

There is something about the garden at Denmans which is quite unlike any other in Britain, for its display is not only to do with flower colour, but foliage form, textures and, of course, as it moves to autumn, with foliage colour as well Although the garden is only four acres in size, its layout is such that the visitor enjoys many small areas within the overall, for it is punctuated with pieces of statuary, a well designed pot or a warm sitting corner In fact, it is a garden full of ideas to take home, and which can then be interpreted within smaller garden spaces One of the most interesting features in the garden is the use of gravel It is used both to walk on and as a growing medium so that you progress through the plantings rather than past them It creates a casual, jungly effect, particularly in the walled garden, whilst allowing the plants to develop naturally And to cut down on the labour of constantly mowing the grass to one length, much of it is left longer and is cut monthly with a rotary mower, though with meandering mown paths through it, cut down each week The effect is of a tamed wilderness, and the organic patterns this creates combine with the random growth of plant material through gravel to create a thoroughly relaxed and very different mood At the bottom of the garden there is a large natural-looking pond which a family of moorhens has taken over Early in the year the chicks bob in a line across it like wind-up toys Denmans was the garden to a country house, so there is a walled garden containing a recently introduced herb garden, a newly refurbished conservatory- now alive with the chatter of budgerigars, and a larger area for frost-tender plants 看看这个行不行 不行我再写过

My house,there is a beautiful garden

春天是百花争艳的季节,美丽的樱花开放了,清香四溢、花洁如玉迎春花也开了,一丛丛,一簇簇开在返青的枝条上面,在微风的吹拂下动着身躯他召唤草木,叫它们快发芽长叶; 他唤醒百花,吹出他们赶紧相继开放桃花开了,白色的桃花洁白如玉似棉,粉色的桃花粉如绽放的杜鹃

Spring is a season of a hundred flowers contend in beauty,beautiful cherry blossoms,fragrant flowers,as white as jadeSpring flowers opened,groves,were opened in the green branches,blowing in the breeze and moving bodyHe called the vegetation,they quickly sprouting leaves; he awakens flowers,blowing them to have openOpened peach,white peach jade white cottony,pink peach powder such as blooming azalea


Summer,open on the grass be riotous with colour of small flowers,plus the background of green leaves,in the sun,dazzling extreme

秋天,桂花开了,桂花那淡淡的清香就扑鼻而来,一阵风吹来,金色的桂花漫天飞舞 ,就像下起了一场桂花雨让人陶醉在其中``````

In autumn,the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrans opened,the subtle fragrance Pubi,a gust of wind blowing,gold osmanthus flying all over the sky,like under a rain of flowersLet a person be intoxicated in it is


[词典] encounter; [书] meet (a relative, friend, etc) unexpectedly; run into sb; meet by chance; rencounter;


A man I chanced to meet proved to be a most unusual character

问题一:住址英文翻译:XX花园XX栋XX室 其实某某花园就是个小区你可以直接说是garden也可以说是estate

Room X,Building X,XXGarden/Estate

问题二:花园用英语怎么说 garden

问题三:"小区"的英文怎么翻译 标准说法: munity


问题四:花园设计用英语怎么说 花园设计

英文:Garden Design

The garden was set out well


Private plots & public spots fosters a public discussion on garden design The event charactera forum


It was he that designed the garden


问题五:用英语翻译家庭住址 深圳市宝安区xxx(花园)2栋12楼A 用英语翻译家庭住址 深圳市宝安区xxx(花园)2栋12楼A


Room A, Floor 12,Building 2,

XXX Garden,Bao An District,

Shenzhen,Guangdong Province,









问题六:比如某市某花园东区某幢102房英文怎么翻译 Room 102, Building X, East Zone, XX Garden, XXX City

我觉得直接用( Yu's Pergola花棚 )

(YU's flowering room花房)

(YU's flowerbed花圃)

(YU's flower hall花厅)

或者 YU-Pergola

YU-flowering room


YU-flower hall



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