

What You Are - Jewel

I'm driving around town

Kinda bored with the windows rolled down

See a girl on the bus stop bench

Dressed to draw attention

Hoping everyone will stare

If she don't stand out she thinks she'll disappear

Wish I could hold her, tell her, show her

What she wants is already there

A star is a star

It doesn't have to try to shine

Water will fall

A bird just knows how to fly

You don't have to tell a flower how to bloom

Or light how to fill up a room

You already are what you are

And what you are is beautiful

Heard a story the other day

Took place at the local VA

A father talking to his dying son

This was his conversation

"It's not supposed to be like this

You can't go first I can't handle it"

The boy said "Dad now don't you cry,

Remember when I was a child what you used to tell me when I'd ask why"

(You'd say) Gravity is gravity

It doesn't try to pull you down

Stone is stone

It can't help but hold its ground

The wind just blows, though you can't see

It's everywhere like I'll always be

You already are what you are

And what you are is strong enough

Look in the mirror

Now that's another story to tell

I give love to others

But I give myself hell

I'd have to tell myself

"In every scene there's a perfect plan"

Everything I hoped to be

I already am

A flower is a flower

It doesn't have to try to bloom

And light is light

Just knows how to fill a room

And dark is dark

So the stars have a place to shine

The tide goes out

So it can come back another time

Goodbye makes a love so sweet

And love is love so it can teach us

We already are what we are

And what we are is beautiful

And strong enough

And good enough

And bright enough



 1 Break Me Down - 毕书尽

 2 最后一首情歌 - 严爵

 3 可惜没如果 - 林俊杰

 4 罪恶感 - 黄丽玲

 5 时间里的飞人 - 莫文蔚

 6 境外 - 莫文蔚

 7 不敢 - 胡彦斌

 8 美丽的谎言 - 魏晨

 9 帽子戏法 - 魏晨

 10 Holiday Song - 魏晨

 11 幸福到哪去了 - 李琦

 12 就这样长大了 - 李琦

 13 一只猫 - 李琦

 14 跳跳跳 - 李琦

 15 恋爱格言 - 崔子格

 16 有 故事 的女人 - 苏醒

 17 Whatever - 苏醒

 18 Splitman - 苏醒

 19 一路去找 - 平安

 20 原来爱情就像烟火 - 林佑威


 1 敢爱 - 常石磊

 2 唱给十年后的自己 - 李琦

 3 My Sunshine - 张杰

 4 最好的未来 - 陈伟霆

 5 还不至于 - 庄心妍

 6 QQ上的留言 - 田娟

 7 草原祝酒歌 - 乌兰托娅

 8 最后一次 - 乌兰托娅

 9 扬州慢 - 七朵组合

 10 沧浪之歌 - 汪峰

 11 有过你 - 胡彦斌

 12 我爱你不会改变 - 毕书尽

 13 我们在爱中漫步 - 毕书尽

 14 黑与白 - 毕书尽

 15 By My Side - 毕书尽

 16 Break Me Down - 毕书尽

 17 最后一首情歌 - 严爵

 18 可惜没如果 - 林俊杰

 19 罪恶感 - 黄丽玲

 20 时间里的飞人 - 莫文蔚


 1 境外 - 莫文蔚

 2 不敢 - 胡彦斌

 3 美丽的谎言 - 魏晨

 4 帽子戏法 - 魏晨

 5 Holiday Song - 魏晨

 6 情歌唱给自己听 - 许佳慧

 7 看我的 - Selina

 8 好久不见 - 乌拉多恩

 9 无字碑 - 张靓颖

 10 算什么男人 - 周杰伦

 11 没有更悲的伤 - 多亮

 12 被寂寞骗了一遍 - 多亮

 13 捕梦人 - 多亮

 14 美丽的菇凉 - 多亮

 15炭烧咖啡 - 多亮

 16 我的世界 - 多亮

 17 站在风的面前 - 多亮

 18 一切安好 - 莫文蔚

 19 老婆 - 张杰

 20 蓝色 圣诞节 - 徐若瑄



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