

I quarreled with my parents My 3 years of ideas are out and they said that I thought extreme Fuck I don't understand I thought extreme or now people are social get so hypocritical because I had said that Money can buy everything You want me to you are good I do I make you happy I do I can only spend money to make you happy There are few people dare to say that he doesn't love money it is hypocritical people say I think money can make steel punching seam money talks, bullshit walks this wrong I thought so extreme I really don't want to say something Your parents will say money Every day to play computer games Not doing will say what You have been nagging me for 3 years I really can't stand Tell parents quarrelling Parents gas eyes are red but did not hit me - -# I would like to ask, what is it You are good to me I know I from primary school onwards you except that I learn will result will be what The junior middle school in addition to let me enter a key high school and is very beautiful Do you know what this is You let me enter high school and then go to in front of your colleagues may be confidence and pride that his mother is a money you know The exam had 100 what is it Not or after the university to find a job and make money People who are now present in addition to money or money I say what I think The money I 10 years to pay off all the money you raise me you stop nagging me Put the blame on me bother me Okay I don't go to school is my reason I do not want to Because I was afraid I was in high school has not been admitted to university will waste your hard-earned money will let you gas go crazy Kamita Mi How many students because of too much pressure and Dutch act Can't you read the report Never seen the news I really do not want to bear so much pressure I can't stand you nagging and blame the other day make me a line It seems to you every day I two remained nothing But I have in mind you get admitted to the university not to look for a job to make money I don't go to high school is to make money I thought that I had money can buy Buy happiness Buy everything what to learn good grades in high school His mom gave me go fuck I will have money Not like you this area parents I had money I will let my son when two rich generation What school grades, I don't see why, rich,,, achievement is a fart Don't let my son go to school after the university entrance exam into work Is not this crap For you told me about education and management I want to declare, you talk about your education is the generation of the thought management is my way to management However after the family has the company my things you don't go Even if I open up to tens of millions of company I management failures or what you do



Dear ,

There are a lot of things you chould do You could talk about the problem with your parents, and tell them you felt sad when they argued with each other Then you could do more chors to help your mother or study hard to make your parents happy Or may be you could tell jokes to make them laugh or ask them to municate with each other better

Don't worry, everything will be fine!

Good luck!





You quarrel and then,if I do not do their homework in!" I roared forward,homeopathy should still be done plot mode squeezed a few drops of tearsOh,this mode is really useful,Mom and Dad hurriedly said:"okay,okay,we do not quarrel,and you hurry to do work there" I said:"Then you have to do that we three together Gogo little finger,and deceptive is a dog," said,we all laughed

I remember once at home,I was doing homework,I suddenly heard voices outside the quarrel was originally my father and mother,where they are to a minor quarrelAt that time I may Huang Leshen,ran out when the Quanjia messenger,Said:"Mom and Dad Yeah,on the 1st marital day-yan,a total of ten years of cultivation bed pillow,you have a hu and and wife pull fourteen years,how the tragedy are still here to go" Result was that I had one father said:"Here you do not,ah Guaier Zi to the house to do work," the mother is also next to the perfunctoryNo I can not make this a fight the spread of oke and then continues,there is no way in I had to use my stream of killer


Tom, you shouldn't argue with your parents They sometimes do

things to Hello, pitiful world parents heart, all parents hope that

their children can grow up happy Your parents sometimes say you is for

you, you should not quarrel with them, and they should be understood




我和我的父母吵架了我该怎么办 英语

I quareled with my parents, what should I do now?








Dear friend,

I have heard that you sometimes argue loudly with your parents I would like to offer you some suggestions, and therefore I am now writing to you In my opinion, parents are our best friends in the world They love us and dedicate everything to us I love my parents so I alwasy ask myself to be kind, generous, and good to them Every time I went to some places for travelling, I brought my parents some gifts I would suggest you that not to argue loudly with your parents because it is a rude behavior If there is something that you don't agree with your parents, please discuss the issue with them patiently and quietly I hope you can be a good friend with your parents



Recently I heard that you were arguing with your parents Here are a couple of suggestions I have for you to deal with the relationship with your parents:

You can't pare anybody to them Yes, on days you may feel like saying "I wish my mum is extremely rich", but you don't really mean it, even if you think you do Parents are the people you should love a lot in your life

A nice, simple greeting like "Hello," "Hi," or "Good morning," will brighten their day They just yearn for an "I love you" from you

Take care of them, mentally and physically If they are feeling sick, make them some chicken soup and give them a box of tissues, and if they're feeling stressed, give them a massage and chat to them about the good things in their life

Write/text/email things to them every day, about how much you love them Call them up at work to say hello and check how they're doing Parents love nothing more than talking to you

Hope you will find them helpful


plain ing is a Normal affrair in Family

When you have quarrels with your parents, the best way for you to appease the situation is to force yourself to concede Parents have undergone far more experiences in life than you do; therefore, it is invariably the case that you are the one who turns out to be wrong Bravely admit your faults and actively pursue ways to harmonize the atmosphere, and all the family members will live together in harmony again



Dear mom,

This is the first time i write a letter to you in English,so i think i should say thanks to you frist

That you give life to me,that you bring me to the worldSometimes i may make you angry,because i don`t adjust my faultBut i am sure i won`t do that things again,i think i have grown up,i must be able to tell the things true or faultMy dear mother ,you are the greatest person in the world,you are the most important person in my lifethe love you give me is the greatst one in the world

My dear mother,i have to stop here,because my vocabulary is very limited ,i will write more letters in the future ,at that time i can write a much longer one to you

Thank you again ,my dear mother!

Yours son,







Tom, you shouldn't argue with your parents They sometimes do

things to Hello, pitiful world parents heart, all parents hope that

their children can grow up happy Your parents sometimes say you is for

you, you should not quarrel with them, and they should be understood


Dear parents,please understand me!You always make me study at home all day long and never let me stop to have a restI can't agree with youYou think that if I keep studying all the time,my study will be improvedBut it isn't the truth!There is a famous saying‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'It's good for me to take a break if I am tiredThen I will study more efficiently

Dear Dad and Mum,I know that you want me to have good marks and a bright futureI know that you care for me as wellPlease understand me and take my advice!

Teenager is at the sensible age, on the one hand, they are not mature enough, on the other hand, they are very bolshy, they don’t listen to what their parent tell them, they will go against parents So teenager always have argument with their parents, it hurts so much, parents have to deal with such situation


As a teenager, they want to chase for freedom, they are at the age of pursing individualism They want to show that they are mature enough, they can make their own decision While as parents, they watch their kids all their life, they haven’t realized that their kids are already mature enough, so they always treat their children as the small one, making every decision for them That is why the conflict comes, the only way to solve it is to understand each other


For parents, they must have the though that the kids are growing up, they are no more the small ones, they should learn to let them go For teenagers, they should have a good talk with their parents, trying to explain and show the courage they have They should not be angry with parents, to find a better to solve argument


Though teenagers are at the sensible age, there is always a way to find the solution about the argument The better understanding between parents and teenagers is the key point


I know different people has different ideas on something, but I feel embarrasment when my parents have different ideas on a question, sometimes they will quarrel I think many kids have met this situations before so I want to tell something when I am in this situation

first, I watch and listen to them quietly they will notice that I am watching them may be they will realize it is not good to quarrel in front of their kidsand they will stop

so let them know you are in their life, it is my way to stop quarrel我知道不同的人在不同的事有不同的观点,但在父母在一个问题上有不同意见时我会感到尴尬,有时他们会吵起来。我想许多孩子曾面对过这种情况,所以我想介绍一下我面对这种情况时我会怎么做。首先,我先悄悄地看、听着他们,他们会注意到我在看他们,也许他们就会意识到在孩子面前吵架是不好的,然后他们就停止了。所以,要让父母知道你是父母生命的一部分。这就是我劝说他们停止吵架的方法。

I want to communicate with their parents, a reflection of who is right and who is wrong, to find a solution to resolve contradictions, sincerely apologize to them




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