

本人按北美标准译的,hope it can help you

2: The expression of emotions

Talking about translations, it is hard to miss that, only if we understnad how to express emotions in english can we truly undertand and be able to convert the writer's words without obscuring the meanings

(1)How to foreign people express their feelings(using what words) in written works

From far ago till now, chinese people had always shown their emotions in a fantastic and neat way From the famous lines of old works to the poems on people's front doors, many interest methods of expressions are applied Of course, many will think naturally whether english could express feelings similarily The answer is absolutle: Yes Over many weatern works it is not hard to find that many of their usage of language is not any nosense at all

And, in the sotires Prider and Prejudice, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Around the World in 80 Days, the descrptions of the character's phsycological and emotional alternations are very neat and realistic as well















完全手工加人工,希望对你有帮助(By xiaotian264)


2 Expression of Emotion

As translation is concerned, the expression in it should be discussed, since the expression of emotion is defined as the foundation of precise translating and complete comprehending over original articles, such problem needs to be taken cautiously to avoid mistakes, which might appear in translation due to the emotional difference between cultures

(1) which way and what kind of language foreigners take in expressing their emotion

We Chinese has the tradition to express our emotion exquisitely within diversity This could be sensed throught celebrity's poems and couplets, which tend to express their ideas in various ways This naturally leads to the question that whether English language share the common characteristics with Chinese in expressing emotion Certainly yes in actual, foreign languages are definitely not rough or lack of ambience in reality, it could be easily detected throught the translation of those competent original articles

And we even found the truth that description to characters in novels like Pride And Prejudice, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Around the World in 80 Days are exquisite and appropriate

(2) Which way we need to follow so as to show our emotion deep within our heart

Man's emotion are undoubtfully abundant, English unlimitedly hold the way to express these abundant emotion accurately like any other languages

We would carry through discussions on the expression of emotion in English

1 When staying in happiness, people tend to laugh, and sometime might use their body language acompanied by several interjections to express themselve unconsciously, like jumping up and raising their hands, take the sentence below for example:

"When facing tremendous happiness, people might build an acclamatory spectacle"

words in it appeared to be more vivid and brief Usually they contain these ones:(楼主没写,我只能留个空白啦)

3Words to express sadness are relative less, it probably because of people prefer to keep quiet when facing sadness Take the sentence below as an example:(楼主没写,还是空白)

4Words to show surprise vary, as the difference in gender and age Generally, men prefer to show their surprise with rough words, and girls might in opposite, children would tend to express their surprise with more accents, like the sentence below:(空白)

(3)What aspects needs to be paid attention to in language application

1)The application of words in translation should locate in related position, so as not to think about their meaning in Chinese But for those beginners, when such logical ideas stay in absence, measurements are necessary And the deep meaning needs to be assured not to confuse with their superficial idea, these required you to be cautious in the expression, take the example followed " experienced sadness, passed by the obstacle of bitterness, finnally hit the target to" Beginners usually translate it with the phrase "walk through" without consideration over the English idea of the phrase So, take "Get through the tough time and misery" into consideration, don't you think it's more fluent than before In the final analysis, words are extraordinary important, we need to acquire the meaning as well as the usage of them Upon such foundation, much absurdness could be gotten rid of

2) Accurate words in expressing given emotion and given spirit are hardly to be found, in tackling such problems, we could take our surrounding for reference, to find something as a carrier For example, we now need to experss the idea of generous devotion, candle could be taken into reference, with it as the mirror, the effection of our translation might be far more superior These have a close relation with our daily observation, and of course our imagination or association

  人民网北京7月15日讯 记者文松辉报道:《哈利·波特》第六集英文版明日将全球同步首发,这个夏季,又将掀起新一轮“哈利波特”热。据该书中文简体字版的出版商人民文学出版社透露:《哈6》中文版计划将于10月15日首发,力争提前出版。人文社表示,在此之前市场上出现的所有《哈利·波特》第六集中文版都是非法出版物。 人民文学出版社还第一时间通过人民网就中文版的出版情况向广大读者和网友发表几点说明,如下:活力吧&y




  四、《哈利·波特》第六集中文版的书名迄今尚未最终确定,书名将在首发式的时候才会揭晓。根据英文版书名《Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince》可以直译为《哈利·波特与混血王子》, “Half Blood”除了“混血”的译法外,还可以译为“同父异母”、“同母异父”、“半人半神”、“半人半兽”、“杂种”等意思,所以“混血王子”是否与内容贴切还无法定论。在2005年7月16日至2005年8月16日期间,人民文学出版社特面向全国举办书名有奖征集活动,欢迎读者根据读到的英文版《哈利·波特》第六集的全部内容提出自己认为最贴切的中文书名。(详情请见“中青在线”相关网页或7月18日


  六、《哈利·波特》第六集中文版的封面目前还没有确定;起印数在80万到100万册;定价不会高于59元。 人民文学出版社


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/7885279.html

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