








一般词汇 General Vocabulary

  The World Sports Aerobics Championships 世界健美操锦标赛

  Sports aerobics 竞技健美操

  Code of point 评分规则

  Drawing lots 抽签

  Start order 出场顺序

  Training area 训练场地

  Walk over 弃权

  Competition area 比赛场地

  Waiting area 等候场地

  Music 音乐

  Uniform 出场服

  Attire 着装

  Wrong attire 错误着装

  Prohibited move 违例动作

  Podium 赛台

  Protests 抗议

  Disqualification 取消资格

  Award prize 发奖

  Warnings 警告

  Meeting 会议

  Age 年龄

  Nationality 国籍

  Schedule 时间表

  Judge 裁判

  Head of judge 裁判长

  Jury 仲裁

  Judge panel 高级裁判组

  Line judge 视线裁判

  Time judge 计时裁判

  Artistic judge 艺术裁判


  Individual women 女单

  Individual men 男单

  Mixed pair 混双

  Trio 三人

  Groups 六人(集体)

  Team 团体

  Scoring 得分

  Total score 总分

  Final score 最后得分

  Deduction 减分

  Artistic score 艺术分

  Execution score 完成分

  Difficulty score 难度分

  Fall 失误


  Choreography 动作设计

  Participant 参赛者

  Movement combination 动作组合

  Movement pattern 操化动作

  Element 难度动作

  Transition 过渡动作

  Linking 连接动作

  Syncopate 切分(嗒拍)

  Musicality 乐感

  Rhythmic 节奏

  Intensity 强度

  Interaction 配合

  Low-impact 低强度

  Hi-impact 高强度

  Creativity 创造性

  Take-off 起跳

  Precision 准确性

  Technical skill 技术技巧

  Showmanship 表现力

  Presentation 表演

  Confidence 自信心

  Projection 感染力

  Synchronization 一致性

  Expression 表情

  Values 分值

  Horizontal 水平方向

  Power 爆发力

  Balance 平衡

  Force 力量

  Speed 速度

  Static strength 静力性力量

  Dynamic strength 动力性力量

  Co-ordination 协调性

  Muscles 肌肉

  Alignment 姿态

  Asymmetry 不对称动作

  Flexibility 柔韧性

  Routine 成套动作

  Variety 多样性

  Formations 队形

  Twist 倾斜转体

  Turn 垂直转体

  Jump 双脚起跳

  Leap 单脚起跳

  Timing 合拍

  Action 动作

  Lift 托举

  Steps 步伐

  March 踏步

  Jumping jack 开合跳

  Knee lift 吸腿跳

  Skip 弹踢腿跳

  Jog 后踢腿跳

  Lunge 弓步跳

  Kick 踢腿


Competition of Body-building Exercises; Competitionof Body-building Exercises;


The expressive force of the aerobics athletes plays a very important part in the aerobics games


Kate: I've joined the gym here, so I go and exercise and go for a swim


Jessica: Swim How long do you stay each time


Kate: About 2 hours


Jessica: Wow So what do you do during those two hours


Kate: So we go to the gym for about an hour and then have a swim for half an hour and then sauna for about ten minutes and then finish off with a massage


Jessica: Really, a massaging chair


Kate: A massaging chair!


Jessica: Wonderful, and so who do you go with


Kate: I go with Nicola


Jessica: And Nicola is


Kate: She's another teacher and she's who I live with, so


Jessica: Alright, good, good, good, good Now when you're in the gym, do you do weights Do you do cardio Aerobics Running Walking


Kate: We do everything really Aerobics and weights


Jessica: Aerobics and weights are the best


Kate: The gyms here are much better than back home


Jessica: Oh, yeah What's the biggest difference


Kate: They have games on the machines so if you're cycling, you're also playing a game where you have to blow up the other cyclists so it makes it a bit more interesting than just exercising


Jessica: Uh-huh! So it passes the time by Yeah, lot quicker And then why are you exercising Do you have a certain reason, a goal in mind


Kate: Yeah, because I put on a lot of weight when I was in Australia because I was eating too much pizza and, good breakfast, and drinking far too much beer


Jessica: So you just want to shed those extra pounds


Kate: Yeah, that I put on and get back to the original weight that I was


Jessica: Well, good luck to you


Kate: Thank you


Vertical Bench Press(坐式推胸)

Seated Mid Row(坐式拉背)

Shoulder Press(肩膊推举)

Lat Pulldown(高拉力)

Pectoral Fly(蝴蝶式扩胸)

Rear Deltoid Fly(三角肌后拉)

Upright Row(斜方肌拉力)

Seated Triceps Extension(三头肌屈接)

Standing Biceps Curl(站立式二头肌屈接)

Triceps Pushdown(三头肌下推)

Leg Extension(前腿肌伸展)

Seated Leg Curl(坐式后腿肌屈接)


Toe Raise(小腿伸展)

Inner Thigh Kick(腿内侧拉力)

Outer Thigh Kick(腿外侧拉力)

Leg Press(大小腿伸展)

Biceps Curl(二头肌屈接)

Ab Crunch(腹肌练习)

Seated Knee Raise(坐式提膝收腹)

Glute Kick(腿后肌后蹬)

Incline Press(斜式推胸)

Low Row(低拉力)

Shoulder Shrug(站立式肩背肌拉力)

夹胸器(Cable Crossover Machine)

胸肌练习(Pec Crossover)

臂部练习(Arm Curl)

背肌练习(Standing Row)

仰体向上(up & down)

二头肌提拉练习(Biceps Pullover)

坐姿划船练习(Seated Row)

腿部内外侧训练(Inner/Outer Thigh)


(Olympic Press Bench)

水平推举练习 (Flat Press)

斜推练习(Incline Press)

角度推练习(Decline Press)

腿部曲伸练习(Leg Extension)

仰卧起坐(Sit up)

Arm Curl(臂部弯曲)

One Arm Curl(单臂弯曲)


Shoulder Press(肩膊推举)

Flat Bench Press(平躺推举)

Shoulder Shrug(肩北肌拉力)

Incline Bench Press(上斜式推举)

Teaching syllabus

Properties: according to the school sports teaching guidelines for legal documents, etc Is compulsory sports

Target and basic requirements: university physical education curriculum fully implement the party's education policy and the national ministry of education in higher school sports teaching guidelines for the spirit, is the school teaching plan of curriculum system is an important part of higher school sports work of the center Through the exercise of PE teaching process, and make the students master the basic knowledge of sports, basic skills and techniques and develop the habit of physical exercise and lifelong sports consciousness and behavior, Mastering two or more exercise the basic method and skill, good moral character and spirit and innovative hardworking and enterprising spirit of the values and life attitude, improve their ability to adapt to the social and natural environment and the ability to resist disease, improve physical quality and health level and sports ability, the ability to exercise for the main goal of the sports quality public courses The curriculum development of moral education, physical education, science, culture, education and labor skills life and mental development in physical activity and organic synthesis, Curriculum emphasize education and lifelong physical health, education and training is the quality of morality, intelligence and physique, us, the fatigue of the all-round development of talent

2: the teaching content

A, sports theory

Content: the concept of sports and health, physical exercise in mental health and physical culture and health promotion

Objectives: to impart sports is not only suitable for sports skills, cultivate a lifelong sports consciousness, training and guidance

Second, basketball

Content: basketball development situation and trend of basketball, characteristics, technical and organizational basketball basketball skills

Third, track and field

Content: the modern athletics features and developing trend of technology, technology, dash

Objectives: to understand the situation of track and field sports and exercise value, master sprint techniques and middle-distance technology

4 and volleyball

Content: the origin of volleyball technology and service, volleyball volleyball frontal hands penalty techniques, the volleyball frontal hands pass

Objectives: the course of study, by volleyball volleyball understand the origin of theoretical knowledge, grasps the volleyball etc, and pass the ball pad, cultivating students' team collectivism spirit

Five, aerobics

Content: aerobics basic action, master the basic rules of the aerobics, basic technology and basic ability

Objectives: the course is the study of the basic aerobics movements from the start, let the students to find my basic rules of aerobics, basic technology and basic ability To cultivate students' life-long physical ability and lay the good foundation

Three: a comprehensive examination

The computer application technology, professional class 1 grade 08

Name: student id

The first year (September 2008-2009 July) the first semester

Course name evaluation category School

Physical examinations 30 63



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