





  一、Section 1:58141

  场景:咨询场景–游泳馆(对应人群及费用情况); 题型:填空10; 新旧:旧

  Question 1 - Question 10


  1 yong children

  2 cafe

  3 changing room

  4 timetable

  5 learner

  6 lock

  7 crowed

  8 3

  9 530

  10 transportation

  二、Section 2:60024

  场景:旅游场景–介绍新西兰的一个景点Gisborne;题型:选择 配对;新旧:旧

  Questions 11-15

  11 main topic of this speech

  A economy

  B tourism

  C history

  12 name ‘Mario’ originates from the place:

  East Coast

  13 at beginning, they export product to

  A farms

  B fishery

  C forest

  14 Now it exports_____to Asia

  A lemon and oranges

  B red&white grape

  C sea food

  15 Concert about costume party will be held in

  A museum

  B opera house

  16 In raining days, you are recommended to watch

  A culture show

  B photograph exhibition

  C near art gallery

  17-20 Matching

  A the disables

  B newly wedded couple

  C pregnant woman

  D secondary school children

  E young adults

  17hot spring: suitable forB (not suitable for elderly and pregnant)

  18second (can have party here, exciting game),suitable for E

  19rafting:Suitable forD (suitable for pupil, parents don’t need to worry about their kids, cause they have professional instructor)

  20…park: suitable for theA (mentioned people in wheel chair)

  11 新增服务New workshop is to offer service like

  A home visit

  B children caring

  12 first workshop 提供什么服务

  A get to know the city

  B finding a job

  C finding accommodation

  13 which interpreter is not availableA

  B Italian

  C Turkish

  14 Rom 204九月举办的项目:seminar in September in English for

  A Finance next is in September the next is finance

  B healthC engineer

  15 Where is the information display

  A lecture room

  B lobby

  C Room 301

  Questions 16-20

  A something about IT industry

  B help to fill in the form

  C give advice to accommodation

  D give advice about education

  E people working in the same line

  F getting to know the public transportation

  G something about leisure activity

  16 Room 202 ---C

  17 Room 205 ---E

  18 Room 206 ---G

  19 Room 207 ---F

  20 Room 208 ---B

  三、Section :70370

  场景:选课场景–艺术学校选课;题型:单选 配对;新旧:旧

  21-25 单选题

  21 why did James choose to study in the Baker

  A It is located near his home

  B good reputation in his subject area

  22 what was he surprised at his study

  B he can finish the theoretical courses

  23 what was the assessment of James’ course in the first term

  B marks were given by students

  C marks were based on teachers’ comment

  24 why did the girl enquire the English language course

  A make an artist living

  B selling art pieces in a gallery

  25 what did she need to get more information about before going to this college

  A date of the course

  B scholarship

  C choice of modules

  26-30 配对题

  A lot of background reading

  B Stay at the studio long

  C Many outside speakers

  D The most difficult course

  E Students do their own research

  F Focus on display

  G Using materials

  26 history of art-C

  27 sculpture option-G

  28 painting digital-B

  29 theory of art-E

  30 photography-F

  四、Section 4:31044

  场景:农业讲座场景 – 棉花种植的负面影响 ;题型:填空10


  31-35 句子填空题

  31 process

  32 irrigating

  33 machines

  34 chemical contaminants

  35 clothes r

  36-40 表格填空题

  36 freedom

  37 clean

  38 energy

  39 nature

  40 sports


  一、Passage 1

  题目:Optimism & health

  题型: 判断题 填空题 配对题


  二、Passage 2

  题目: Farmers

  题型:配对题 填空


  三、Passage 3


  题型:判断题 填空 单选



  一、Task 1

  The following chart and tablegive information of UK cruise passengers in 1975 and 2022

percent by age Total number 1995 397837 2022 1005231 二、Task 2

  Some people think readingstories in book is better than watching TV or playing computer games for children, To what extent do you agree or disagree





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