








竞技性体操竞技性体操是指所有以争取竞赛胜利为目的的体操,包括竞技体操、健美操、蹦床、艺术体操和技巧等。这些内容的教材化,将使学校体操课程的教学内容丰富多彩。(一)竞技体操竞技体操是国际竞赛项目之一,男子有自由体操、鞍马、吊环、跳马、双杠和单杠6项,女子有跳马、高低杠、平衡木和自由体操4项。世界大型体操赛事主要有奥运会体操比赛和世界体操锦标赛。奥运会体操比赛和世界体操锦标赛均设有以下4种比赛:团体和个人预赛(第1种比赛)、全能决赛(第Ⅱ种比赛)、单项决赛(第Ⅲ种比赛)和团体决赛(第Ⅳ种比赛)。4种比赛均进行自选动作比赛。2005年,国际体操联合会技术规程中增设了世界杯决赛,在非奥运会偶数年举办。(二) 技巧技巧是从垫上运动发展而来的,直至20世纪50年代,才成为独立的比赛项目。技巧比赛有以下5种形式:男双、女双、混双、女子集体(3人)、男子集体(4人)。5种比赛只进行自选动作的比赛。技巧比赛根据动作难度、组织编排、完成情况、总印象和完成动作的时间5个因素进行评分。大众性的技巧比赛,可从实际出发,根据参加者的实际技术水平确定项目和内容。(三) 健美操健美操是在音乐的伴奏下,通过一系列有难度的完美动作,展示运动员连续表演复杂和高强度动作的能力。健美操必须通过所有动作、音乐的完美融合体现出创造性。它是在广泛开展的大众健美操的基础上形成的,目前大型的赛事主要是世界健美操锦标赛和世界杯健美操赛。竞赛项目有男子单人、女子单人、混双、3人(性别不限)、集体(性别不限)。1983年,由世界健美操联合会(IAF)举办了首届健美操国际比赛。健美操的发展历史只有二十几年。(四) 蹦床1965年,国际蹦床联合会正式认可蹦床正式成为一项国际比赛项目。蹦床比赛设有3个项目,蹦床、单跳和双人小蹦床。分别进行个人和团体比赛。蹦床世界锦标赛共设男子同步、女子同步、男子个人单跳、女子个人单跳、男子个人双人小蹦床、女子个人双人小蹦床。1997年,国际奥委会决定将蹦床列入奥运会项目。在2000年悉尼奥运会上,男、女个人单跳成为奥运会正式比赛项目。大型蹦床赛事有奥运会蹦床比赛和世界蹦床锦标赛。(五) 艺术体操 艺术体操是纯女子比赛项目,1984年首次进入美国洛杉矶奥运会。国际体联艺术体操技术委员会所规定的正式比赛器械有绳、圈、球、棒、带等,每届世界艺术体操锦标赛使用的器械都有具体规定。艺术体操比赛项目分集体赛和个人赛。各项比赛均进行自选动作的比赛。艺术体操的大型赛事主要有奥运会艺术体操比赛和世界艺术体操锦标赛。

University Games, World University Games

Known as "Little Olympics," said, by the International University Sports Federation (English: International University Sports Federation; French: Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire), organized only in college students and graduates of not more than two years of college students (age limit 17-28 years) participated in a large multi-sports world

First launched in 1959, its predecessor, the International Student Games To 2004, the World University Games have been held 22 sessions

In 1959 the first World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competition From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not sent a delegation to attend In 1975, China was accepted as a full member of the International University Sports Federation Ninth in 1977, China sent a delegation to participate in the World University Games to date successive

Located in Shenzhen Grand Canal northeast of Shenzhen city, Longgang District, west of the city, about 15 kilometers from the city center, is held in 2011 in Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade in the main stadium area, is also building up the city of Shenzhen implementation of cultural strategies, the development of sports industry, to promote the future of fitness center

The entire project, covering about 874 hectares, construction area of over 300,000 square meters, with a total investment of about 35 billion yuan, will become the landmark of Shenzhen Include the main stadium, gymnasium, swimming pool and fitness plaza, sports integrated service area, the press command center and other sports facilities Meanwhile, near the main stadium, will be built in a beautiful environment, well equipped athletes village for the athletes to provide convenient and comfortable life

"A two museums" will bear the task of the Universiade important game Among them, plans to build 60,000-seat stadium will bear the opening and closing ceremonies and track and field competitions; can accommodate 18,000 spectators the main stadium will be the main venue basketball game; the same time there are 3,000-seat natatorium

Universiade Center designed also embodies the most avant-garde architectural concept and people oriented "A two museums" triangular distribution, the middle connected by the water, three stadiums just like three crystal stone, and the surrounding mountains, with green, forming a unique "landscape stone" structure The image of rock to break the routine, for the first time for large public sports building, to reflect the spirit of innovation in Shenzhen Meanwhile, the full account of the natural lighting and ventilation, reduce resource consumption, energy saving environmentally friendly design concepts, improve operation efficiency, with a good economy





科学是第一生产力,生活中的科学无处不在,科学与我们的生活有着紧密的联系; 科学时刻影响着和改变着我们的生活;步入二十一世纪后,我们人类只有掌握好科技、运用好科技,才能进入全新的发展时代。



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