

This is a lionLt is king of the animalsLt is very big ,and lt has lots of brown bodyLt is strangeI love ltDo you like me



A large carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera leo) of Africa and northwest India, having a short tawny coat, a tufted tail, and, in the male, a heavy mane around the neck and shouldersLength 62–100 in (160–250 cm); tail 24–40 in (60–100 cm); weight 270–570 lb (120-260 kg) Males up to 50% larger than females Uniform, short tawny coat, white form locally in South Africa Black on back of ears Spots on cubs may remain faintly visible on abdomen and legs of adults Tufted tail Blond to black mane in adult males, possibly serving as protection during fights, a signal of gender at distance, and an indication of fitness Asiatic lion has less mane growth on top of head and longitudinal fold of skin running along belly

The month starts sweetly with a luscious Venus-Jupiter conjunction in your 6th House of Details on December 1 Charming Venus enters your 7th House of Relationships on December 7, enlivening an ongoing partnership or opening the door to a new one Try out a fresh look, since people tend to find you irresistible now Yet despite this potential for more delight in your life, the holiday season might prove quite stormy The presence of Mars, Saturn, and Uranus at the Full Moon in noisy Gemini on December 12 turns this usually mild event into a potential crisis point Impatient Mars conjunct the Sun in your 5th House of Play is electrified by a square from Uranus and constrained by another square from Saturn The sudden urge to leap into love or creativity in unique and unusual ways breaks down barriers to self-expression and shows off your originality

Keep in Mind this Month: Respond to tension by making big changes in your life instead of uselessly trying to hold on to what you don’t even want anymore



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