



珠宝 Jewelry;jewellery;Jewellery

珠宝设计 Jewelry design;Jewelry Design;Jewellery Design

麒麟珠宝 Qeelin;Qeelin Jewelry

珠宝,是装饰用的饰物,其上多是宝石或半宝石镶嵌在贵金属上。追溯至人类的史前时期,已有将取动物的牙、贝壳等物件用来装饰。随着人类社会的发展,珠宝由配饰用途更演变为具有宗教、战略和社会阶级象徵意义的物品,也包含在祈祷或服丧时,穿戴或携带的相似物品。到了19世纪,工业化把珠宝普及至中产阶级。现代,珠宝已为普遍的装饰用品。 材质区分 珠宝一般以材质区分为黄金(gold)、铂金(platinum)与银(silver)。其中黄金及白金又可区分为5k、9K、10k、12k、14K、18K、20k、22K以及24K几个等级(所谓K就是以09999计算1/24的含量)。举例来说,假设有一个一千克的K金,则含金量为:9k=375g、14k=585g、18k=750g、22k=9166g,而24k就等於9999g。-珠宝的分类 珠宝一般分为天然珠宝玉石和人工宝石两大类,天然珠宝玉石又分为天然宝石,天然玉石和天然有机宝石三类,人工宝石分为合成宝石,人造宝石,拼合宝石和再造宝石。特徵 银饰因为质地软且易变色,因此通常会添加一些其他金属来减少这类状况。一般来说通常都是用925/1000的比例来制造,所以一般银珠宝就是标准925银,和金的区分法就有所不同。最近几年有新的金属叫做玫瑰金,其实是加了红铜的18k金,因为红铜的颜色才使的黄金看起来有粉红色,所以又叫粉红金。2006年市场上则出现一种高纯度的白色黄金Au950,含黄金达950克/1000克。</B>英文:Jewellery (pronounced /�0�4d�0�1u�0�9�0�5lri/ or /�0�4d�0�1u�0�9�0�5l�0�5ri/) or jewelry (see American and British English spelling differences) signifies items of personal adornment, such as necklaces, rings, brooches, earrings and bracelets Jewellery may be made from any material, such as gemstones, precious metals or shells, besides other materials, depending on cultural differences and availability of materials Jewellery may be appreciated because of geometric or other patterns, or meaningful symbols (Items such as belts and handbags etc are considered to be accessories rather than jewellery)The word jewellery is derived from the word jewel, which was Anglicised from the Old French "jouel" circa the 13th century Further tracing leads back to the Latin word "jocale", meaning plaything Jewellery is one of the oldest forms of body adornment; recently found 100,000 year-old beads made from Nassarius shells, are thought to be the oldest known jewelleryJewellery is sometimes seen as wealth storage or functionally as holding a garment or hair together It has from very early times also been regarded as a form of personal adornment The first pieces of jewellery were made from natural materials, such as bone, animal teeth, shell, wood and carved stone More exotic jewellery was probably made for wealthy people or as indications of social status In some cases people were buried with their jewelleryJewellery has been made to adorn nearly every body part, from hairpins to toe rings and many more types of jewellery While high-quality jewellery is made with gemstones and precious metals, such as silver or gold, there is also a growing demand for art jewellery where design and creativity is prized above material value In addition, there is the less costly costume jewellery, made from lower value materials and mass-produced Other variations include wire sculpture (wrap) jewellery, using anything from base metal wire with rock tumbled stone to precious metals and precious gemstones俄文:Ювели�0�7рное изде�0�7лие — изделие (кольцо, серьга, браслет, колье, брошь), надевающееся на одежду или непосредственно на тело человека и служащее главным образом (или исключительно) для украшения Часто для его изготовления используются дорогостоящие материалы (золото, серебро, сплавы из других благородных металлов, драгоценные камни и др), поэтому ювелирное изделие может обозначать социальный статус человека Ювелирные изделия из дешёвых материалов называются бижутериейЮвелирные изделия также представляют собой настольные украшения, так как основной характеристикой ювелирных изделий является наличие работы мастера (ювелира), который в свою очередь и создаёт изделия我尽力了,但找不到韩文耶%>_<%,希望帮到你啦~

中文 » 英语

我是一名珠宝顾问,我的工作是为顾客介绍有关于珠宝方面的知识。 I am a jewelry consultant, my job is to introduce customers to have the knowledge on jewelry






红宝石: ruby

蓝宝石: sapphire

绿宝石: beryl

石英:  quartz


无色水晶:rock crystal

黄水晶: citrine

烟晶:  smoky quartz

紫晶:  amethyst



祖母绿: emerald


石榴石: garnet

尖晶石: spinel

锆石:  zircon

电气石: tourmaline

橄榄石: peridot


托帕石: topaz

玛瑙:  agate

方解石: calcite

磷灰石: apatite

琥珀:  amber

珍珠:  pearl

象牙:  ivory

闪亮拉光石 labradorite

贝壳  sea-shell


硬玉:  jadeite翡翠:jade

软玉:  nephrite

欧泊:  opal

孔雀石: malachite

长石:  feldspar 玉髓:  chalcedony

绿松石: turquoise                                        金属(metal)

铂金:  platinum

纯金:  gold

纯银:  sterling

铜:   copper

黄铜:  brass

铁:   iron

钙:   calcium

锡:   tin

镁:   magnesium

锰:   manganese

铬:   chromium

珐琅:  enamel

白蜡:  pewter

合金:  alloy

非合金: unalloy

块金:  nugget

玉髓:  chalcedony

绿松石: turquoise                                        2.常见首饰

手镯  bracelet

戒指  ring

胸针  brooches

挂件  pendant

耳环  earring

钮扣  button

项链  necklace

皮带  strap

领带  tie

纽扣  button

珠子  bead                                            3物理、化学性质

硬度  hardness

摩氏硬度:Mohs scale 全称 the Mohs hardness

体积  volume

韧性  toughness                                    


美丽的  beauty

稀有的  rarity

耐久的  durability

稳定的  stable

可塑的  malleable 可塑的,有延展性的

malleability  能力,可塑性

平坦地  plainly 平坦地,明白地

客观的  external 外部的

避邪的  talismanic 护身符的

医疗的  curative


传统的  traditional

超自然的 supranatural

象征性的 symbolically

断口  fracture

贝壳状断口:conchoidal fracture

参差状断口:splintery fracture

无断口: smooth or even fracture

锯齿状断口:hackly or uneven fracture

解理  cleavage

裂开  parting

密度  density 相对密度:relative density=specific gravity

比重  specific gravity(SG)

光泽  luster 失去光泽  tarnish

熔点  melt point

炼制合金 alloying

抛  cast

锤  hammer

焊  solder

镀  plate(镀金、银等)电镀

plated ad镀金的,装甲的

plating n(电)镀,喷镀;镀金(术),包覆金属

熔敖 deposit 熔敖,涂,(喷)镀

腐蚀 corrosion

退火 annealing

软焊 soldering                                           Actinolite 阳起石

Chiastolite 空晶石

Jadeite 硬玉、辉玉、翡翠

Ruby 红宝石

Agate 玛瑙

Chrysoberyl Cat's eye 金绿宝石猫眼

Kunzite 孔赛石

Sapphire 蓝宝石

Banded Agate 条纹玛瑙

Citrine 黄水晶

Kyanite 蓝晶石

Sillimanite 硅线石

Fire Agate 火玛瑙

Coral 珊瑚

Lapis Lazuli 青金石

Smithsonite 菱锌矿

Alexandrite 亚历山大变色石

Danburite 赛黄晶

Lazulite 天蓝石

Smoky Quartz 烟水晶

Alexandrite Cat's eye 亚历山大变色猫眼

Demantoid 翠榴石

Malachite 孔雀石

South sea Pearl 南洋珠

Aguamarine 海蓝宝石

Diamond 钻石

Marble 大理石

Spessortite 锰铝榴石

Amber 琥珀 Diopside 透辉石

Moldavite 摩达曼托石、绿曜岩、暗绿玻璃

Sphene 榍石

Amethyst 紫水晶

Dioptase 透视石

Natural Glass 天然玻璃

Spinel 尖晶石

Andradite 钙铁榴石

Emerald 祖母绿

Obsidian 黑曜岩

Spodumene 锂辉石

Apatite 磷灰石

Enstatite 顽火辉石

Oligoclase 奥长石

Talc 滑石

Apophyllite 鱼眼石

Euclase 蓝柱石

Opal 蛋白石

Tanzanite 丹泉石

Augite 普通辉石

Fluorite 萤石

Black Opal 黑蛋白石

Topaz 黄玉、拓帕石

Axinite 斧石

Garnet 石榴石

Fire Opal 火蛋白石

Tourmaline 碧玺、电气石

Barite 重晶石

Green Quartz 绿水晶

Orthoclase 正长石

Tremolite 透闪石

Benitoite 蓝锥矿

Grossularite 钙铝榴石

Pearl 珍珠

Tsavorite 随我来、沙弗来石

Beryl 绿柱石

Hawk's eye 鹰眼石

Mother of Pearl 贝壳

Zircon 锆石

Celesite 天青石

Hydrogrossular 水钙铝榴石

Peridot 橄榄石

Ivory 象牙

Cessiterite 锡石

Iolite 菫青石

Prehnite 葡萄石

Chrysoberyl 金绿宝石  

Rose Quartz 粉晶                                        计量单位:

卡拉  karat(K)

克拉  carat)


 钻石 Diamond

 红宝石 Ruby

 蓝宝石 Sapphire

 绿柱石 Beryl

 锆石 Zircon

 橄榄石 Peridot

 翡翠 Jadeite

 绿松石 Turquoise

 托帕石 Topaz

 珊瑚 Coral

 琥珀 Amber

 象牙 Ivory

 祖母绿 Emerald


 碧玺 Tourmaline

 石榴石 Garnet

 石英 Quartz

 水晶 Crystal

 粉晶 Rose

 孔雀石 Malachite

 大理石 Marble

 贝壳 Shell

 闪山灵 Opal

 缟玛瑙 Onyx

 欧泊 Opal

 葡萄石 Prehnite

 珍珠 Pearl

 紫晶 Amethyst

 黄晶 Citrine

 琥珀 Amber

 寿山石 Lardetite

 珍珠 Pearl


 圆形 Round

 锥形 Taper

 马眼形 Marquise

 梨形 Pear

 长方形 Rectangle

 椭圆形 Oval

 心形 Heart

 八角形 Octagon

 正方形 Square

 半圆形 Semicircle


 戒指 Ring

 耳环 Earring

 吊坠 Pendant

 手镯 Bangle

 手链 Bracelet

 项链 Necklace

 呔针 Tie Pin

 呔链 Tie Chain

 呔钉 Tie Tack

 夹子 Clip

 套装 Set

 袖口钮 Cufflinks

 发夹 Hair Clip

 框 Frame

 笔夹 Pen Clip

 金币 Gold Coin

 胸针 Brooch

 雕刻品 Carving

 扣掣 Snap

 表 Watch

 相盒 Locket

 封底片 Plate

 瓜子耳 Bails

 配件 Parts

 链 Chain

 珠子 Bead

 扣子 Clasp

 踝饰 Anklet

 一串 Strand

 款式 Style


 针板镶座 Barsetting

 包镶 Bezelsetting

 夹镶 Channelsetting

 群镶 Clustersetting


 密镶式镶 Pavesetting

 爪镶 Prongsetting

 座单石镶 Solitairesetting

 吉普赛镶 Gypsysetting

 帝凡尼镶 Tiffanysetting


 黄金 Gold

 银 Silver

 铜 Cuprum

 铂金 Platinum

 钯金 Palladium


 jewellery n [总称]珠宝,珠宝饰物

 jewel n ①宝石②宝石珠物;贵重饰物

 necklace n 项圈

 chain n 链条;项圈;表链

 earring n 耳环,耳饰

 discount n vt 折扣,打去(若干)折扣

 bracelet n 手镯

 platinum n 白金

 carat n 克拉(宝石的重量单位;等于二百毫克)

 messenger n 送信者;使者

 brooch n 胸针,饰针

 ruby n 红宝石

 Would you like jewellery


 Today is Mother's Day and all the jewelleryis on sale atSunin's


 Do you have gold jewels


 Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chains and earrings


 May I have a look


 Sure Here is a nice gold necklace


 Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it witha twenty percent discount


 It's very elegant I'll take it


 I want to buy some jewellery


 What kind of jewellery do you like to have


 I should like to look at some bracelets


 Pure gold or carats


 What\'s the price for this one


 How about five hundred dollars


 I'm sorry we only sell at fixed prices


 I wish to buy a diamond ring,too


 Is this one suitable for you


 No,it seems too old fashioned to me


 Let me try it on Oh,it\'s too small for me,haven't you got any larger ones


 This fits me well,how much do you charge for it


 Is that a real string of pearls


 You may take it on my word,if you find out it is an imitationyou may return it to me




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上一篇 2023-09-07



