英文对话 --对成功者的采访

英文对话 --对成功者的采访,第1张


A: I’m a reporter from XX Daily, as you know, the job market is getting tougher and tougher now, but you have got a good position in Microsoft China when facing a lost of competitors with several years working experience How do you think an interview’s importance

B: Sure As a well-known fact, the "job for life" is gone - the world is changing so fast, which results in the job market getting increasingly competitive Most people will need to change jobs at least every few years or so So you can't get hired without shining at the interview And as well, your earnings will be dictated by how well you perform!

A: But in fact, how to do well in an interview seems a quite difficult thing for a lot fresh graduates Then what’s your open sesame(诀窍) for your own success

B: Well, doing well in an interview can be easy if you understand how to prepare and know what to expect! It's crucial to prepare properly for a job before the interview

A: That’s true Precautions avert perils Could you please explain it in detail

B: Yeah, of course First of all, you should feel supremely confident in all situations! As you know, there’s no recruiter would like to hire a person without confidence when facing problems Second, you should prepare for answering frequently-asked questions The last but it’s no less important, you’d have to train yourself what to say to the tricky questions

A: Right, I can’t agree with you more But you know, a lot of job-seeker who can’t make it finally even they think they’ve performed well in an interview, do you think what the root cause is

B: Interview success is not just about knowing the questions It's also about what is behind the question For example, what do you think they are getting at when they say: "Tell me about a typical week" Are they just interested in what you do, or is there something else behind the question Surely they want to know something about you characters You should convince them that you’re a responsible person instead of your carelessness

A: Terrific, that’s exactly true Thank you very much for your kindness to share your valuable experience in job-seeking But for the sake of our interview time, I’d have to give it to and end now After all, I suppose all the readers will appreciate for your help Wish you a brilliant future in Microsoft!

B: I’m very glad to do that and you’re welcome After all, thank you for your best wishes

A: I can't believe it's almost the end of the year again

B: Time flies

A: What are your new year resolutions

B: Oh, I have plenty But my top priority is to improve my grades

A: That's true As college students, grades are still our biggest concern

B: I will also be looking for internships Jobs are extremely hard to get right now because of the global economic recession Companies usually prefer people with more experiences, that's the reason why I need to start working or interning as soon as possible

A: That's a very smart idea! Now you've mentioned it, I should start looking into that as well

B: On top of those, I'd also like to learn something fun Things like photography, filming or drawing

A: Sounds like some terrific plans for leisure

B: Yes, but at least something useful and practical I've always wanted to learn how take professional photographs

A: Well, you better squeeze out the time from your busy schedule then

B: Last but not least, I want to be able to spend more time with family and friends

A: Oh that is right Time is valuable in college You really have to choose who you want to spend them with

B: If not spending time with my family physically, I'd still like to call them more often After all, they are the ones always supporting me through good and bad times

A: Wow, you sound like you are all planned out Good luck with everything

B: Thank you


2007年 4月BTV-3电视台《魅力科学》2007年 5月 BTV-8电视台第八区《能人榜》

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《龙的传人》 节目录制一周

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2007年12月24日 《北京晚报》 2008年1月5号 《2008中央电视台春节歌舞晚会》 彩排

2008年1月 9日 《深圳特区报》

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2008年4月 23日 **前期动作培训

2008年4月 26 日 湖南卫视《快乐大本营》

2008年4月 28 日 跑酷主题曲《酷》录制

2008年4月 29日 《风尚志》采访

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2008年5月 11日 <<旅游卫视>>节目

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2008年5月 21日 参加湖南<<我最达人>>

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2011年9月8日 中国跑酷第一人杜易泽成为德尔惠形象代言人- 名人代言- 万景旅游 名人代言 ‎ 《跑出一片天》**饰演阿瑟王


LH: Hello and welcome to Talk Asia, I'm Lorraine Hahn My guest today is Taiwanese pop star, Wang Lee Hom

Born in New York in 1976, Wang grew up in the United States Blessed with a mix of brains and talent, he spent his youth performing in local musicals, then pursued a degree in music at WilliamsCollege, followed by a masters degree from the prestigious Berkley School of Music

While in university, Wang landed a recording contract in Taiwan His breakthrough album, Revolution, garnered rave reviews and firmly established him as a rising star in the Asian music scene

In addition to writing and producing his own music, Wang has also dabbled in movie projects around Asia

Lee Hom, it's so good to see you! Thank you (WL: It's great to see you again) Thanks for coming in Your music, a blending of east west You also sort of embody this mix How would you describe your style

WL: Um, actually I call my style -- and I hope I don't offend any of the viewers -- but I call it "chinked out"

LH: I'm glad you said it and I didn't

WL: Well, the "chinked out" style is a school of

hip hop - that's the way I like to think of it - that incorporates Chinese elements and sounds Uh, I started it off in my last album called Shangrila And this album incorporated the music of ethnic minorities, in China, in Tibet, in Mongolia, Shenzhen There's 50 some odd --some people say 54, 55 different ethnic minorities -- tribal music It's a -- beautiful and original to Chinese culture And this new album called Heroes of Earth incorporates Peking Opera and Quen-chu which are thousand year old traditions that are also unique to Chinese culture Very unique instrumentation, costumes, singing styles And it invigorates hip hop music I don't think anyone has ever done this before in hip hop, in the hip hop world

王:「 chinked out 」

LH: Now when you use this so-called "derogatory" racial slur (WL: Yeah) Did you not think you would offend some people

WL: Well, I mean this is this is music (LH: laughs) I'm an artist I think I'd rather make people think, and coin new terms, and coin new sounds You know, I think that saying this music is chinked out I don't want to offend anybody I want to repossess the word, and this is a word I heard growing up in New York It was derogatory at the time And you know, I hope I can make it cool

LH: Right So you don't mean it in a bad way then

WL: Definitely not

LH: Right Your main influences when you're writing music What are they

WL: Well, I've got so many influences As far as um popular music is concerned, there'd be people like Stevie Wonder and Prince Um, Alisha Keys and Outkast Missy Elliot R Kelly The Neptunes, people like that And um, in classical music Leonard Bernstein, Bartok, Stravinsky, you know 20th century great composers In Jazz there's the great Jazz pianists -- because I studied jazz piano as well- like Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarrett, Kris Tiner, Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans

LH: Now I've heard that you carry a PDA all the time with you

WL: Well, I carry my computer with me everywhere I go

LH: And you write on it, right away

WL: Yeah, I write and do all my arrangements on my Mac And um, I use Logic Pro, which is a great software program It's got all these synthesizers, software since it's got a whole orchestra inside (LH: wow) And actually I did this whole album, I'd say 90% of it, all the programming, at least, in my laptop

LH: Really (WL: Yeah) On the road

WL: On the road On the airplane, in hotels

LH: So technology is pretty important for somebody like you

WL: Oh absolutely Um, I think it makes the music more natural to be able to incorporate the production just in your every day life You get an idea, and you just pull out your computer on the bus, or on the car, or wherever, and say , "Oh, I'm going to lay down another track," you know It's just painless

LH: Your mother tongues isn't Mandarin, right (WL: no it's not) You had to learn it as an adult ?

WL: Well, I learned it growing up in a Chinese household But that was in the States so it was, by far, not fluent at all

LH: So is it difficult for you to sing and write in mandarin initially

WL: Initially But I really I think paid my dues You know, I studied it And I'm still studying it because, colloquially for me, it's not a problem now, but when you go back and work with Peking Opera and you're looking at the scripts from, thousand year old scripts, and the way the Chinese language is, the ancient Chinese is so different than contemporary Chinese I mean it would be very hard for your typical Chinese, native speaker, to understand that either

LH: Right But so far, of all you albums, none of them have been sold in English yet

WL: I've never really had the urge to make an English album (LH: Any plans) I've done plenty of English singles though are collaborations with artists from the States or other countries I've just had a wonderful time doing Chinese music, and it's been so rewarding for me I feel like there's so much potential in mandarin music, and there's so much, you know, ground left to be broken

LH: So that's on the back burner -- an English album -- for the time being

WL: Yeah It is, it is I mean, I love singing in English And it's a wonderful language to sing in Yeah

LH: But not your preference at the moment

WL: Not now I mean, Chinese music is -- I hope everyone gets a chance to hear what's going on in Chinese music because it's, it is new And everyone knows that the Chinese world is exploding and you can watch CNN You can see all these news broadcast about the economy, etc But as far as the music is concerned, it's the same way Pop world, pop music, or movies, or etc, you know Um, so there's a lot of interesting stuff going on

LH: Right You've won a number of awards the sort of Chinese Grammy Awards (WL: Right) What do these awards mean to you Are they important Are they a validation of to what you do

WL: Well The first time I won, uh like you just said, when I was 22, it meant a lot to me It was likeI didn't know I could make this happen, I didn't know I could get this kind of recognition So back then, it was a huge boost of confidence And I don't want to say ego, but confidence I think every artist needs confidence LH: Speaking of awards now, you recently, co-hosted the MTV Asia Awards with Kelly Rowland (WL: Yeah) Who was here as well, as I mentioned earlier (WL: Yeah, she's such a sweetheart) I mean any funny, anything happen interesting, during that time

WL: That was my first time hosting And well, I know what pressures a host has so I really appreciate your job (LH: Thank you) Cause, I mean, I'm a musician because I'm just not a good speaker You know, ever since I was a kid, I didn't want to talk to anybody, I just wanted to play my piano or the violin So this really forced me to, you know, work on it And to be able to read the cues and to read the teleprompter even though I'm not used to doing that But Kelly was fantastic Kelly was so sweet and she's really smart Great timing So she made my job easy

LH: Lee Hom, we're going to take a very short break When Talk Asia returns, we'll talk to Wang Lee Hom about being born in the USA, and life before fame Stay with us!

LH: Hello again, you're watching Talk Asia, and my guest is Taiwanese singer and songwriter Wang Lee Hom Leehom, you started singing at 3 You started playing the violin (WL: I don't know if that was called singing, but yeah) Okay The violin at 6 (WL: Right, right) Was this something your parents did to put you through the motions or was it something you really enjoyed doing

WL: Actually I always feel like, in retrospect, I was tricked into it Most kids are forced into it but I was tricked into it because my older brotherhe's two years older than me, he was kind of forced into playing the violin Um, he didn't really want to do it and I didn't understand the forced element, I just went with my older brother to his lessons And I would sit there and be like, "Ah, well" My older brother to me, still, is a hero figure for me But back then, he was my idol Anything that he would do, I wanted to do So I asked my parent, "Why can Leo play the violin and I can't play the violin" "Lee Hom, you're too young You're going to have to wait until you're six" I was like, "that's not fair You guys don't let me do anything" (LH: laughs) So um, finally when I was six years old and I got to play the violin, I was like, "Ah, I've been waiting for so long" so it was love at first sight for me

LH: What about other instruments You picked up other instruments along the way, haven't you

WL: Yeah, then well the drums I think every kid, you know, every kid wants to play the drums Just bang away (LH: any male kid) Yeah, any male kid So that to me was an immediate, this real passion as well And the piano I always loved the piano as well But it wasn't until college that I really got into jazz Other instruments, like guitar, base, and all the keyboards those just came along the way, as I started playing in bands

LH: You have an English name I read -- Alexander

WL: Yeah You know, I've never ever used it though


LH: Yeah, I was going to ask you, who called you that

WL: Nobody Nobody except for um customs people (LH: laughs) Cause it's in my passport But, um I remember when I went to kindergarten, my parents asked me "So do you want to go by Alex or Lee Hom" and they're like "well keep in mind if they say Alex, there might be another Alex, but if you're Lee Hom, you're probably going to be the only Lee Hom" Well I want to be Lee Hom then (LH: Right, and you are probably still the only Lee Hom) I think I am (LH: laughs)

LH: I heard you were a very good student in school Did you enjoy it WL:I wasn't a goodtwo shoes I broke a lot of rules and I skipped a lot of classes and I did a lot of great things as well But um, you know, I always knew what the consequences were going to be and I wasn't, um, you know, I wasn't difficult about it

LH: What do you enjoy about school What was it I mean, the exercise, the games, the learning, the clubs, the friends

WL: Well, I love most about my school is the friends and the interpersonal relationships between, you know, whether it was hanging out with the baseball team I loved to play baseball or hanging out with the school band or doing musicals You know, I loved to be able to hang out with different cliques And I think that's who I always have been I've been somebody that's been bridging over different you know musical genres as well

LH: Was music always your ambition even back then or

WL: It was always my ambition deep in my heart But music, especially I grew up in Rochester, New York, which is where the Eastman School of Music is in and at was always surrounded by professional musicians, and I always knew the outlook was bleak You know, for any musician (LH: It's tough) It's tough

LH: And your parents, they didn't sort of like push you like typical parents do You know, get good grades, you know

WL: They did They did That's why um there was some tension going on as far as my parents wanted me to be a doctor, like my older brother is And that would have been great, if I had, you know, the heart for it But I just didn't That was the hardest part of growing up I think that was the hardest part of my life was right during uh applying for colleges and "What do you want to major in" and everything, every bone in my body is saying music, "I want to do music" And I'm writing down Biology, you know (LH: laughs) That was rough Yeah

LH: How did you convince them I mean what did they think when you said, "I really want to do this" I mean that must have been difficult

WL: Well, I owe so much to Taiwan and the fans in Taiwan because I released my first album when I was 19 So that was that was right at that um crossroads

LH: While you were in university

WL: Yeah, freshman year So there was still enough time for me to change my major to music After the first album, it was actually after the second album came out cause the first album didn't do so well So after the second album came out and um, there was, you know, a lot more response and I started to think, "This is it Like this is who I am Dad, mom, this is like I'm a fish in water now I'm happy And this is what I've always wanted to do" Um, so I finally got their blessings LH: Great How did you juggle university studies and then I presume flying to Taiwan

WL: Yeah, that was tough That was tough Like I was on a plane at the drop of a hat If it was Spring Break, even like Thanksgiving break, you got a 5 day break, I'd be back in Taiwan And I'd record one song So that was you got to pay your dues If you want to become a musician, you really, really have to commit your life to it

LH: Right, and now your family still based in the United States Right (WL: Yeah, they're still there in Rochester) I mean, was the transition difficult Rochester to Taipei, for example Taipei, Rochester, Rochester, Taipei (LH: laughs)

WL: It was r eally difficult for me at the beginning to adapt You know, I was 19, well I was 18 when I was recording the album And I didn't really speak mandarin very well I didn't know anybody in Taiwan And I was really, really lonely And uh, you know, it was hard to hard to just express myself So that was a tough time, but um like I said, I paid my dues (LH: And it's all behind you now) Yeah Well, every time I go to a new country though for example, when I went to Japan and did my Japanese album and movies and um, concert tours, and you know, I felt like, I'm a new artist all over again (LH: laughs) That's one of the great things about the Asian market, is that you can go from country to country and you know, become a new artist all over again

LH: Right Great Lee Hom, we're going to take another very, ry short break When we return, we'll get Wang Lee Hom to share his thoughts on the Asian pop scenes up and coming stars Stay with us

LH: Welcome back to Talk Asia My guest is Wang Lee Hom Lee Hom, you're not just, I mean, singing, yeah right, (laughs) you write, you produce You've got your own studios -- Home Boys Studios (WL: That's right) I mean, what gave you the idea to start that in the first place the studios

WL: Um, just the bulk of work that I have to come up with I produce for other artists as well and compose for them as well Um, I just produced for some Korean artists And there's a lot of crossovers going on right now in Asia And it's really exciting so I decided that I'm going to need a studio in New York I'm going to need a studio in Taipei And maybe the rest I can get by with just my laptop

LH: Yes I was just going to say so there is a business man inside there somewhere

WL: No It's actually it's not open for public, so that's probably the lack of a business man inside of me If there was one, I'd probably open it up and charge people for it But I'm not going to do that

LH: You mentioned earlier, briefly, about acting What is it about acting that's so attractive

WL: Well I started doing musical theatre And I loved it so much from the age of 13, you know, growing up in New York, Rod was a huge influence as well So just the singing, the acting, the dancing they're all my passions So when that I wasn't really able to do acting for so many years, just doing these pop albums and uh, you know, the opportunity presented itself Actually in 2000, I did my first movie and ever since then I've been enjoying doing movies

LH: Could you focus on one given the choice

WL: I can definitely focus on music (LH: laughs) I don't think I'm much of an actor But I just love being surrounded by creative people and a lot of times, doing music is a lonely struggle, especially composing, and arranging, producing my own albums Acting, everyday you get called and you're surrounded by other actors and creative people

LH: Right Right Fame Obviously Has that made life difficult for you Has it changed your life a lot

WL: Well I think um, it's changed my life tremendously And uh, for better and for worse, just like anything

LH: How do you deal with this loss of privacy and intrusion How do you do it

WL: Well it can be a real pain in the neck and um, you know, I feel lucky that I can go back to New York and not be recognized and not be followed by paparazzi and be that at times can be really, really annoying, um but you know, in today's day and age, anybody with a cellphone that has a camera on it and a blog I mean, there's I don't know about other parts of the world, but in the Chinese entertainment news, there's this recent trend of journalists or media, present company excluded, just going on to the Internet and seeing a blog and saying "Oh, so and so saw so and so" You know, it's completely irresponsible but in the blog he says this and that can become the title of the newspaper article

LH: Any advice you would give, and I'm talking to you like you've been a veteran (WL: I am a veteran) I wouldn't even dare use that word to younger people thinking of going into the business

WL: Yeah I think that artists, you have to be true to yourself and because there are so many record company executives, so many fossils, that tell you, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing You can be the next, um, U2, or you could be the next Stevie Wonder, or you could be the next Wang Lee Hom or whatever" And I hear that so much and every time I hear that it makes me so upset because you're depriving this new artist of being the first themselves (LH: Right) And I always tell new artists to put your time and energy into finding that unique quality which makes you a star or which makes your music, you know, worth listening to

LH: Rather than just being a copy cat (WL: Yeah)

LH: The new comers Any new comers you've seen, I mean, there's so many when you open the pages of a magazine WL: Yeah Sometimes it gets, it gets confusing New comers, I love artists with great voices like um, ah Daniel Powter, he was at the MTV Asia Awards And I was so happy to see him there You know the guy who sings, "Bad Day" Everybody knows "Bad Day" now But not everybody knows Daniel Powter yet I love his album, I think it's great Chinese artists Um, new artists like Chau Gu You know, he's from Malaysia Gary, he's worked hard He's really making it happening, he's got a great voice and a great attitude JJ Lim, from Singapore (LH: Wow) These are artists that I really support

LH: Wow Great, great What's next for you

WL: Next for me I'm writing a musical right now Like I said, (LH: Wonderful) I'm coming back to square one because these are my roots and uh music theatre to me is something that lacks presence, especially in pop culture out here in Asia So I want to write a Chinese musical, and that's uh in the works right now It's going to be completely original, completely new piece

LH: Oh, Lee Hom, I'm very happy for you Congratulations (WL: Thank you) Thank you so much

WL: Thank you Lorraine It's great to be back (LH: Really appreciate it Okay)

LH: You've been watching Talk Asia I'm Lorraine Hahn Let's talk again



  编剧:吉田纪子 导演:土井裕泰 远藤环 吉田健

  演员:常盘贵子 福山雅治 冈本健一 高挢惠子 大路惠美 筒井康隆



































  如今,New Yorker成了纽约人的代名词,就像我们习惯说“北京人”一样。但在英语里,以“城市名+er”表示该城市人的用法并不多见,将整个纽约加入New Yorker这个说法,难免带着张扬、炫耀和自豪的口吻。但New Yorker的说法从何而来?纽约人又是靠什么获得了New Yorker这一“殊荣”?什么样的人才算作一个New Yorker?这不仅是世界各地人们对New Yorker的质疑,也是身为New Yorker的曼哈顿公民们不断讨论的话题;还有人质疑,New Yorker应该是纽约的主人,而不是纽约客(纽约的客人)……

 濒临大西洋的纽约造就了New Yorker的开放性,而胸怀宽广、海纳百川的New Yorker则使纽约成为名副其实的“世界之家”。地球任何角落的文明,都能在纽约找到存续和发展的空间。在她诞生的300多年间,无数来自欧洲、非洲、南美洲和亚洲的移民不断丰富和更新着纽约的多元文化。在曼哈顿,中国城与小意大利(Little Italy)比邻而居;在玉米飘香的皇后区则生活着墨西哥、厄瓜多尔等南美国家移民;连结时代广场和法拉盛的地铁7号线,因途经多个少数族裔区而享有“东方快车”的美称。


 300多年来,纽约像一个慈祥而严厉的导师鞭策和激励无数的New Yorker创造出白手起家,走向辉煌的神话。无论你来自哪里,也无论你的国籍、种族、职业、财富、地位,只要你踏上纽约的土地,你就成为一名New Yorker,一个跟其他New Yorker完全平等的人。New Yorker意味着尊重,意味着独立,意味着主人翁的精神。在享受到一个New Yorker应得的尊重的同时,你也必须承担起一个New Yorker的责任!那就是通过独立、坚韧的奋斗和拼搏求得自我生存、发展,并贡献于这座城市。纽约不是天堂,不是地狱,而是战场!每一个New Yorker都是战士。在这里,为自己的软弱和失败辩解没有任何意义,既然你选择来到纽约,就只能接受纽约的标准!纽约不相信眼泪,只接受强者。

 New Yorker的开放心态很大程度来源于自信,而自信使New Yorker更加务实,拒绝一切浮华虚荣之物。来到纽约的第一印象就是她的老旧,从时代广场到第五大道,从中国城到Harlem,年纪在七、八十年以至百年以上的建筑比比皆是。年产值数亿美元的大企业,就是在这样简朴的环境中工作。在我们的北京、上海正在把城市建设得富丽光鲜时New Yorker还安住着百年老屋,使用着锈迹斑斓的百岁地铁。在这份平和与安详背后,透着一份充实与自信。

 饱经风雨的New Yorker是理性和成熟的。在遭受了9•11袭击之后,很少听到人们对分子的谴责和咒骂,更多的是对于遇难者的哀悼和怀念。在事件发生后的几个星期里,纽约中,下城的电线杆和地铁站到处贴满了特殊的寻人启事:在大大的黑色字“MISSING”下方是失踪者的生活照片,其中是一个个或朝气蓬勃、或和蔼亲切的鲜活面容。他们的失踪时间都指向2001年9月11日,失踪地点都在世贸中心南楼或北楼。每一个发出启事的New Yorker,难道他们不知道自己的亲人已经遇难在袭击现场了吗?可他们还是通过这种特殊的方式来寄托自己的哀思。袭击没有引发种族仇恨和报复,电视里最常见的一个电视广告是“I Love New York”。

 New Yorker是乐观和幽默的。2003年8月14日,纽约发生了罕见的全市大停电。New Yorker们再一次表现出理性和宽容。回家的路上,看到很多行人在路口志愿充当交通警,指挥因红绿灯瘫痪而暂时混乱的交通。在后来的电视节目中看到无数New Yorker因地铁停运无法回家而不得不露宿街头。记者采访时,很多人还在开些轻松的玩笑。看着那些坐在台阶上点着蜡烛说说笑笑的人们,谁会想到他们是一群停电事故的“受害者”?停电使纽约的企业特别是食品销售行业遭受重大损失,但绝大多数企业并没有向政府提出索赔。





 S:Hello everyone,I am the host SophieThis time we invite Oscar Wilde to participate in our programYou must be very familiar with Oscar WildeHe is an Irish writer and poet After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s Today he is remembered for his epigrams and playsNow let’s welcome Oscar Wilde

 O: Hello,everyone~Hi,sophie,thank you for inviting me hereI’m so glad

 S: As we know, you have been very famousCan you talk about your burdens as a star

 O: A super star burdens a lotOnce a person became famous,he would pay for it by giving up the freedom to express himself with his own styleWhat’s worse,he is always living under too much attention without privacyStars are also acommon people,we do need a normal peaceful lifeBut it’s too hard

 S:People may think the life of stars is full of happiness and glory,however,they live a hard life Now let’s communicate with the audience,ok

 O:Of course

 A1: Hello, Wilde you have been very famous Your umcompromising behavior led to your drop of fameYou lost your fame and worshipping fansHow is you life after your dropAre you satisfied with your present life without fame

 O:Well,at first,I was in a low spirit for a whileBut gradually,I fell in love with my new lifeI really enjoy the fantastic freedomI needn’t to please my audience by saying things aginst my willI can remain true to myselfI can’t be more satisfied

 A1: I can understand your feelingsI hope that you can live a happy life and write more good works Don’t care much about what others say,just be yourself! Come on

 O:Thank you,I will


 Today, we had the great pleasure and honor to interview Mr 黄, famous singer in the world She showed genius when she was young and her song shows everyone that she is the best! Now, let’s welcome Mr 黄!

 雷:Oh, so many fans of yours here today, is it your dream to be a famous singer

 黄: Yes, it makes me happy to be a singer,especially when my fans enjoy my music

 雷: Did you have a very good voice when you was young

 黄: Yes, I did

 雷:And how many concerts have made yet

 黄: I have made a lots of concerts around the world, to be honest, I can’t remember!

 雷: Your last outdoor concert was a great success, has it encouraged you a lot

 黄: Yes, and I think it would not be successful wihtout my fans’ support, so I want to say thinks to my fans here

 雷: Everyone knows that you are also a good dancer as well as, you dancing always makes fans crazy, do you think you may can be professional dancer

 黄: Sure, if I have enough time to be both singer and dancer

 雷: At last, I heard your recent albums were pretty nice, can we sing one of your song together And cheers for your new coming album!

 黄: Absolutly, I’m quite happy to do that


 Steven: Speaking of the subject of today, what changes have you seen happening in digital learning in China

 Dr Seymour Papert: I think there are some very very good experimental projects, for example, I mentioned that ProHe from BNU--Beijing Normal University They are doing some very interesting experimental project where they have, in some schools, I think, there’re about 50 schools where they have a lot of computers and they are really letting the students spend a lot of time with their computers So I was impressed with that I didn’t expect to see such…

 Steven: dramatic changes

 Dr Seymour Papert: They’re relatively large-scaled, 50 schools, (although) it is not 50,000 schools It is not just one classroom, that’s study it is quite a substantial size That is just one example My impression is that they are all quite a few people doing very interesting research projects, in order to do with digital education

 Steven: Are you encouraging students to spend more time online by using computers, I mean, surfing

 Dr Seymour Papert: They don’t need to be encouraged They’re all doing that

 Steven: Yeah, they are doing that on their own, but the problem is that some of parents have the concern If children spend much more time surfing online, they might lose their literacy, they cannot write That might be the problem

 Dr Seymour Papert: Well, first of all, that is not necessarily true You can’t generalize It is true that you could waste your time surfing But you could also do serious work surfing So it depends on what they are doing

 Steven: And the age of the students

 Dr Seymour Papert: I don’t think it depends on the ages Like the experiment I mentioned that Pro He is doing, that these are first and second grade students They are just learning to write, why are they learning to write Because they find interesting things to read on net By surfing, of course they learn to read and as they learn to read, they also learn to write That's an example Surfing helps them encourage writing They write better, they learn more than the other students It's true that you can see the opposite also

 Steven: Yeah Because I used to practice Chinese calligraphy, but now I can hardly pick it up because I use too much computer

 Dr Seymour Papert: Well, but if you became really interested in playing the piano you would spend time playing That’s the same thing You think it is because of the computer or because you are already interested in something else

 Steven: And because there is too much fun online

 Dr Seymour Papert: Well you find fun on the line, but if you were a musician, you would find fun with musical instruments, so or if you were a poet, you would find fun writing a poet I don’t know if the computer is more fun It’s more fun for the people who like that But for the people like other things, that’s (not like that)

 Steven: Let’s say computer is just tool by which we can, we can do our homework, download music and things like that

 Dr Seymour Papert: Well, of course you can just use it as a tool, but some people are interested in how it works, and want to change it, and it’s not doesn’t have to be just a tool

 Steven: So what do you use the computers for in your class

 Dr Seymour Papert: In my class Well, that’s an interesting question Of course, everybody uses the computer, if you would find some articles about somebody Some of my classes are about using the computer So they will do other things, maybe create some new things, software, or some use of computers Because that’s what way they are studying

 Steven: So the students use the computer after class, right

 Dr Seymour Papert: You mean while the class’s going on Or maybe for taking notes Yes




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