海蓝之谜(La mer)
同样是雅诗兰黛旗下,却是他家最顶级的一个品牌,蓝海之谜家的面霜被誉为化妆品界的奇迹,La Mer的面霜人称“面霜之王”。前太空物理学家麦克斯·贺伯博士(Max Huber)在遭受了严重的灼伤之后苦于无药可医,便亲身投入了研究开发,历时12年、6000次实验之后,终于在1965年发明了海蓝之谜,神奇的面霜让贺伯博士的皮肤重新变得细滑、健康。
除了神奇的海蓝之谜面霜之外,具有同等功效的LA MER乳液、含有近2克拉钻石粉末的LA MER晶钻去角质霜、眼霜、手霜、身体乳液以及LA MER的美白系列、洗面系列都同样受到众人仰慕。
蓓莉(La Prairie)
La Prairie的特色是富含细胞精华。1978 年,La Prairie 莱珀妮护肤研究所成功地模仿小羊胚胎提取方法,制造出活细胞精华(Cellular Complex)。细胞精华主要是结合一百多种与人体肌肤所需营养成分相同的细胞营养滋养系统,及醣蛋白组合和植物精华,提供人体所需的营养成分,以活化及滋养人体细胞,使细胞改善并且强化本身肌肤的自然功能,如调节、保护、再生等能力,促进新陈代谢,预防和改善老化现象。招牌的鱼子酱系列还运用了一般保养品罕见的鲟鱼子(Caviar)精华成分,La Prairie将这种传统用于鱼子酱内的成分,运用到保养品中,更增加该品牌保养品成分的独特性。
肌肤之钥(Cle de Peau Beaute)
作为资生堂的最高级品牌,Cle de peau beaute在1982年登场。最初上市时的“Cle
de peau”,简称CP。品牌创立之初是以细胞级别进行护肤研究。此后在其中融入“细胞平衡理论”的同时,提倡保护肌肤不受外界刺激的“Aging Skincare(抗衰老护肤)”理念,成为近年来“抗衰老护肤”热潮的先驱。1996 为顺应世界市场的需求,“Cle de peau
作为资生堂在海外的一举大旗,以非凡的效果和昂贵的价格游离于资生堂系列之外,以Cle de peau beaute的名字与资生堂各自为政。从最初在日本国内限量发售的时期开始,就受到众多海外名人的青睐,成为国外模特们在日本购买化妆品礼品的不二之选。并深受王室家族成员以及**明星等众多名人的喜爱。
赫莲娜(Helena Rubinstein)
欧莱雅集团旗下的顶极奢华美容品牌,也是现代美容行业的奠基品牌之一。HR赫莲娜 (Helena Rubinstein) 严格遵守“严谨、科学、艺术、哲学、女性”的品牌内涵,同时不断创新,首创许多前卫大胆的作风,而成为美容品牌中的胜出者。HR赫莲娜于1902年由赫莲娜·鲁宾斯坦女士 (Helena Rubinstein)
在澳大利亚创立,HR赫莲娜被誉为“美容界的科学先驱”。HR赫莲娜的明星产品包括Flame Look彩妆、Prodigy极致之美菁华系列护肤品等。自1939年赫莲娜女士发明了第一支自动防水睫毛膏起,HR赫莲娜这个品牌在彩妆界就奠定了不可或缺的地位。今天,HR赫莲娜仍在开创彩妆潮流。2003年秋冬季,HR赫莲娜推出了全新FLAME LOOK ——一款犹如火焰般灼热闪耀的妆容。其灵感来源于现代建筑艺术,建筑物大胆新颖的设计所带来的奇妙的光影效果启发了HR赫莲娜创造出此款通过肌肤的光影变换表现出来的雕塑般立体美感的妆容。配合FLAME LOOK ,HR赫莲娜推出了一系列产品——无限浓密睫毛膏、妍彩单色眼影和星光亮泽唇膏等,为追求达到每一寸肌肤之间和谐变幻的极致妆效而设计。
About Us
Catier of France is a leading manufacturer dedicated to providing the ultimate in pure essential oils, aromatherapy products and natural skincare For over hundreds years, qualified aromatherapists, students, hospitals, clinics and colleges around the world have placed their trust the high quality products and expertise associated with the name of Catier
Catier essential oils are using the plant energy fragrance SPA treatment to inspire the natural body power of composure and regeneration Comforting the exhausted body and soul can we enjoy in the space of meditation along with the therapeutic SPA journey
Essential Oil Quality
Catier essential oils are using the essential oils the professionals use
To discover how our organic essential oils are selected and learn what Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC) analysis is all about, take a look at the Quality Control and Organic Essential Oils of our book The more you know about every essential oil that you use, the more assured you will be that you will get great therapeutic results that you desire
Essential Oil Purity
Using the finest quality essential oils is absolutely vital in aromatherapy Why Because the purity of the essential oils will determine how successful the treatment or products will be In aromatherapy, you only receive textbook results when you use the very purest, highest quality, pure essential oils
At best, essential oils that have been adulterated will simply not deliver the health benefits that you expect At worst, there is the risk of serious skin irritation or sensitisation due to an adverse reaction to the synthetic chemicals that have been used to adulterate, extend or 'standardise' the essential oil
Vigorous quality checks are made throughout the entire process of sourcing and authenticating the provenance of Catier pure essential oils Failure to meet any one of our quality standards will result in an essential oil or other raw material being firmly rejected
Our Quality Control Standards include:
Verification of the plants botanical species
Crops were not subjected to agrochemicals
Low pressure distillation techniques employed
Visually inspecting the oil
Odour evaluation of the oil
Measuring the oils physical parameters
Testing the oils purity using GC or GC/MS technology
Essential Oils
Anise Star Essential Oil
Stimulating and energising The sweet and herbaceous smell of Anise essential oil is reminiscent of aniseed or licorice and it has a refreshing and stimulating action on the digestive and respiratory system when used in massage It gives an uplifting boost to flagging emotions
Basil Essential Oil (linalool ct)
Strengthening, clearing and liberating A powerful aromatic tonic that clears the head and helps to give the mind strength and clarity Basil essential oil has been used for centuries in herbal medicine and has lovely reviving fragrance Inhale or vaporise to maintain easy breathing
Bay Leaf Essential Oil
Stimulating and warming Also known as West Indian Bay, this oil has been used in hair preparations for over 100 years to treat dandruff, greasy scalp and hair loss Bay leaf essential oil has a warm and spicy odour similar to clove bud
Bergamot Essential Oil
Refreshing, uplifting and antiseptic Expressed from the peel of the fruit, Bergamot essential oil has a delightful citrus aroma that is uplifting to the emotions
Carrot Seed Essential Oil
Revitalising, toning and cleansing Improves a wide range of poor complexion conditions because of its revitalising and toning action when included in a regular skincare regime Carrot seed essential oil encourages the production of red blood cells and the efficient elimination of toxins when used in massage
Chamomile German Essential Oil
Soothing and relaxing
German Chamomile essential oil is distilled from the flowering heads of the plant and produces a dark blue oil with a strong herb-like aroma
Chamomile Roman Essential Oil
Soothing and relaxing
Roman Chamomile essential oil is distilled from the daisy-like flowering heads of the plant to produce a beautiful pale blue oil with a sweet herbaceous fragrance and relaxing effect
Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil
Stimulating, antiseptic, and fungicidal Extracted from the leaves and twigs of the tree, Cinnamon essential oil has a warm and spicy fragrance which blends well with a wide range of oils, especially the citrus ones Used in massage it stimulates a sluggish circulatory or digestive system and also helps with 'burn-out'
Clary Sage Essential Oil
Relaxing, warming and euphoric Distilled from the flowers and leaves of the plant, Clary Sage essential oil is a deeply relaxing oil that imparts a feeling of well being This essential oil is particularly soothing and relaxing when used to massage the abdomen during menstruation
Cypress Essential Oil
Astringent, toning and restoring When used in massage, Cypress essential oil helps to increase circulation and is good for reducing visible veins and cellulite It has a unique woody-herbaceous fragrance favoured by men, hence its use in many aftershave and cologne preparations Cypress oil is a natural deodorant, and also helps to balance oily skin
Elemi Essential Oil
Rejuvenating, stimulating and antiseptic Used in skincare, Elemi essential oil helps to promote a healthy complexion, especially on dry and mature skin Along with Frankincense, Galbanum and Myrrh, it was used in the embalming process of the ancient Egyptians over 2000 years ago
Fennel Sweet Essential Oil
Toning and cleansing Fennel Sweet essential oil is the ideal oil for use with cellulite, especially when used in massage as part of a synergistic blend Distilled from the crushed seeds of the herb, Fennel also makes a refreshing mouthwash
Frankincense Essential Oil
Rejuvenating, balancing and relaxing Extracted from the small bush native to Africa, Frankincense essential oil has a beautiful fragrance which has been used in religious ceremonies and as an aid to meditation for over 2000 years The action of Frankincense could best be described as deeply relaxing whilst uplifting the spirit Of particular value in skincare because it has exceptional rejuvenative properties
Geranium Essential Oil
Balancing, stabilising and nurturing This remarkable oil is balancing to both mind and body, normalising dry and greasy skin and stabilising roller coaster emotions The aroma of Geranium essential oil is delightfully fresh and flowery and blends well with many oils
Ginger Essential Oil
Stimulating and toning Ginger root essential oil was used in ancient China over two thousand years ago and has been used in traditional herbal medicine for hundreds of years throughout Europe This warming, spicy oil is excellent for maintaining good circulation and joint mobility It also has a positive action on the digestive system when used in massage
Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Astringent, cleansing and fortifying Steam distilled from the berries of the tree, Juniper berry essential oil promotes increased circulation thus encouraging the elimination of toxins
Laurel Leaf Essential Oil
Strengthening, revitalising and uplifting Historically, this plant was the symbol of victory to both the Greeks and the Romans who considered it the herb of protection This is reflected in the oils ability to instil confidence and courage as well as improve memory and insight Used in massage, Laurel leaf essential oil has an action on the digestive system
Lavender Essential Oil French
Antiseptic, relaxing, soothing and rejuvenating
Cultivated throughout Europe, the essential oil produced in France is by far the most popular and it offers an almost endless list of therapeutic uses This highly versatile oil eases tired muscles, balances head tension and soothes sensitive skin
Lemon Essential Oil
Antiseptic, revitalising and uplifting
The delightfully fresh citrus aroma of Lemon essential oil helps keep the mind clear and alert and is highly beneficial in skincare for oily and teenage complexions Use it in massage or add a few drops to a bath to help maintain a healthy immune system
Linaloe Wood Essential Oil
Relaxing, soothing and uplifting This oil replaces Rosewood which has been removed for reasons of conservation Linaloe Wood essential oil is virtually identical in aroma and therapeutic action to Rosewood, with a delightful floral-woody fragrance that blends well with many other essential oils Use it in skincare to improve the complexion of dry or sensitive skin
Myrrh Essential Oil
Revitalising, comforting and unifying Used by the ancient Egyptians in the embalming process because of its remarkable preserving action on the skin, and in aromatherapy today it is used in skincare to restore and revitalise tired or mature skin When vaporised, the bitter-sweet resinous fragrance of Myrrh essential oil is comforting and uplifting to the spirit
Nutmeg Essential Oil
Stimulating, warming and comforting Nutmeg essential oil has a warm and spicy fragrance that is refreshing and stimulating for cases of mental fatigue It has a similar stimulating and warming effect on the body when used in massage on muscles and the abdomen
Orange Bitter Essential Oil
Strengthening, stimulating and enlivening Expressed from the fruit of the bitter orange tree, this oil is helpful in maintaining a healthy circulatory system and the elimination of toxins Bitter Orange essential oil has an enlivening effect on the emotions, helping to overcome rejection
Orange Sweet Essential Oil
Uplifting, reviving and stimulating This popular essential oil has a lovely cheering and refreshing property, ideally suited for room fragrancing Blended with spice oils it makes an excellent Yule-tide blend
Patchouli Essential Oil
Antiseptic, deodorant and sensual The sweet, musky aroma of Patchouli essential oil is quite unmistakable and is often used as a fixative in oriental perfumes A highly valued oil when caring for dry, itchy or mature skin
Peppermint Essential Oil
Cooling, clearing and reviving The fresh, sharp characteristic fragrance of Peppermint essential oil quickly revives and clears the head, and is an aid to concentration - especially whilst travelling After a busy day, a few drops in a footbath will soothe and refresh tired, aching feet Peppermint is a powerful oil and should not be used on children under the age of three
Rose Essential Oil
Rejuvenating, relaxing and balancing
Rose Otto essential oil has a beautifully feminine aroma and it is unsurpassed when used in skin care to balance combination skin, and nourish dry or ageing skin
Rosemary Essential Oil
Stimulating, reviving and clearing A very invigorating oil which re-energises tired muscles and weary feet Rosemary essential oil promotes clear thinking, aids concentration and is said to improve the memory It also gives a healthy shine to hair
Rosewood Essential Oil
Rosewood has now been discontinued by Catier since over-demand by the perfumery industry throughout the past 50 years has led to it becoming a threatened species
Sandalwood Essential Oil Indian
Relaxing, sensual and soothing The perfect moisturising oil to use in skin care for all types of skin, and it is especially nourishing to dry or mature skin This sensual woody fragrance of Sandalwood is wonderfully relaxing and soothing, helping settle the emotions and still the mind It is also an effective inhalant oil
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Antiseptic and cleansing A very powerful natural antiseptic and anti-fungal oil, which forms part of every qualified aromatherapists first aid and travel kit During the cold season, a few drops used in the bath induces sweating You can also use a few drops to make a gargle or mouthwash
Thyme Red Essential Oil (thymol ct)
Antiseptic, strengthening and stimulating An energising and powerful antiseptic oil which should be used in moderation since it can cause irritation if used in too high a concentration
Thyme White Essential Oil (thymol ct)
Antiseptic, strengthening and stimulating A very powerful antiseptic oil which should be used in moderation since it can cause irritation if used in too high a concentration
Ylang Ylang 1 Essential Oil
Sensual, relaxing and balancing The sweet exotic aroma of Ylang Ylang uplifts the spirit, relaxes the body, and helps put you in the mood for romance This softening skincare oil is suitable for both dry and oily skin conditions
韩国:THE FACE SHOP菲诗小铺,Laneige兰芝,Charmzone婵真,SKIN FOOD
CELL REVIVE CAPSULE - 细胞再生胶囊? 应该是一粒粒的
芦荟(ALOE VERA)Foaming Cleanser - 洁面乳
香橙(Orange&Mint)Body Wash - 香橙+薄荷浴液
Gold Caviar Emulsion - 黄金鱼子酱乳液
Gold Caviar Toner - 黄金鱼子酱柔肤水