


<br><BR>武藏:「既然你招恼意的请教了!」 <BR>小次郎:「我们就大发慈悲的告诉你!」 <BR>武藏:「为了防止世界被破坏!」 <BR>小次郎:「为了守护世界的和平!」(爱:这还是反派角色吗...) <BR>武藏:「贯彻爱与真实的邪恶!」 <BR>小次郎:「可爱又迷人的反派角色!」 <BR>武藏! 小次郎! <BR>武藏:「我们是穿梭在银河的火箭队(二人组)!」 <BR>小次郎:「白洞!白色的明天在等著我们!」 <BR>喵喵:「喵~就是这样!」<BR><BR><BR>[size=4][color=blue][b]英:[/b][/color][/size] <BR>Prepare For Trouble <BR>Make it double <BR>To protect the world from devestation <BR>To unite all peoples within our nation <BR>To denounce the evils of truth and love <BR>To extend our reach to the stars above <BR>Jesse <BR>James <BR>Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light <BR>Surrender now or prepare to fight <BR>Mewoth, That's Right! <BR><BR><BR>[b][size=4][color=purple]日:[/color][/size][/b]<BR>ムサシ「何だかんだと言われたら」 <BR>コジロー「答えてあげるが世の情け」 <BR>ムサシ「世界の破壊を防ぐため」 <BR>コジロー「世界の平和を守るため」 <BR>ムサシ「爱と真実の悪を贯く」 <BR>コジロー「ラブリーチャーミーな敌役」 <BR>ムサシ「ムサシ!」 <BR>コジロー「コジロー!」 <BR>ムサシ「银河を駆ける、ロケット団の二人には」 <BR>コジロー「ホワイトホール、白い明日が待ってるぜ!」 <BR>ニャース「ニャ、ニャーんてニャ!」<br><br><br><a href="bbsxmlphpRssDataMode=9&URLs=wwwsoyocn/bbs/bbsxmlphp" target=_blank><font color="blue">soyo手机游戏</font></a> <font color="blue">可以让你手机上玩gb,fc游戏的论坛</font><br><!--[[[SQ]]][[[http://wwwsoyocn/bbs/viewthreadphptid=8719]]]-->











A:That's OK, Ben, just let it go I thought you were just a little too much into it


B:I wasn't kidding before, OK, I'm fine now


A:Honey, have you ever heard that there are a lot of stray cats now




A:Now they are collected by some volunteers, and people can adopt them or make a donation for the shelters


B:What are you saying You are acting weird today


A:I want to adopt a cat, and it can be Barbie's boyfriend too


B:Haha, very funny, but it doesn't make any sense to me


A:That's all right At least I got myself left


B:Seriously, if we will adopt any animals, we'd gotta to talk to Daniel


A:I hope that he would grant me with that


B:Hope so



A:I’m thinking about getting a pet, but I’m really not sure which animal would be suitable Could you give me some advice

B:Certainly! The first thing is to be honest about how much time for you can devote to your pet Dogs are very demanding You need to take them for walks and they love to play Cats, on the other hand, are more independent

A:I’m fairly busy, so I really need an animal that I don’t need to care of very much Actually, I’d like a pet that’s a little unusual I don't’really want a typical pet, like a cat, dog, or hamster Do you have any suggestions

B:Unusual pet are often more expensive to keep Is that a problem

A:Not really By the way, I don’t want a pet that could be dangerous, like a tarantula or rattlesnake

B:We have those, but I only sell them to people I know well, for obvious reasons How about a lizard I have some that are very brightly coloured, are not aggressive, and are easy to feed and look after

A:That sounds ideal Could you show me some

B:Sure e over here As you can see, I have a wide selection of species They can live together, if you want lizards of different kinds Do you have a favourite colour

A:I like the red one What do they eat

B:You can feed them on various things They will eat all pieces of meat, but I’d remend insects You can get them from your garden, but remember that lizards eat a lot insects I sell them here

A:Thanks a lot What I’ll do si find out more online and drop by next week

B:That’s fine You shouldn’t make a hasty decision when choosing a pet


A:Your dog is so much fun He’s so playful I wish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does

B:Cats are well know for being more independent than dogs How old is your cat now you’ve had her longer than we’ve had our dog

A:She’s eight years old She’s getting quite old Your dog’s six, isn’t he

B:Yes He’s so energetic We take him out to the park every morning and evening I think he’d be happy to stay there all day!

A:I’m sure he would We usually have to drag him home

B:Your cat spends most of the day outdoors', right Do you kwno where she goes

A:She spends less time outdoors and she used to we have no idea where she goes She’s very secretive Occasionally, she brings back a dead mouse

B:Have you ever thought about having another pet

A:The kids want a rabbit I don’t think it would be a good idea to get a mouse or a fish! That might be too tempting for our cat!



A: your dog is so much fun He’s so playful I wish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does

B: cats are well know for being more independent than dogs How old is your cat now you’ve had her longer than w。


Todd: Trevor, do you have a dog

  Trevor, 你养狗吗

Trevor: Yeah, I do have a dog


Todd: What kind of dog


Trevor: My dogs a boxer


Todd: A boxer What does a boxer look like


Trevor: A boxer is medium size She's got short hair and a very short stubby nose And no tail


Todd: No, tail Nice Which do you prefer dogs or cats


Trevor: I'm a dog person I like dogs


Todd: OK Why


Trevor: Dogs are a man's best friend and they are always loyal


Todd: OK What do you mean loyal What does loyalty mean


Trevor: Oh, they'll stay with you, even through the hard times


Todd: OK Which breed or kind of dog do you like besides boxers


Trevor: I like labrodors and I like, uh, all terriers


Todd: Small terriers


Trevor: Small terriers A Jack Russell all terrier


Todd: What color is a terrier


Trevor: Black and white


Todd: Black and white All right! --- What are some costs associated with keeping a dog


Trevor: Pretty cheap really You got some vet costs if they get sick and they got to have needles, but food That's about it really


Todd: OK Great All right Thanks a lot Trevor


Trevor: See you later!



A; your dog is so much fun He’s so playful I wish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does

B: cats are well know for being more independent than dogs How old is your cat now you’ve had her longer than we’ve had our dog

A; she’s eight years old She’s getting quite old Your dog’s six, isn’t he

B; yes He’s so energetic We take him out to the park every morning and evening I think he’d be happy to stay there all day!

A: I’m sure he would We usually have to drag him home

B: your cat spends most of the day outdoors’, right Do you kwno where she goes

A: she spends less time outdoors and she used to we have no idea where she goes She’s very secretive Occasionally, she brings back a dead mouse

B: have you ever thought about having another pet

A; the kids want a rabbit I don’t think it would be a good idea to get a mouse or a fish! That might be too tempting for our cat!


A; I’m thinking about getting a pet, but I’m really not sure which animal would be suitable Could you give me some advice

B; certainly! The first thing is to be honest about how much time for you can devote to your pet Dogs are very demanding You need to take them for walks and they love to play Cats, on the other hand, are more independent

A: I’m fairly busy, so I really need an animal that I don’t need to care of very much Actually, I’d like a pet that’s a little unusual I don't’ really want a typical pet, like a cat, dog, or hamster Do you have any suggestions

B: unusual pet are often more expensive to keep Is that a problem

A; not really By the way, I don’t want a pet that could be dangerous, like a tarantula or rattlesnake

B: we have those, but I only sell them to people I know well, for obvious reasons How about a lizard I have some that are very brightly coloured, are not aggressive, and are easy to feed and look after

A: that sounds ideal Could you show me some

B: sure e over here As you can see, I have a wide selection of species They can live together, if you want lizards of different kinds Do you have a favourite colour

A : I like the red one What do they eat

B; you can feed them on various things They will eat all pieces of meat, but I’d remend insects You can get them from your garden, but remember that lizards eat a lot insects I sell them there

A: thanks a lot What I’ll do si find out more online and drop by next time

B; that’s fine You shouldn’t make a hasty decision when choosing a pet


以下资料请你耐心、仔细阅读!!  都是关于你所提出问题的详细答案以及我个人的一些经验!!  希望对你多少应该会有一些帮助的吧!!      。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。   两只狗狗在一起是不是必然要打架?我认为不一定是这样的。还是得根据情况来分析的。  如果是一只小狗和一只大狗,这里说的大狗和小狗并不是完全指狗狗的体型,而是指狗狗的年纪,年龄差异越大那么它们打架的可能性要比同年龄的小很多。但如果是同年龄而体型大小不一样,那么体型较小的狗会对着体型较大的狗狂叫并且有主动上去攻击的情况,因为体型较小的狗狗胆子也特别小,但却为了自身安全还是会很勇敢,奋不顾身往前冲的;体型较大点的狗狗,会被这突如其来的状况敢到束手无策,甚至有些干脆就站着原地不动,任由小狗肆无忌惮的狂叫。当然,这其中还是得考虑到两只狗狗的品种以及性格。  如果是两只异性的话,那么它们打架的可能性会比同性小很多了。尤其是对于两只都处于发情期的壮年小伙子,一开始也许两个帅小伙在一起只会是吵吵闹闹,耍着玩,但如果这时正好旁边路过一只散发着“迷狗气息”的小美狗,那么这个时候得立刻把它们两个分开,不然它们会为了在异性面前表现或是想得到、讨好异性芳心好感,原本打着玩的两小伙伴会利马变的很男子汉很勇猛甚至会为了抢女朋友而大打出手的。  还有些可能性就是说,如果家里本来就养了一只狗狗了,然后又添养了一只狗狗,那么它们会因为争宠而吃醋或是会了抢夺食物吵个不停。  其中两只狗在一起未必会打架,让它们学会和睦相处其实并不是难事! 我家的小萨摩耶一样,总是欺负大拉布拉多,专挑拉拉的弱点,上去就是一口不放。我家的小萨才几个月,拉布拉多快6岁了。小萨是公的,拉拉是母的,但由于拉拉很老实,所以通常都是拉拉让这小萨的,即使小萨把手或脚塞在它的嘴里,它都不会咬。现在的小萨是在长牙的时候,所以看见人或东西都喜欢咬,咬起来还怪疼的呢。可怜的拉拉那么大的块头只能看到他就逃,哈哈!不过我们在中间一定要做和事老,不能让拉拉感觉我们偏心不喜欢他了,也不能总宠着小萨,虽然很辛苦,但其中的乐趣也是无穷的!!



1 找出问题的根源:你们为什么会因为狗狗而吵架?是因为狗狗的行为问题,还是因为你们对于狗狗的责任感和付出程度有不同的看法?如果是前者,你可以和你的伴侣一起寻求专业的训练或者指导;如果是后者,你们需要讨论并决定出一种公平、合理的责任分担方式。

2 寻求妥协:你和你的伴侣可能需要考虑一下你们的底线和期望,尝试找出一种能够让双方都感到满意的解决方案。例如,你可以尝试让你的伴侣也参与到照顾狗狗的过程中,比如遛狗、喂食、清洁等,让他感受到狗狗需要的责任和付出。

3 避免情绪化:在讨论这个问题时,尽量避免情绪化的语言和行为。尽量以事实为依据,以理性的态度来讨论问题。如果你们的讨论变得过于激烈,可以尝试暂停一下,等到双方都冷静下来再继续讨论。

4 寻求外部帮助:如果你们无法自己解决这个问题,你可以寻求外部的帮助,比如朋友、家人或者专业的咨询师。他们可能能够提供一些中立的观点和建议,帮助你们找到解决问题的方法。




狗狗长大了,变重了,现在还跳我身上叫我起床,就和它吵架了。每次我没醒它醒了它就以为我死了,猫真的对自己多胖心里一点数都没有, 小时候像个炮弹一样原地起跳往我身上砸我觉得好可爱, 现在它还这么砸叫我起床, 我心肝脾肺肾都要冒出来了,疼死我了。我一起床就和它吵架了,它还使劲对我吼,对我叫。真的是太气了,恨不得不给它狗粮,让它饿一天。这样它就长记性了,肯定就会听话了。有时候,它还爬到我床上去,就到处咬,把我床单,床被都咬坏了,有一次被我碰到了,抓了个现行,着急就和它吵架了,最后它还悄悄的把我的aj给咬坏了。我真的是生气,也是不知道该怎么办。




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