
















1 作文写妈妈关心我最好是生病的例子


一天深夜,夜深人静,街道上空无一人这时,我正躺在床上痛苦地 着--我发烧了妈妈知道后,赶忙拿温度计给我测量温度,一看,啊!是39摄氏度此时,妈妈着急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,可眼下爸爸出差了,妈妈又不会开车,所以她只好穿着睡衣,穿着拖鞋就背着我上医院

经医生诊断,我要住院打吊针当针头 我的手腕,当我躺上冰冷的病床,妈妈就一直陪伴在我身边,抚摸着我,给我唱<<;摇篮曲>>;,使我得以入睡,可我知道,妈妈整夜未眠第二天一早,我一起床就看到了精神饱满的太阳公公,看到了妈妈那消瘦的脸庞这时,妈妈亲切地问我:"瑞东,你的病好点了吗?刚才医生说了,再打几瓶吊针就可以出院了妈妈怕你闷,就把你最喜欢的几本漫画书拿来了,另外,我还熬了黄瓜粥给你做早餐。。"听了妈妈的话,我感到有一缕温暖的春光射进我的心田,使我感到母爱的伟大


2 作文:关于我生病了妈妈怎么照顾我的作文








3 写我生病妈妈是怎么爱我的作文





我烧得更厉害了,妈妈更加无微不至地照顾我,我在床上对妈妈说:“妈,为什么昨天我要帮你,你却凶我,而且你不休息呢?”“傻孩子,妈妈这是为你好,你要不好好休息,病怎么能好呢?你还小,不像大人,你生病了,父母会很担心,我受累没关系,关键是你好就行。”我很感动,妈妈这种爱我的表现就是伟大的母爱,这种爱无论什么时候都很灿烂!母爱是没有东西能够替代的,母爱是最神圣的、纯洁的爱! 在这里,我想对妈妈说一句心里话:“妈妈,我爱你!”我想,现在还有那句话能比这句简单的话更能表现我现在的心情呢? —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 有一次,我生病了。

妈妈看到以后急忙把我送到医院去请医生给我看病治疗。 医生经过检查说我得了感冒,要给我挂盐水。



可是,妈妈只睡了一会儿,就又勉强睁开眼睛给我讲故事,免得我心焦。 后来奶奶赶来了,想替妈妈来照顾我。



妈妈才答应去上班了。 妈妈走后不久,又来到医院看我了。


听了这话,我知道妈妈对我的爱有多深!所以,我想等我的病好了以后,我也一定要好好照顾妈妈,不再让妈妈为我付出那么多! —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— “慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。


每当我读起这首诗,脑海里就不由浮现出妈妈的身影。 妈妈对我的爱无处不在 ——在生活中,只要气候变化,她总不忘为我增减衣服;生病时,她会不眠不休地照顾我;在学习上,她总会耐心地指导我;节假日,她经常带我出去玩。

在我心中,有一件事让我印象非常深刻—— 那是一个星期天的傍晚,我要去佳艺琴行学古筝。出门时还晴空万里,彩霞满天,可刚上了一会课,外面就打起雷来了。





我气愤急了,质问妈妈:“今天怎么来这么晚?” “今天单位加班,有些事情必须要做完,所以来晚了。”妈妈有些歉意地说。

“你冷不冷?”妈妈一边说一边脱下外套递给我。 “我不要。”

“不行!你的手这么冰,来,快穿上!” 我穿上了带有妈妈体温的外套。在昏暗的路灯下,却看见妈妈身上的单衣紧紧贴在身上,她的裤腿也湿了,雨水顺着裤脚流了下来,脸上滴下的,也不知是雨水还是汗水。



顿时,我的身上觉得暖烘烘的。 风刮得更大了,雨下得更猛了。


4 写我生病妈妈送我上医院的作文编的也行,注意要详细,最好在雨天


5 《妈妈的爱》作文 不许写我生病了妈妈给我怎么怎么







回忆至此,不觉后悔和内疚,那些令我厌倦的关怀,何时变得如此耀眼了?那些啰嗦和找茬,见证了我的愚蠢和不孝。 原来,那些关爱,那些温柔,值得我去珍惜,值得我去在



6 关于我生病妈妈照顾我的作文


我的妈妈就是用她那无私的、伟大的母爱深深的地关爱着我,让我感动不已。 记得去年的一天夜晚,我因为喉咙发炎引起了高烧,我家离大医院比较远,爸爸又还没回到家,的士一时半会也等不到。



虽然妈妈累得气喘吁吁,汗流浃背,可当她从医生那里得知我的病情并不是很严重时,焦急的表情立刻舒缓了许多。 打点滴的时候,我不知不觉睡着了,一觉醒来,仍然看见妈妈坐在病床边,从她那红红的眼圈就知道,她一夜没合眼。



妈妈啊!您太操劳了!从现在起,我要以最好的成绩来报答您,一定要努力学习,将来做个有出息的人。让您晚年不再劳累,是我最大的心愿! 母爱,不仅仅是一种形式上的表达,而是从心底里自然流露出来的东西。


7 写一篇我怎样生病的作文题目是《妈妈 的爱》




那次,老师布置的作业是写作文,我平时最讨厌写作文了,也最怕写作文。好不容易花了一个小时的时间完成了任务,准备放进书包时,妈妈来了,叫我拿作业检查,平时的作业我是不怕检查的,但作文--哎!我极不情愿的拿到了她面前。心里简直装了十五个水桶--七上八下。果然不出我所料,妈妈刚刚开始看就指着我的作文的开头说:“你这儿因该加一句,这儿的句子不通顺,这儿的字写错了 快去重新写过”。我花了一个小时才写好的作文,却被妈妈指出了这么多的毛病,眼泪情不自禁的夺眶而出,但我还是照着妈妈给我讲的重写了一遍。写完后,妈妈给我倒了一杯热水。妈妈亲切地说:“我也知道你写这篇作文花了不少时间,也用心思考了,但好的作文要经过不断的修改,要把平时积累的优美词句应用到自己的作文里,这样才能提高写作能力。”第二天,老师说我写得好。我知道这离不开妈妈的帮助。

妈妈不仅关心我的学习,而且很关心我的身体。记得去年冬天的一个晚上,我准备休息时,突然觉得有些头疼,开始我还忍着。过了一会,越来越痛,忍不住 起来。本来想喊妈妈来看看,但想到妈妈一天都如此辛苦,怎么忍心打扰?不久,妈妈走进了我的寝室,看见我正抱头 着,用手摸摸我的额头,不由惊叫“好烫啊!”不由分说,背着我就往外走。我知道她又要背我去医院了,以前也有过一次深夜背我看病的经历。路上,刺骨的寒风吹来,脸上如刀割般疼痛,妈妈忙叫我把脸藏在背上后,以免冻僵了。



8 妈妈照顾生病的我 作文


作文如下:父母爱的真情 记得幼儿园大班时的那个夏天,哮喘病毒在我身上纠缠着。我从睡梦中醒来,一声接着一声地咳嗽起来,连床边的书桌都有了震动,引起了回音。

妈妈听见了,立即跑过来:“裘律,哪里不舒服?喝点水吧!” “好……啊!”我吞吞吐吐地回答,咳得连话都说不出来。妈妈端来一杯热开水,她先尝了一口,试了试水温,然后一面喂着我,一面还轻轻地拍我的后背。



妈妈赶紧拿了块毛巾为我垫在枕头上。 第二天,妈妈向单位请了假,开着车,带我到诊所去检查,打点滴。

在诊所里,妈妈把我搂在怀里,把她的手搭在我的手上,问我哪里不舒服。爸爸一下班就回家做饭,然后把可口的饭菜送到诊所来…… 在困难的时候,我总是能感受到父爱母爱的温暖,它就像空气一样围绕着背影这篇文章不是作家的即兴之作,而是事隔八年后的回忆之作,因此,“泪水”和“背影”之间构成了一种审美的距离,各自皆包含着因时间流逝而带来的情感蕴藉和众多意蕴的积淀。



9 作文:关于我生病了妈妈怎么照顾我的作文



每个母亲都想让自己的儿女成才,所以只能严格管教。 我来说说我的妈妈吧!我妈妈从小就教育我要好好读书,从小罗嗦到大,我总觉得她很烦。


在六年级时,我只想玩,不想学,可是,在这个暑假我想 了很多,妈妈本来就身体不好需要锻炼,可她放弃了,她日日夜夜为 劳,早上5点钟就要起来烧早饭给我吃,是多么辛苦的呀!我要看在妈妈为我的份上好好学习,近几天,停了一天的电,天气很热,中午回家吃饭时,我说了一声:"热死了。"妈妈连忙拿起扇子,用力的为我扇风。


还有和妈妈 相处的点点滴滴,用一天一夜也说不完。你应该也是吧,所以一定要听话,不能辜负老师,爸妈的希望,要好好学习。


10 关爱我的妈妈的作文怎么写







Tom, you shouldn't argue with your parents They sometimes do

things to Hello, pitiful world parents heart, all parents hope that

their children can grow up happy Your parents sometimes say you is for

you, you should not quarrel with them, and they should be understood


Recentiy,I have already quarrelled with my parents many times because of my English study


From my point of view, I have try my best in my English learning But I always get a poor marks in every test在我看来,我已经在我的英语学习中尽力了,但是每次考试我都得很低的分数。

As a result of that problem, my parents hold the opinion that I usually loaf on the study


What‘s more, they even don't listen my explain at all甚至,他们根本不听我的解释

How troublrsome the problem is! 这真是个麻烦人的问题啊! 稍微有点多 72个词

1 跪求一篇英语作文,题目是妈妈生病了我来照顾妈妈,50字左右

My mother was sick last week Of course As her son I must take care of her I cooked for her everyday Took the medicine to her and helped my mother to wash face and feet I never felt tried Because I love my mother forever Next time If my mother is sick I will also go to look after her That is my mission。

2 英语作文《妈妈生病了,我要照顾她》

cidents are also rise dramatically For example, in a city with 5000 cars, there will be at least 250 accidents happening everyday, which also burden the public healthy services

On the contrary, expected public traffic may be an ideal solution to these problems For example city buses and railways are widely used or being constructed by many cities People can take buses easily, which can be found every 10 minutes or less in the peak time Actually, Nottingham Transport Company is building its own light railway in the city, which is announced by the speak man of the pany, “It will be pleted in the next year, the tickets will be very petitive and at the same time the travel will be very safe and fortable”

3 写一个因为妈妈生病不能去参加好朋友的生日会的英语作文

Dear XXX

Heard your birthday is near, Im so happy for you Bad news i couldn't go and celebrate with you, because my mom is very sick, i have to stay at home and take care of her I will make it up to you when my mom gets better Anyway, have a lovely birthday

Best wishes


XXX 选我的答案。

4 英语作文一个的妈妈生病,她受伤了,我们应该怎么帮助他

Last Monday, my father said goodbye to my mother and me and went on a business trip He would be away for three days Just the next morning I found my mother wasn't feeling well She had a cold I immediately went to get her some medicine and then prepared some noodles for her With my special care, my mother recovered quickly When my father came back home, my mother told him what had happened He praised me for what I had done

I feel very happy that I have done something for my mother

5 英语作文你周末在家照顾生病的妈妈

Last week my father was on businessso only my mother and Iwere at homeUnluckily, my mother was ill I had to look after my mother by myselfBecause my mother needed to have a rest , I should learn to do the housework I decided to do a big lunch for mothe So I cleanedthe vagetables that I bought from the maket,and preparedto lunch When I finished the meal ,I let my mother taste itTo my happiness, she said the meal tasted good 上周,我父亲在生意只有我母亲和我在家。




Although I was tired that day, I was proud to take care of my mother 虽然那天我很累,但我还是很自豪地照顾我的母亲。

6 英语作文你周末在家照顾生病的妈妈

Last week my father was on businessso only my mother and Iwere at homeUnluckily, my mother was ill I had to look after my mother by myselfBecause my mother needed to have a rest , I should learn to do the housework I decided to do a big lunch for mothe So I cleanedthe vagetables that I bought from the maket,and preparedto lunch When I finished the meal ,I let my mother taste itTo my happiness, she said the meal tasted good


Although I was tired that day, I was proud to take care of my mother


7 我的妈妈英语作文带翻译

My mother my mother is forty years old this year, white skin, with big eyes and all nose, big mouth, thin figure, he is a manager (Manager), height 160m, personality and humorous


8 英文作文,生病去医院看医生的70字作文


我赶忙拿出温度计一量,吓死人,39度! This morning, the alarm will wake me from the dream, I suddenly feel the trembling, and yawn I quickly took out a quantity of the thermometer, scared to death, 39 degrees!我叫妈妈也起床,带我去医院看病。 I called my mother has to get up, take me to the hospital to see a doctor 来到了人民医院,我发现,现在的小孩就是容易生病,更何况还闹着甲流,人就更多啦。



Came to the people hospital, I found, present child is easy to get sick, and also makes a stream, and more I silently behind in mom, in fever clinic Finally into the gate, but also did not expect to register The crowd like a swarm of bees to hold there, who also refused to let anyone Mother took great all registration is good 我将妈妈登记好的票拿了过来,一瞧,43号,再看看就诊处,才排到29号,看起来又是一次漫长的等待。说到看病,无非就是等,不等几个小时,他呀,就是不肯给你看。

郁闷啊郁闷,与其等, 不如坐到椅子上“静修”一会儿。 I will check ticket mother took over, a look, No 43, to have a look at the doctor, only ranked No 29, seems to be a long wait Said the doctor, just wait, ranging from several hours, he, is not willing to see you Ah depressing depressed, rather than, as in the chair" retreat" for a while 有一个小男孩坐在我的边上,他一手被针扎着,另一只手则拿着一本爆笑漫画书,嘴不停“咯咯”地笑着,似乎早已把手上的疼痛给抛之脑后了。

坐在前面的一名小女孩躺在妈妈的怀中,已经悄然入睡了,她的脸红通通的,不知是因发烧了还是因太热了。 There is a little boy sitting beside me, his hand pins and needles, one hand holding a funny ic book, keep the mouth "giggle" ile, seems to have on hand for the pain behind Sitting in front of a little girl lying in the mother's arms, has been quietly to sleep, her face red, do not know is due to have a fever or too hot 终于轮到我了,医生问了几句,我也答了几声,最后,他诊断出来的结果是:吃一些药就可以了。

Finally my turn, the doctor asked a few words, I also answered a few times, finally, he diagnosed results are: eat some medicine on it 妈妈拿着单子去叫医生抓药,她中药拿点,西药拿点,看起来,我回家有得苦吃了……My mother holding a list to call a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to take her medicine, western medicine, take me home, look, will suffer 。 。

9 关于生病的英文作文


Hello everone my name is _____(填名字) I am __(年龄)I likes listening to musicYesterday , I was ill my mother and my father took me to the hospital I was trying very much !But my classe ate were went to the hospital look after me At that time ,I was so happy !my classe ate gave me some treacle

fruitI felt quite restored to health

my classe ates are very good boy and good girl I thanks they very much ! I love my classe ates very much !


10 我的妈妈英语作文怎么写

My mother

In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world She has typical Asian features: yellow skin and black hair, but what catches the attention of people is her eyes Her eyes are as clear and bright as the night sky, and whenever she ileds, they would glow up and shine like a million inkling stars Nobody could possibly stay angry or depressed under such a ile, and even a heart of stone would crumble under her shine

She is also the gentlest person alive Once, when I scraped my knee by accident, she flew like a wirlwind to my side, and took out a piece of alcohol swab to clean the cut It stung like I was being bit by a bee, so she started blowing the red rash on my knee The light gust of wind ing out of her mouth soothed the pain, and suddenly I had the courage to stand up again I looked up into her eyes, eyes filled with concentration and gentleness

I love my mother for all that she has given me, and always will

1 一篇英语作文 《妈妈的故事》

When I get to home after school, i can always eat the tasty food She is an engineer,shi is also a good cooker My mother is also a hard working person, so every time she need me to work hard If I don't she will give me some more work to studyMy mother is a good mother。

2 我的妈妈英语带翻译作文

My mom is 38 years old mow,she has a pair of pitch-black eyes and hair She doesn't look very beautiful and tender,but her nose looks nice and she's a little bit fatWhen I take a good look at her,I can see her winkle which was appeared by concerning about me Besides,there has already accrued some white hairI suppose it isMaybe my mom is just a normal person in other's eyes ,but in my heart,she is a great mom


3 我的妈妈英语作文怎么写

My mother

In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world She has typical Asian features: yellow skin and black hair, but what catches the attention of people is her eyes Her eyes are as clear and bright as the night sky, and whenever she ileds, they would glow up and shine like a million inkling stars Nobody could possibly stay angry or depressed under such a ile, and even a heart of stone would crumble under her shine

She is also the gentlest person alive Once, when I scraped my knee by accident, she flew like a wirlwind to my side, and took out a piece of alcohol swab to clean the cut It stung like I was being bit by a bee, so she started blowing the red rash on my knee The light gust of wind ing out of her mouth soothed the pain, and suddenly I had the courage to stand up again I looked up into her eyes, eyes filled with concentration and gentleness

I love my mother for all that she has given me, and always will

4 我妈妈的一天MyMother'sDay英语作文

On Saturday I get up at 8:00 in the morning I wash my face, brush my teeth After that I have breakfast I have some bread and a glass milkThen I do my homework I work hard In the afternoon I have lunch at home I have some rice and beef After lunch, I watch TV with my parents We are happyThen I go out to play with my friend We go to the gym to play ping-pong We have sports for an hour Then we have a short rest In the evening we go homeAfter supper I play on the puter At 10:00 I lie on my bed I have a happy day。

5 我的妈妈的英语作文

My mother is my most respected person, and I is not flatter my own mother, both will be replaced by one and the same as I respect her Her mother, whom I respect most is her place ready to help others not Qiuhui Bao's noble character, I saw his situation to help others, the scene looked until now I have fresh in our memory, even though these are just a trivial thing, but But the spirit is what we should learn

I am a mother in Kentucky and lunch, while my mother and I ate with relish, this being an uncle came, he hands at the side of the plate on Coke's swaying about to e down Met with the mother immediately after the stop to eat, go up the uncle's help Coke again The uncle helped him to see my mother almost lost the Coke up to help, thank quickly, with her mother, said: "You're wele, the all right" On another occasion, my mother and me in Guangchao Shi, payment in Taiwan to pay Qian, an aunt to see an end to pay the money, to fet that for a very all sewing kit away No matter how loud the mother, she shouted, as he had gone too far, not heard, so I do not e back, the waiter put it on a sewing kit below the counter And my mom to get the package, it may be ing, we have seen a sewing kit just fotten that the aunt also check bags, her mother quickly on the ins and outs of just to say again, that in his aunt's bag , Then turned and found himself really fotten that the sewing kit It repeatedly thanked aunt, but also the sewing kit to her mother, but her mother did not accept

6 我的妈妈英文作文

My mother is a simple woman who es from the countryside with little education But in my eyes, she is the greatest mother in the world Her perseverance gives me courage in all my life Whenever I have trouble doing something and think about giving up, the scene that happened three years ago to mother just e into my mind Having asked for a leave from the teacher, I left the boring class and went to home with my favorite novel tucked under my arm Father was at work, brother was at school, mother wouldn't be back from her all store until evening I felt very happy thinking that I would have the entire house to myself I bounded up steps, burst into the room but was shocked by whatever I saw Mother was sitting in the sofa, sobbing with her shoulder itching I had never seen mother crying before I went close to her, asking what had happened She wiped her tears, forced a ile, and told me calmly that her all store was going to break I didn't know how to fort her at the moment, but I did know what the all store meant to her Mother ran the all store in order for my brother and me to have a better education As father worked with low salary which could merely afford the whole family's life necessities, mother had to try hard to earn money for our education She was frantic to make money before she managed the store herself She once worked day and night for months on end in a all restaurant It was a very difficult period of time for her But she never plained before us Eventually, she had her own business by running the all store And she really managed it well all the time with great efforts I never expected that the store would break This will undoubtedly take everything away from my mother I couldn't help worrying about her Mother seemed to read the worry on my face She patted me on my shoulder, speaking with a faint ile: "Well, it may not be that serious I'll try to make it better whatever We'll be fine, my dear boy" I was so moved by mother's words It turned out that mother really rebuilt her business soon and the store ran well I could imagine how much mother had paid for her all store business It was really too much for a woman But she never gave up She just went ahead with her unusual perseverance Now both my brother and I are studying at college Mother works harder to finance our education She is struggling by all means to keep the store business going Her unusual perseverance is so inspiring to me that I will never give up halfway in my life(够不够?)。

7 母亲的故事读后感英文版

When she heard the thorns if given the warmth of thorns be able to tell his mother holding a child to run the direction of death Mother did not hesitate to put an icicle hanging from the thorns into the arms tightly hug, thorns, plunging to her chest, the outflow of the blood drop by drop, but she is only to save their children, and does not know the pain

Ah! Mother, do you love your children, as long as the child happy, you would prefer to heat can be thorns

Mother went to a lake, no boat on the lake there is no bridge, Lake said: "If you put your eyes to me, I can take you to death of the greenhouse" Immediately burst into tears after listening to her mother and finally his eyes weeping e out to the lake

How blind painful thing ah! Mother, but you can not hesitate to use both eyes for the road to find the child

Greenhouse came to the door, an old lady mother, said: "I can help you, but you take your black to me and took my white hair" Heard the mother hurried exchange with her hair

Mother, mother, ah! You for their own children have lost their eyes, and now also with shortened life expectancy, in exchange for others to find their children help You're a very loving child

Mother of the world love their children are like this in my life, my mother has always surrounded me with love

I remember once, my mother, I came home from school, suddenly a strong wind es, my mother see me frozen straight tremble, rushed off his coat draped over my body, with her thin arm for me, blocking the whistling of the north wind I Suzhebozi, eyes closed, feeling very warm When I opened my eyes and found a strong wind is merciless beating his mother's back I have frequently asked: "Mom Are you cold" Mom iled shaking his head, patrol, I quickly move forward

In my life, bit by bit, the feelings of her mother's great maternal love is also acpanied by my growth

8 我的妈妈英语作文怎么写

I have a good mothershe is teacher/+一些职业的词 。

she has a short curiy yellow hair she is tall and medium built。she like cooking I like cooking too I often help my mum cook meals when I'm freeon the weekend morningshe usually go shopping in the supermarket with my sisterin the evening my mom and dad are watching Tv in sunday my family go to a movie,my mother like edyI like too but my mother do not like documentary。

she think it is boringThis is my good mother 。 很幸苦原创的 !望采纳。

9 一我和我妈妈之间发生的故事哦写一篇英语作文带翻译

I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary

I like sports very much I go running at five o'clock in the morning After classes in the afternoon, I play table-tennis with my friends These sports have kept me healthy

At home, I like to sing and play the violin I practice singing and playing the violin every day Busy as I am, I am quite happy

Of all my hobbies I like reading books best In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others All these books have enriched my knowledge

Ⅰ 感恩母亲的英语作文,要100字以上的,还要带翻译哦~在这里撒花了,谢谢大家!



2012-05-11 11:37 作者: 来源:北外网院 字号:T|T

摘要:谎言虽可恶,但是母亲们善意的谎言(white lie)却让我们觉得无比幸福,暖意融融,时时流露出一股柔情,值得我们一辈子去享受、去珍藏。


谎言虽可恶,但是母亲们善意的谎言(white lie)却让我们觉得无比幸福,暖意融融,时时流露出一股柔情,值得我们一辈子去享受、去珍藏。

Our mothers are big liars There, I said it。


When we were little kids, they told lies like “If you swallow a watermelon seed, it will grow inside your stomach”。


And they keep lying even now that we are grown up But how can you blame a woman who sometimes lies to you because she loves you


As Mother’s Day is upon us, let’s take a look at some of moms’ love-wrapped lies。


Nothing’s wrong; I’m fine。


It’s the biggest lie Every time you asked your mom how she was, she would put up a ile and use this line, even when it was after a big fight with your dad or she was caught weeping in her bedroom She never told you that she was heartbroken。


You are special。


Moms say it a lot And for this reason, we grew up believing that we were truly outstanding and extraordinary–more talented and acplished than our peers Sadly, there would always e the day when we figured out that we were actually not。


This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you。



2012-05-11 11:37 作者: 来源:北外网院 字号:T|T

摘要:谎言虽可恶,但是母亲们善意的谎言(white lie)却让我们觉得无比幸福,暖意融融,时时流露出一股柔情,值得我们一辈子去享受、去珍藏。


How stupid of a statement is that, really, when you think about it Sure, seeing you cry over a vaccination shot, being punished or getting mped can be emotionally gut-wrenching for your mom, but will it hurt her more than it hurts you Anyway, it’s sweet, isn’t it


Slow down You’ve got your whole life to be a grown up。


How true is this one A recent UK survey shows that 88 percent of people quizzed think that their children are growing up too fast。


Your mom is just one of those parents who are really scared that their little boys or girls will someday outgrow them。


Those accessories do make my outfit look better。


When you insisted that her dress would be much improved if she wore the pair of big dangling earrings you gave her as a birthday gift, she never disagreed。


But if you were watching her closely, you’d have seen her slipping a couple of things from her jewelry box into her purse before she went out。


关键字:感恩母亲节 母亲节英语祝福 母亲节祝福语



2012-05-11 11:37 作者: 来源:北外网院 字号:T|T

摘要:谎言虽可恶,但是母亲们善意的谎言(white lie)却让我们觉得无比幸福,暖意融融,时时流露出一股柔情,值得我们一辈子去享受、去珍藏。

Sweet words for moms


Sweet words to text your mom or to add to a Mother’s Day card:


I want you to know you’re a wonderful mother and I’ve always known how lucky I’ve been throughout my life to have had you as my mom。


You were always there for me when I needed someone to be there, and I want you to know I will always be there for you。


I couldn’t have asked for a better mother You’re always there to give excellent advice, make great food, or just listen。


I would not have been able to make this wonderful journey through life without you You paved the road of my life with your support and love。


Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life and today it is you。


While it’s too late for a lot of things, it’s not too late for me to tell you that even though I may not always be good at showing it, I love you very much。



Ⅱ 关于母亲英语作文100字第三人称

My mother is a worker who works in a panyShe usually gets up at six in the morning and then does some cooking for our familyOften after I have a shower,breakfast is ready I like the food Mother cooks because it is deliciousDuring the daytime,mother works in the pany and she has only an hour for lunch and restWhen my mother es home from work after six,she will soon cook the dinnerAfter supper, Mother usually enjoys the news and does some readingIn my opinion, Mother is an ecated woman and she can deal with everything oothly

Ⅲ 以《我的母亲》为题写一篇100字英语作文,初二水平


母亲,像一堵墙,遮住了风雨,挡住了烈日,好让我们这些不经风雨的小树苗能茁壮成长;母亲,像慈祥的鸟妈妈,每天都用充满爱的手抚摸着我们这些幼雏的羽毛,鼓励我们去搏击万里长空。我的母亲也像墙,像鸟妈妈对我呵护倍至,鼓励有加,尤其让我感激的是母亲常常对失落的我进行引导和鼓励,让那深刻的道理在我的心里生根,她是我的第一任老师。我清楚地记得,那是前几年的事,在一次考试中,我居然考了个86分。放学了,同学们都兴高采烈的回家了,我却慢吞吞地整理好书包,“金豆豆”在眼眶里直打转转。我拖着疲惫的身体,迈着沉重的脚步,一步一步地挪回家。比起往日,书包好像重了好多。树上的小鸟在唧唧喳喳地叫着,似乎在嘲笑我;路上的行人也好像在用鄙视的目光打量着我,发出一丝不易察觉的冷笑;我眼前尽是妈妈在深更半夜辅导我复习功课的的身影,尽是老师期待的目光,尽是同学们的讥讽和嘲笑……一切的一切,使我无地自容。终于到家了,妈妈看见我垂头丧气的样子,便什么都明白了,她柔和地安慰我,告诉我不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。接着,妈妈还帮我分析了题目,告诉我解题思路。在妈妈的指导下,我终于明白了失分的根源,妈妈也舒心的笑了。啊!母亲 无私地把爱献给了我们,我们才能茁壮成长。来,让我们都感恩我们的母亲,为她做点事,哪怕只是洗脚,擦擦桌椅,我相信,这些微不足道的举动,一定能抚慰母亲那颗疲惫的心。记得小时侯,我很任性,自己的东西不经过我的同意不能给别人,或被别人拿走。一天,我放学回家,看见表妹在哭,妈妈拿着快要被我扔掉的毛绒小熊哄着妹妹。当时,我非常生气,因为妈妈没有经过我的同意就拿我东西。我连忙跑过去,把毛绒小熊狠狠地摔在地上。母亲并没有像往常一样来安慰我,在表妹走了以后,妈妈严厉地批评了我。使我懂得对人要宽容,要有爱心。经常在我耳边敲响警钟的,是我妈妈;经常教育我做人要诚实、守信、勇敢的,也是我妈妈;经常指导我学习的,仍然是我妈妈!母爱是深沉的,母爱是细腻的,母爱也是无私而伟大的。我要用心去体会,去感受,才能有资格接受这份爱,这份无价的爱。而今年的母亲节,又让我想起一位哲人说的话:母亲是一本读不完的书。是啊!母亲给予我的爱,让我永远也忘不了,一辈子也忘不了您对我的爱!我会感恩您的 母亲!

┏ (^ω^)=

Ⅳ 100字的英语作文,介绍妈妈

I have a great mother She cares much about me in my life and study In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag But now, she tells me to do it by myself Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it Besides, she always checks my homework When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes She is very careful and helps me a lot I love my mother

Ⅳ 我的母亲 英语作文 但也要有中文翻译 100字左右 急!!


My father is a busines an He is 42 years old He is short He likes reading newspapers after meals He watches TV in the evening He goes to work by car He has got a nice black car He often plays golf with his friends on the weekend He does not often eat dinner with us

我父亲是一位商人,他已经42岁了。身材比较矮。他喜欢在饭后读报纸。到了晚上他经常都会看电视。我父亲开车上班。他买了一辆非常好看的黑色轿车。他常常在周末陪朋友们去打高尔夫。很多时候他都没时间跟我们吃饭。(Joozone 具体是晚饭。)

My mother is a housewife She doesn’t work She stays at home She is beautiful She has long hair She does housework in the morning She often goes shopping in the afternoon She is kind, but she is strict to my study She likes reading She watches TV at night, too


I love my parents And they love me too


Ⅵ 求感恩母亲的英语作文,100单词左右

My Mother

My Mother isa kind and gentle woman She is always very gentle She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school I have one brother and o sistets So she gets four children in all She gives us every fort We all love her and she loves us also

My mother has too much to do in bringing us up As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day She works hard, yet without plaining

She is also a thrifty, and instrious woman She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is Her face is wrinkled, her hair bees silver white, but she works as hard as ever

Often she says to us, "work while you work, play while you play If you do not work, you will bee lazy and of no use to society" What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind






Ⅶ 我的妈妈英语作文。100字。

My mother high stature, not fat not thin, there are a few shallow wrinkles on his forehead, his face often ile My mother is kind, she taught me to be honest, generous to others, since the childhood to cultivate my good character Mother said : we should start from every little bit of things, not because of an immediate all gain, do some sorry man I love my mother


Ⅷ 有关母爱的英语作文100字左右

Deep Mother Love

Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love However, we often turn a blind eye to the love One day I deeply felt the love

One day I hurried home for lunch after school, because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam But when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet I felt unhappy When the dishes were served, I forund none I like I ran out of my house angrily and wanderde on the street for a while,hungry When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk One clas ate told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it hereAfter opening the box, I found my favorite food inside My eyes was moist with tears

Mother gave me her love without asking for return, How deep mother love is!

Ⅸ 感恩母亲英文作文100字加翻译


Be Grateful to Our Parents

I consider my parents as the most important people in my lifeThis is not because they re wealthy or famousRather,what I value about most is the care and love they show to me


My parents might work hard,but they re always there for meWhenever I get into trouble and desperately need a hand,they e over first to support me and encourage meI grew up with their constant care and loveWhile they re getting older with grey hair and wrinkles,they never lose dignity in both life and jobs


From my parents,I have learned that one person can really make a differenceI ll never fet their care and loveGratefulness brings a great fullness to lifeI wish they could always be happy and healthyIt is high time we expressed our gratitude to people we cherish!


Ⅹ 母亲节写给妈妈的一封信 求高中英语作文,100字左右

My dearest Mother,

The mother‘容s day is ing and I would like to say "Happy mother‘s day" in this letter I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me This day, I will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home I know I will watch myself, so don‘t worry about me I am doing very well on my study My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice Though I can‘t be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother‘s day




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