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这里除 eleven,twelve,thirteen,fifteen,eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。

2、从 20-99的表达:整数几十中除twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one、76 seventy-six。

推荐:十首非常经典好听的英文歌曲《It's only the fairy tale》( 童话而已)

Who are those little girls in pain

just trapped in castle of dark side of moon

Twelve of them shinning bright in vain

like flowers that blossom just once in years

They are dancing in the shadow like whispers of love

just dreaming of place where they're free as dove

They're never been allowed to love in this cursed cage

it's only the fairy tale they believe










2纯美清唱女声ADARO-《Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen》


这首Es ist ein Schnee gefallen(德语:下雪了)选自乐队2004年新专辑Schlaraffenland(德语:天堂),是一首13世纪流行于南德巴伐利亚地区的传统民谣。

乐队简介:Adaro是男声为主的乐队,女主唱Konstance在每张专辑中虽然献声不多,但只要她一出场就令人惊艳。不染纤尘、清醇婉转的歌喉足以叫每个听者都为之沉醉。ADARO本意是ANCIENT DANCE AND ROCK N` ROLL的缩写。他们追求一种古代舞蹈音乐和现代摇滚音乐的融合;ADARO还有个意思是西南太平洋群岛上的美拉尼西亚人神话传说中的美人鱼。不同于性感的美人鱼的是,ADARO在美拉尼西亚人眼里是一种危险的生物,他们会用飞鱼袭击人类,使他们昏迷不醒甚至死亡。


Es ist ein Schnee gefallen

Und es ist noch nit Zeit

Man wirft mich mit den Ballen

Der Weg ist mir verschneit

Mein Haus hat keinen Giebel

Es ist mir worden alt

Zerbrochen sind die Riegel

Mein Stueblein ist mir kalt

Ach Lieb, lass dich’s erbarmen

Dass ich so elend bin

Und schleuss mich in dein Arme!

So faehrt der Winter hin



说起 Garou 也许很多人并不了解他不过如果你是一个法语流行乐迷的话,那么这位在法语歌坛黑马般冒出的全能型歌手一定给你留下了深刻的影响。他的嗓音沙哑且浑厚,有种成熟男子的味道,令你难以抗拒,凡是听过他的歌声的人无不先吓一跳,然后被他那仿佛火燎过般的声音所征服。

Garou1972年6月26日出生在Quebec的Sherbrooke(法语区),作为在一个音乐家庭下成长的小 Baby,Garou延承了父母的音乐天赋和才华,并且早在 3岁时,这种对音乐节奏的独特敏感性,就为他的父母所发现和培养。

1999年他被授予了Quebec地区的年度的音乐大奖,在这不久他受到一些大牌制作人的青睐。2000 年完成了他的首张个人大碟从此他的歌唱道路也越走越顺,不仅在加拿大及法国乃至整个欧洲都非常出名,其追随者也随之具增。



4Christy Moore 的《ride on》

Christy Moore:爱尔兰著名老牌民谣歌手,恩雅曾为他伴唱





Christy Moore

Ride On

True you ride the finest hourse I've ever seen

Standing sixteen, one or two, with eyes wild and green

You ride the horse so well, hands light to the touch

I could never go with you no matter how I wanted to do

Ride on, see you, I could never go with you

No matter how I wanted to do

Ride on, see you, I could never go with you

No matter how I wanted to do

When you ride into the night without a trace behind

Run your claw along my gut, one last time

I turn to face an empty space, where you used to lie

And look for a spark that lights the night

Through a teardrop in my eye


5一首柔美致极的歌曲《I've Never Been To me》

I've Never Been To me这首歌早在1977即由美国女歌手夏琳(Charlene)灌唱,其后也曾经数次重录,或许是发行公司财力不够。宣传无门,问世没有多久就销声匿迹。终于本歌在1982年被一位电台DJ发掘,在自己的节目中密集的播放,从而老曲新红,一年后拿下全美排行榜第三和英国第一的好成绩。但是夏琳(Charlene)本人的星途却远非一帆风顺,另外唱了一些歌都反响平平,1980年代中期就彻底消失歌坛了。不过这首未曾有自我(I've Never Been to Me)却一直传唱至今,成了夏琳唯一的一首畅销曲。





Claudine Longet,1942年1月29日出生于巴黎,1961年来到了美国。呵呵,在Las Vegas的 Folies Bergères 做舞**,与Andy Williams相遇(汉子,你的偶像),此后与他育有2子1女,同样,在他的帮助下,1966年推出第一张单曲Meditation。次年的专辑 Claudine及The Look of love大获成功(呵呵,当然有Andy Williams的功劳,但其甜美的歌声与外形---年轻时,还是为她赢得一席之地),1968年进军**界,与Peters Sellers合作**La Party,她异国美女的形象,打动不少年轻人。1970与Andy Williams分居。1972年与2界奥运会滑冰冠军Spider Sabich相遇并同居。并于1974年移居Colorado州的Aspen,与John Denver, Tina Sinatra, Jack Nicholson 及Jill St John成为邻居,不幸的是这个曾经漂亮的女人有太多的故事--据说她与John Denver也有一段故事---结果是悲惨的,1976年3月21日,她的同居男友Spider Sabich因“意外枪击走火”而陨命--- 在法庭上,她作证说她的男友是为了教会她使用手枪而在浴室中走火罹难----而陪审官们接受了她的解释---她仅因过失而被判入狱一个月,于1977年4 月获得释放。同年,嫁给她的密友及辩护律师Ron Austin,自此,在公众视线中几近消失。

1968年,《爱是蓝色的》成为世界最流行的爱情歌曲,除了它的诞生地法国,世界各地都流行和喜欢这首情歌。在美国音乐出版商的推动下,1968年到1970年代,这首歌曲成了世界各地最流行的爱情歌曲,不但歌片和唱片保持了数年最高销售量,而且,先后有 350个知名艺术家把它作为自己的压轴节目。尽管《爱是蓝色的》在世界各地流行,然而,在它的诞生地法国,却一直没有流行起来。

《love is blue》中文大意:
















7杰拉德·乔林:《Ticket to The Tropics 》(到热带的机票)

这是《第一滴血2》的片尾曲 Ticket to The Tropics ,由荷兰情歌王子 Gerard Joling 推出四周后登上排行榜No1,当时在全亚洲造成不小的轰动。个人觉得他用舒畅高亢的方法表达了“围城”情结。

Ticket to The Tropics

Here I'm sitting and it's getting cold

The morning rain's against my window pane

While the worldlet looks so cold and gray

In my mind I drift away

Then I'm on my way to tropic island

You had always said I was a dreamer

You were right


Gotta buy me a ticket to the tropics

Forget our love and leave this place behind me

Gotta buy me a ticket to the tropics

And prove to myself that I can live without your love

Here I'm sitting in the mid and blaze

Sun is shining on my face again

Think about the way it had to end

Now I'm sitting here alone

And it's not the way we were together

I want you to know I am gonna miss you, miss you bad


8A Teens - 《Firefly》



歌手:A Teens

When I said go I never meant away

You ought to know the freaky games we play

Could you forgive and learn how to forget

Hear me as I'm calling out your name

Firefly come back to me

make the night as bringht as day

I'll be looking out for you

Tell me that you're lonely too

Firefly come lead me on

follow you into the sun that's the way it ought to be

Firefly come back to me

You and me

we shared a mistery

We were so close

like honey to the bee

And if you tell me how to make you understand

I'm minor in a major kind a way

Fly firefly through the sky

come and play with my desire

Don't be long,don't ask why

I can't wait another night

Wait another night

Don't be long


Firefly come back


9Darren Hayes--《INSATIABLE》(没有穷尽的爱)

前野人花园主唱Darren Hayes(戴伦海斯)首张个人专辑SPIN(心灵节奏)于20O2年4月在海外发行。让人大为惊异的是,一向是深色直发的Darren现在已经变成金色卷发的"浪漫王子"面貌!他表示要以焕然一新的面貌和音乐。面对接下来的个人之路,Darren很有雄心地说比过去野人花园时期的专辑更好,而且也更有趣。"新专辑非常酷,这大概是我最骄傲的东西,它综合了流行、节奏蓝调与电音,Savage garden一直是个合作形式;而这张专辑是我自己一个人独立完成,过程虽然可怕但很酷,因为我玩了电音和一些乐团时期未曾碰过的东西。" 达伦为新专辑写了35首歌,未放入专辑的歌将以其他形式如作为单曲、加值曲目自或是供作网络下载与歌迷见,如收录Insatiable"单曲唱片里的"Falling At Your FEET"T "Ride"。

"Spin"专辑是以synth based作为基调,添加Smokey Robinson和Michael Jackson的风格,些许的Latin groove,些许的computer bop,事实证明light pop music是可以调配出很诱人的激情甜品的。"Instatiable"是他的首张single,显露了Darren的创作才华。ML式的性感呼吸处理融汇了他独特的高音假声,教人一听再听,欲罢不能"Strange Relationship","Creepin Up On You"都有不错的弦乐编排。"Heart Attack","like it or not "是Savage Garden-sounding的回归,但前者与WetWetWet的"Sweet Surrender"很相似。"Crush(1980ME)"是Eurythmisc"y crime(1984)"的remake,虽然加上些新鲜的和音,但玩音效和音色依然是80年代点题曲"Spin"的和音及节奏会让你认为是Nsync的歌,当然加上一点Madonna的mix花式,Darren玩起来比他们要好。

早在前年就决定单飞推出个人专辑的Darren,以一年的时间创作录音,并在3月18日海外发行。首支主打单曲"爱 永远都不够"(Instatiable)的MTV播出后,让期待已久的歌迷大饱眼福!Darren特别强调这首歌是新专辑中他最喜爱的歌曲,因为它表现出非常个人的风格,可以让大家重新认识真正的戴伦海斯。




10brad paisley--《Whiskey Lullaby》 (威士忌安魂曲)

这首歌出自brad paisley的专辑Mud On The Tires,淡淡的忧郁的歌声中娓娓道出一段凄凉刻骨的悲剧。男女完美的声线组合,轻而易举的将这种悲伤的心情感染你。

Brad Paisley1972年生于美国弗吉尼亚州西部的格兰代尔,他很早就展示了演唱主流乡村歌曲的天赋,并开始在当地的教堂进行演唱,而给他伴奏的是他的吉它老师Clarence 'Hank' Goddard。在青少年时期,Brad Paisley就经常在WWVA Wheeling Jamboree电台节目中现声,而且还参加当地一些户外节日庆祝活动的演唱。Brad Paisley大学就读于弗吉尼亚州的West Liberty学院,后转学至纳什维尔州的Belmont大学,主修音乐专业。在大学实习期间,Brad Paisley与ASCAP组织建立联系。

毕业之后,Brad Paisley顺利地与EMI唱片公司签下了一份歌曲创作合同,1999年他的首张专辑《Who Needs Pictures》问世,这张专辑收录了他的热门歌曲《Me Neither》,歌曲是关于被酒巴拒绝入内的顽皮与幽默,它展示了Brad Paisley的抒情歌曲风格。这张专辑因为Brad Paisley展示的娴熟吉它演奏技巧而与纳什维尔州出版的其它唱片有极大不同。

This is the first time I communicate with you in this special way

You know I am a person who likes travelling and I want to go to Canada this summer holiday But neither of you allow me to do so In my point of view, I think after having the final exam, it is quite necessary for me to relax myself and to release the pressure from studying And this is a good chance for me to practise speaking English and French with local people as well I am old enough to take care of myself well as a sixteen-year-old girl Going abroad can also widen my view in order to have more experiences

Please understand me, my dear parents I won't make you disappointed if I go to Canada I will improve my spoken English and learn more about the culture of Canada

Please understand me, my dear parents


This is the first time I communicate with you in this special way

You know I am a person who likes travelling and I want to go to Canada this summer holiday But neither of you allow me to do so In my point of view, I think after having the final exam, it is quite necessary for me to relax myself and to release the pressure from studying And this is a good chance for me to practise speaking English and French with local people as well I am old enough to take care of myself well as a sixteen-year-old girl Going abroad can also widen my view in order to have more experiences

Please understand me, my dear parents I won't make you disappointed if I go to Canada I will improve my spoken English and learn more about the culture of Canada


Dear parents, please understand me! You always make me study at home all day long and never let me stop to have a rest I can't agree with you You think that if I keep studying all the time, my study will be improved But it isn't the truth! There is a famous saying‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' It's good for me to take a break if I am tired Then I will study more efficiently

Dear Dad and Mum, I know that you want me to have good marks and a bright future I know that you care for me as well Please understand me and take my advice!


I have always been trying to persuade you to let me learn playing the piano, but you disagree all the time I am qiute interested in it while you think that it is not useful to my study However, in my opinion, playing the piano is really a good way to relax myself from the busy school life and it is also a good skill for me As a famous saying goes,‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' Of course, I need to study hard But can you give me more time to have my own hobbies Please understand me, my dear parents


I hope you can understand me after reading the letter Recently, we've argued with each other several times, for I don't like having a party with our relatives It's too noisy and busy You often ask me to go with you because you don't want to refuse the invitation But you know, I'm used to studying quietly at home In my opinion, taking part in the party may make me impatient and careless I'd like to stay at home sometimes Please understand me


Last Sunday,we had an argument on my study You wanted me to learn to play the piano though I preferred playing the drum You thought that piano was better, but I didn't like it at all I thought playing the drum was much cooler than playing the piano And more importantly, I am interested in playing the drum My opinion is that interest is the best teacher So, please let me make the decision myself Please understand me


When I was a secondary school students, you sent me to have many extra lessons in order to get great progress in my study And I always focused my attention on learning In spite of this, you used to be disappointed because of the unpleasant results As a junior school student, I couldn't go in for sports because of the increasing pressure from parents and teachers I felt really tired and eagerly wanted to enjoy my spare time My dear Mum and Dad, please understand me Please give me some free time and I'll spare no effort to do my bit




Please understand me, my dear parents


This is the first time I communicate with you in this special way

You know I am a person who likes travelling and I want to go to Canada this summer holiday But neither of you allow me to do so In my point of view, I think after having the final exam, it is quite necessary for me to relax myself and to release the pressure from studying And this is a good chance for me to practise speaking English and French with local people as well I am old enough to take care of myself well as a sixteen-year-old girl Going abroad can also widen my view in order to have more experiences

Please understand me, my dear parents I won't make you disappointed if I go to Canada I will improve my spoken English and learn more about the culture of Canada


Dear parents, please understand me! You always make me study at home all day long and never let me stop to have a rest I can't agree with you You think that if I keep studying all the time, my study will be improved But it isn't the truth! There is a famous saying‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' It's good for me to take a break if I am tired Then I will study more efficiently

Dear Dad and Mum, I know that you want me to have good marks and a bright future I know that you care for me as well Please understand me and take my advice!


I have always been trying to persuade you to let me learn playing the piano, but you disagree all the time I am qiute interested in it while you think that it is not useful to my study However, in my opinion, playing the piano is really a good way to relax myself from the busy school life and it is also a good skill for me As a famous saying goes,‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' Of course, I need to study hard But can you give me more time to have my own hobbies Please understand me, my dear parents


I hope you can understand me after reading the letter Recently, we've argued with each other several times, for I don't like having a party with our relatives It's too noisy and busy You often ask me to go with you because you don't want to refuse the invitation But you know, I'm used to studying quietly at home In my opinion, taking part in the party may make me impatient and careless I'd like to stay at home sometimes Please understand me


Last Sunday,we had an argument on my study You wanted me to learn to play the piano though I preferred playing the drum You thought that piano was better, but I didn't like it at all I thought playing the drum was much cooler than playing the piano And more importantly, I am interested in playing the drum My opinion is that interest is the best teacher So, please let me make the decision myself Please understand me


When I was a secondary school students, you sent me to have many extra lessons in order to get great progress in my study And I always focused my attention on learning In spite of this, you used to be disappointed because of the unpleasant results As a junior school student, I couldn't go in for sports because of the increasing pressure from parents and teachers I felt really tired and eagerly wanted to enjoy my spare time My dear Mum and Dad, please understand me Please give me some free time and I'll spare no effort to do my bit



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