音,它们忽而飞高, 忽而下落,随着微风的起灭; 篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱,在园中 红胸的知更鸟群起呼哨; 而群羊在山圈里高声地默默地哀鸣; 丛飞的燕子在天空呢喃不歇。
























5关于 夕阳 的五行打油诗 英语

A jolly young fellow from Yuma

Told an elephant joke to a puma

Now his skeleton lies

Beneath hot western skies –

The puma had no sense of huma (Ogden Nash)







1The sunset was merely a flush of rose on a dome of silver 银灰色的天穹上,落日只剩下最后一抹玫瑰色的余辉。

2May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset! 愿你的生命中有足够的云翳来造成一个美丽的黄昏! 3Just as the sunset,their love was so strong and beautiful for one time but only destined to be a memory for ever 就像西沉的落日一样,他们一度如此强烈而美丽的爱注定只会成为永远的记忆 4Clouds come floating into my life from other days no longer to shed rain or usher storm but to give colour to my sunset sky 从别的日子里飘浮到我的生命里的云,不再落下雨点或引起风暴了,而给予我的夕阳的天空以色彩。


谁不经常看见你伴着谷仓? 在田野里也可以把你找到, 你有时随意坐在打麦场上, 让发丝随着簸谷的风轻飘; 有时候,为**花香所沉迷, 你倒卧在收割一半的田垄, 让镰刀歇在下一畦的花旁; 或者像拾穗人越过小溪, 你昂首背着谷袋,投下倒影, 或者就在榨果架下坐几点钟, 你耐心地瞧着徐徐滴下的酒浆 春歌何处?是呵,何处? 但不要想这些吧,你也有你的乐章—— 当如波的晚霞把将逝的一天映照, 让胭红抹上残梗散碎的田野, 这时啊,河柳下的一群小飞虫 就同奏哀音,它们忽而飞高, 忽而下落,随着微风的起灭; 篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱,在园中 红胸的知更鸟群起呼哨; 而群羊在山圈里高声地默默地哀鸣; 丛飞的燕子在天空呢喃不歇。

1日:英文first,发音(英 [fɜːst]),简写1st

2日:英文second,发音(英 [ˈsekənd]),简写2nd

3日:英文third,发音(英 [θɜːd ]),简写3rd

4日:英文fourth,发音(英 [fɔːθ]),简写4th

5日:英文fifth,发音(英 [fɪfθ]),简写5th

6日:英文sixth,发音(英 [sɪksθ]),简写6th

7日:英文seventh,发音(英 [ˈsevnθ]),简写7th

8日:英文eighth,发音(英 [eɪtθ]),简写8th

9日:英文ninth,发音(英 ['naɪnθ]),简写9th

10日:英文tenth,发音(英 [tenθ]),简写10th

11日:英文eleventh,发音(英 [ɪ'lev(ə)nθ]),简写11th

12日:英文twelfth,发音(英 [twelfθ]),简写12th

13日:英文thirteenth,发音(英 ['θɜːtiːnθ]),简写13th

14日:英文fourteenth,发音(英 ['fɔː'tiːnθ]),简写14th

15日:英文fifteenth,发音(英 [fɪf'tiːnθ]),简写15th

16日:英文sixteenth,发音(英 ['sɪks'tiːnθ]),简写16th

17日:英文seventeenth,发音(英 [ˌsevnˈtiːnθ]),简写17th

18日:英文eighteenth,发音(英 ['eɪ'tiːnθ]),简写18th

19日:英文nineteenth,发音(英 ['naɪn'tiːnθ]),简写19th

20日:英文twentieth,发音(英 [ˈtwentɪəθ]),简写20th

21日:英文twenty-first,发音(英 ['twenti'fə:st]),简写21st

22日:英文twenty-second,发音(英 [ˌtwentɪ'sekənd]),简写22nd

23日:英文twenty-third,发音(英 [ˌtwentɪ'θɜ:d]),简写23rd

24日:英文twenty-fourth,发音(英 [ˌtwentɪ'fɔːθ]),简写24th

25日:英文twenty-fifth,发音(英 [ˌtwentɪ'fɪfθ]),简写25th

26日:英文twenty-sixth,发音(英 [ˌtwentɪ'sɪksθ]),简写26th

27日:英文twenty-seventh,发音(英 [ˌtwentɪ'sevnθ]),简写27th

28日:英文twenty-eighth,发音(英 [ˌtwentɪ'eɪtθ]),简写28th

29日:英文twenty-ninth,发音(英 [ˌtwentɪ'naɪnθ]),简写29th

30日:英文thirtieth,发音(英 ['θɜ:tɪəθ]),简写30th

31日:英文thirty-first,发音(英 ['θɜ:ti:f'ɜ:st]),简写31st



序数词除了开头的三个词(first, second, third)有独特的形式外,其他大部分都是在基数词词尾加-th构成。

1、从第一至第十九,其中,one— first, two— second, three— third, five— fifth,eight—eighth,nine—ninth,twelve— twelfth为特殊形式,其它的序数词都是由其相对应的基数词后面添加“th”构成。

例如: six— sixth、nineteen— nineteenth。

2、从第二十至第九十九,整数第几十的形式由其对应的基数词改变结尾字母y为i,再加“eth”构成 twenty——twentieth,thirty——thirtieth 表示第几十几时,用几十的基数词形式加上连字符“-”和个位序数词形式一起表示。

3、第一百以上的多位序数词,由基数词的形式变结尾部分为序数词形式来表示, one hundred and twenty-first第一百二十一 ;one thousand,three hundred and twentieth 第一千三百二十。



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