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马克西姆Maksim Mrvica来自克罗地亚的欧洲新古典王子、钢琴圣手。从他的外表看,大概没人会相信这是一个古典钢琴演奏者,身高207米,有着典型东欧男人魅力的俊秀脸庞,染发,一身休闲劲装,加上耳环、项链,瞧上去倒像个偶像流行男歌手。但是他弹钢琴前要冥想很长时间,然后坐在钢琴前如行云流水般敲击琴键,直到这时,人们才能把对他的外观印象抛诸脑后——钢琴前的马克西姆是一个才华横溢的演奏家。“出埃及记”(Exodus)。关于原曲最熟悉的出处自然就是同名**配乐了,不过**中“出埃及记”讲的可不是摩西带领犹太人逃出埃及法老奴役的故事,但也和犹太人有关,是讲述以色列建国的辛酸历史。本曲其实也不是就出自这个**,原本就是演奏曲,加了词就做了**主题歌。该曲目气势宏大,雄壮,很有悲壮的历史感,熟悉欧美老流行经典的乐迷肯定不陌生。该作真是足够气魄,改编曲给配上了典型的Hip Hop节奏。
Makeximu Maksim Mrvica from Croatia's European neoclassic prince, the piano is outstandingly skilled Looked from his semblance that nobody believe probably this will be a classical piano performer, the height 207 meters, has the model Eastern Europe man charm pretty facial cast, dyeing one's hair, a body leisure vigor attire, the earring, the necklace, will look at the reversed image idol popular male singer in addition But before he plays the piano, to want to contemplate the very long time, then sits before the piano like the passing clouds and flowing water rap key, until by now, the people can cast behind - - piano's Makeximu before his outward appearance impression are scintillation performers “exodus” (Exodus) Was naturally the movie of the same name has dubbed in music about the original tune most familiar source, but in the movie “the exodus” said may not be Moses leads the Jew to escape the story which the Egyptian pharaohs enslaved, but also with Jew related, was narrated Israel founded a nation bitter history This tune actually stems from this movie, was originally develops plays a tune, adds the word to make the movie theme song This program imposing manner is great, majestic, has the solemn and stirring historical feeling very much, is familiar with the European and American old popular classics the music lover is not definitely strange Should do is really the enough breadth of spirit, the reorganization tune for has been joined to model Hip the Hop rhythm
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