歌手:Alain Souchon
专辑:Triple Best Of
Lisa Left Eye Lopes - LISA
Ya'll never really know me from the stories i tell
From the lifestyle i lead and the records i sell
Caught up in situations detrimental to me
And i been through every war just for the world to see
(that time) is always moving situations do change
(and things) don't always work out just the way that we planned
(still stand) necessary be my friend and my foe
Either love me or you hate me, that's how the game goes
(if it's wrong) to be respected never ever say die
(remain strong) never neglected spread my wings and fly
(like you) i've been though struggles so much stress on my brain
Actin' out my life on stages and still had to maintain
(question every decision) my intentions were good
Twist the story all around and leave me misunderstood
(imagine that) no privacy but that's the price of this fame
(under attack) my destiny to be a soldier through fame
Let me live live
Let me live
In in side inside intelligence
Say say say say what you gotta say
Always asking you will amazed
Always ask and you will amazed
Just to make it in the world and go against all odds
Come from the gritty inner city to a superstar
Number one hits consistently for ten long years
Put my soul in every project my blood sweat and my tears
Ya'll know my status
Left eye the badest
Underestimate don't hate and i keep it lavish
But it don't mean nothing if i can't find peace of mind
Packing all distractions away leave them behind
Say goodbye hard times small crimes and felonies
A new beginning i'm winning envisioning the breeze
I'm dressed in all white linen and falling to my knees
Thankful for all that's been given, i'm living, with ease
Tropical trees 90 degrees, please
Do like the birds and the bees and start a family
So remise on every line that i wrote
Know that i never will surrender and it's truth that i spoke
I flew i flew like water like water
Am i desire like fire like fire
I'm picking up the dirt from the earth the earth
Imaging i'm the wind redelivering from people within
Let me live live, let me live
Let me love love, let me love
Let me learn learn, let me learn
Let me laugh laugh, let me laugh
Let me see see, let me see
Let me say say, let me say
Let me smile smile, let me smile
Let me ask ask, let me ask
《唔该借歪》(Don't Look Back Or You'll BeSorry),又译《走开好不好》,剧中董健华与LISA是一对年轻夫妇,两人已经有一儿一女,现在LISA又有了身孕。LISA的母亲长期旅居国外,偶然回港小住,但她与女婿的关系向来非常紧张,经常发生争吵,雷雨之夜,在一次激烈的争执之后,LISA之母愤然离家出走,意外发生交通事故被送往医院,经抢救脱离了危险。其实她已经到阴间转了一趟,并见到了死去多年的丈夫,丈夫告诉她女儿LISA被厉鬼缠身,要她设法救回女儿,并给了她通灵的能力,LISA之母还阳后果然发现有一冤鬼阿萍缠着LISA,而且阿萍一意孤行,一定要加害LISA及她肚子里的孩子。LISA之母面对女鬼束手无策,她只有想尽一切办法来拯救女儿,而她与女婿也抛弃前嫌……
有网友发现和Lisa多次穿同款衣服的人竟然是同公司的师哥Bobby,这位师哥和Lisa的关系匪浅,在演唱会中亲密接触,还有很多眼神交流,举止十分亲密,在综艺节目中,Bobby也对Lisa百般照顾, Lisa看他的眼神,也有些和别人不同。
2019年,为TV动画《鬼灭之刃》演唱片头曲《红莲华》 ;12月31日,在《NHK红白歌会》中首次登场 。2020年,为剧场版动画《鬼灭之刃:无限列车篇》演唱主题曲《炎》,并凭借该曲获得“第62届日本唱片大奖”大奖 。2021年5月19日,推出作为出道十周年纪念的迷你专辑《LADYBUG》。
受母亲的影响,LiSA从3岁开始学习钢琴。在幼儿园年长班的时候,为了矫正怕生的LiSA,母亲让她去了当地的音乐剧教室。除了学习以外,她还学过音乐剧,并且她最开心的事情就是唱歌。小学中年级的时候,LiSA憧憬着SPEED在电视上帅气地唱歌跳舞的样子 。在小学5年级的时候,她通过了“冲绳演艺学校”的试镜。之后,她在位于冲绳的母亲的熟人家中寄宿,努力地去学校上课,但在中学2年级时回到了岐阜县 。
中学2年级的时候,乐队中3年级的前辈们拜托LiSA担任毕业演唱会的主唱,虽然完全不知道摇滚相关的事情,但是听了之后觉得艾薇儿·拉维尼非常帅气。在成员家中的隔音室里,一起反复练习。之后在毕业演唱会上演唱了艾薇儿、LOVEPSYCHEDELICO、EGO-WRAPPIN等艺人的歌曲 。
2005年,高中时代的LiSA组建了摇滚乐团“CHUCKY”,并担当主唱。2008年7月,乐团CHUCKY解散,成员与摇滚乐队“ParkingOut”合并成为“LoveisSameAll”,并继续由LiSA出任主音 。而之后LiSA为了独立出道而结束了乐团活动。
2012年,在日比谷野外大音乐堂和ZeppTokyo举行“LiVEisSmileAlwaysLOVER“S"MiLE~”演唱会,该演唱会吸引了3000名的粉丝到场。2月22日,发行第一张正式原创专辑《LOVER“S”MiLE》,获得oricon榜周榜初登场7位的成绩。5月13日,LiSA与GARNiDELiA和FLOW共同在上海MAOLiveHouse举办了live活动。8月8日,发行个人第2张实体单曲辑《crossingfield》,其中A面曲《crossingfield》为动画《刀剑神域》的片头曲 。9月26日,发行演唱会DVD和Blu-ray,收录的内容是4月30日在日比谷野外大音乐堂举行的《LiVEisSmileAlwaysLOVER“S"MiLE~》的演出。