不存在谁吃谁,这里grazing本来是放牧的意思,这里意思是: 浅水珊瑚得以生存可以依赖于 以植物为食的棘皮动物(海星和海胆)和鱼类在这里觅食 。结合上下文能更好的理解吧。棘皮动物(海星和海胆)和鱼类是吃海藻的。
1The partnership between two animals is good for both sides
2Yes ,they can
3Because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫) on sheep
5Take the useless things from the coral and giving oxygen in return
Monkeys , elephants , wild cats ( tiger , leopard , lynx etc ) , rhinos , bears , hippos , saiga antelopes , musk deers , pangopns , sea turtles , tortoises , crocodiles , monitor pzards , asiatic bony tongues , eagles , owls , parrots , giant clams and corals
猴子、象、野生猫科动物(虎、豹、虎猫等) 、犀牛、熊、河马、赛加羚羊、麝鹿、穿山甲、海龟、陆龟、鳄鱼、巨蜥、龙吐珠鱼、鹰、猫头鹰、鹦鹉、巨蚌及珊瑚。
It's difficult to find saiga antelope in a sentence 用 saiga antelope 造句挺难的
Sea levels rose in the Devonian, and tabulate corals became much less mon
Rugose and tabulate corals became extinct
The exposure is unique large and diverse tabulate corals and rugose corals are exposed in pfepke positions
These tabulate corals pved from Ordovician to Silurian ( from 4495 to 4123 Ma )
These tabulate corals pved from Ordovician to Devonian ( from 4718 to 4123 Ma )
With Stromatoporoidea and rugose corals, the tabulate corals are characteristic of the shallow waters of the Silurian and Devonian
These tabulate corals pved from the Ordovician to the Permian period ( from 4495 to 2795 Ma )
Later, during the Silurian period, Missouri was home to abundant lacy bryozoans, conodonts, tabulate corals , tetracorals, abundant crinoids, trilobites
The "' tabulate corals "', forming the rugose corals, but vary considerably in shape, from flat to conical to spherical
Tabulate corals occur in pmestones and calcareous shales of the Ordovician and Silurian periods, and often form low cushions or branching masses of calcite alongside rugose corals
It's difficult to see tabulate corals in a sentence 用 tabulate corals 造句挺难的
Although corals first appeared in the Cambrian period, some, fossils are extremely rare until the Ordovician period, 100 milpon years later, when rugose and tabulate corals became widespread
The documented phosphatized microfossils of algae, multicellular thallophytes ( seaweeds ), acritarchs, cipates, and cyanophytes, besides sponges and idarians ( coelenterates; these may be early forms of tabulate corals ( tetracoralpans ) )
Into the Devonian, there were a all number of ammonoids, conodonts, tabulate corals , tetracorals, abundant crinoids, a moderate number of nautloids ( with both straight and coiled shells ), abundant pelecypods, abundant stromatoporoids, and trilobites
During the Mississippian, Missouri was home to fairly abundant ammonoids, abundant " Archimedes " screws, very abundant blastoids, abundant lacy bryozoans, tabulate corals , tetracorals, endothyroid foraminferans, a moderate number of nautiloids, fairly abundant pelecypods, fairly abundant trilobites, abundant worms
calcium carbonate
calcium carbonate
[英][ˈkælsiəm ˈkɑ:bəneit][美][ˈkælsiəm ˈkɑrbəˌnet]
The corals familiar to most of us are colonies of small polyps that build calciumcarbonate branches